322 resultados para altered peptide ligands


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Research Question: A20 is an LPS-inducible, cytoplasmic zinc finger protein, that inhibits TLR-activated NF-?B signalling by deubiquitinating TRAF6. A20 action is facilitated by complex formation with RNF11, Itch and TAX1BP1. This study investigates if the expression of A20 is altered in the chronically inflamed Cystic Fibrosis (CF) airway epithelium.

Methods: Nasal epithelial cells from CF patients (F508del homozygous), non-CF controls and immortalised epithelial cells (16HBE14o- and CFBE41o-) were stimulated with LPS. Cytoplasmic expression of A20 and expression of NF-?B subunits was analysed. Formation of the A20 ubiquitin editing complex was also investigated.

Results: In CFBE41o-, peak LPS-induced A20 expression was delayed compared with 16HBE14o- and fell significantly below basal levels 12-24 h after LPS stimulation. This was confirmed in primary CF airway cells. Additionally, a significant inverse relationship between A20 and p65 expression was observed. Inhibitor studies showed that A20 does not undergo proteasomal degradation in CFBE41o-. A20 interacted with TAX1BP1, RNF11 and TRAF6 in 16HBE14o- cells, but these interactions were not observed in CFBE41o-.

Conclusion: he expression of A20 is significantly altered in CF and important interactions with complex members and target proteins are lost, which may contribute to the state of chronic NF-?B-driven inflammation.


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F1F0-ATPase was initially believed to be strictly expressed in the mitochondrial membrane. Interestingly, recent reports have shown that the F1 complex can serve as a cell surface receptor for apparently unrelated ligands. Here, we show for the first time the presence of the F1-ATPase at the cell surface of normal or cancerous colonic epithelial cells. Using Surface Plasmon Resonance technology and mass spectrometry, we identified a peptide hormone product of the gastrin gene (glycine-extended gastrin, G-gly), as a new ligand for the F1-ATPase. By molecular modeling, we identified the motif in the peptide sequence (EE/DxY), which directly interacts with the F1-ATPase and the amino-acids in the F1-ATPase which bind this motif. Replacement of the E9 residue by an alanine in the EE/DxY motif resulted in a strong decrease of G-gly binding to the F1-ATPase and the loss of its biological activity. In addition we demonstrated that F1-ATPase mediates the growth effects of the peptide. Indeed, blocking ATPase activity decreases G-gly-induced cell growth. The mechanism likely involves ADP production by the membrane F1-ATPase which is induced by G-gly. These results suggest an important contribution of cell surface ATPase in the pro-proliferative action of this gastrointestinal peptide.


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Free fatty acid receptors 2 and 3 (FFA2 and FFA3) are G protein-coupled receptors for short chain free fatty acids (SCFAs). They respond to the same set of endogenous ligands but with distinct rank-order of potency, such that acetate (C2) has been described as FFA2 selective while propionate (C3) is non-selective. Although C2 was confirmed to be selective for human FFA2 over FFA3, this ligand was not selective between the mouse orthologs. Moreover, although C3 was indeed not selective between the human orthologs it displayed clear selectivity for mouse FFA3 over mouse FFA2. This altered selectivity to C2 and C3 resulted from broad differences in SCFAs potency at the mouse orthologs. In studies to define the molecular basis for these observations marked variation in ligand-independent, constitutive activity was identified. The orthologs with higher potency for the SCFAs, human FFA2 and mouse FFA3, displayed high constitutive activity while the orthologs with lower potency for the agonist ligands, mouse FFA2 and human FFA3, did not. Sequence alignments of the 2nd extracellular loop identified single negatively charged residues in FFA2 and FFA3 not conserved between species and predicted to form ionic lock interactions with arginine residues within the FFA2 or FFA3 agonist binding pocket to regulate constitutive activity and SCFA potency. Reciprocal mutation of these residues between species orthologs resulted in the induction (or repression) of constitutive activity, and in most cases also yielded corresponding changes in SCFA potency.


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Deficiency of UDP-galactose 4'-epimerase is implicated in type III galactosemia. Two variants, p.K161N-hGALE and p.D175N-hGALE, have been previously found in combination with other alleles in patients with a mild form of the disease. Both variants were studied in vivo and in vitro and showed different levels of impairment. p.K161N-hGALE was severely impaired with substantially reduced enzymatic activity, increased thermal stability, reduced cofactor binding and no ability to rescue the galactose-sensitivity of gal10-null yeast. Interestingly p.K161N-hGALE showed less impairment of activity with UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine in comparison to UDP-galactose. Differential scanning fluorimetry revealed that p.K161N-hGALE was more stable than the wild-type protein and only changed stability in the presence of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and NAD(+). p.D175N-hGALE essentially rescued the galactose-sensitivity of gal10-null yeast, was less stable than the wild-type protein but showed increased stability in the presence of substrates and cofactor. We postulate that p.K161N-hGALE causes its effects by abolishing an important interaction between the protein and the cofactor, whereas p.D175N-hGALE is predicted to remove a stabilizing salt bridge between the ends of two a-helices that contain residues that interact with NAD(+). These results suggest that the cofactor binding is dynamic and that its loss results in significant structural changes that may be important in disease causation.


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PURPOSE: Peptide YY (PYY) is a gastrointestinal hormone with physiological actions regulating appetite and energy homoeostasis. The cellular mechanisms by which nutrients stimulate PYY secretion from intestinal enteroendocrine cells are still being elucidated.

METHODS: This study comprehensively evaluated the suitability of intestinal STC-1 cells as an in vitro model of PYY secretion. PYY concentrations (both intracellular and in culture media) with other intestinal peptides (CCK, GLP-1 and GIP) demonstrated that PYY is a prominent product of STC-1 cells. Furthermore, acute and chronic PYY responses to 15 short (SCFAs)- and long-chain (LCFAs) dietary fatty acids were measured alongside parameters for DNA synthesis, cell viability and cytotoxicity.

RESULTS: We found STC-1 cells to be reliable secretors of PYY constitutively releasing PYY into cell culture media (but not into non-stimulatory buffer). We demonstrate for the first time that STC-1 cells produce PYY mRNA transcripts; that STC-1 cells produce specific time- and concentration-dependent PYY secretory responses to valeric acid; that linoleic acid and conjugated linoleic acid 9,11 (CLA 9,11) are potent PYY secretagogues; and that chronic exposure of SCFAs and LCFAs can be detrimental to STC-1 cells.

CONCLUSIONS: Our studies demonstrate the potential usefulness of STC-1 cells as an in vitro model for investigating nutrient-stimulated PYY secretion in an acute setting. Furthermore, our discovery that CLA directly stimulates L-cells to secrete PYY indicates another possible mechanism contributing to the observed effects of dietary CLA on weight loss.


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A key pathological feature of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) is the abnormal extracellular accumulation of the amyloid-ß (Aß) peptide. Thus, altered Aß degradation could be a major contributor to the development of LOAD. Variants in the gene encoding the Aß-degrading enzyme, angiotensin-1 converting enzyme (ACE) therefore represent plausible candidates for association with LOAD pathology and risk. Following Alzgene meta-analyses of all published case-control studies, the ACE variants rs4291 and rs1800764 showed significant association with LOAD risk. Furthermore ACE haplotypes are associated with both plasma ACE levels and LOAD risk. We tested three ACE variants (rs4291, rs4343, and rs1800764) for association with LOAD in ten Caucasian case-control populations (n = 8,212). No association was found using multiple logistic models (all p > 0.09). We found no population heterogeneity (all p > 0.38) or evidence for association with LOAD risk following meta-analysis of the ten populations for rs4343 (OR = 1.00), rs4291 (OR = 0.97), or rs1800764 (OR = 0.99). Although we found no haplotypic association in our complete dataset (p = 0.51), a significant global haplotypic p-value was observed in one population (p = 0.007) due to an association of the H3 haplotype (OR = 0.72, p = 0.02) and a trend towards an association of H4 (OR = 1.38, p = 0.09) and H7 (OR = 2.07, p = 0.08) although these did not survive Bonferroni correction. Previously reported associations of ACE variants with LOAD will be diminished following this study. At best, ACE variants have modest effect sizes, which are likely part of a complex interaction between genetic, phenotypic and pharmacological effects that would be undetected in traditional case-control studies.


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The molecular structure of a variety of novel mercury-phytochelatin complexes was evidenced in rice plants exposed to inorganic mercury (Hg2+) using RP-HPLC with simultaneous detection via ICP-MS and ES-MS.


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Greylag geese (Anser anser) in the Guadalquivir Marshes (southwestern Spain) can be exposed to sources of inorganic pollution such as heavy metals and arsenic from mining activities or Pb shot used for hunting. We have sampled 270 fecal excreta in different areas of the marshes in 2001 to 2002 to evaluate the exposure to Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn, and As and to determine its relationship with soil ingestion and with the excretion of porphyrins and biliverdin as biomarkers. These effects and the histopathology of liver, kidney, and pancreas were also studied in 50 geese shot in 2002 to 2004. None of the geese had ingested Pb shot in the gizzard. This contrasts with earlier samplings before the ban of Pb shot for waterfowl hunting in 2001 and the removal of Pb shot in points of the Doñana National Park (Spain) in 1999 to 2000. The highest exposure through direct soil ingestion to Pb and other studied elements was observed in samples from Entremuros, the area of the Doñana Natural Park affected by the Aznalcóllar mine spill in 1998. Birds from Entremuros also more frequently showed mononuclear infiltrates in liver and kidney than birds from the unaffected areas, although other more specific lesions of Pb or Zn poisoning were not observed. The excretion of coproporphyrins, especially of the isomer I, was positively related to the fecal As concentration, and the ratio of coproporphyrin III/I was positively related to fecal Pb concentration. Biliary protoporphyrin IX concentration was also slightly related to hepatic Pb concentration. This study reflects biological effects on terrestrial animals by the mining pollution in Doñana that can be monitored with the simple noninvasive sampling of feces.


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FK506 binding protein-like (FKBPL) and its peptide derivatives exert potent anti-angiogenic activity and and control tumour growth in xenograft models, when administered exogenously. However, the role of endogenous FKBPL in angiogenesis is not well characterised. Here we investigated the molecular effects of the endogenous protein and its peptide derivative, AD-01, leading to their anti-migratory activity. Inhibition of secreted FKBPL using a blocking antibody or siRNA-mediated knockdown of FKBPL accelerated the migration of human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1). Furthermore, MDA-MB-231 tumour cells stably overexpressing FKBPL inhibited tumour vascular development suggesting that FKBPL secreted from tumour cells could inhibit angiogenesis. Whilst FKBPL and AD-01 target CD44, the nature of this interaction is not known and here we have further interrogated this aspect. We have demonstrated that FKBPL and AD-01 bind to the CD44 receptor and inhibit tumour cell migration in a CD44 dependant manner; CD44 knockdown abrogated AD-01 binding as well as its anti-migratory activity. Interestingly, FKBPL overexpression and knockdown or treatment with AD-01, regulated CD44 expression, suggesting a co-regulatory pathway for these two proteins. Downstream of CD44, alterations in the actin cytoskeleton, indicated by intense cortical actin staining and a lack of cell spreading and communication were observed following treatment with AD-01, explaining the anti-migratory phenotype. Concomitantly, AD-01 inhibited Rac-1 activity, up-regulated RhoA and the actin binding proteins, profilin and vinculin. Thus the anti-angiogenic protein, FKBPL, and AD-01, offer a promising and alternative approach for targeting both CD44 positive tumours and vasculature networks.


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We identified nine small-molecule hit compounds of Heat shock 70 kDa protein 5 (HSPA5) from cascade in silico screening based on the binding modes of the tetrapeptides derived from the peptide substrate or inhibitors of Escherichia coli HSP70. Two compounds exhibit promising inhibition activities from cancer cell viability and tumor inhibition assays. The binding modes of the hit compounds provide a platform for development of selective small molecule inhibitors of HSPA5. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog, Phyllomedusa sauvagei, has been extensively-studied for many years, and a broad spectrum of bioactive peptides has been found in its skin secretions. Here we report the discovery of a novel tryptophyllin (TPH) peptide, named PsT-1, from this frog species. Skin secretions from specimens of P. sauvagei were collected by mild electrical stimulation. Peptides were identified and characterized by transcriptome cloning, and the structure was confirmed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and automated Edman degradation. This novel peptide was encoded by a single precursor of 61 amino acid residues, whose primary structure was deduced from cloned skin cDNA. Analysis of different amphibian tryptophyllins revealed that PsT-1 exhibited a high degree of primary structural similarity to its homologues, PdT-1 and PdT-2, from the Mexican giant leaf frog, Pachymedusa dacnicolor. A synthetic replicate of PsT-1 was found to inhibit bradykinin-induced vasorelaxation of phenylephrine pre-constricted rat tail artery smooth muscle. It was also found that PsT-1 had an anti-proliferative effect on three different human prostate cancer cell lines (LNCaP/PC3/DU145), by use of an MTT assay coupled with direct cell counting as measures of cell growth. These data indicate that PsT-1 is a likely bradykinin receptor antagonist and its biological effects are probably mediated through bradykinin receptors. As a BK antagonist, PST-1, with antagonistic effects on BK in artery smooth muscle, inhibition of proliferation in prostate cancer cells and lack of undesirable side effects, may have potential in cardiovascular, inflammatory and anticancer therapy.


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Children born very preterm, even with broadly normal IQ, commonly show selective difficulties in visuospatial processing and executive functioning. Very little, however, is known what alterations in cortical processing underlie these deficits. We recorded MEG while eight children born very preterm (=32 weeks gestational age) and eight full-term controls performed a visual short-term memory task at mean age 7.5 years (range 6.4 - 8.4). Previously, we demonstrated increased long-range alpha and beta band phase synchronization between MEG sensors during STM retention in a group of 17 full-term children age 6-10 years. Here we present preliminary evidence that long-range phase synchronization in very preterm children, relative to controls, is reduced in the alpha-band but increased in the theta-band. In addition, we investigated cortical activation during STM retention employing synthetic aperture magnetometry (SAM) beamformer to localize changes in gamma-band power. Preliminary results indicate sequential activation of occipital, parietal and frontal cortex in control children, as well as reduced activation in very preterm children relative to controls. These preliminary results suggest that children born very preterm exhibit altered inter-regional functional connectivity and cortical activation during cognitive processing.


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Children born very preterm, even when intelligence is broadly normal, often experience selective difficulties in executive function and visual-spatial processing. Development of structural cortical connectivity is known to be altered in this group, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) evidence indicates that very preterm children recruit different patterns of functional connectivity between cortical regions during cognition. Synchronization of neural oscillations across brain areas has been proposed as a mechanism for dynamically assigning functional coupling to support perceptual and cognitive processing, but little is known about what role oscillatory synchronization may play in the altered neurocognitive development of very preterm children. To investigate this, we recorded magnetoencephalographic (MEG) activity while 7-8 year old children born very preterm and age-matched full-term controls performed a visual short-term memory task. Very preterm children exhibited reduced long-range synchronization in the alpha-band during visual short-term memory retention, indicating that cortical alpha rhythms may play a critical role in altered patterns functional connectivity expressed by this population during cognitive and perceptual processing. Long-range alpha-band synchronization was also correlated with task performance and visual-perceptual ability within the very preterm group, indicating that altered alpha oscillatory mechanisms mediating transient functional integration between cortical regions may be relevant to selective problems in neurocognitive development in this vulnerable population at school age.