20 resultados para 70-341


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This cross-sectional study assessed relationships between plasma homocysteine, 'thermolabile' methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase (MTHFR) genotype, B vitamin status and measures of renal function in elderly (70-89 years) and nonagenarian (90+ years) subjects, with the hypothesis that octo/nonagenarian subjects who remain healthy into old age as defined by 'Senieur' status might show reduced genetic or environmental risk factors usually associated with hyperhomocysteinaemia. Plasma homocysteine was 9.1 micromol/l (geometric mean [GM]) for all elderly subjects. Intriguingly, homocysteine was significantly lower in 90+ (GM; 8.2 micromol/l) compared to 70-89-year-old subjects (GM; 9.8 micromol/l) despite significantly lower glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and serum B12 in nonagenarian subjects and comparable MTHFR thermolabile (TT) genotype frequency, folate and B6 status to 70-89-year-olds. For all elderly subjects, the odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals for plasma homocysteine being in the highest versus lowest quartile was 4.27 (2.04-8.92) for age 90 years, 3.4 (1.5-7.8) for serum folate 10.7nmol/l, 3.0 (0.9-10.2) for creatinine >140 compared


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This paper presents the design and characterization of ultrafast wideband low-loss single-pole single-throw (SPST) and single-pole double-throw (SPDT) differential switches. The SPDT switch exhibits insertion loss of lower than 1.25 dB from 42 to 70 GHz and isolation of better than 20 dB from 40 to 65 GHz. Similar low-loss and broadband characteristics are also observed from the measured SPST switch. The proposed switch topologies adopting current-steering technique and implemented in 0.35 µm SiGe bipolar technology result in a switching time of only 75 ps. This suggests a maximum switching speed of 13 Gbps, the fastest ever reported at V-band.


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Purpose: We sought to estimate the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescriptions (PIP) and potential prescribing omissions (PPOs) using a subset of the STOPP/START criteria in a population based sample of Irish adults aged ≥65 years using data from The Irish LongituDinal Study on Ageing (TILDA).

Methods: A subset of 26 PIP indicators and 10 PPO indicators from the STOPP/START criteria were applied to the TILDA dataset. PIP/PPO prevalence according to individual STOPP/START criteria and the overall prevalence of PIP/PPO were estimated. The relationship between PIP and PPOs and polypharmacy, age, gender and multimorbidity was examined using logistic regression.

Results: The overall prevalence of PIP in the study population (n = 3,454) was 14.6 %. The most common examples of PIP identified were NSAID with moderate-severe hypertension (200 participants; 5.8 %) and aspirin with no history of coronary, cerebral, or peripheral vascular symptoms or occlusive event (112 participants; 3.2 %). The overall prevalence of PPOs was 30 % (n = 1,035). The most frequent PPO was antihypertensive therapy where systolic blood pressure consistently >160 mmHg (n = 341, 9.9 %), There was a significant association between PIP and PPO and polypharmacy when adjusting for age, sex and multimorbidity (adjusted OR 2.62, 95 % CI 2.05–3.33 for PIP and adjusted OR 1.46, 95 % CI 1.23–1.75 for prescribing omissions).

Conclusion: Our findings indicate prescribing omissions are twice as prevalent as PIP in the elderly using a subset of the STOPP/START criteria as an explicit process measure of potentially inappropriate prescribing and prescribing omissions. Polypharmacy was independently associated with both PPO and PIP. Application of such screening tools to prescribing decisions may reduce unnecessary medication, related adverse events, healthcare utilisation and cost.


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AIMS: To determine whether Abl immunoreactivity correlates with grade and cell kinetics (apoptosis and mitosis) in chondrosarcoma.

METHODS: Sections from 16 chondrosarcomas were stained immunohistochemically using a polyclonal antibody to the c-Abl/Bcr-Abl oncoprotein. Apoptotic indices and mitotic indices were assessed in all tumours. Sections from 24 paraffin wax blocks of human fetal rib (gestational ages, 15-42 weeks) were also stained to determine whether the Abl protein is synthesised consistently throughout endochondral ossification.

RESULTS: Abl staining in immature fetal rib chondrocytes at all stages of development was predominantly nuclear, and 70% of cells showed moderate to strong staining. Abl immunoreactivity was minimal or absent in hypertrophic chondrocytes about to undergo apoptosis at the growth plate. There was strong Abl staining in grade 1 and grade 2 chondrosarcomas but staining was greatly reduced or absent in grade 3 chondrosarcomas. There was a very significant linear correlation between apoptotic index (mean, 0.68%; range, 0-3.2%) and mitotic index (mean, 0.23%; range, 0-0.9%), and both indices were significantly lower in grade 1 than in grade 2 and grade 3 chondrosarcomas.

CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that abl gene expression is associated with differentiation and apoptosis inhibition in fetal and neoplastic chondrocytes. However, these putative effects cannot be ascribed solely to the Abl protein, because several additional factors contribute to the regulation of both differentiation and apoptosis.