21 resultados para Alternative energy


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New environmentally acceptable production methods are required to help reduce the environmental impact of many industrial processes. One potential route is the application of photocatalysis using semiconductors. This technique has enabled new environmentally acceptable synthetic routes for organic synthesis which do not require the use of toxic metals as redox reagents. These photocatalysts also have more favourable redox potentials than many traditional reagents. Semiconductor photocatalysis can also be applied to the treatment of polluted effluent or for the destruction of undesirable by-products of reactions. In addition to the clean nature of the process the power requirements of the technique can be relatively low, with some reactions requiring only sunlight. 


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DRAM technology faces density and power challenges to increase capacity because of limitations of physical cell design. To overcome these limitations, system designers are exploring alternative solutions that combine DRAM and emerging NVRAM technologies. Previous work on heterogeneous memories focuses, mainly, on two system designs: PCache, a hierarchical, inclusive memory system, and HRank, a flat, non-inclusive memory system. We demonstrate that neither of these designs can universally achieve high performance and energy efficiency across a suite of HPC workloads. In this work, we investigate the impact of a number of multilevel memory designs on the performance, power, and energy consumption of applications. To achieve this goal and overcome the limited number of available tools to study heterogeneous memories, we created HMsim, an infrastructure that enables n-level, heterogeneous memory studies by leveraging existing memory simulators. We, then, propose HpMC, a new memory controller design that combines the best aspects of existing management policies to improve performance and energy. Our energy-aware memory management system dynamically switches between PCache and HRank based on the temporal locality of applications. Our results show that HpMC reduces energy consumption from 13% to 45% compared to PCache and HRank, while providing the same bandwidth and higher capacity than a conventional DRAM system.


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This paper presents an experimental and numerical study focused on the tensile fibre fracture toughness characterisation of hybrid plain weave composite laminates using non-standardized Overheight Compact Tension (OCT) specimens. The position as well as the strain field ahead of the crack tip in the specimens was determined using a digital speckle photogrammetry system. The limitation on the applicability of standard data reduction schemes for the determination of the intralaminar fibre fracture toughness of composites is presented and discussed. A methodology based on the numerical evaluation of the strain energy release rate using the J-integral method is proposed to derive new geometric correction functions for the determination of stress intensity factor for alternative composite specimen geometries. A comparison between different methods currently available to compute the intralaminar fracture toughness in composites is also presented and discussed. Good agreement between numerical and experimental results using the proposed methodology was obtained.


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The idea of proxying network connectivity has been proposed as an efficient mechanism to maintain network presence on behalf of idle devices, so that they can “sleep”. The concept has been around for many years; alternative architectural solutions have been proposed to implement it, which lead to different considerations about capability, effectiveness and energy efficiency. However, there is neither a clear understanding of the potential for energy saving nor a detailed performance comparison among the different proxy architectures. In this paper, we estimate the potential energy saving achievable by different architectural solutions for proxying network connectivity. Our work considers the trade-off between the saving achievable by putting idle devices to sleep and the additional power consumption to run the proxy. Our analysis encompasses a broad range of alternatives, taking into consideration both implementations already available in the market and prototypes built for research purposes. We remark that the main value of our work is the estimation under realistic conditions, taking into consideration power measurements, usage profiles and proxying capabilities.


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Large-scale commercial exploitation of wave energy is certain to require the deployment of wave energy converters (WECs) in arrays, creating ‘WEC farms’. An understanding of the hydrodynamic interactions in such arrays is essential for determining optimum layouts of WECs, as well as calculating the area of ocean that the farms will require. It is equally important to consider the potential impact of wave farms on the local and distal wave climates and coastal processes; a poor understanding of the resulting environmental impact may hamper progress, as it would make planning consents more difficult to obtain. It is therefore clear that an understanding the interactions between WECs within a farm is vital for the continued development of the wave energy industry.To support WEC farm design, a range of different numerical models have been developed, with both wave phase-resolving and wave phase-averaging models now available. Phase-resolving methods are primarily based on potential flow models and include semi-analytical techniques, boundary element methods and methods involving the mild-slope equations. Phase-averaging methods are all based around spectral wave models, with supra-grid and sub-grid wave farm models available as alternative implementations.The aims, underlying principles, strengths, weaknesses and obtained results of the main numerical methods currently used for modelling wave energy converter arrays are described in this paper, using a common framework. This allows a qualitative comparative analysis of the different methods to be performed at the end of the paper. This includes consideration of the conditions under which the models may be applied, the output of the models and the relationship between array size and computational effort. Guidance for developers is also presented on the most suitable numerical method to use for given aspects of WEC farm design. For instance, certain models are more suitable for studying near-field effects, whilst others are preferable for investigating far-field effects of the WEC farms. Furthermore, the analysis presented in this paper identifies areas in which the numerical modelling of WEC arrays is relatively weak and thus highlights those in which future developments are required.


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In 2015 Ireland has arguably begun to make its first bold steps in confronting the challenges of energy transition, with the objective of a “low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy by the end of the
year 2050” expressed in the 2015 Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill and the 2015 Energy Bill acknowledging that energy transformation relied on a new breed of ‘energy citizens’. These represent the first formal articulation of Ireland’s ambition to engage in a radical, long-term and far-reaching transition process, and raises a myriad of questions over how this can be operationalised, resourced and whether it can maintain political momentum. A range of perspectives on these issues is provided in the growing body of literature on transition theories (Rotmans et al 2001, Markard et al 2012) and the inter-disciplinary EPA-funded CC Transitions project, based at Queen’s University Belfast, represents an attempt to translate this into the context of Ireland’s institutions and technological profile. By relating this to international research on sustainability transitions, which conceptualises transitions as multi-level, multi-phase and multi-actor processes, this paper will explore the opportunities of alternative pathways that could take Ireland towards a more progressing, inclusive and effective low carbon future. Drawing on a number of case studies it will highlight some of the capacities for transition required in Irish society: where these exist, how they are being built or enabled, and the barriers to wider social change.