44 resultados para 576 - Biologia cel·lular i subcel·lular. Citologia


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Nitric oxide is known to cause persistent inhibition of mitochondrial respiration as a result of S-nitrosation of NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) (Clementi, E., Brown, G. C., Feelisch, M., and Moncada, S. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 7631-7636). Little is known about whether such nitrosation occurs in physiological conditions and, if so, what are the possible cellular mechanisms. We have now found that the conformational state (active/deactive transition (Vinogradov, A. D. (1998) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1364, 169-185)) of mitochondrial complex I is an important factor for the interaction of the enzyme with nitrosothiols and peroxynitrite. Only the deactivated, idle form of complex I was susceptible to inhibition by nitrosothiols and peroxynitrite. In contrast, the active form of the enzyme was insensitive to such treatment. Neither form of complex I was inhibited by nitric oxide itself. Our data suggest that the process of active/deactive transition plays an important role in the regulation of complex I activity and cellular respiration by nitric oxide. The implications of this finding for hypoxic or pathophysiological conditions in vivo are discussed.


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Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is increasingly recognized as an important cellular process involved in numerous physiological and pathophysiological processes. Complex I ( NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase) is considered as one of the major sources of ROS within mitochondria. Yet, the exact site and mechanism of superoxide production by this large membrane-bound multiprotein complex has remained controversial. Here we show that isolated complex 1 from Yarrowia lipolytica forms superoxide at a rate of 0.15% of the rate measured for catalytic turnover. Superoxide production is not inhibited by ubiquinone analogous inhibitors. Because mutant complex I lacking a detectable iron-sulfur cluster N2 exhibited the same rate of ROS production, this terminal redox center could be excluded as a source of electrons. From the effect of different ubiquinone derivatives and pH on this side reaction of complex I we concluded that oxygen accepts electrons from FMNH2 or FMN semiquinone either directly or via more hydrophilic ubiquinone derivatives.


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Deubiquitinating enzymes are now emerging as potential therapeutic targets that control many cellular processes, but few have been demonstrated to control cell motility. Here, we show that ubiquitin-specific protease 17 (USP17) is rapidly and transiently induced in response to chemokines SDF-1/CXCL12 and IL-8/CXCL8 in both primary cells and cell lines, and that its depletion completely blocks chemokine-induced cell migration and cytoskeletal rearrangements. Using live cell imaging, we demonstrate that USP17 is required for both elongated and amoeboid motility, in addition to chemotaxis. USP17 has previously been reported to disrupt Ras localization and we now find that USP17 depletion blocks chemokine-induced subcellular relocalization of GTPases Cdc42, Rac and RhoA, which are GTPases essential for cell motility. Collectively, these results demonstrate that USP17 has a critical role in cell migration and may be a useful drug target for both inflammatory and metastatic disease.


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Reduced galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GAIT) activity is associated with the genetic disease type 1 galactosemia. This results in an increase in the cellular concentration of galactose 1-phosphate. The accumulation of this toxic metabolite, combined with aberrant glycoprotein and glycolipid biosynthesis, is likely to be the major factor in molecular pathology. The mechanism of GAIT was established through classical enzymological methods to be a substituted enzyme in which the reaction with UDP-glucose results in the formation of a covalent, UMP-histidine adduct in the active site. The uridylated enzyme can then react with galactose 1-phosphate to form UDP-galactose. The structure of the enzyme from Escherichia coli reveals a homodimer containing one zinc (II) and one iron (11) ion per subunit. This enzymological and structural knowledge provides the basis for understanding the biochemistry of this critical step in the Leloir pathway. However, a high-resolution crystal structure of human GAIT is required to assist greater understanding of the effects of disease-associated mutations. (C) 2011 IUBMB IUBMB Life, 63(9): 694-700, 2011


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The bacterium Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064, isolated from an industrial site, could use a wide range of 1-haloalkanes as sole carbon source but apparently utilized several different mechanisms simultaneously for assimilation of substrate. Catabolism of 1-chlorobutane occurred mainly by attack at the C-1 atom by a hydrolytic dehalogenase with the formation of butanol which was metabolized via butyric acid. The detection of small amounts of gamma-butyrolactone in the medium suggested that some oxygenase attack at C-4 also occurred, leading to the formation of 4-chlorobutyric acid which subsequently lactonized chemically to gamma-butyrolactone. Although 1-chlorobutane-grown cells exhibited little dehalogenase activity on 1-chloroalkanes with chain lengths above C-10, the organism utilized such compounds as growth substrates with the release of chloride. Concomitantly, gamma-butyrolactone accumulated to 1 mM in the culture medium with 1-chlorohexadecane as substrate. Traces of 4-hydroxybutyric acid were also detected. It is suggested that attack on the long-chain chloroalkane is initiated by an oxygenase at the non-halogenated end of the molecule leading to the formation of an omega-chlorofatty acid. This is degraded by beta-oxidation to 4-chlorobutyric acid which is chemically lactonized to gamma-butyrolactone which is only slowly further catabolized via 4-hydroxybutyric acid and succinic acid. However, release of chloride into the medium during growth on long-chain chloroalkanes was insufficient to account for all the halogen present in the substrate. Analysis of the fatty acid composition of 1-chlorohexadecane-grown cells indicated that chlorofatty acids comprised 75% of the total fatty acid content with C-14:0, C-16:0, C-16:1, and C-18:1 acids predominating. Thus the incorporation of 16-chlorohexadecanoic acid, the product of oxygenase attack directly into cellular lipid represents a third route of chloroalkane assimilation. This pathway accounts at least in part for the incomplete mineralization of long-chain chloroalkane substrates. This is the first report of the coexistence of a dehalogenase and the ability to incorporate long-chain haloalkanes into the lipid fraction within a single organism and raises important questions regarding the biological treatment of haloalkane containing effluents.


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The fatty acid composition of the cellular lipids of Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064 grown on various long-chain haloalkanes has been investigated and the influence of halogen substituents, carbon chain length and the position of halogen substitution in the growth substrate explored. Of the total fatty acids present in cells grown on 1-chloro-, 1-bromo- and 1-iodohexadecane, 75, 90 and 81%, respectively, were substituted in the omega-position by the corresponding halogen but only 1% of the fatty acids present after growth on 1-fluorotetradecane were fluorinated in this position. The extent of the halofatty acid incorporation with different halogen substituents in the growth substrate appears to reflect the degree to which oxygenase attack is restricted to the non-halogenated end of the haloalkane. Studies of the fatty acid composition of cells after growth on a series of 1-chloroalkanes containing an even number of carbon atoms between C-10 and C-18 indicated chlorofatty acid incorporation from C-12 to C-18 substrates at levels ranging from 21% with C-12 to 75% with C-16. The chlorofatty acids formed by initial oxidation of the chloroalkane were chain-lengthened or chain-shortened by from two to eight carbon atoms, with accompanying desaturation in some instances. Substantial quantities of a methyl-branched C-19:0 chlorofatty acid were also present with several chloroalkane substrates, When the fatty acid composition of cells after growth on 1-bromoalkanes containing an odd number of carbon atoms between C-11 and C-17 was examined, the incorporation of bromofatty acids was observed with C-13, C-15 and C-17 substrates; a maximum of 76% was recorded for the C-15 bromoalkane. As with even chain-length chloroalkanes, both chain-lengthening and -shortening occurred predominantly via two-carbon units so that most bromoacids present possessed an odd number of carbon atoms, When 1-bromododecane or 2-bromododecane were substrates, overall incorporations of bromofatty acids into the lipid fraction were very similar, demonstrating that the position of halogen substitution in the haloalkane was not critical in determining the extent of incorporation of the haloacids into cellular lipids. The results of the study indicate a mechanism by which degradation products of chlorinated paraffins could enter the biological food chain.


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Chinese hamster V79 fibroblasts were irradiated in the gas explosion apparatus and the chemical repair rates of the oxygen-dependent free radical precursors of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) and lethal lesions measured using filter elution (pH 9.6) and a clonogenic assay. Depletion of cellular GSH levels, from 4.16 fmol/cell to 0.05 fmol/cell, by treatment with buthionine sulphoximine (50 mumol dm-3; 18 h), led to sensitization as regards DNA dsb induction and cell killing. This was evident at all time settings but was particularly pronounced when the oxygen shot was given 1 ms after the irradiation pulse. A detailed analysis of the chemical repair kinetics showed that depletion of GSH led to a reduction in the first-order rate constant for dsb precursors from 385 s-1 to 144 s-1, and for lethal lesion precursors from 533 s-1 to 165 s-1. This is generally consistent with the role of GSH in the repair-fixation model of radiation damage at the critical DNA lesions. However, the reduction in chemical repair rate was not proportional to the severe thiol depletion (down to almost-equal-to 1% for GSH) and a residual repair capacity remained (almost-equal-to 30%). This was found not to be due to compartmentalization of residual GSH in the nucleus, as the repair rate for dsb precursors in isolated nuclei, washed virtually free of GSH, was identical to that found in GSH-depleted cells (144 s-1), also the OER remained substantially above unity. This suggests that other reducing agents may have a role to play in the chemical repair of oxygen-dependent damage. One possible candidate is the significant level of protein sulphydryls present in isolated nuclei.


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The design of composite asymmetric cellular beams is not fully covered by existing guidance but is an area of important practical application. Asymmetry in the shape of the cross-section of cellular beams causes development of additional bending moments in the web-posts between closely placed openings. Furthermore, the development of local composite action influences the distribution of forces in the web-flange Tees. The design method presented in this paper takes account of high degrees of asymmetry in the cross-section and also the influence of elongated or rectangular openings.


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The lipopolysaccharide O antigen of Shigella flexneri 2a has two preferred chain lengths, a short (S-OAg) composed of an average of 17 repeated units and a very long (VL-OAg) of about 90 repeated units. These chain length distributions are controlled by the chromosomally encoded WzzB and the plasmid-encoded Wzz(pHS-2) proteins, respectively. In this study, genes wzzB, wzz(pHS-2) and wzy (encoding the O-antigen polymerase) were cloned under the control of arabinose- and rhamnose-inducible promoters to investigate the effect of varying their relative expression levels on O antigen polysaccharide chain length distribution. Controlled expression of the chain length regulators wzzB and wzz(pHS-2) revealed a dose-dependent production of each modal length. Increase in one mode resulted in a parallel decrease in the other, indicating that chain length regulators compete to control the degree of O antigen polymerization. Also, when expression of the wzy gene is low, S-OAg but not VL-OAg is produced. Production of VL-OAg requires high induction levels of wzy. Thus, the level of expression of wzy is critical in determining O antigen modal distribution. Western blot analyses of membrane proteins showed comparable high levels of the WzzB and Wzz(pHS-2) proteins, but very low levels of Wzy. In vivo cross-linking experiments and immunoprecipitation of membrane proteins did not detect any direct interaction between Wzy and WzzB, suggesting the possibility that these two proteins may not interact physically but rather by other means such as via translocated O antigen precursors.


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BACKGROUND: The mitotic arrest deficiency protein 2 (MAD2) is a key component of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint, monitoring accurate chromosomal alignment at the metaphase plate before mitosis. MAD2 also has a function in cellular senescence and in a cell’s response to microtubule inhibitory (MI) chemotherapy exemplified by paclitaxel.
METHODS: Using an siRNA approach, the impact of MAD2 down-regulation on cellular senescence and paclitaxel responsiveness was investigated. The endpoints of senescence, cell viability, migration, cytokine expression, cell cycle analysis and anaphase bridge scoring were carried out using standard approaches.
RESULTS: We show that MAD2 down-regulation induces premature senescence in the MCF7 breast epithelial cancer cell line. These MAD2-depleted (MAD2k) cells are also significantly replicative incompetent but retain viability. Moreover, they show significantly higher levels of anaphase bridges and polyploidy compared to controls. In addition, these cells secrete higher levels of IL-6 and IL-8
representing key components of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) with the ability to impact on neighbouring cells. In support of this, MAD2kcells show enhanced migratory ability. At 72 h after paclitaxel, MAD2kcells show a significant further induction of senescence compared with paclitaxel naive controls. In addition, there are significantly more viable cells in the MAD2k MCF7 cell line after paclitaxel reflecting the observed increase in senescence.
CONCLUSION: Considering that paclitaxel targets actively dividing cells, these senescent cells will evade cytotoxic kill. In conclusion, compromised MAD2 levels induce a population of senescent cells resistant to paclitaxel.


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Increased plasma levels of cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs) have been shown to be predictors of all cause mortality in individuals with chronic renal failure 12 and patients with end-stage renal disease receiving haemodialysis 3. In renal transplant recipients the predictive value of CAMs has not been well characterised. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between CAMs and all-cause mortality during prospective follow-up of a renal transplant cohort.


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Protein interactions play key roles throughout all subcellular compartments. In the present paper, we report the visualization of protein interactions throughout living mammalian cells using two oligomerizing MV (measles virus) transmembrane glycoproteins, the H (haemagglutinin) and the F (fusion) glycoproteins, which mediate MV entry into permissive cells. BiFC (bimolecular fluorescence complementation) has been used to examine the dimerization of these viral glycoproteins. The H glycoprotein is a type II membrane-receptor-binding homodimeric glycoprotein and the F glycoprotein is a type I disulfide-linked membrane glycoprotein which homotrimerizes. Together they co-operate to allow the enveloped virus to enter a cell by fusing the viral and cellular membranes. We generated a pair of chimaeric H glycoproteins linked to complementary fragments of EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein)--haptoEGFPs--which, on association, generate fluorescence. Homodimerization of H glycoproteins specifically drives this association, leading to the generation of a fluorescent signal in the ER (endoplasmic reticulum), the Golgi and at the plasma membrane. Similarly, the generation of a pair of corresponding F glycoprotein-haptoEGFP chimaeras also produced a comparable fluorescent signal. Co-expression of H and F glycoprotein chimaeras linked to complementary haptoEGFPs led to the formation of fluorescent fusion complexes at the cell surface which retained their biological activity as evidenced by cell-to-cell fusion.


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Transcription byRNApolymerase I (Pol-I) is the main driving force behind ribosome biogenesis, a fundamental cellular process that requires the coordinated transcription of all three nuclear polymerases. Increased Pol-I transcription and the concurrent increase in ribosome biogenesis has been linked to the high rates of proliferation in cancers. The ellipticine family contains a number of potent anticancer therapeutic agents, some having progressed to stage I and II clinical trials; however, the mechanism by which many of the compounds work remains unclear. It has long been thought that inhibition of Top2 is the main reason behind the drugs antiproliferative effects. Here we report that a number of the ellipticines, including 9-hydroxyellipticine, are potent and specific inhibitors of Pol-I transcription, with IC50 in vitro and in cells in the nanomolar range. Essentially, the drugs did not affect Pol-II and Pol-III transcription, demonstrating a high selectivity.Wehave shown that Pol-I inhibition occurs by a p53-, ATM/ATR-, and Top2-independent mechanism. We discovered that the drug influences the assembly and stability of preinitiation complexes by targeting the interaction between promoter recognition factor SL1 and the rRNA promoter. Our findings will have an impact on the design and development of novel therapeutic agents specifically targeting ribosome biogenesis.


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Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) (density less than 1.006 g/mL) were isolated from type I (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients in good to fair glycemic control and from age-, sex-, and race-matched, nondiabetic, control subjects. VLDL were incubated with human, monocyte-derived macrophages obtained from nondiabetic donors, and the rates of cellular cholesteryl ester synthesis and cholesterol accumulation were determined. VLDL isolated from diabetic patients stimulated significantly more cholesteryl ester synthesis than did VLDL isolated from control subjects (4.04 +/- 1.01 v 1.99 +/- 0.39 nmol 14C-cholesteryl oleate synthesized/mg cell protein/20 h; mean +/- SEM, P less than .05). The stimulation of cholesteryl ester synthesis in macrophages incubated with VLDL isolated from diabetic patients was paralleled by a significant increase in intracellular cholesteryl ester accumulation (P less than .05). The increase in cholesteryl ester synthesis and accumulation in macrophages were mediated by a significant increase in the receptor mediated, high affinity degradation (2.55 +/- 0.23 v 2.12 +/- 0.20 micrograms degraded/mg cell protein/20 h) and accumulation (283 +/- 35 v 242 +/- 33 ng/mg cell protein/20 h) of 125I-VLDL isolated from diabetic patients compared with VLDL from control subjects. To determine if changes in VLDL apoprotein composition were responsible for the observed changes in cellular rates of cholesteryl ester synthesis and accumulation, we also examined the apoprotein composition of the VLDL from both groups. There were no significant differences between the apoproteins B, E, and C content of VLDL from both groups. We also determined the chemical composition of VLDL isolated from both groups of subjects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)