266 resultados para IL-23R-GFP reporter mouse


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Il presente lavoro intende individuare le possibili configurazioni di Piano della Performance (PdP) utilizzabili dagli enti locali, provvedendo poi a delineare il livello di distribuzione e di allineamento dei PdP 2011-2013 dei Comuni medi e grandi rispetto alle suddette configurazioni. Inoltre, verrà valutato, tramite una griglia predisposta dagli autori, il livello di adeguatezza programmatica dei Piani della Performance dei Comuni medi e grandi, al fine di confermare le configurazioni esistenti o di proporne una nuova in caso di inadeguatezza delle prime.


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Il D.Lgs. 150/09 ha inteso dar vita ad una “riforma organica” della PA italiana, improntandone il funzionamento a logiche di programmazione e controllo delle performance. Attorno a tale concetto la riforma ha costruito un Sistema teso a programmare, misurare, controllare, valutare e comunicare la performance degli enti. Il lavoro si focalizza sulla programmazione, e in particolare sullo strumento cardine introdotto dal D.Lgs. 150/09: il Piano della Performance (PdP). Il contributo, basato su una metodologia deduttivo-induttiva, si concentra sui comuni medi italiani, scelti in quanto statisticamente rappresentativi del livello medio di complessità degli enti locali. Sono stati oggetto di indagine i PdP pubblicati sui siti istituzionali degli enti considerati, al fine di verificarne sia il livello di aderenza alle Linee Guida (LG) emanate dalla Commissione Indipendente per la Valutazione, la Trasparenza e l’Integrità delle amministrazioni pubbliche (CIVIT) e dalla Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani (ANCI), sia il loro livello di adeguatezza economico-aziendale. Preliminarmente si indagherà il tema della programmazione, sotto il profilo normativo-dottrinale, concentrandosi su soggetti, processi e strumenti. Poi si sposterà il focus sul PdP: dopo aver definito obiettivi, quesiti e metodologia della ricerca, verranno esplicitate le configurazioni di PdP emergenti dalle LG CIVIT e ANCI. Verranno poi illustrati i risultati della ricerca empirica, mettendo in luce il livello di allineamento dei PdP dei comuni medi alle LG, nonché il livello di adeguatezza economico-aziendale degli stessi. Si tratteggeranno quindi alcune brevi conclusioni.


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In un'epoca di risorse scarse e di crescente disaffezione verso la politica, l'azione degli enti locali ha un impatto sempre più rilevante sulla qualità della vita del cittadino. A tal fine, l'adozione di sistemi di programmazione e controllo, supportati da idonei strumenti, diviene essenziale per il perseguimento dell'efficienza e dell'efficacia e dunque per riconquistare la fiducia del cittadino stesso. Il volume, sulla base di un'analisi della normativa (dai primi anni Novanta fino al DL 174/2012 e s.m.i.) e della letteratura nazionale ed internazionale in tema di performance measurement, identifica un Modello ottimale (Modello PerformEL) per la redazione di due documenti che possono avere un ruolo centrale nel sistema di programmazione e controllo locale: il Piano e la Relazione sulla Performance. La capacità informativa di questi ultimi è testata tramite un'indagine empirica che ha coinvolto i comuni con almeno 50.000 abitanti, comparando struttura, forma e contenuti di tali documenti con quelli ritenuti ottimali e quindi inseriti nel Modello. Sulla base dei risultati dell'indagine, che mostrano una diffusa inadeguatezza informativa degli strumenti analizzati, viene proposto un percorso evolutivo per la graduale realizzazione di documenti di programmazione e controllo che, al di là della loro 'etichetta formale' (Piano della Performance piuttosto che Piano Esecutivo di Gestione, Relazione sulla Performance o Report dei Controlli interni) permetta di semplificare l'architettura informativa dell'ente locale (nel rispetto del DL 174/2012) e parimenti di trasformare i molteplici inutili adempimenti in utili documenti di performance measurement.


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Il tema del ruolo della contabilità nella Chiesa, con particolare riferimento al legame esistente tra contabilità e valori religiosi, non appare ad oggi sufficientemente studiato, soprattutto se si considera l’importanza economica e sociale di tale istituzione nel passato e nel presente. Il lavoro intende contribuire a tale indagine analizzando la realtà della Diocesi di Ferrara del XV secolo. Il Quattrocento rappresenta per la Chiesa italiana un’epoca di grande importanza, in quanto caratterizzato da un tentativo di riforma promosso da Papa Eugenio IV, volto a combattere la dilagante corruzione morale all’interno del clero e a riportare quest’ultimo alla sua funzione pastorale. L’appello pontificio venne accolto con particolare attenzione da due vescovi ferraresi, Giovanni Tavelli da Tossignano e Francesco Dal Legname, che attraverso le loro visite pastorali cercarono di divulgare i valori della riforma nella propria Diocesi. La promozione della nuova moralità, nell’esperienza ferrarese, era basata anche sulla diffusione degli strumenti contabili, mezzo essenziale per mettere in luce l’operato dei diversi membri del clero ed in particolare l’utilizzo da parte loro dei beni della Chiesa. Attraverso lo studio di documenti originali del XV secolo, scritti in lingua latina, il contributo si propone di mettere in luce come la contabilità possa assumere un ruolo complementare alla promozione dei valori religiosi.


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Animals can call on a multitude of sensory information to orient and navigate. In some cases they may calibrate these cues against each other to establish the most accurate information available. One such cue is the pattern of polarized light in the sky, which may be used as a geographical reference to calibrate other cues in the compass mechanism. Mammals, however, have not been shown to use this cue, even though they do calibrate a magnetic compass with sunset. In this paper we demonstrate that bats use polarization cues at sunset to calibrate a magnetic compass, subsequently used for orientation during a homing experiment. It is thus the only mammal known so far to make use of the polarization pattern in the sky. This is an intriguing finding as currently there is no clear understanding of how this cue is perceived in this taxon and has general implications for the sensory biology of mammalian vision.


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Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are compounds known to interfere with the endocrine system by disturbing the action or pathways of natural hormones which may lead to infertility or cancer.Our diet is considered to be one of the main exposure routes to EDs. Since milk and dairy products are major components of our diet they should be monitored for ED contamination. Most assays developed to date utilise targeted, chromatography based methods which lack information on the biological activity and mixture effects of the monitored compounds.A biological reporter gene assay (RGA) was developed to assess the total estrogen hormonal load in milk. It has been validated according to EU decision 2002/657/EC. Analytes were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction with acetonitrile followed by clean up on a HLB column which yielded good recovery and small matrix effects. The method has been shown to be estrogen specific, repeatable and reproducible, with covariance values below 20%. In conclusion, this method enables the detection of low levels of estrogen hormonal activity in milk with a detection capability of 36pgg EEQ and has been successfully applied in testing a range of milk samples. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Retinal neurodegeneration is a key component of diabetic retinopathy (DR), although the detailed neuronal damage remains ill-defined. Recent evidence suggests that in addition to amacrine and ganglion cell, diabetes may also impact on other retinal neurons. In this study, we examined retinal degenerative changes in Ins2Akita diabetic mice. In scotopic electroretinograms (ERG), b-wave and oscillatory potentials were severely impaired in 9-month old Ins2Akita mice. Despite no obvious pathology in fundoscopic examination, optical coherence tomography (OCT) revealed a progressive thinning of the retina from 3 months onwards. Cone but not rod photoreceptor loss was observed in 3-month-old diabetic mice. Severe impairment of synaptic connectivity at the outer plexiform layer (OPL) was detected in 9-month old Ins2Akita mice. Specifically, photoreceptor presynaptic ribbons were reduced by 25% and postsynaptic boutons by 70%, although the density of horizontal, rod- and cone-bipolar cells remained similar to non-diabetic controls. Significant reductions in GABAergic and glycinergic amacrine cells and Brn3a+ retinal ganglion cells were also observed in 9-month old Ins2Akita mice. In conclusion, the Ins2Akita mouse develops cone photoreceptor degeneration and the impairment of synaptic connectivity at the OPL, predominately resulting from the loss of postsynaptic terminal boutons. Our findings suggest that the Ins2Akita mouse is a good model to study diabetic retinal neuropathy.


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Interleukin (IL)-33 is associated with several important immune-mediated disorders. However, its role in uveitis, an important eye inflammatory disease, is unknown. Here we investigated the function of IL-33 in the development of experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU). IL-33 and IL-33 receptor (ST2) were expressed in murine retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in culture, and IL-33 increased the expression of Il33 and Mcp1 mRNA in RPE cells. In situ, IL-33 was highly expressed in the inner nuclear cells of the retina of naïve mice, and its expression was elevated in EAU mice. ST2-deficient mice developed exacerbated EAU compared with WT mice, and administration of IL-33 to WT mice significantly reduced EAU severity. The attenuated EAU in IL-33-treated mice was accompanied by decreased frequency of IFN-γ(+) and IL-17(+) CD4(+) T cells and reduced IFN-γ and IL-17 production but with increased frequency of IL-5(+) and IL-4(+) CD4 T cells and IL-5 production in the draining lymph node and spleen. Macrophages from the IL-33-treated mice show a significantly higher polarization towards an alternatively-activated macrophage (M2) phenotype. Our results therefore demonstrate that the endogenous IL-33/ST2 pathway plays an important role in EAU, and suggest that IL-33 represents a potential option for treatment of uveitis.


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The present study assessed whether increased fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake reduced the concentrations of the inflammatory marker serum amyloid A (SAA) in serum, HDL2 and HDL3 and whether the latter reduction influenced any of the functional properties of these HDL subfractions. The present study utilised samples from two previous studies: (1) the FAVRIT (Fruit and Vegetable Randomised Intervention Trial) study - hypertensive subjects (systolic blood pressure (BP) range 140-190 mmHg; diastolic BP range 90-110 mmHg) were randomised to receive a 1-, 3- or 6-portion F&V/d intervention for 8 weeks, and (2) the ADIT (Ageing and Dietary Intervention Trial) study - older subjects (65-85 years) were randomised to receive a 2- or 5-portion F&V/d intervention for 16 weeks. HDL2 and HDL3 were isolated by rapid ultracentrifugation. Measurements included the following: serum high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) by an immunoturbidimetric assay; serum IL-6 and E-selectin and serum-, HDL2- and HDL3-SAA by ELISA procedures; serum-, HDL2- and HDL3-cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) activity by a fluorometric assay. Although the concentrations of hsCRP, IL-6 and E-selectin were unaffected by increasing F&V intake in both studies (P>0·05 for all comparisons), those of SAA in HDL3 decreased in the FAVRIT cohort (P= 0·049) and those in HDL2 and HDL3 decreased in the ADIT cohort (P= 0·035 and 0·032), which was accompanied by a decrease in the activity of CETP in HDL3 in the FAVRIT cohort (P= 0·010) and in HDL2 in the ADIT cohort (P= 0·030). These results indicate that SAA responds to increased F&V intake, while other inflammatory markers remain unresponsive, and this leads to changes in HDL2 and HDL3, which may influence their antiatherogenic potential. Overall, the present study provides tangible evidence of the effectiveness of increased F&V intake, which may be of use to health policy makers and the general public.


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Despite ethical and technical concerns, the in vivo method, or more commonly referred to mouse bioassay (MBA), is employed globally as a reference method for phycotoxin analysis in shellfish. This is particularly the case for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) and emerging toxin monitoring. A high-performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC-FLD) has been developed for PSP toxin analysis, but due to difficulties and limitations in the method, this procedure has not been fully implemented as a replacement. Detection of the diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins has moved towards LC-mass spectrometry (MS) analysis, whereas the analysis of the amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxin domoic acid is performed by HPLC. Although alternative methods of detection to the MBA have been described, each procedure is specific for a particular toxin and its analogues, with each group of toxins requiring separate analysis utilising different extraction procedures and analytical equipment. In addition, consideration towards the detection of unregulated and emerging toxins on the replacement of the MBA must be given. The ideal scenario for the monitoring of phycotoxins in shellfish and seafood would be to evolve to multiple toxin detection on a single bioanalytical sensing platform, i.e. 'an artificial mouse'. Immunologically based techniques and in particular surface plasmon resonance technology have been shown as a highly promising bioanalytical tool offering rapid, real-time detection requiring minimal quantities of toxin standards. A Biacore Q and a prototype multiplex SPR biosensor have been evaluated for their ability to be fit for purpose for the simultaneous detection of key regulated phycotoxin groups and the emerging toxin palytoxin. Deemed more applicable due to the separate flow channels, the prototype performance for domoic acid, okadaic acid, saxitoxin, and palytoxin calibration curves in shellfish achieved detection limits (IC20) of 4,000, 36, 144 and 46 μg/kg of mussel, respectively. A one-step extraction procedure demonstrated recoveries greater than 80 % for all toxins. For validation of the method at the 95 % confidence limit, the decision limits (CCα) determined from an extracted matrix curve were calculated to be 450, 36 and 24 μg/kg, and the detection capability (CCβ) as a screening method is ≤10 mg/kg, ≤160 μg/kg and ≤400 μg/kg for domoic acid, okadaic acid and saxitoxin, respectively.