236 resultados para security governance


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The scheduling problem in distributed data-intensive computing environments has become an active research topic due to the tremendous growth in grid and cloud computing environments. As an innovative distributed intelligent paradigm, swarm intelligence provides a novel approach to solving these potentially intractable problems. In this paper, we formulate the scheduling problem for work-flow applications with security constraints in distributed data-intensive computing environments and present a novel security constraint model. Several meta-heuristic adaptations to the particle swarm optimization algorithm are introduced to deal with the formulation of efficient schedules. A variable neighborhood particle swarm optimization algorithm is compared with a multi-start particle swarm optimization and multi-start genetic algorithm. Experimental results illustrate that population based meta-heuristics approaches usually provide a good balance between global exploration and local exploitation and their feasibility and effectiveness for scheduling work-flow applications. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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One of the core elements of successful planning is the individuals’ experience of their shared open spaces. This paper attributes to the relationship between safety and urban design by means of natural surveillance and security in the city’s shared spaces. It examines how political claims over space reassembled alternative definitions of security in one of Cairo’s oldest quarters, and how ambitious planning schemes were mostly driven by problems of insecurity, chaos and disorder. The main crux to this account is based on original documents, interviews and maps which reveals considerable insights and accounts of how this vision affected the quarter’s spatial quality and the user’s reactions to his new spatial formula. It also reveals conflicting conceptions of safety and security between the planning ambitions and the users experiences, which not only lacked reliable visions for securing the quarter, but also resulted further disruption to their everyday living spaces.


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Mineral prospecting and raising finance for ‘junior’ mining firms has historically been regarded as a speculative activity. For the regulators of securities markets upon which ‘junior’ mining companies seek to raise capital, a perennial problem has been handling not only the indeterminacy of scientific claims, but also the social basis of epistemic practices. This paper examines the production of a system of public warrant and associated knowledge practices intended to enable investors to differentiate between ‘destructive’ and ‘productive’ varieties of financial speculation. It traces the use of the notion of ‘disclosure’ in constructing and legitimizing the ‘juniors’ market in Canada. It argues that though the work of ‘economics’ may be necessary in the construction of markets, it is by no means sufficient. Attention must also be given to the ways in which legal models of ‘the free-market’ can be translated and constantly re-worked across the sites and spaces of regulatory practice, animating the geographies of markets.


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The increased complexity and interconnectivity of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems in the Smart Grid has exposed them to a wide range of cyber-security issues, and there are a multitude of potential access points for cyber attackers. This paper presents a SCADA-specific cyber-security test-bed which contains SCADA software and communication infrastructure. This test-bed is used to investigate an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing based man-in-the-middle attack. Finally, the paper proposes a future work plan which focuses on applying intrusion detection and prevention technology to address cyber-security issues in SCADA systems.


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Greater complexity and interconnectivity across systems embracing Smart Grid technologies has meant that cyber-security issues have attracted significant attention. This paper describes pertinent cyber-security requirements, in particular cyber attacks and countermeasures which are critical for reliable Smart Grid operation. Relevant published literature is presented for critical aspects of Smart Grid cyber-security, such as vulnerability, interdependency, simulation, and standards. Furthermore, a preliminary study case is given which demonstrates the impact of a cyber attack which violates the integrity of data on the load management of real power system. Finally, the paper proposes future work plan which focuses on applying intrusion detection and prevention technology to address cyber-security issues. This paper also provides an overview of Smart Grid cyber-security with reference to related cross-disciplinary research topics.


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Synchrophasor systems will play a crucial role in next generation Smart Grid monitoring, protection and control. However these systems also introduce a multitude of potential vulnerabilities from malicious and inadvertent attacks, which may render erroneous operation or severe damage. This paper proposes a Synchrophasor Specific Intrusion Detection System (SSIDS) for malicious cyber attack and unintended misuse. The SSIDS comprises a heterogeneous whitelist and behavior-based approach to detect known attack types and unknown and so-called ‘zero-day’ vulnerabilities and attacks. The paper describes reconnaissance, Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) and Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack types executed against a practical synchrophasor system which are used to validate the real-time effectiveness of the proposed SSIDS cyber detection method.


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The production of reports and the distribution of information have become integral to the operation of many non-governmental organizations. In this regard, the fact that the all-women organization of Checkpoint Watch publishes reports about the Israeli checkpoints in the occupied West Bank seems to comply with current trends. However, the reports—most of which are short repetitive descriptions of the banality and everydayness of the military checkpoints, counting the number of people and cars waiting, commenting on the manner in which the checks are performed and meticulously documenting what mostly amounts to minor incidents of humiliation and distress—do not seem to abide by any convention of reporting. This work analyzes the reporting praxis of the organization and claims that it should be understood as a form of activism in and of itself. Tracking the ways in which the reports address the Israeli public through the concept of parrhesia, the work suggests that this form of reporting enables the women activists to use their gendered marginality to make their way into the highly masculinized and militarized Israeli security discourse.


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Going beyond the association between youth exposure to political violence and psychopathology, the current article examines within-person change in youth strength of identity with their ethno-political group and youth reports of the insecurity in their communities. Conceptually related but growing out of different paradigms, both group identity and emotional insecurity have been examined as key variables impacting youth responses to threats from other group members. The goal of the current study is to review previous studies examining these two key variables and to contribute new analyses, modeling within-person change in both variables and examining covariation in their growth. The current article uses data from 823 Belfast adolescents over 4 years. The results suggest youth are changing linearly over age in both constructs and that there are ethno-political group differences in how youth are changing. The results also indicate that change in insecurity is related to strength of identity at age 18, and strength of identity and emotional insecurity are related at age 18. Implications and directions for future work in the area of youth and political violence are discussed. © 2014 American Psychological Association.


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Il lavoro ha ad oggetto gli strumenti di programmazione e controllo utilizzabili dagli enti locali ai fini della governance sulle proprie aziende di gestione dei servizi pubblici, alla luce delle riforme che hanno interessato sia il settore considerato, sia i sistemi informativo-contabili delle amministrazioni territoriali. Viene effettuata una proposta, anche in base allo studio della Legge, della dottrina economico aziendale e degli esiti di una ricerca che ha coinvolto i comuni capoluogo di Emilia Romagna e Toscana, per identificare un cruscotto informativo unico che coniughi esigenze informative degli enti locali, semplicità di utilizzo e rispetto della normativa attuale.


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Lo scopo del presente lavoro è delineare un nuovo modello inerente l'organizzazione, i processi e gli strumenti di programmazione e controllo a supporto della governance degli enti locali sulle loro aziende di gestione dei servizi pubblici, con particolare attenzione per la variabile strumentale. E' stata adottata una metodologia mista, deduttivo-induttiva. Nella fase deduttiva è stata analizzata la normativa italiana nonché la dottrina economico aziendale nazionale ed internazionale in tema di gestione dei servizi pubblici locali: in tal modo è stato estrapolato un modello normativo-dottrinale inerente l'organizzazione, i processi e gli strumenti di programmazione e controllo a supporto della governance degli enti locali sulle loro aziende di gestione dei servizi pubblici. Nella fase induttiva è stata realizzata un'indagine empirica che ha coinvolto i comuni capoluogo di Emilia-Romagna e Toscana, in modo tale da testare il livello di utilizzo del modello normativo-dottrinale precedentemente estrapolato Nella fase di feedback sono stati delineati i punti di forza e di debolezza del succitato modello emergenti dalla ricerca. Si è così cercato di proporre un nuovo modello, con particolare attenzione per la variabile strumentale, in grado di porre rimedio ai punti di debolezza e di potenziare i punti di forza del modello normativo-dottrinale.


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Il tema dei servizi pubblici locali è sicuramente centrale nell'attuale contesto socio-economico nazionale ed internazionale, in quanto essi hanno un impatto determinante sulle condizioni di vita dei cittadini e sulla competitività dei sistemi economici. In ragione di ciò, negli ultimi anni in Italia numerose riforme si sono susseguite, con lo scopo di individuare l'assetto più efficace ed efficiente per tale settore. Le suddette riforme hanno così ridisegnato il ruolo degli Enti Locali, che saranno sempre meno gestori diretti e sempre più direttori di una multiforme orchestra composta dalle aziende esterne chiamate a fornire in prima persona le prestazioni agli utenti finali. Il presente lavoro si propone di individuare, anche attraverso una ricerca sui Comuni capoluogo di Emilia-Romagna e Toscana, strumenti di programmazione e controllo in ottica di gruppo che consentano agli Enti Locali di svolgere questo nuovo delicato ruolo. Tali strumenti verranno disegnati sulla base delle necessità informative delle amministrazioni indagate e nel rispetto delle più recenti riforme in tema di programmazione, rilevazione, gestione, controllo, valutazione e comunicazione delle performance pubbliche.