Scientists interested in the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, and their control, have recently been studying cells in the interstitium of tissues that express the c-kit antigen (Kit(+) cells). These cells have morphologic features that are reminiscent of the well-described pacemaker cells in the gut, the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). The spontaneous contractile behavior of muscles in the urinary tract varies widely, and it is clear that urinary tract Kit(+) interstitial cells cannot be playing an identical role to that played by the ICC in the gut. Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence that they do play a role in modulating the contractile behavior of adjacent smooth muscle, and might also be involved in mediating neural control. This review outlines the properties of ICC in the gut, and gives an account of the discovery of cells in the interstitium of the main components of the urinary tract. The physiologic properties of such cells and the functional implications of their presence are discussed, with particular reference to the bladder. In this organ, Kit(+) cells are found under the lamina propria, where they might interact with the urothelium and with sensory nerves, and also between and within the smooth-muscle bundles. Confocal microscopy and calcium imaging are being used to assess the physiology of ICC and their interactions with smooth muscles. Differences in the numbers of ICC are seen in smooth muscle specimens obtained from patients with various pathologies; in particular, bladder overactivity is associated with increased numbers of these cells.
Isolated interstitial ("pacemaker") cells from rabbit urethra were examined using the perforated-patch technique. Under voltage clamp at -60 mV, these cells fired large spontaneous transient inward currents (STICs), averaging -860 pA and >1 s in duration, which could account for urethral pacemaker activity. Spontaneous transient outward currents (STOCs) were also observed and fell into two categories, "fast" (1 s in duration). The latter were coupled to STICs, suggesting that they shared the same mechanism, while the former occurred independently at faster rates. All of these currents were abolished by cyclopiazonic acid, caffeine, or ryanodine, suggesting that they were activated by Ca(2+) release. When D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3))-sensitive stores were blocked with 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, the STICs and slow STOCs were abolished, but the fast STOCs remained. In contrast, the fast STOCs were more nifedipine sensitive than the STICs or the slow STOCs. These results suggest that while fast STOCs are mediated by a mechanism similar to STOCs in smooth muscle, STICs and slow STOCs are driven by IP(3). These results support the hypothesis that pacemaker activity in the urethra is driven by the IP(3)-sensitive store. PMID: 11287348 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
1. Isolated sheep urethral cells were studied using the perforated patch clamp technique (T = 37 degrees C). Depolarizing steps ranging from -40 to -10 mV evoked an inward current that peaked within 10 ms and a slower inward current. Stepping back to the holding potential of -80 mV evoked large inward tail currents. All three currents were abolished by nifedipine (1 microM). Substitution of external Ca2+ with Ba2+ resulted in potentiation of the fast inward current and blockade of the slow current and tails. 2. Changing the chloride equilibrium potential (ECl) from 0 to +27 mV shifted the reversal potential of the tail currents from 1 +/- 1 to 27 +/- 1 mV (number of cells, n = 5). Chloride channel blockers, niflumic acid (10 microM) and anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (9AC, 1 mM), reduced the slow current and tails suggesting that these were Ca(2+)-activated Cl- currents, ICl(Ca). 4. Caffeine (10 mM) induced currents that reversed at ECl and were blocked by niflumic acid (10 microM). 5. In current clamp mode, some cells developed spontaneous transient depolarizations (STDs) and action potentials. Short exposure to nifedipine blocked the action potentials and unmasked STDs. In contrast, 9AC and niflumic acid reduced the amplitude of the STDs and blocked the action potentials. 6. In conclusion, these cells have both L-type ICa and ICl(Ca). The former appears to be responsible for the upstroke of the action potential, while the latter may act as a pacemaker current.
Freshly dispersed cells from sheep urinary bladder were voltage clamped using the whole cell and inside-out patch-clamp technique. Cibacron and Basilen blue increased outward current in a dose-dependent manner with a half-maximal response at 10(-5) M. Suramin, in concentrations to 10(-3) M, had no such effect. The Cibacron blue response was abolished in Ca2+-free physiological salt solution, suggesting that it was acting on a Ca2+-dependent current. Similarly, the Cibacron blue-sensitive current was significantly attenuated by charybdotoxin. Cibacron blue did not modulate inward current nor were its effects modified by caffeine or heparin, suggesting that its effect on outward current was not secondary to an increase in intracellular Ca2+. Application of 10(-4) M Cibacron blue to the inside membrane of excised patches caused a rapid increase in open probability of a large-conductance (300 pS) K+ channel. These results suggest that Cibacron blue is a potent activator of a Ca2+-dependent outward current in bladder smooth muscle cells in addition to its action as a purinergic blocker.
Acetylcholine released from parasympathetic excitatory nerves activates contraction in detrusor smooth muscle. Immunohistochemical labeling of guinea pig detrusor with anti-c-Kit and anti-VAChT demonstrated a close structural relationship between interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) and cholinergic nerves. The ability of guinea pig bladder detrusor ICC to respond to the acetylcholine analog, carbachol, was investigated in enzymatically dissociated cells, loaded with the Ca(2+) indicator fluo 4AM. ICC fired Ca(2+) transients in response to stimulation by carbachol (1/10 microM). Their pharmacology was consistent with carbachol-induced contractions in strips of detrusor which were inhibited by 4-DAMP (1 microM), an M(3) receptor antagonist, but not by the M(2) receptor antagonist methoctramine (1 microM). The source of Ca(2+) underlying the carbachol transients in isolated ICC was investigated using agents to interfere with influx or release from intracellular stores. Nifedipine (1 microM) or Ni(2+) (30-100 microM) to block Ca(2+) channels or the removal of external Ca(2+) reduced the amplitude of the carbachol transients. Application of ryanodine (30 microM) or tetracaine (100 microM) abolished the transients. The phospholipase C inhibitor, U-73122 (2.5 microM), significantly reduced the responses. 2-Aminoethoxydiethylborate (30 microM) caused a significant reduction and Xestospongin C (1 microM) was more effective, almost abolishing the responses. Intact in situ preparations of guinea pig bladder loaded with a Ca(2+) indicator showed distinctively different patterns of spontaneous Ca(2+) events in smooth muscle cells and ICC. Both cell types responded to carbachol by an increase in frequency of these events. In conclusion, guinea pig bladder detrusor ICC, both as isolated cells and within whole tissue preparations, respond to cholinergic stimulation by firing Ca(2+) transients. PMID: 18171995 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The rat stomach is rich in endocrine cells. The acid-producing (oxyntic) mucosa contains ECL cells, A-like cells, and somatostatin (D) cells, and the antrum harbours gastrin (G) cells, enterochromaffin (EC) cells and D cells. Although chromogranin A (CgA) occurs in all these cells, its processing appears to differ from one cell type to another. Eleven antisera generated to different regions of rat CgA, two antisera generated to a human (h) CgA sequences, and one to a bovine Ib) CgA sequence, respectively, were employed together with antisera directed towards cell-specific markers such as gastrin (G cells), serotonin (EC cells), histidine decarboxylsae (ECL cells) and somatostatin (D cells) to characterize the expression of CgA and CgA-derived peptides in the various endocrine cell populations of the rat stomach. In the oxyntic mucosa, antisera raised against CgA(291-319) and CGA(316-321) immunostained D cells exclusively, whereas antisera raised against bCgA(82-91) and CgA(121-128) immunostained A-like cells and D cells. Antisera raised against CgA(318-349) and CgA(437-448) immunostained ECL cells and A-like cells, but not D cells. In the antrum, antisera against CgA(291-319) immunostained D cells, and antisera against CgA(351-356) immunostained G cells. Our observations suggest that each individual endocrine cell type in the rat stomach generates a unique mixture of CgA-derived peptides, probably reflecting cell-specific differences in the post-translational processing of CgA and its peptide products. A panel of antisera that recognize specific domains of CgA may help to identify individual endocrine cell populations.
Aim To determine the distribution of the NPY Y1 receptor in carious and noncarious human dental pulp tissue using immunohistochemistry. A subsidiary aim was to confirm the presence of the NPY Y1 protein product in membrane fractions of dental pulp tissue from carious and noncarious teeth using western blotting. Methodology Twenty two dental pulp samples were collected from carious and noncarious extracted teeth. Ten samples were processed for immunohistochemistry using a specific antibody to the NPY Y1 receptor. Twelve samples were used to obtain membrane extracts which were electrophoresed, blotted onto nitrocellulose and probed with NPY Y1 receptor antibody. Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance was employed to test for overall statistical differences between NPY Y1 levels in noncarious, moderately carious and grossly carious teeth. Results Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor immunoreactivity was detected on the walls of blood vessels in pulp tissue from noncarious teeth. In carious teeth NPY Y1 immunoreactvity was observed on nerve fibres, blood vessels and inflammatory cells. Western blotting indicated the presence and confirmed the variability of NPY Y1 receptor protein expression in solubilised membrane preparations of human dental pulp tissue from carious and noncarious teeth. Conclusions Neuropeptide Y Y1 is expressed in human dental pulp tissue with evidence of increased expression in carious compared with noncarious teeth, suggesting a role for NPY Y1 in modulation of caries induced pulpal inflammation. © 2008 International Endodontic Journal.
PURPOSE: The presence of novel KCNQ currents was investigated in guinea pig bladder interstitial cells of Cajal and their contribution to the maintenance of the resting membrane potential was assessed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Enzymatically dispersed interstitial cells of Cajal were patch clamped with K(+) filled pipettes in voltage clamp and current clamp modes. Pharmacological modulators of KCNQ channels were tested on membrane currents and the resting membrane potential. RESULTS: Cells were stepped from -60 to 40 mV to evoke voltage dependent currents using a modified K(+) pipette solution containing ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (5 mM) and adenosine triphosphate (3 mM) to eliminate large conductance Ca activated K channel and K(adenosine triphosphate) currents. Application of the KCNQ blockers XE991, linopirdine (Tocris Bioscience, Ellisville, Missouri) and chromanol 293B (Sigma) decreased the outward current in concentration dependent fashion. The current-voltage relationship of XE991 sensitive current revealed a voltage dependent, outwardly rectifying current that activated positive to -60 mV and showed little inactivation. The KCNQ openers flupirtine and meclofenamic acid (Sigma) increased outward currents across the voltage range. In current clamp mode XE991 or chromanol 293B decreased interstitial cell of Cajal resting membrane potential and elicited the firing of spontaneous transient depolarizations in otherwise quiescent cells. Flupirtine or meclofenamic acid hyperpolarized interstitial cells of Cajal and inhibited any spontaneous electrical activity. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides electrophysiological evidence that bladder interstitial cells of Cajal have KCNQ currents with a role in the regulation of interstitial cell of Cajal resting membrane potential and excitability. These novel findings provide key information on the ion channels present in bladder interstitial cells of Cajal and they may indicate relevant targets for the development of new therapies for bladder instability.
Blood vessels are made up of several distinct cell types. Although it was originally thought that the tunica media of blood vessels was composed of a homogeneous population of fully differentiated smooth muscle cells, more recent data suggest the existence of multiple smooth muscle cell subpopulations in the vascular wall. One of the cell types contributing to this heterogeneity is the novel, irregularly shaped, noncontractile cell with thin processes, termed interstitial cell, found in the tunica media of both veins and arteries. While the principal role of interstitial cells in veins seems to be pacemaking, the role of arterial interstitial cells is less clear. This review summarises the knowledge of the functional and structural properties of vascular interstitial cells accumulated so far, offers hypotheses on their physiological role, and proposes directions for future research.