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The development of computer-based devices for music control has created a need to study how spectators understand new performance technologies and practices. As a part of a larger project examining how interactions with technology can be communicated to spectators, we present a model of a spectator's understanding of error by a performer. This model is broadly applicable throughout HCI, as interactions with technology are increasingly public and spectatorship is becoming more common.
Side-channel attacks (SCA) threaten electronic cryptographic devices and can be carried out by monitoring the physical characteristics of security circuits. Differential Power Analysis (DPA) is one the most widely studied side-channel attacks. Numerous countermeasure techniques, such as Random Delay Insertion (RDI), have been proposed to reduce the risk of DPA attacks against cryptographic devices. The RDI technique was first proposed for microprocessors but it was shown to be unsuccessful when implemented on smartcards as it was vulnerable to a variant of the DPA attack known as the Sliding-Window DPA attack.Previous research by the authors investigated the use of the RDI countermeasure for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based cryptographic devices. A split-RDI technique wasproposed to improve the security of the RDI countermeasure. A set of critical parameters wasalso proposed that could be utilized in the design stage to optimize a security algorithm designwith RDI in terms of area, speed and power. The authors also showed that RDI is an efficientcountermeasure technique on FPGA in comparison to other countermeasures.In this article, a new RDI logic design is proposed that can be used to cost-efficiently implementRDI on FPGA devices. Sliding-Window DPA and realignment attacks, which were shown to beeffective against RDI implemented on smartcard devices, are performed on the improved RDIFPGA implementation. We demonstrate that these attacks are unsuccessful and we also proposea realignment technique that can be used to demonstrate the weakness of RDI implementations.
This paper presents Yagada, an algorithm to search labelled graphs for anomalies using both structural data and numeric attributes. Yagada is explained using several security-related examples and validated with experiments on a physical Access Control database. Quantitative analysis shows that in the upper range of anomaly thresholds, Yagada detects twice as many anomalies as the best-performing numeric discretization algorithm. Qualitative evaluation shows that the detected anomalies are meaningful, representing a com- bination of structural irregularities and numerical outliers.
Simultaneous multithreading processors dynamically share processor resources between multiple threads. In general, shared SMT resources may be managed explicitly, for instance, by dynamically setting queue occupation bounds for each thread as in the DCRA and Hill-Climbing policies. Alternatively, resources may be managed implicitly; that is, resource usage is controlled by placing the desired instruction mix in the resources. In this case, the main resource management tool is the instruction fetch policy which must predict the behavior of each thread (branch mispredictions, long-latency loads, etc.) as it fetches instructions.
Speeding up sequential programs on multicores is a challenging problem that is in urgent need of a solution. Automatic parallelization of irregular pointer-intensive codes, exempli?ed by the SPECint codes, is a very hard problem. This paper shows that, with a helping hand, such auto-parallelization is possible and fruitful. This paper makes the following contributions: (i) A compiler framework for extracting pipeline-like parallelism from outer program loops is presented. (ii) Using a light-weight programming model based on annotations, the programmer helps the compiler to ?nd thread-level parallelism. Each of the annotations speci?es only a small piece of semantic information that compiler analysis misses, e.g. stating that a variable is dead at a certain program point. The annotations are designed such that correctness is easily veri?ed. Furthermore, we present a tool for suggesting annotations to the programmer. (iii) The methodology is applied to autoparallelize several SPECint benchmarks. For the benchmark with most parallelism (hmmer), we obtain a scalable 7-fold speedup on an AMD quad-core dual processor. The annotations constitute a parallel programming model that relies extensively on a sequential program representation. Hereby, the complexity of debugging is not increased and it does not obscure the source code. These properties could prove valuable to increase the ef?ciency of parallel programming.
Branch prediction feeds a speculative execution processor core with instructions. Branch mispredictions are inevitable and have negative effects on performance and energy consumption. With the advent of highly accurate conditional branch predictors, nonconditional branch instructions are gaining importance.
This paper gives an overview of the work carried out in a GARTEUR (Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe) program, under the chairmanship of the author, to develop and validate analytical and numerical methods to characterise real impact damage in composite structures, particularly those designed to sustain load in a postbuckled state, and to study the durability of bonded repairs. GARTEUR is an inter-governmental agreement between the seven European countries with the largest direct employment in the Aerospace industry, to mobilise scientific and technical knowledge between the member countries. A number of Action Groups have been launched, since GARTEUR’s inception in the early 1970s, to address specific technical issues of interest to the participating members. The research presented in this paper was performed under Action Group 28 with partners from ONERA, EADS-CCR (France), DLR, AIRBUS-Deutschland, EADS-M (Germany), CIRA (Italy), INTA (Spain), SICOMP, Saab, (Sweden), NLR (The Netherlands), QinetiQ, BAE Systems, Imperial College London and the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom). The Action Group tasks were divided into four Work Elements (WEs): WE1-Prediction and characterisation of impact damage, WE2- Postbuckling with delamination, WE3-Repair and WE4-Fatigue. This paper outlines the main developments and achievements within each Work Element.
Most parallel computing applications in highperformance computing use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) API. Given the fundamental importance of parallel computing to science and engineering research, application correctness is paramount. MPI was originally developed around 1993 by the MPI Forum, a group of vendors, parallel programming researchers, and computational scientists. However, the document defining the standard is not issued by an official standards organization but has become a de facto standard © 2011 ACM.
Architects use cycle-by-cycle simulation to evaluate design choices and understand tradeoffs and interactions among design parameters. Efficiently exploring exponential-size design spaces with many interacting parameters remains an open problem: the sheer number of experiments renders detailed simulation intractable. We attack this problem via an automated approach that builds accurate, confident predictive design-space models. We simulate sampled points, using the results to teach our models the function describing relationships among design parameters. The models produce highly accurate performance estimates for other points in the space, can be queried to predict performance impacts of architectural changes, and are very fast compared to simulation, enabling efficient discovery of tradeoffs among parameters in different regions. We validate our approach via sensitivity studies on memory hierarchy and CPU design spaces: our models generally predict IPC with only 1-2% error and reduce required simulation by two orders of magnitude. We also show the efficacy of our technique for exploring chip multiprocessor (CMP) design spaces: when trained on a 1% sample drawn from a CMP design space with 250K points and up to 55x performance swings among different system configurations, our models predict performance with only 4-5% error on average. Our approach combines with techniques to reduce time per simulation, achieving net time savings of three-four orders of magnitude. Copyright © 2006 ACM.