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Animal communication often occurs in communication networks in which multiple signalers and receivers are within signaling range of each other. In such networks, individuals can obtain information on the quality and motivation of territorial neighbors by eavesdropping on their signaling interactions. In songbirds, extracting information from interactions involving neighbors is thought to be an important factor in the evolution of strategies of territory defense. In a playback experiment with radio-tagged nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos we here demonstrate that territorial males use their familiar neighbors' performance in a vocal interaction with an unfamiliar intruder as a standard for their own response. Males were attracted by a vocal interaction between their neighbor and a simulated stranger and intruded into the neighbor's territory. The more intensely the neighbor had interacted with playback, the earlier the intrusions were made, indicating that males eavesdropped on the vocal contest involving a neighbor. However, males never intruded when we had simulated by a second playback that the intruder had retreated and sang outside the neighbor's territory. These results suggest that territorial males use their neighbors' singing behavior as an early warning system when territorial integrity is threatened. Simultaneous responses by neighboring males towards unfamiliar rivals are likely to be beneficial to the individuals in maintaining territorial integrity.


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Seasonal patterns of singing activity of male birds have been thoroughly studied, but little is known about how those patterns vary with time of day. Here, we censused mated and unmated male Nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) at four different hours of the day throughout the breeding cycle. In unmated males, singing activity increased until the young hatched in their neighborhood, and the seasonal variation was similar at each of the four hours of the day. In mated males, however, the seasonal patterns of singing activity differed between hours of the day. In morning (about the hour of egg-laying) and during the dusk chorus, the singing activity of mated males was strongly influenced by the females' reproductive state: singing activity was low before egg-laying and during incubation, but high during the egg-laying period. In the dawn chorus, however, singing activity showed a similar seasonal pattern in mated and unmated males and was high until late stages of the breeding cycle. Our results suggest that the social context influences singing behavior to a varying degree across the season, and that this variation also depends on time of day. The hour of data collection thus is an important but often neglected factor when seasonal changes of singing activity are studied.


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In male birds, the gonadal hormone testosterone (T) is known to influence territorial and mating behaviour. Plasma levels of T show seasonal fluctuations which vary in relation to mating system and social instability. First, we determined the natural T profile of male blue tits Parus caeruleus during the breeding season. We found that plasma levels of T increased at the onset of nest building. Thus, the increase in circulating T was not associated with territory establishment, nor with the fertile period of the males' mates. In most individuals, T levels dropped to values close to zero during the period of chick feeding. Second, we investigated the relationship between plasma levels of T and male age, size, and singing behaviour. During the mating period, T levels did not differ between 1 yr old and older males and did not correlate with body size or condition. However, song output during the dawn chorus tended to be positively correlated with T levels. Therefore, if high T levels are costly, song output might be an honest indicator of male quality in blue tits. Finally, we show that plasma levels of T are significantly higher during the night than during the day. This pattern has also been observed in captive non-passerine birds, but its functional significance remains unknown.


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CO oxidation on PtO2(110) has been studied using density functional theory calculations. Four possible reaction mechanisms were investigated and the most feasible one is the following: (i) the O at the bridge site of PtO2(110) reacts with CO on the coordinatively unsaturated site (CUS) with a negligible barrier; (ii) O-2 adsorbs on the bridge site and then interacts with CO on the CUS to form an OO-CO complex; (iii) the bond of O-OCO breaks to produce CO2 with a small barrier (0.01 eV). The CO oxidation mechanisms on metals and metal oxides are rationalized by a simple model: The O-surface bonding determines the reactivity on surfaces; it also determines whether the atomic or molecular mechanism is preferred. The reactivity on metal oxides is further found to be related to the 3rd ionization energy of the metal atom.


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For many decades it has been assumed that an adsorbate centered above a metal surface and with a net negative charge should increase the work function of the surface. However, despite their electronegativity, N adatoms on W{100} cause a significant work function decrease. Here we present a resolution of this anomaly. Using density functional theory, we demonstrate that while the N atom carries a negative charge, of overriding importance is a reduction in the surface overspill electron density into the vacuum, when that charge is engaged in bonding to the adatom. This novel interpretation is fundamentally important in the general understanding of work function changes induced by atomic adsorbates.


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An attosecond pump-probe scheme that combines the use of a free-electron laser pulse with an ultrashort pulse is applied in order to explore the ultrafast excitation dynamics in Ne. We describe the multielectron dynamics using a new nonperturbative time-dependent R-matrix theory. This theory enables the interaction of ultrashort light fields with multielectron atoms and atomic ions to be determined from first principles. By probing the emission of an inner 2s electron from Ne we are also able to study the bound state population dynamics during the free-electron laser pulse.


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We have investigated the angular variation in elastic x-ray scattering from a dense, laser-shock-compressed aluminum foil. A comparison of the experiment with simulations using an embedded atom potential in a molecular dynamics simulation shows a significantly better agreement than simulations based on an unscreened one-component plasma model. These data illustrate, experimentally, the importance of screening for the dense plasma static structure factor.


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We study the structural effects produced by the quantization of vibrational degrees of freedom in periodic crystals at zero temperature. To this end we introduce a methodology based on mapping a suitable subspace of the vibrational manifold and solving the Schrödinger equation in it. A number of increasingly accurate approximations ranging from the quasiharmonic approximation (QHA) to the vibrational self-consistent field (VSCF) method and the exact solution are described. A thorough analysis of the approximations is presented for model monatomic and hydrogen-bonded chains, and results are presented for a linear H-F chain where the potential-energy surface is obtained via first-principles electronic structure calculations. We focus on quantum nuclear effects on the lattice constant and show that the VSCF is an excellent approximation, meaning that correlation between modes is not extremely important. The QHA is excellent for covalently bonded mildly anharmonic systems, but it fails for hydrogen-bonded ones. In the latter, the zero-point energy exhibits a nonanalytic behavior at the lattice constant where the H atoms center, which leads to a spurious secondary minimum in the quantum-corrected energy curve. An inexpensive anharmonic approximation of noninteracting modes appears to produce rather good results for hydrogen-bonded chains for small system sizes. However, it converges to the incorrect QHA results for increasing size. Isotope effects are studied for the first-principles H-F chain. We show how the lattice constant and the H-F distance increase with decreasing mass and how the QHA proves to be insufficient to reproduce this behavior.


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A stable relativistic ion acceleration regime for thin foils irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulses is suggested. In this regime, the "light-sail" stage of radiation pressure acceleration for ions is smoothly connected with the initial relativistic "hole-boring" stage, and a defined relationship between laser intensity I(0), foil density n(0), and thickness l(0) should be satisfied. For foils with a wide range of n(0), the required I(0) and l(0) for the regime are theoretically estimated and verified with the particle-in-cell code ILLUMINATION. It is shown for the first time by 2D simulations that high-density monoenergetic ion beams with energy above GeV/u and divergence of 10 degrees are produced by circularly polarized lasers at intensities of 10(22) W/cm(2), which are within reach of current laser systems.


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We propose a scheme for the determination of the coupling parameters in a chain of interacting spins. This requires only time-resolved measurements over a single particle, simple data postprocessing and no state initialization or prior knowledge of the state of the chain. The protocol fits well into the context of quantum-dynamics characterization and is efficient even when the spin chain is affected by general dissipative and dephasing channels. We illustrate the performance of the scheme by analyzing explicit examples and discuss possible extensions.


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Background There is considerable interest in developing coitally indepen- dent, sustained release formulations for long-term administration of HIV microbicides. Vaginal ring devices are at the forefront of this formulation strategy. Methods Non-medicated silicone elastomer vaginal rings were prepared having a range of appropriate dimensions for testing vaginal ?t in pig- tailed and Chinese rhesus macaques. Cervicovaginal proin?ammatory markers were evaluated. Compression testing was performed to compare the relative ?exibility of various macaque and commercial human rings. Results All rings remained in place during the study period and no tissue irritation or signi?cant induction of cervicovaginal proin?ammatory mark- ers or signs of physical discomfort were observed during the 8-week study period. Conclusions Qualitative evaluation suggests that the 25 · 5-mm ring pro- vided optimal ?t in both macaque species. Based on the results presented here, low-consistency silicone elastomers do not cause irritation in maca-


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We have performed short-pulse x-ray scattering measurements on laser-driven shock-compressed plastic samples in the warm dense matter regime, providing instantaneous snapshots of the system evolution. Time-resolved and angularly resolved scattered spectra sensitive to the correlation effects in the plasma show the appearance of short-range order within a few interionic separations. Comparison with radiation-hydrodynamic simulations indicates that the shocked plastic is compressed with a temperature of a few electron volts. These results are important for the understanding of the thermodynamic behavior of strongly correlated matter for conditions relevant to both laboratory astrophysics and inertial confinement fusion research.


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We describe an ab initio nonperturbative time-dependent R-matrix theory for ultrafast atomic processes. This theory enables investigations of the interaction of few-femtosecond and -attosecond pulse lasers with complex multielectron atoms and atomic ions. A derivation and analysis of the basic equations are given, which propagate the atomic wave function in the presence of the laser field forward in time in the internal and external R-matrix regions. To verify the accuracy of the approach, we investigate two-photon ionization of Ne irradiated by an intense laser pulse and compare current results with those obtained using the R-matrix Floquet method and an alternative time-dependent method. We also verify the capability of the current approach by applying it to the study of two-dimensional momentum distributions of electrons ejected from Ne due to irradiation by a sequence of 2 as light pulses in the presence of a 780 nm laser field.


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We use the time-dependent R-matrix approach to investigate an ultrashort pump-probe scheme to observe collective electron dynamics in C(+). The ionization probability of a coherent superposition of the 2s2p(2) (2)D and (2)S states shows rapid modulation due to collective dynamics of the two equivalent 2p electrons, with the modulation frequency linked to the dielectronic repulsion. The best insight into this collective dynamics is achieved by a transformation from LS symmetry to the uncoupled basis. Such dynamics may be important in high-harmonic generation using open-shell atoms and ions.