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Phosphonates are characterized by a stable carbon-phosphorus bond and commonly occur as lipid conjugates in invertebrate cell membranes. Phosphonoacetate hydrolase encoded by the phnA gene, catalyses the cleavage of phosphonoacetate to acetate and phosphate. In this study, we demonstrate the unusually high phnA diversity in coral-associated bacteria. The holobiont of eight coral species tested positive when screened for phnA using degenerate primers. In two soft coral species, Sinularia and Discosoma, sequencing of the phnA gene showed 13 distinct groups on the basis of 90% sequence identity across 100% of the sequence. A total of 16 bacterial taxa capable of using phosphonoacetate as the sole carbon and phosphorus source were isolated; 8 of which had a phnA+ genotype. This study enhances our understanding of the wide taxonomic and environmental distribution of phnA, and highlights the importance of phosphonates in marine ecosystems. The ISME Journal (2010) 4, 45-461; doi:10.1038/ismej.2009.129; published online 3 December 2009


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The final fate of massive stars depends on many factors. Theory suggests that some with initial masses greater than 25 to 30 solar masses end up as Wolf-Rayet stars, which are deficient in hydrogen in their outer layers because of mass loss through strong stellar winds. The most massive of these stars have cores which may form a black hole and theory predicts that the resulting explosion of some of them produces ejecta of low kinetic energy, a faint optical luminosity and a small mass fraction of radioactive nickel. An alternative origin for low-energy supernovae is the collapse of the oxygen-neon core of a star of 7-9 solar masses. No weak, hydrogen-deficient, core-collapse supernovae have hitherto been seen. Here we report that SN 2008ha is a faint hydrogen-poor supernova. We propose that other similar events have been observed but have been misclassified as peculiar thermonuclear supernovae (sometimes labelled SN 2002cx-like events). This discovery could link these faint supernovae to some long-duration gamma-ray bursts, because extremely faint, hydrogen-stripped core-collapse supernovae have been proposed to produce such long gamma-ray bursts, the afterglows of which do not show evidence of associated supernovae.


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We present and analyze an algorithm to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees, a new graph class which includes rooted trees. For this, we represent structural properties of graphs as strings and define the similarity of two Graphs as optimal alignments of the corresponding property stings. We prove that the obtained graph similarity measures are so called Backward similarity measures. From this we find that the time complexity of our algorithm is polynomial and, hence, significantly better than the time complexity of classical graph similarity methods based on isomorphic relations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Let $G$ be a locally compact $\sigma$-compact group. Motivated by an earlier notion for discrete groups due to Effros and Ruan, we introduce the multidimensional Fourier algebra $A^n(G)$ of $G$. We characterise the completely bounded multidimensional multipliers associated with $A^n(G)$ in several equivalent ways. In particular, we establish a completely isometric embedding of the space of all $n$-dimensional completely bounded multipliers into the space of all Schur multipliers on $G^{n+1}$ with respect to the (left) Haar measure. We show that in the case $G$ is amenable the space of completely bounded multidimensional multipliers coincides with the multidimensional Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of $G$ introduced by Ylinen. We extend some well-known results for abelian groups to the multidimensional setting.


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We have conducted a sensitive 3mm observation toward the shocked region, Lynds 1157 B1, which is an interaction spot between a molecular outflow and its ambient gas. We have successfully detected the CH3CHO, HCOOCH3, and HCOOH lines, as well as the CH2DOH line. The abundances of these molecules relative to CH3OH are found to be lower than those in the low-mass star-forming core, IRAS 16293-2422. Since these molecules are thought to evaporate from grain mantles, the observational results mean that complex molecules are less abundant in grain mantles residing in the ambient cloud surrounding a prestellar/protostellar core. Instead, efficient formation of the complex organic species and deuterated species should take place in a prestellar/protostellar core. The present result verifies the importance of an unbiased line survey of this source.


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The imaging properties of a phase conjugating lens operating in the far field zone of the imaged source and augmented with scatterers positioned in the source near field region are theoretically studied in this paper. The phase conjugating lens consists of a double sided 2D assembly of straight wire elements, individually interconnected through phase conjugation operators. The scattering elements are straight wire segments which are loaded with lumped impedance loads at their centers. We analytically and numerically analyze all stages of the imaging process; i) evanescent-to-propagating spectrum conversion; ii) focusing properties of infinite or finite sized phase conjugating lens; iii) source reconstruction upon propagating-to-evanescent spectrum conversion. We show that the resolution that can be achieved depends critically on the separation distance between the imaged source and scattering arrangement, as well as on the topology of the scatterers used. Imaged focal widths of up to one-seventh wavelength are demonstrated. The results obtained indicate the possibility of such an arrangement as a potential practical means for realising using conventional materials devices for fine feature extraction by electromagnetic lensing at distances remotely located from the source objects under investigation


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This article examines the practices adopted by firms in the Republic of Ireland to manage conflict involving groups of employees, focusing in particular on the uptake of 'alternative dispute resolution practices'. The article reveals that conflict management practices take the form of 'systems', and it estimates the incidence of innovative conflict management systems, incorporating alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practices, as involving about 30 per cent of firms. A series of influences are shown to be associated with innovative, ADR-based conflict management systems, especially commitment-oriented HRM practices and whether unions are recognized. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd/London School of Economics 2010.


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The detection of the illegal use of clenbuterol (CBL) as a growth promoter has relied on detecting residual concentrations of the drug in body fluids or tissues. Analysis of retinal extracts has recently been shown to considerably extend the detection period following withdrawal. The withdrawal periods required to eliminate residues from the liver and retina were investigated by medicating 20 cattle with CBL for 30 days; 6 control animals remained unmedicated. Residual concentrations were monitored throughout this period and for the subsequent 140 days. Concurrent changes in muscle areas and backfat thicknesses were recorded by ultrasound.


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Phenotypic studies of mice lacking metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 (mGluR7) suggest that antagonists of this receptor may be promising for the treatment of central nervous system disorders such as anxiety and depression. Suzuki et al. (J Pharmacol Exp Ther 323: 147-156, 2007) recently reported the in vitro characterization of a novel mGluR7 antagonist called 6-(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-methyl-3-(4-pyridinyl)-isoxazolo[4,5-c]pyridin-4(5H)-one (MMPIP), which noncompetitively inhibited the activity of orthosteric and allosteric agonists at mGluR7. We describe that MMPIP acts as a noncompetitive antagonist in calcium mobilization assays in cells coexpressing mGluR7 and the promiscuous G protein G alpha(15). Assessment of the activity of a small library of MMPIP-derived compounds using this assay reveals that, despite similar potencies, compounds exhibit differences in negative co-operativity for agonist-mediated calcium mobilization. Examination of the inhibitory activity of MMPIP and analogs using endogenous G(i/o)-coupled assay readouts indicates that the pharmacology of these ligands seems to be context-dependent, and MMPIP exhibits differences in negative cooperativity in certain cellular backgrounds. Electrophysiological studies reveal that, in contrast to the orthosteric antagonist (2S)-2-amino-2-[(1S,2S)-2-carboxyclycloprop-1-yl]-3-(xanth-9-yl) propanoic acid (LY341495), MMPIP is unable to block agonist-mediated responses at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse, a location at which neurotransmission has been shown to be modulated by mGluR7 activity. Thus, MMPIP and related compounds differentially inhibit coupling of mGluR7 in different cellular backgrounds and may not antagonize the coupling of this receptor to native G(i/o) signaling pathways in all cellular contexts. The pharmacology of this compound represents a striking example of the potential for context-dependent blockade of receptor responses by negative allosteric modulators.


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Ossification of the stylohyoid ligament is very common in the Caucasian population. More than 9000 descriptions of apparently isolated case reports on PubMed have been cited over the last 20 years, often associated with an incidental finding on imaging after neck trauma. No cases of familial ossification have been described. We document a family with several affected members, each with an ossified stylohyoid ligament, confirming that ossification may be hereditary in some families and is most likely due to an autosomal dominant gene.