209 resultados para traduzione, terminologia, documentazione, normazione, gost, gost r, iso, uni, additivi alimentari, coloranti azoici, sicurezza alimentare, ue, russo, italiano, uee, import export, etichettatura, regolamento, norma


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The end of Dennard scaling has promoted low power consumption into a firstorder concern for computing systems. However, conventional power conservation schemes such as voltage and frequency scaling are reaching their limits when used in performance-constrained environments. New technologies are required to break the power wall while sustaining performance on future processors. Low-power embedded processors and near-threshold voltage computing (NTVC) have been proposed as viable solutions to tackle the power wall in future computing systems. Unfortunately, these technologies may also compromise per-core performance and, in the case of NTVC, xreliability. These limitations would make them unsuitable for HPC systems and datacenters. In order to demonstrate that emerging low-power processing technologies can effectively replace conventional technologies, this study relies on ARM’s big.LITTLE processors as both an actual and emulation platform, and state-of-the-art implementations of the CG solver. For NTVC in particular, the paper describes how efficient algorithm-based fault tolerance schemes preserve the power and energy benefits of very low voltage operation.


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WHIRLBOB, also known as STRIBOBr2, is an AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) algorithm derived from STRIBOBr1 and the Whirlpool hash algorithm. WHIRLBOB/STRIBOBr2 is a second round candidate in the CAESAR competition. As with STRIBOBr1, the reduced-size Sponge design has a strong provable security link with a standardized hash algorithm. The new design utilizes only the LPS or ρ component of Whirlpool in flexibly domain-separated BLNK Sponge mode. The number of rounds is increased from 10 to 12 as a countermeasure against Rebound Distinguishing attacks. The 8 ×8 - bit S-Box used by Whirlpool and WHIRLBOB is constructed from 4 ×4 - bit “MiniBoxes”. We report on fast constant-time Intel SSSE3 and ARM NEON SIMD WHIRLBOB implementations that keep full miniboxes in registers and access them via SIMD shuffles. This is an efficient countermeasure against AES-style cache timing side-channel attacks. Another main advantage of WHIRLBOB over STRIBOBr1 (and most other AEADs) is its greatly reduced implementation footprint on lightweight platforms. On many lower-end microcontrollers the total software footprint of π+BLNK = WHIRLBOB AEAD is less than half a kilobyte. We also report an FPGA implementation that requires 4,946 logic units for a single round of WHIRLBOB, which compares favorably to 7,972 required for Keccak / Keyak on the same target platform. The relatively small S-Box gate count also enables efficient 64-bit bitsliced straight-line implementations. We finally present some discussion and analysis on the relationships between WHIRLBOB, Whirlpool, the Russian GOST Streebog hash, and the recent draft Russian Encryption Standard Kuznyechik.


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This paper presents the results of a full-scale site fire test performed on a cold-formed steel portal frame building with semi-rigid joints. The purpose of the study is to establish a performance-based approach for the design of such structures in fire boundary conditions. In the full-scale site fire test, the building collapsed asymmetrically at a temperature of 714°C. A non-linear elasto-plastic finite-element shell model is described and is validated against the results of the full-scale test. A parametric study is presented that highlights the importance of in-plane restraint from the side rails in preventing an outwards sway failure for both a single portal and full building geometry model. The study also demonstrates that the semi-rigidity of the joints should be taken into account in the design. The single portal and full building geometry models display a close match to site test results with failure at 682°C and 704°C, respectively. A design case is described in accordance with Steel Construction Institute design recommendations. The validated single portal model is tested with pinned bases, columns protected, realistic loading and rafters subject to symmetric uniform heating in accordance with the ISO 834 standard fire curve; failure occurs at 703°C.


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AIM: In view of the increased rates of pre-eclampsia observed in diabetic pregnancy and the lack of ex vivo data on placental biomarkers of oxidative stress in T1 diabetic pregnancy, the aim of the current investigation was to examine placental antioxidant enzyme status and lipid peroxidation in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. A further objective of the study was to investigate the putative impact of vitamin C and E supplementation on antioxidant enzyme activity and lipid peroxidation in type 1 diabetic placentae.

METHODS: The current study measured levels of antioxidant enzyme [glutathione peroxidase (Gpx), glutathione reductase (Gred), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase] activity and degree of lipid peroxidation (aqueous phase hydroperoxides and 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α) in matched central and peripheral samples from placentae of DAPIT (n=57) participants. Levels of vitamin C and E were assessed in placentae and cord blood.

RESULTS: Peripheral placentae demonstrated significant increases in Gpx and Gred activities in pre-eclamptic in comparison to non-pre-eclamptic women. Vitamin C and E supplementation had no significant effect on cord blood or placental levels of these vitamins, nor on placental antioxidant enzyme activity or degree of lipid peroxidation in comparison to placebo-supplementation.

CONCLUSION: The finding that maternal supplementation with vitamin C/E does not augment cord or placental levels of these vitamins is likely to explain the lack of effect of such supplementation on placental indices including antioxidant enzymes or markers of lipid peroxidation.


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This study rigorously evaluated a previously developed immunobead array method to simultaneously detect three important foodborne pathogens, Campylobacter jejuni, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp., for its actual application in routine food testing. Due to the limitation of the detection limit of the developed method, an enrichment step was included in this study by using Campylobacter Enrichment Broth for C. jejuni and Universal Pre-enrichment Broth for L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp.. The findings show that the immunobead array method was capable of detecting as low as 1 CFU of the pathogens spiked in the culture media after being cultured for 24 hours for all three pathogens. The immunobead array method was further evaluated for its pathogen detection capabilities in ready-to-eat (RTE) and ready-to-cook (RTC) chicken samples and proven to be able to detect as low as 1 CFU of the pathogens spiked in the food samples after being cultured for 24 hours in the case of Salmonella spp., and L. monocytogenes and 48 hours in the case of C. jejuni. The method was subsequently validated with three types of chicken products (RTE, n=30; RTC, n=20; raw chicken, n=20) and was found to give the same results as the conventional plating method. Our findings demonstrated that the previously developed immunobead array method could be used for actual food testing with minimal enrichment period of only 52 hours, whereas the conventional ISO protocols for the same pathogens take 90-144 hours. The immunobead array was therefore an inexpensive, rapid and simple method for the food testing.


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Electron-impact excitation data for He-like ions are of significant importance for diagnostic applications to both laboratory and astrophysical plasmas. Here we report on the first fully relativistic R -matrix calculations with radiation damping for the He-like ions Fe 24+ and Kr 34+ . Effective collision strengths for these two ions have been determined with and without damping over a wide temperature range for all transitions between the 49 levels through n = 5. We find that damping has a pronounced effect on the effective collision strengths for excitation to some of the low-lying levels, but its effect on excitation to the vast majority of levels is small. At the energy of a resonance peak, we also investigate the effect of radiation damping on the angular distribution of scattered electrons. Finally, we compare our results for Fe 24+ with an earlier intermediate coupling frame transformation R -matrix calculation with radiation damping by Whiteford et al ( J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 3179) and find good agreement, especially for excitation to the lower levels.


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For applications to laboratory and astrophysical plasmas, there is a great need for accurate electron-impact excitation data between individual levels in the lower charge-state ions of iron. Recently, we have reported on the first intermediate-coupling R -matrix calculation of electron-impact excitation in Fe 4+ , in which the close-coupling expansion of the target included levels from both ground and excited configurations (Ballance et al 2007 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. [/0953-4075/40/23/f01] 40 F327 , 2008 Europhys. News 39 14). In this paper, we present the results of two large intermediate-coupling Dirac R -matrix calculations of electron-impact excitation of Fe 5+ . The results from the two calculations, which differ only in the configuration–interaction expansions of the target, are compared. These comparisons provide some indication of the accuracy of the calculations and the resulting data should be useful in modelling plasmas containing iron.