246 resultados para Christian poetry, American.


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Review of Ecopoetics: The Language of Nature, The Nature of Language by Scott Knickerbocker Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2012. Pp. x + 203.


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The group known as the Ocho Poetas Mexicanos were marginalised in post-revolutionary literary circles and remain largely forgotten by literary history because they were dismissed as Catholic authors by a literary establishment which favoured nation-building literature at a time when Catholicism was excluded from official constructions of nationhood. This article draws attention to the significant contribution made by group members to contemporary cultural life and re-evaluates the work they published in the 1955 anthology which announced their arrival onto the literary scene. An analysis of this collection demonstrates that there was scant justification for labelling the group as Catholic poets and suggests that they are best understood with reference to the “universal” strand of Mexican literature and as heirs to groups such as the Contemporáneos. The treatment of the Ocho Poetas provides important evidence of the way in which Catholic authors were marginalised in mid-twentieth century Mexico, even if they did not express religious beliefs in their work, and draws attention to the non-literary criteria which can come into play when evaluating texts.


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ABSTRACT BODY: To resolve outstanding questions on heating of coronal loops, we study intensity fluctuations in inter-moss portions of active region core loops as observed with AIA/SDO. The 94Å fluctuations (Figure 1) have structure on timescales shorter than radiative and conductive cooling times. Each of several strong 94Å brightenings is followed after ~8 min by a broader peak in the cooler 335Å emission. This indicates that we see emission from the hot component of the 94Å contribution function. No hotter contributions appear, and we conclude that the 94Å intensity can be used as a proxy for energy injection into the loop plasma. The probability density function of the observed 94Å intensity has 'heavy tails' that approach zero more slowly than the tails of a normal distribution. Hence, large fluctuations dominate the behavior of the system. The resulting 'intermittence' is associated with power-law or exponential scaling of the related variables, and these in turn are associated with turbulent phenomena. The intensity plots in Figure 1 resemble multifractal time series, which are common to various forms of turbulent energy dissipation. In these systems a single fractal dimension is insufficient to describe the dynamics and instead there is a spectrum of fractal dimensions that quantify the self-similar properties. Figure 2 shows the multifractal spectrum from our data to be invariant over timescales from 24 s to 6.4 min. We compare these results to outputs from theoretical energy dissipation models based on MHD turbulence, and in some cases we find substantial agreement, in terms of intermittence, multifractality and scale invariance. Figure 1. Time traces of 94A intensity in the inter-moss portions of four AR core loops. Figure 2. Multifractal spectra showing timescale invariance. The four cases of Figure 1 are included.


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Evidence has accumulated of high temperature (> 4 MK) coronal emission in active region cores that corresponds to structures in equilibrium. Other studies have found evidence of evolving loops. We investigate the EUV intensity and temperature variations of short coronal loops observed in the core of NOAA Active Region 11250 on 13 July 2011. The loops, which run directly between the AR opposite polarities, are first detectable in the 94Å band of Fe XVIII, implying an effective temperature ~ 7 MK. The low temperature component of the 94 Å signal is modeled in terms of a linear superposition of the 193 Å and 171 Å signals in order to separate the hot component. After identifying the loops we have used contemporaneous HMI observations to identify the corresponding inter-moss regions, and we have investigated their time evolution in six AIA EUV channels. The results can be separated into two classes. Group 1 (94Å, 335Å, 211Å) is characterized by hotter temperatures (~2-7 MK), and Group 2 (193Å, 171Å, 131Å) by cooler temperatures (0.4 - 1.6 MK). For Group 1 the intensity peaks in the 94Å channel are followed by maxima in the 335 Å channel with a time lag of ~8 min, suggestive of a cooling pattern with an exponential decay. While the 211Å maxima follow those in the 335 Å channel, there is no systematic relation which would indicate a progressive cooling process through the lower temperatures, as has been observed in other investigations. In Group 2 the signals in the 171 and 131Å channels track each other closely, and lag behind the 193Å. In the inter-moss region of the loop the peak temperature and peak emission measure have opposite trends. The hot 94Å brightenings occur in the central part of the loops with maximum temperatures ~7 MK. Subsequently the loops appear to fill with plasma with an emission measure compatible with the 193 Å signal and temperature in the range ~ 1.5-2 MK. Although the exact details of the time evolution are still under investigation, these non static loops show high levels of intermittency in the 94Å signal (please see poster "Intermittent and Scale-Invariant Intensity Fluctuations in Hot Coronal Loops," by Lawrence et al. in this session).


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Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) is unique in that it is a dynamically new comet derived from the Oort cloud reservoir of comets with a sun-grazing orbit. Infrared (IR) and visible wavelength observing campaigns were planned on NASA's Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and on National Solar Observatory Dunn (DST) and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes, respectively. We highlight our early results. SOFIA (+FORCAST [1]) mid- to far-IR images and spectroscopy (~5-35 μm) of the dust in the coma of ISON are to be obtained by the ISON-SOFIA Team during a flight window 2013 Oct 21-23 UT (r_h≈1.18 AU). Dust characteristics, identified through the 10 μm silicate emission feature and its strength [2], as well as spectral features from cometary crystalline silicates (Forsterite) at 11.05-11.2 μm, and near 16, 19, 23.5, 27.5, and 33 μm are compared with other Oort cloud comets that span the range of small and/or highly porous grains (e.g., C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) [3,4,5] and C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) [6]) to large and/or compact grains (e.g., C/2007 N4 (Lulin) [7] and C/2006 P1 (McNaught) [8]). Measurement of the crystalline peaks in contrast to the broad 10 and 20 μm amorphous silicate features yields the cometary silicate crystalline mass fraction [9], which is a benchmark for radial transport in our protoplanetary disk [10]. The central wavelength positions, relative intensities, and feature asymmetries for the crystalline peaks may constrain the shapes of the crystals [11]. Only SOFIA can look for cometary organics in the 5-8 μm region. Spatially resolved measurements of atoms and simple molecules from when comet ISON is near the Sun (r_h<0.4 AU, near Nov-20--Dec-03 UT) were proposed for by the ISON-DST Team. Comet ISON is the first comet since comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f) [12,13] suitable for studying the alkalai metals Na and K and the atoms specifically attributed to dust grains including Mg, Si, Fe, as well as Ca. DST's Horizontal Grating Spectrometer (HGS) measures 4 settings: Na I, K, C2 to sample cometary organics (along with Mg I), and [O I] as a proxy for activity from water [14] (along with Si I and Fe I). State-of-the-art instruments that will also be employed include IBIS [15], which is a Fabry-Perot spectral imaging system that concurrently measures lines of Na, K, Ca II, or Fe, and ROSA (CSUN/QUB) [16], which is a rapid imager that simultaneously monitors Ca II or CN. From McMath-Pierce, the Solar-Stellar Spectrograph also will target ISON (320-900 nm, R~21,000, r_h


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We study properties of intensity fluctuations in NOAA Active Region 11250 observed on 13 July 2011 starting at UT 13:32. Included are data obtained in the EUV bands of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO/AIA) as well as nearly simultaneous observations of the chromosphere made, at much higher spatial and temporal resolution, with the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) and Hydrogen-Alpha Rapid Dynamics camera (HARDcam) systems at the Dunn Solar Telescope. A complex structure seen in both the ROSA/HARDcam and SDO data sets comprises a system of loops extending outward from near the boundary of the leading sunspot umbra. It is visible in the ROSA Ca II K and HARDcam Hα images, as well as the SDO 304 Å, 171 Å and 193 Å channels, and it thus couples the chromosphere, transition region and corona. In the ground-based images the loop structure is 4.1 Mm long. Some 17.5 Mm, can be traced in the SDO/AIA data. The chromospheric emissions observed by ROSA and HARDcam appear to occupy the inner, and apparently cooler and lower, quarter of the loop. We compare the intensity fluctuations of two points within the structure. From alignment with SDO/HMI images we identify a point "A" near the loop structure, which sits directly above a bipolar magnetic feature in the photosphere. Point "B" is characteristic of locations within the loops that are visible in both the ROSA/HARDcam and the SDO/AIA data. The intensity traces for point A are quiet during the first part of the data string. At time ~ 19 min they suddenly begin a series of impulsive brightenings. In the 171 Å and 193 Å coronal lines the brightenings are localized impulses in time, but in the transition region line at 304 Å they are more extended in time. The intensity traces in the 304 Å line for point B shows a quasi-periodic signal that changes properties at about 19 min. The wavelet power spectra are characterized by two periodicities. A 6.7 min period extends from the beginning of the series until about 25 minutes, and another signal with period ~3 min starts at about 20 min. The 193 Å power spectrum has a characteristic period of 5 min, before the 20 min transition and a 2.5 min periodicity afterward. In the case of HARDcam Hα data a localized 4 min periodicity can be found until about 7 min, followed by a quiet regime. After ~20 min a 2.3 min periodicity appears. Interestingly a coronal loop visible in the 94 Å line that is centrally located in the AR, running from the leading umbra to the following polarity, at about time 20 min undergoes a strong brightening beginning at the same moment all along 15 Mm of its length. The fact that these different signals all experience a clear-cut change at time about 20 min suggests an underlying organizing mechanism. Given that point A has a direct connection to the photospheric magnetic bipole, we conjecture that the whole extended structure is connected in a complex manner to the underlying magnetic field. The periodicities in these features may favor the wave nature rather than upflows and interpretations will be discussed.


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High-frequency fluctuations are observed with the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) instrument (Jess et al. 2010, Solar Phys, 261, 363) at the Dunn Solar Telescope. This can produce simultaneous observations in up to six channels, at different heights in the photosphere and chromosphere, at an unprecedentedly high cadence of 0.5 seconds, and at a spatial resolution of 100 km after photometrically correct speckle reconstruction. Here we concentrate on observations at two levels. The first is in the G-band of the CH radical at 4305.5Å, bandpass 9.2Å, with height of formation z <250 km at a cadence of 0.525 sec corresponding to Nyquist frequency 950 mHz. The second is in the Ca II K-line core at 3933.7Å, bandpass 1.0Å, with height of formation z <1300 km, and cadence 4.2 sec giving Nyquist frequency 120 mHz. The data span 53 min, and the maximum field of view is 45 Mm. The data were taken on 28 May 2009 in internetwork and network near disk center. Using both Fourier and Morlet wavelet methods we find evidence in the G-band spectra for intensity fluctuations above noise out to frequencies f >> 100 mHz. The K-line signal is noisier and is seen only for f <50 mHz. With wavelet techniques we find that G-band spectral power with 20 <f <100 mHz is clearly concentrated in the intergranular lanes and especially at the locations of magnetic elements indicated by G-band bright points. This wavelet power is highly intermittent in time. By cross-correlating the data we find that pulses of high-frequency G-band power in the photosphere tend to be followed by increases in K-line emission in the chromosphere with a time lag of about 2 min.