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We propose an immediately realizable scheme showing signatures of multipartite entanglement generated by radiation pressure in a cavity system with a movable mirror. We show how the entanglement involving the inaccessible massive object is unraveled by means of field-field quantum correlations and persists within a wide range of working conditions. Our proposal provides an operative way to infer the quantum behavior of a system that is only partially accessible.


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We report the first experimental generation and characterization of a six-photon Dicke state. The produced state shows a fidelity of F=0.56 +/- 0.02 with respect to an ideal Dicke state and violates a witness detecting genuine six-qubit entanglement by 4 standard deviations. We confirm characteristic Dicke properties of our resource and demonstrate its versatility by projecting out four- and five-photon Dicke states, as well as four-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and W states. We also show that Dicke states have interesting applications in multiparty quantum networking protocols such as open-destination teleportation, telecloning, and quantum secret sharing.


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We show that failure of local realism can be revealed to observers for whom only extremely-coarse-grained measurements are available. In our instances, Bell's inequality is violated even up to the maximum limit while both the local measurements and the initial local states under scrutiny approach the classical limit. Furthermore, we can observe failure of local realism when an inequality enforced by nonlocal realistic theories is satisfied. This suggests that locality alone may be violated while realism cannot be excluded for specific observables and states. Small-scale experimental demonstration of our examples may be possible in the foreseeable future.


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We present a scheme for the extraction of singlet states of two remote particles of arbitrary quantum spin number. The goal is achieved through post-selection of the state of interaction mediators sent in succession. A small number of iterations is sufficient to make the scheme effective. We propose two suitable experimental setups where the protocol can be implemented.


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We discuss the generation of states close to the boundary family of maximally entangled mixed states as defined by the use of concurrence and linear entropy. The coupling of two qubits to a dissipation-affected bosonic mode is able to produce a bipartite state having, for all practical purposes, the entanglement and mixedness properties of one of such boundary states. We thoroughly study the effects that thermal and squeezed characters of the bosonic mode have in such a process and we discuss tolerance to qubit phase-damping mechanisms. The nondemanding nature of the scheme makes it realizable in a matter-light-based physical setup, which we address in some details.


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This study investigated the relationships amongst personality traits and attitudes of 311 dairy stockpeople and the milk yield they obtained. A questionnaire pack consisting of a big-five measure of personality (which includes the traits of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and intellect), a four-factor attitude questionnaire and associated demographic and production questions was posted out to Northern Ireland dairy farmers. Pearson correlations were used to assess the relationship between personality and attitudes and partial correlations were calculated between milk yield and these psychometric measures. The personality traits of agreeableness and conscientiousness were most strongly correlated to positive attitudes towards working with dairy cows. None of the stockpeople's personality traits were significantly correlated with the milk yield they obtained. Three of the attitude scales, however, were significantly correlated with milk yield; milk yield was related to higher levels of empathy and job satisfaction and lower levels of negative beliefs, These findings, along with previous research, suggest stockperson attitudes may be important in relation to dairy cow welfare and production.


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We examined the genetic structure of natural populations of the European wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus at the microgeographic ( 30 km) scales. Ecological and behavioural studies indicate that this species exhibits considerable dispersal relative to its home-range size. Thus, there is potential for high gene flow over larger geographic areas. As levels of population genetic structure are related to gene flow, we hypothesized that population genetic structuring at the microgeographic level should be negligible, increasing only with geographic distance. To test this, four sites were sampled within a microgeographic scale with two additional samples at the macrogeographic level. Individuals (n=415) were screened and analysed for seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. Contrary to our hypothesis, significant levels of population structuring were detected at both scales. Comparing genetic differentiation with geographic distance suggests increasing genetic isolation with distance. However, this distance effect was non-significant being confounded by surprisingly high levels of differentiation among microgeographic samples. We attribute this pattern of genetic differentiation to the effect of habitat fragmentation, splitting large populations into components with small effective population sizes resulting in enhanced genetic drift. Our results indicate that it is incorrect to assume genetic homogeneity among populations even where there is no evidence of physical barriers and dispersal can occur freely. In the case of A. sylvaticus, it is not clear whether dispersal does not occur across habitat barriers or behavioural dispersal occurs without consequent gene flow.


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A dynamical method for inelastic transport simulations in nanostructures is compared to a steady-state method based on nonequilibrium Green's functions. A simplified form of the dynamical method produces, in the steady state in the weak-coupling limit, effective self-energies analogous to those in the Born approximation due to electron-phonon coupling. The two methods are then compared numerically on a resonant system consisting of a linear trimer weakly embedded between metal electrodes. This system exhibits an enhanced heating at high biases and long phonon equilibration times. Despite the differences in their formulation, the static and dynamical methods capture local current-induced heating and inelastic corrections to the current with good agreement over a wide range of conditions, except in the limit of very high vibrational excitations where differences begin to emerge.


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We investigate the time evolution of entanglement in a process where a mobile particle is scattered by static spins. We show that entanglement increases monotonically during a transient and then saturates to a steady-state value. For a quasimonochromatic mobile particle, the transient time depends only on the group velocity and width of the incoming wave packet and is insensitive to the interaction strength and spin number of the scattering particles. These features do not depend on the interaction model and can be seen in various physical settings.


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We show that homodyne measurements can be used to demonstrate violations of Bell's inequality with Gaussian states, when the local rotations used for these types of tests are implemented using nonlinear unitary operations. We reveal that the local structure of the Gaussian state under scrutiny is crucial in the performance of the test. The effects of finite detection efficiency are thoroughly studied and shown to only mildly affect the revelation of Bell violations. We speculate that our approach may be extended to other applications such as entanglement distillation where local operations are necessary elements besides quantum entanglement.