26 resultados para Approximal caries
OBJECTIVES: Older dentate adults are a high caries risk group who could potentially benefit from the use of the atraumatic restorative treatment (ART). This study aimed to compare the survival of ART and a conventional restorative technique (CT) using rotary instruments and a resin-modified glass-ionomer for restoring carious lesions as part of a preventive and restorative programme for older adults after 2 years.
METHODS: In this randomised controlled clinical trial, 99 independently living adults (65-90 years) with carious lesions were randomly allocated to receive either ART or conventional restorations. The survival of restorations was assessed by an independent and blinded examiner 6 months, 1 year and 2 years after restoration placement.
RESULTS: Ninety-six (67.6%) and 121 (76.6%) restorations were assessed in the ART and CT groups, respectively, after 2 years. The cumulative restoration survival percentages after 2 years were 85.4% in the ART and 90.9% in the CT group. No statistically significant between group differences were detected (p=0.2050, logistic regression analysis).
CONCLUSIONS: In terms of restoration survival, ART was as effective as a conventional restorative approach to treat older adults after 2 years. This technique could be a useful tool to provide dental care for older adults particularly in the non-clinical setting. (Trial Registration number: ISRCTN 76299321).
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The results of this study show that ART presented survival rates similar to conventional restorations in older adults. ART appears to be a cost-effective way to provide dental care to elderly patients, particularly in out of surgery facilities, such as nursing homes.
Minimal intervention dentistry and older patients part 2: minimally invasive operative interventions
As described in the first paper of this two part series, the expansion of our older population and the concomitant reduction in levels of edentulism will result in an increase in the number of patients presenting in general practice with complex restorative challenges. The application of the concepts of minimal intervention dentistry and minimally invasive operative techniques may offer a powerful armamentarium to the general dentist to provide ethical and conservative treatment to older patients.
Clinical Relevance: When it is unavoidable, operative intervention should be as minimally invasive as practicable in older patients to preserve the longevity of their natural dentition.
BACKGROUND: As the world population ages, the requirement for cost-effective methods of treating chronic disease conditions increases. In terms of oral health, there is a rapidly increasing number of dentate elderly with a high burden of maintenance. Population surveys indicate that older individuals are keeping their teeth for longer and are a higher caries risk group. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) could be suitable for patients in nursing homes or house-bound elderly, but very little research has been done on its use in adults.
OBJECTIVES: To compare the cost-effectiveness of ART and a conventional technique (CT) for restoring carious lesions as part of a preventive and restorative programme for older adults.
METHODS: In this randomized clinical trial, 82 patients with carious lesions were randomly allocated to receive either ART or conventional restorations. Treatment costs were measured based on treatment time, materials and labour. For the ART group, the cost of care provided by a dentist was also compared to the cost of having a hygienist to provide treatment. Effectiveness was measured using percentage of restorations that survived after a year.
RESULTS: Eighty-two patients received 260 restorations, that is, 128 ART and 132 conventional restorations. 91.1% of the restorations were on one surface only. After a year, 252 restorations were assessed in 80 patients. The average cost for ART and conventional restorations was €16.86 and €28.71 respectively; the restoration survival percentages were 91.1% and 97.7%, respectively. This resulted in a cost-effectiveness ratio of 0.18 (ART) and 0.29 (CT). When the cost of a hygienist to provide ART was inserted in the analysis, the resulting ratio was 0.14.
CONCLUSIONS: Atraumatic restorative treatment was found to be a more cost-effective alternative to treat older adults after 1 year, compared to conventional restorations, especially in out of surgery facilities and using alternative workforce such as hygienists. Atraumatic restorative treatment can be a useful tool to provide dental care for frail and fearful individuals who might not access dental treatment routinely.
Caries experience is high in the elderly, and barriers to care for older adults include fear and cost. Access to care is especially problematic in the case of frail and homebound elderly. Objective: to compare the survival of restorations placed using Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) and a conventional technique using rotary instruments and a resin-modified glass-ionomer (CT) to treat carious lesions in older patients. Methods: In this randomised clinical trial, 99 independently living adults (65-90 yrs) with carious lesions were recruited from a geriatric day hospital and a community centre and randomly allocated to receive either ART or conventional restorations. They received tailored oral hygiene instructions and scaling and polishing of teeth prior to restoration placement. The survival of restorations was assessed 6, 12 and 24 months after restoration placement by an independent examiner. Results: Ninety-nine patients participated in the trial, 46 males and 53 females, with a mean age of 73.2 (SD: 6.8). In total, 300 restorations were placed, 142 ART in 51 patients and 158 conventional restorations in 48 patients, with an average of 2.8 ART (SD: 1.83) and 3.2 conventional (SD: 2.62) restorations placed per patient. After 2 years, 88 ART and 117 conventional restorations were assessed. The restoration survival percentages were 93.1% and 94%, respectively. Conclusion: ART was found to be as effective as a conventional restorative approach to treat older adults after 2 years and could be a useful tool to provide dental care for older dentate adults.
OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to record the dietary habits of patients undergoing methadone therapy.
BACKGROUND: Numerous studies report that patients undergoing methadone treatment present with high levels of oral disease, especially dental caries. A number of factors have been described to account for this: sugared methadone preparations, prolonged oral retention, associated xerostomia and poor diet.
METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study using survey methodology was conducted of patients attending a non-resident drug rehabilitation clinic. A self-completion questionnaire and diet diary were developed and distributed to 66 patients over an 8 week period.
RESULTS: Of the 66 questionnaires distributed, 52 were successfully completed giving a response rate of 79%. 6 patients declined to complete the questionnaire. The surveyed patient pool consisted of 32 females (62%) and 20 males (38%) with a mean age of 32 years. All the participants were taking a prescribed daily dose of methadone when questioned. 68% of respondents consumed convience foods or sugary snacks every day. Of those patients who drank tea or coffee daily, 84% added sugar and 54% added 3 teaspoons or more. The majority of patients (71%) consumed at least one glass of a fizzy soft drink daily. In addition, the majority of respondents indicated that they snacked regularly between meals and 24% stated that they often woke up during the night for a snack. Patients recorded their last intake of food ranging from 5pm to 3am.
CONCLUSIONS: The patients surveyed had poor dietary habits. Respondents consumed a large amount of convience foods and sugars during mealtimes and through regular snacking. Dietary counselling should be considered as part of treatment for patients undergoing methadone therapy.
This study aimed to collect data on the oral health status of patients undergoing treatment for head and neck oncology across Northern Ireland. Data were collected on all patients referred to the Northern Ireland Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Oncology Team for discussion and treatment planning. Each patient underwent pre-treatment dental assessment in the Centre for Dentistry, Queen’s University Belfast, between June 2013 and November 2014. Data were collected from clinical oral examinations supplemented with intra-oral radiographs. During the course of the study 96 patients were assessed and the levels of dental disease observed in this cohort were high. On clinical examination
43% were diagnosed with caries and 46% with periodontal disease. Ten patients were completely edentate. The disease profile of this patient group presents significant challenges to dental services tasked with rendering patients dentally fit prior to undergoing oncology treatment.
Introduction: The regulation of pulpal haemodynamics in health and disease involves sympathetic and parasympathetic mechanisms in which both neuropeptide Y (NPY; a sympathetic vasoconstrictor) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP; a parasympathetic vasodilator) may play potential pathophysiological roles. We have previously investigated the levels of NPY or VIP present in human dental pulp tissue and shown that their expression is up-regulated in caries induced pulpal inflammation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the potential correlation between NPY and VIP levels measured in the same dental pulp samples using radioimmunoassay (RIA). Methods: Pulp tissue was obtained from extracted teeth, classified as follows; healthy (n=22), moderately carious (n=20) and grossly carious (n=26). Samples were processed for RIA by boiling in acetic acid as previously described. The levels of NPY and VIP, measured by RIA, were expressed as ng/gram of pulp tissue. The nature of the relationship between NPY and VIP levels in human pulp tissue was tested by calculating Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient using the linear regression test. Results: Calculation of Pearson product moment correlation coefficient showed a significant negative correlation between NPY and VIP levels in pulp tissue samples from non-carious teeth (p = 0.02, r = -.48). This negative correlation in non-carious teeth changed to a significant positive correlation in carious teeth when the levels of NPY and VIP were compared (p = 0.03, r= 0.311). Conclusions: In non-carious teeth, the negative correlation between NPY and VIP levels is in keeping with the previously described modulatory influence of cholinergic nerves on sympathetic function which may be perturbed as caries develops.
Pulpal innervation is not exclusively sensory and there are potential roles for other neuropeptides such as vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in pulpal health and disease. In the systemic circulation VIP relaxes vascular smooth muscles leading to vasodilatation. It has been shown that VIP fibres are associated with pulpal blood vessels and therefore VIP may mediate vasoactivity in the dental pulp. A growing body of evidence has now demonstrated that an additional major physiological role of VIP is to act as a survival factor. In order to gain a better understanding of the role of neuropeptides in the caries process it is of interest to specifically examine a role for VIP. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to determine the levels of VIP in carious (moderately carious and grossly carious) compared with non-carious teeth. Methods: A total of 68 teeth were included in the study (22 non-carious, 20 moderately carious and 26 grossly carious). VIP was measured in all samples using a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay. Results: The mean concentration of VIP in the pulps of non-carious teeth was 7.69 ng/g (9.41 SD) compared to 14.93 ng/g (15.58 SD) in carious teeth. Pair-wise comparisons of VIP levels using Tukey’s test showed statistically significant differences in VIP expression between non-carious and moderately carious teeth (p=0.002) and between moderately and grossly carious teeth, (p=0.002). Conclusion: The significantly increased levels of VIP in moderately carious pulps compared with either non-carious or grossly carious pulps may suggest a role for VIP as a protective or survival factor.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36 amino acid peptide that is abundantly expressed in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. NPY has previously been shown to be present in human dental pulp although its exact role in pulpal health and disease remains to be fully elucidated. In addition to serving a neurotransmitter role, NPY may also have a role in modulating the pulpal response to injury and inflammation. Indeed NPY is known to be a potent vasoconstrictor in a range of tissues. Recent work by our research group has demonstrated changes in sensory neuropeptide levels measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) in healthy and carious teeth. In addition to elevated levels of sensory neuropeptides, it is also possible that the carious process is associated with increased levels of autonomic neuropeptides such as NPY. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to undertake a comprehensive quantitative RIA analysis of NPY expression in human dental pulps from carious and non-carious teeth. Methods: A total of 22 non-carious and 46 carious teeth were included in the study. NPY was measured in all samples using RIA. Briefly, the RIA system consisted of a total volume of 400 ul, comprising 100 ul anti-NPY antibody (Peninsula Laboratories), 200 ul human NPY synthetic standard or pulp sample, and 100 ul of 125I-labelled NPY as radioactive tracer. Results: The mean concentration of NPY in non-carious teeth was found to be 4.28 ng/g (4.34 SD) compared to 9.57 ng/g (9.39 SD) in carious teeth. Using ANOVA the difference in NPY levels between the non-carious group and the carious group was found to be statistically significant (p= 0.003). Conclusion: The significant increase in the levels of NPY in carious dental pulps reported in this study provides evidence for a role for NPY in the pulpal response to caries.
Objectives: The inflammatory response to pulpal injury or infection has major clinical significance. The aim of the study is to investigate the presence and regulation of expression of neuropeptide receptors on human pulp fibroblasts and whole pulp tissue. This study will investigate the expression of Substance P (NK-1) and Neuropeptide Y (NPY-Y1) receptors on pulp fibroblasts, determine the effects of Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1 (TGF-b1) and Interleukin 1-Beta (IL-1b) on the expression of NK-1 and NPY-Y1 receptors on pulp fibroblasts and examine the levels of receptor expression in whole pulp samples. Methods: Primary pulp fibroblast cell lines were obtained from patients undergoing extractions for orthodontic reasons. The cells were grown to confluence and stimulated for 5 days with IL-1b or TGF-b1. Pulp tissue fragments were obtained from freshly extracted sound and carious teeth, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and cracked open using a vice. The monolayer was removed with cell scrapers and pelleted. The cell membranes of the cultured cells and the whole tissue were isolated using a Mem-PER® Eukaryotic Membrane Protein Extraction Reagent Kit (Pierce, UK). The membrane proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting was used to detect the presence of NK-1 and NPY-Y1. Results: Initial results demonstrated the presence of NK-1 and NPY-Y1 in cultured pulp fibroblasts. Following the 5 day incubation with TGF-b1, the cells appeared not to express NK-1. IL-1b had a slight stimulatory effect on NK-1 expression. The NPY-Y1 expression was not affected by either TGF-b1 or IL-1b. In whole pulp samples, levels of NK-1 were increased in carious teeth compared to caries-free teeth. The NPY-Y1 levels were similar in carious and non-carious teeth. Conclusion: These findings give an insight into how pulp cells react to inflammatory stimuli with regards to neuropeptide receptor expression and their roles in health and disease
Objective: To determine the risk indicators associated with root caries experience in a cohort of independently living older adults in Ireland.
Methods: The data reported in the present study were obtained from a prospective longitudinal study conducted on the risk factors associated with root caries incidence in a cohort of independently living older adults (n=334). Each subject underwent an oral examination, performed by a single calibrated examiner, to determine the root caries index and other clinical variables. Questionnaires were used to collect data on oral hygiene habits, diet, smoking and alcohol habits and education level. A regression analysis with the outcome variable of root caries experience (no/yes) was conducted.
Results: A total of 334 older adults with a mean age of 69.1 years were examined. 53.3% had at least one filled or decayed root surface. The median root caries index was 3.13 (IQR 0.00, 13.92). The results from the multivariate regression analysis indicated that individuals with poor plaque control (OR 9.59, 95%CI 3.84-24.00), xerostomia (OR 18.49, 95%CI 2.00-172.80), two or more teeth with coronal decay (OR 4.50, 95% CI 2.02-10.02) and 37 or more exposed root surfaces (OR 5.48, 95% CI 2.49-12.01) were more likely to have been affected by root caries.
Conclusions: The prevalence of root caries was high in this cohort. This study suggests a correlation between root caries and the variables poor plaque control, xerostomia, coronal decay (≥2 teeth affected) and exposed root surfaces (≥37). The significance of these risk indicators and the resulting prediction model should be further evaluated in a prospective study of root caries incidence.
Clinical Significance: Identification of risk indicators for root caries in independently living older adults would facilitate dental practitioners to identify those who would benefit most from interventions aimed at prevention.