142 resultados para Antagonist


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Kinestatin, isolated from the skin of the Chinese toad, Bombina maxima, was the first bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist identified in amphibians. Molecular cloning established that it is co-encoded with the bradykinin-related peptide, maximakinin, within one of several skin kininogens. To examine other species within the genus Bombina for the presence of structural homologues of kinestatin, we subjected skin secretion of the toad, Bombina orientalis, to HPLC fractionation with subsequent bioassay of fractions for antagonism of bradykinin activity using an isolated rat tail artery smooth muscle preparation. A single fraction was located that inhibited bradykinin-induced relaxation of rat arterial smooth muscle and MALDI-TOF analysis of this fraction revealed that it contained a single peptide of molecular mass 3198.5 Da. Further primary structural analysis of this peptide showed that it was a 28-mer with an N-terminal Asp (D) residue and a C-terminal Val (V) residue that was amidated. The peptide was named DV-28 amide in accordance with these primary structural attributes. Synthetic DV-28 amide replicated the observed bradykinin antagonistic effect within the smooth muscle bioassay in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, it was observed to inhibit the proliferation of human microvessel endothelial cells (HMECs) as assessed by MTT assay. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that DV-28 amide was, like kinestatin, co-encoded with a bradykinin receptor agonist on one of two skin kininogens identified in B. orientalis. DV-28 amide thus represents a novel class of bradykinin antagonist from skin secretions of bombinid toads that appear to be a rich source of such novel peptides.


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Bradykinin and related peptides are found in the defensive skin secretions of many frogs and toads. While the physiological roles of bradykinin-related peptides in sub-mammalian vertebrates remains obscure, in mammals, including humans, canonical bradykinin mediates a multitude of biological effects including the proliferation of many types of cancer cell. Here we have examined the effect of the bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist peptide, kinestatin, originally isolated by our group from the skin secretion of the giant fire-bellied toad, Bombina maxima, on the proliferation of the human prostate cancer cell lines, PC3, DU175 and LnCAP. The bradykinin receptor status of all cell lines investigated was established through PCR amplification of transcripts encoding both B1 and B2 receptor subtypes. Following this demonstration, all cell lines were grown in the presence or absence of kinestatin and several additional bradykinin receptor antagonists of amphibian skin origin and the effects on proliferation of the cell lines was investigated using the MTT assay and by counting of the cells in individual wells of 96-well plates. All of the amphibian skin secretion-derived bradykinin receptor antagonists inhibited proliferation of all of the prostate cancer lines investigated in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, following incubation of peptides with each cell line and analysis of catabolites by mass spectrometry, it was found that bradykinin was highly labile and each antagonist was highly stable under the conditions employed. Bradykinin signalling pathways are thus worthy of further investigation in human prostate cancer cell lines and the evidence presented here would suggest the testing of efficacy in animal models of prostate cancer as a positive outcome could lead to a drug development programme for the treatment of this disease.


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Helokinestatins 1–5 represent a novel family of bradykinin antagonist peptides originally isolated from the venom of the Gila Monster, Heloderma suspectum. We found that they were encoded in tandem along with a single copy of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), by two different but almost identical biosynthetic precursors that were cloned from a venom-derived cDNA library. Here we have applied the same strategy to the venom of a related species, the Mexican beaded lizard, Heloderma horridum. Lyophilised venom was used as a surrogate tissue to generate a cDNA library that was interrogated with primers from the previous study and for reverse phase HPLC fractionation. The structure of a single helokinestatin precursor was obtained following sequencing of 20 different clones. The open-reading frame contained 196 amino acid residues, somewhat greater than the 177–178 residues of the corresponding helokinestatin precursors in H. suspectum. The reason for this difference in size was the insertion of an additional domain of 18 amino acid residues encoding an additional copy of helokinestatin-3. Helokinestatin-6 (GPPFNPPPFVDYEPR) was a novel peptide from this precursor identified in venom HPLC fractions. A synthetic replicate of this peptide antagonised the relaxation effect of bradykinin on rat arterial smooth muscle. The novel peptide family, the helokinestatins, have been shown to be present in the venom of H. horridum and to be encoded by a single precursor of different structure to those from H. suspectum. Studies such as this reveal the naturally-selected structures of bioactive peptides that have been optimised for purpose and provide the scientist with a natural analogue library for pharmacological investigation.


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Developmental processes are regulated by the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family of secreted molecules. BMPs bind to serine/threonine kinase receptors and signal through the canonical Smad pathway and other intracellular effectors. Integral to the control of BMPs is a diverse group of secreted BMP antagonists that bind to BMPs and prevent engagement with their cognate receptors. Tight temporospatial regulation of both BMP and BMP-antagonist expression provides an exquisite control system for developing tissues. Additional facets of BMP-antagonist biology, such as crosstalk with Wnt and Sonic hedgehog signaling during development, have been revealed in recent years. In addition, previously unappreciated roles for the BMP antagonists in kidney fibrosis and cancer have been elucidated. This review provides a description of BMP-antagonist biology, together with highlights of recent novel insights into the role of these antagonists in development, signal transduction and human disease.


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Transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels are Ca(2+)-permeable nonselective cation channels implicated in diverse physiological functions, including smooth muscle contractility and synaptic transmission. However, lack of potent selective pharmacological inhibitors for TRPC channels has limited delineation of the roles of these channels in physiological systems. Here we report the identification and characterization of ML204 as a novel, potent, and selective TRPC4 channel inhibitor. A high throughput fluorescent screen of 305,000 compounds of the Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository was performed for inhibitors that blocked intracellular Ca(2+) rise in response to stimulation of mouse TRPC4ß by µ-opioid receptors. ML204 inhibited TRPC4ß-mediated intracellular Ca(2+) rise with an IC(50) value of 0.96 µm and exhibited 19-fold selectivity against muscarinic receptor-coupled TRPC6 channel activation. In whole-cell patch clamp recordings, ML204 blocked TRPC4ß currents activated through either µ-opioid receptor stimulation or intracellular dialysis of guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTP?S), suggesting a direct interaction of ML204 with TRPC4 channels rather than any interference with the signal transduction pathways. Selectivity studies showed no appreciable block by 10-20 µm ML204 of TRPV1, TRPV3, TRPA1, and TRPM8, as well as KCNQ2 and native voltage-gated sodium, potassium, and calcium channels in mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons. In isolated guinea pig ileal myocytes, ML204 blocked muscarinic cation currents activated by bath application of carbachol or intracellular infusion of GTP?S, demonstrating its effectiveness on native TRPC4 currents. Therefore, ML204 represents an excellent novel tool for investigation of TRPC4 channel function and may facilitate the development of therapeutics targeted to TRPC4.


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This article describes the discovery and development of the first highly selective, small molecule antagonist of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtype I (mAChR1 or M-1). An M-1 functional, cell-based, calcium-mobilization assay identified three distinct chemical series with initial selectivity for M-1 versus M-4. An iterative parallel synthesis approach was employed to optimize all three series in parallel, which led to the development of novel microwave-assisted chemistry and provided important take home lessons for probe development projects. Ultimately, this effort produced VU0255035, a potent (IC50 = 130 nM) and selective (>75-fold vs. M-2-M-5 and >10 mu M vs. a panel of 75 GPCRs, ion channels and transporters) small molecule M-1 antagonist. Further profiling demonstrated that VU0255035 was centrally penetrant (Brain(AUC)/Plasma(AUC) of 0.48) and active in vivo, rendering it acceptable as both an in vitro and in vivo MLSCN/MLPCN probe molecule for studying and dissecting M-1 function.


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Previous studies suggest that selective antagonists of specific subtypes of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) may provide a novel approach for the treatment of certain central nervous system (CNS) disorders, including epileptic disorders, Parkinson's disease, and dystonia. Unfortunately, previously reported antagonists are not highly selective for specific mAChR subtypes, making it difficult to definitively establish the functional roles and therapeutic potential for individual subtypes of this receptor subfamily. The M 1 mAChR is of particular interest as a potential target for treatment of CNS disorders. We now report the discovery of a novel selective antagonist of M-1 mAChRs, termed VU0255035 [N-(3-oxo-3-(4-(pyridine-4-yl)piperazin-1-yl)propyl)benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole-4-sulfonamide]. Equilibrium radioligand binding and functional studies demonstrate a greater than 75-fold selectivity of VU0255035 for M-1 mAChRs relative to M-2-M-5. Molecular pharmacology and mutagenesis studies indicate that VU0255035 is a competitive orthosteric antagonist of M-1 mAChRs, a surprising finding given the high level of M-1 mAChR selectivity relative to other orthosteric antagonists. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings demonstrate that VU0255035 inhibits potentiation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor currents by the muscarinic agonist carbachol in hippocampal pyramidal cells. VU0255035 has excellent brain penetration in vivo and is efficacious in reducing pilocarpine-induced seizures in mice. We were surprised to find that doses of VU0255035 that reduce pilo-carpine-induced seizures do not induce deficits in contextual freezing, a measure of hippocampus-dependent learning that is disrupted by nonselective mAChR antagonists. Taken together, these data suggest that selective antagonists of M-1 mAChRs do not induce the severe cognitive deficits seen with nonselective mAChR antagonists and could provide a novel approach for the treatment certain of CNS disorders.


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From the molecular mechanism of antagonist unbinding in the ß(1) and ß(2) adrenoceptors investigated by steered molecular dynamics, we attempt to provide further possibilities of ligand subtype and subspecies selectivity. We have simulated unbinding of ß(1) -selective Esmolol and ß(2) -selective ICI-118551 from both receptors to the extracellular environment and found distinct molecular features of unbinding. By calculating work profiles, we show different preference in antagonist unbinding pathways between the receptors, in particular, perpendicular to the membrane pathway is favourable in the ß(1) adrenoceptor, whereas the lateral pathway involving helices 5, 6 and 7 is preferable in the ß(2) adrenoceptor. The estimated free energy change of unbinding based on the preferable pathway correlates with the experimental ligand selectivity. We then show that the non-conserved K347 (6.58) appears to facilitate in guiding Esmolol to the extracellular surface via hydrogen bonds in the ß(1) adrenoceptor. In contrast, hydrophobic and aromatic interactions dominate in driving ICI-118551 through the easiest pathway in the ß(2) adrenoceptor. We show how our study can stimulate design of selective antagonists and discuss other possible molecular reasons of ligand selectivity, involving sequential binding of agonists and glycosylation of the receptor extracellular surface. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Increased numbers of neutrophils are reported in the airways of patients with severe asthma. It is not clear if they contribute to the lack of control and severity. There are currently no strategies to investigate this by decreasing neutrophil numbers in the airways.