297 resultados para 020402 Condensed Matter Imaging


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In this paper we describe experimental results on angularly resolved x-ray scatter from a sample of warm dense aluminium that has been created by double sided laser-driven shock compression. The experiment was carried out on the Central Laser Facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, using the VULCAN laser. The form of the angularly resolved scatter cross-section was compared with predictions based on a series of molecular dynamics simulations with an embedded atom potential, a Yukakwa potential and a bare Coulomb potential. The importance of screening is evident from the comparison and the embedded atom model seems to match experiment better than the Yukawa potential.


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Experimental results are presented for the focusing capability of an active phase conjugating lens for a single and a dipole source pair and these are compared with predictions. In addition for a single source we illustrate the ability of the lens to project a null at the lens focus instead of a peak. A scheme is also presented such that when a source or pair of sources is imaged through an identical pair of passive scatterers located symmetrically about the lens that imaging with sub-wavelength resolution is possible. The rationale for the operation of the lens and aberrations observed due to its finite array size is discussed and is supported throughout by means of numerical simulation.


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Plasma diagnostics of atmospheric plasmas is a key tool in helping to understand processing performance issues. This paper presents an electrical, optical and thermographic imaging study of the PlasmaStream atmospheric plasma jet system. The system was found to exhibit three operating modes; one constricted/localized plasma and two extended volume plasmas. At low power and helium flows the plasma is localized at the electrodes and has the electrical properties of a corona/filamentary discharge with electrical chaotic temporal structure. With increasing discharge power and helium flow the plasma expands into the volume of the tube, becoming regular and homogeneous in appearance. Emission spectra show evidence of atomic oxygen, nitric oxide and the hydroxyl radical production. Plasma activated gas temperature deduced from the rotational temperature of nitrogen molecules was found to be of order of 400 K: whereas thermographic imaging of the quartz tube yielded surface temperatures between 319 and 347 K.


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The imaging properties of a phase conjugating lens operating in the far field zone of the imaged source and augmented with scatterers positioned in the source near field region are theoretically studied in this paper. The phase conjugating lens consists of a double sided 2D assembly of straight wire elements, individually interconnected through phase conjugation operators. The scattering elements are straight wire segments which are loaded with lumped impedance loads at their centers. We analytically and numerically analyze all stages of the imaging process; i) evanescent-to-propagating spectrum conversion; ii) focusing properties of infinite or finite sized phase conjugating lens; iii) source reconstruction upon propagating-to-evanescent spectrum conversion. We show that the resolution that can be achieved depends critically on the separation distance between the imaged source and scattering arrangement, as well as on the topology of the scatterers used. Imaged focal widths of up to one-seventh wavelength are demonstrated. The results obtained indicate the possibility of such an arrangement as a potential practical means for realising using conventional materials devices for fine feature extraction by electromagnetic lensing at distances remotely located from the source objects under investigation


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Domain states in PbZr(0.42)Ti(0.58)O3 single-crystal ferroelectric nanodots, formed on cooling through the Curie temperature, were imaged by transmission electron microscopy. In the majority of cases, 90o stripe domains were found to form into four distinct “bundles” or quadrants. Detailed analysis of the dipole orientations in the system was undertaken, using both dark-field imaging and an assumption that charged domain walls were energetically unfavorable in comparison to uncharged walls. On this basis, we conclude that the dipoles in these nanodots are arranged such that the resultant polarizations, associated with the four quadrant domain bundles, form into a closed loop. This “polarization closure” pattern is reminiscent of the flux-closure already commonly observed in soft ferromagnetic microdots but to date unseen in analogous ferroelectric dots.


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Decreasing the constriction size and residence time in hydrodynamic cavitation is predicted to give increased hot spot temperatures at bubble collapse and increased radical formation rate. Cavitation in a 100 x 100 mu m(2) rectangular micro channel and in a circular 750 mu m diameter milli channel has been investigated with computational fluid dynamics software and with imaging and radical production experiments. No radical production has been measured in the micro channel. This is probably because there is no spherically symmetrical collapse of the gas pockets in the channel which yield high hot spot temperatures. The potassium iodide oxidation yield in the presence of chlorohydrocarbons in the milli channel of up to 60 nM min(-1) is comparable to values reported on hydrodynamic cavitation in literature, but lower than values for ultrasonic cavitation. These small constrictions can create high apparent cavitation collapse frequencies.


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The development of a plasma discharge at low voltage (200-600 V) in saline solution is characterized using fast and standard CCD camera imaging. Vapor formation, plasma formation, and vapor collapse and subsequent pressure wave propagation are observed. If, with increasing voltage, the total energy deposited is kept approximately constant, the sequence and nature of events are similar but develop faster and more reproducibly at the higher voltages. This is attributed to the slower temporal evolution of the vapor layer at lower voltages which means a greater sensitivity to hydrodynamic instabilities at the vapor-liquid interface.


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In this paper, we show how interacting and occluding targets can be tackled successfully within a Gaussian approximation. For that purpose, we develop a general expansion of the mean and covariance of the posterior and we consider a first order approximation of it. The proposed method differs from EKF in that neither a non-linear dynamical model nor a non-linear measurement vector to state relation have to be defined, so it works with any kind of interaction potential and likelihood. The approach has been tested on three sequences (10400, 2500, and 400 frames each one). The results show that our approach helps to reduce the number of failures without increasing too much the computation time with respect to methods that do not take into account target interactions.


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It is well known that millimetre waves can pass through clothing. In short range applications such as in the scanning of people for security purposes, operating at W band can be an advantage. The size of the equipment is decreased when compared to operation at Ka band and the equipments have similar performance.

In this paper a W band mechanically scanned imager designed for imaging weapons and contraband hidden under clothing is discussed. This imager is based on a modified folded conical scan technology previously reported. In this design an additional optical element is added to give a Cassegrain configuration in image space. This increases the effective focal length and enables improved sampling of the image and provides more space for the receivers. This imager is constructed from low cost materials such as polystyrene, polythene and printed circuit board materials. The trade off between image spatial resolution and thermal sensitivity is discussed.


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An exact multiple-scattering formalism is used to simulate a wave multiply scattered from a cluster, and this is used to provide a direct quantitative analysis of the influence of multiple scattering on holographic imaging. Although multiple scattering may help in identifying atomic positions in real space, we show that it does cause a loss of resolution. We also show that a filter function can considerably reduce the multiple-scattering contribution to holographic images.


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Pulsed beams of energetic x-rays and neutrons from intense laser interactions with solid foils are promising for applications where bright, small emission area sources, capable of multi-modal delivery are ideal. Possible end users of laser-driven multi-modal sources are those requiring advanced non-destructive inspection techniques in industry sectors of high value commerce such as aerospace, nuclear and advanced manufacturing. We report on experimental work that demonstrates multi-modal operation of high power laser-solid interactions for neutron and x-ray beam generation. Measurements and Monte Carlo radiation transport simulations show that neutron yield is increased by a factor ∼2 when a 1 mm copper foil is placed behind a 2 mm lithium foil, compared to using a 2 cm block of lithium only. We explore x-ray generation with a 10 picosecond drive pulse in order to tailor the spectral content for radiography with medium density alloy metals. The impact of using >1 ps pulse duration on laser-accelerated electron beam generation and transport is discussed alongside the optimisation of subsequent bremsstrahlung emission in thin, high atomic number target foils. X-ray spectra are deconvolved from spectrometer measurements and simulation data generated using the GEANT4 Monte Carlo code. We also demonstrate the unique capability of laser-driven x-rays in being able to deliver single pulse high spatial resolution projection imaging of thick metallic objects. Active detector radiographic imaging of industrially relevant sample objects with a 10 ps drive pulse is presented for the first time, demonstrating that features of 200 μm size are resolved when projected at high magnification.


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The rimming ?ow of a power-law ?uid in the inner surface of a horizontal rotating cylinder is investigated. Exploiting the fact that the liquid layer is thin, the simplest lubrication theory is applied. The generalized run-off condition for the steady-state ?ow of the power-law liquid is derived. In the bounds implied by this condition, ?lm thickness admits a continuous solution. In the supercritical case when the mass of non-Newtonian liquid exceeds a certain value or the speed of rotation is less than an indicated limit, a discontinuous solution is possible and a hydraulic jump may occur in the steady-state regime. The location and height of the hydraulic jump for the power-law liquid is determined.