240 resultados para smooth muscle cell


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While bradykinin has been identified in the skin secretions from several species of amphibian, bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs) are more common constituents. These peptides display a plethora of primary structural variations from the type peptide which include single or multiple amino acid substitutions, N- and/or C-terminal extensions and post-translational modifications such as proline hydroxylation and tyrosine sulfation. Such modified peptides have been reported in species from many families, including Bombinatoridae, Hylidae and Ranidae. The spectrum of these peptides in a given species is thought to be reflective of its predator profile from different vertebrate taxa. Here we report the isolation of BRPs and parallel molecular cloning of their respective biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNAs from the skin secretions of the Mexican leaf frog (Pachymedusa dacnicolor), the Central American red-eyed leaf frog (Agalychnis callidryas) and the South American orange-legged leaf frog (Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis). Additionally, the eight different BRPs identified were chemically synthesized and screened for bioactivity using four different mammalian smooth muscle preparations and their effects and rank potencies were found to be radically different in these with some acting preferentially through bradykinin B1-type receptors and others through B2-type receptors.


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Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) plays a critical role in the maintenance of endothelial integrity and other physiological processes. In this study, we demonstrated that HDAC3 undergoes unconventional splicing during stem cell differentiation. Four different splicing variants have been identified, designated as HD3α, -β, -γ, and -Δ, respectively. HD3α was confirmed in stem cell differentiation by specific antibody against the sequences from intron 12. Immunofluorescence staining indicated that the HD3α isoform co-localized with CD31-positive or α-smooth muscle actin-positive cells at different developmental stages of mouse embryos. Overexpression of HD3α reprogrammed human aortic endothelial cells into mesenchymal cells featuring an endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) phenotype. HD3α directly interacts with HDAC3 and Akt1 and selectively activates transforming growth factor β2 (TGFβ2) secretion and cleavage. TGFβ2 functioned as an autocrine and/or paracrine EndMT factor. The HD3α-induced EndMT was both PI3K/Akt- and TGFβ2-dependent. This study provides the first evidence of the role of HDAC3 splicing in the maintenance of endothelial integrity.


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Amphibian skin has proved repeatedly to be a largely untapped source of bioactive peptides and this is especially true of members of the Phyllomedusinae subfamily of frogs native to South and Central America. Tryptophyllins are a group of peptides mainly found in the skin of members of this genus. In this study, a novel tryptophyllin (TPH) type 3 peptide, named AcT-3, has been isolated and structurally-characterised from the skin secretion and lyophilised skin extract of the red-eye leaf frog, Agalychnis callidryas. The peptide was identified in and purified from the skin secretion by reverse-phase HPLC. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and MS/MS fragmentation sequencing established its primary structure as: pGlu-Gly-Lys-Pro-Tyr-Trp-Pro-Pro-Pro-Phe-Leu-Pro-Glu, with a non-protonated molecular mass of 1538.19Da. The mature peptide possessed the canonical N-terminal pGlu residue that arises from post-translational modification of a Gln residue. The deduced open-reading frame consisted of 63 amino acid residues encoding a highly-conserved signal peptide of approximately 22 amino acid residues, an intervening acidic spacer peptide domain, a single AcT-3 encoding domain and a C terminal processing site. A synthetic replicate of AcT-3 was found to antagonise the effect of BK on rat tail artery smooth muscle and to contract the intestinal smooth muscle preparations. It was also found that AcT-3 could dose-dependently inhibit the proliferation of human prostate cancer cell lines after 72h incubation.


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Purpose: Although L-type Ca2+ channels are known to play a key role in the myogenic reactivity of retinal arterial vessels, the involvement of other types of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in this process remains unknown. In the present study we have investigated the contribution of T-type Ca2+ channels to myogenic signalling in arterioles of the rat retinal microcirculation.

Methods: Confocal immunolabelling of wholemount preparations was used to investigate the localisation of CaV3.1-3 channels in retinal arteriolar smooth muscle cells. T-type currents and the contribution of T-type channels to myogenic signalling were assessed by whole-cell patch-clamp recording and pressure myography of isolated retinal arteriole segments.

Results: Strong immunolabelling for CaV3.1 was observed on the plasma membrane of retinal arteriolar smooth muscle cells. In contrast, no expression of CaV3.2 or CaV3.3 could be detected in retinal arterioles, although these channels were present on glial cell end feet surrounding the vessels and retinal ganglion cells, respectively. TTA-A2 sensitive T-type currents were recorded in retinal arteriolar myocytes with biophysical properties distinct from those of the L-type currents present in these cells. Inhibition of T-type channels using TTA-A2 or ML-218 dilated isolated, myogenically active, retinal arterioles.

Conclusions: CaV3.1 T-type Ca2+ channels are functionally expressed on arteriolar smooth muscle cells of retinal arterioles and play an important role in myogenic signalling in these vessels. The work has important implications concerning our understanding of the mechanisms controlling blood flow autoregulation in the retina and its disruption during ocular disease.


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The ability to reprogram induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from somatic cells may facilitate significant advances in regenerative medicine. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in a number of core biological processes, including cardiogenesis, hematopoietic lineage differentiation and oncogenesis. An improved understanding of the complex molecular signals that are required for the differentiation of iPS cells into endothelial cells (ECs) may allow specific targeting of their activity in order to enhance cell differentiation and promote tissue regeneration. The present study reports that miR‑199a is involved in EC differentiation from iPS cells. Augmented expression of miR‑199a was detected during EC differentiation, and reached higher levels during the later stages of this process. Furthermore, miR‑199a inhibited the differentiation of iPS cells into smooth muscle cells. Notably, sirtuin 1 was identified as a target of miR‑199a . Finally, the ability of miR‑199a to induce angiogenesis was evaluated in vitro, using Matrigel plugs assays. This may indicate a novel function for miR‑199a as a regulator of the phenotypic switch during vascular cell differentiation. The present study provides support to the notion that with an understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying vascular cell differentiation, stem cell regenerative therapy may ultimately be developed as an effective treatment for cardiovascular disease.


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The development of decellularised scaffolds for small diameter vascular grafts is hampered by their limited patency, due to the lack of luminal cell coverage by endothelial cells (EC) and to the low tone of the vessel due to absence of a contractile smooth muscle cells (SMC). In this study, we identify a population of vascular progenitor c-Kit+/Sca-1- cells available in large numbers and derived from immuno-privileged embryonic stem cells (ESCs). We also define an efficient and controlled differentiation protocol yielding fully to differentiated ECs and SMCs in sufficient numbers to allow the repopulation of a tissue engineered vascular graft. When seeded ex vivo on a decellularised vessel, c-Kit+/Sca-1-derived cells recapitulated the native vessel structure and upon in vivo implantation in the mouse, markedly reduced neointima formation and mortality, restoring functional vascularisation. We showed that Krüppel-like transcription factor 4 (Klf4) regulates the choice of differentiation pathway of these cells through β-catenin activation and was itself regulated by the canonical Wnt pathway activator lithium chloride. Our data show that ESC-derived c-Kit+/Sca-1-cells can be differentiated through a Klf4/β-catenin dependent pathway and are a suitable source of vascular progenitors for the creation of superior tissue-engineered vessels from decellularised scaffolds.


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Background: Deficiencies in effective flukicide options and growing issues with drug resistance make current strategies for liver fluke control unsustainable, thereby promoting the need to identify and validate new control targets in Fasciola spp. parasites. Calmodulins (CaMs) are small calcium-sensing proteins with ubiquitous expression in all eukaryotic organisms and generally use fluctuations in intracellular calcium levels to modulate cell signalling events. CaMs are essential for fundamental processes including the phosphorylation of protein kinases, gene transcription, calcium transport and smooth muscle contraction. In the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni, calmodulins have been implicated in egg hatching, miracidial transformation and larval development. Previously, CaMs have been identified amongst liver fluke excretory-secretory products and three CaM-like proteins have been characterised biochemically from adult Fasciola hepatica, although their functions remain unknown.

Methods: In this study, we set out to investigate the biological function and control target potential of F. hepatica CaMs (FhCaMs) using RNAi methodology alongside novel in vitro bioassays.

Results: Our results reveal that: (i) FhCaMs are widely expressed in parenchymal cells throughout the forebody region of juvenile fluke; (ii) significant transcriptional knockdown of FhCaM1-3 was inducible by exposure to either long (~200 nt) double stranded (ds) RNAs or 27 nt short interfering (si) RNAs, although siRNAs were less effective than long dsRNAs; (iii) transient long dsRNA exposure-induced RNA interference (RNAi) of FhCaMs triggered transcript knockdown that persisted for ≥ 21 days, and led to detectable suppression of FhCaM proteins; (iv) FhCaM RNAi significantly reduced the growth of juvenile flukes maintained in vitro; (v) FhCaM RNAi juveniles also displayed hyperactivity encompassing significantly increased migration; (vi) both the reduced growth and increased motility phenotypes were recapitulated in juvenile fluke using the CaM inhibitor trifluoperazine hydrochloride, supporting phenotype specificity.

Conclusions: These data indicate that the Ca(2+)-modulating functions of FhCaMs are important for juvenile fluke growth and movement and provide the first functional genomics-based example of a growth-defect resulting from gene silencing in liver fluke. Whilst the phenotypic impacts of FhCaM silencing on fluke behaviour do not strongly support their candidature as new flukicide targets, the growth impacts encourage further consideration, especially in light of the speed of juvenile fluke growth in vivo.


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BACKGROUND: The development of heart failure is associated with changes in the size, shape, and structure of the heart that has a negative impact on cardiac function. These pathological changes involve excessive extracellular matrix deposition within the myocardial interstitium and myocyte hypertrophy. Alterations in fibroblast phenotype and myocyte activity are associated with reprogramming of gene transcriptional profiles that likely requires epigenetic alterations in chromatin structure. The aim of our work was to investigate the potential of a currently licensed anticancer epigenetic modifier as a treatment option for cardiac diseases associated with hypertension-induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis.

METHODS AND RESULTS: The effects of DNA methylation inhibition with 5-azacytidine (5-aza) were examined in a human primary fibroblast cell line and in a spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) model. The results from this work allude to novel in vivo antifibrotic and antihypertrophic actions of 5-aza. Administration of the DNA methylation inhibitor significantly improved several echocardiographic parameters associated with hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction. Myocardial collagen levels and myocyte size were reduced in 5-aza-treated SHRs. These findings are supported by beneficial in vitro effects in cardiac fibroblasts. Collagen I, collagen III, and α-smooth muscle actin were reduced in a human ventricular cardiac fibroblast cell line treated with 5-aza.

CONCLUSION: These findings suggest a role for epigenetic modifications in contributing to the profibrotic and hypertrophic changes evident during disease progression. Therapeutic intervention with 5-aza demonstrated favorable effects highlighting the potential use of this epigenetic modifier as a treatment option for cardiac pathologies associated with hypertrophy and fibrosis.


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BACKGROUND: Pulmonary fibrosis is a debilitating and lethal disease with no effective treatment options. Understanding the pathological processes at play will direct the application of novel therapeutic avenues. Hypoxia has been implicated in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis yet the precise mechanism by which it contributes to disease progression remains to be fully elucidated. It has been shown that chronic hypoxia can alter DNA methylation patterns in tumour-derived cell lines. This epigenetic alteration can induce changes in cellular phenotype with promoter methylation being associated with gene silencing. Of particular relevance to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the observation that Thy-1 promoter methylation is associated with a myofibroblast phenotype where loss of Thy-1 occurs alongside increased alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) expression. The initial aim of this study was to determine whether hypoxia regulates DNA methylation in normal human lung fibroblasts (CCD19Lu). As it has been reported that hypoxia suppresses Thy-1 expression during lung development we also studied the effect of hypoxia on Thy-1 promoter methylation and gene expression.

METHODS: CCD19Lu were grown for up to 8 days in hypoxia and assessed for global changes in DNA methylation using flow cytometry. Real-time PCR was used to quantify expression of Thy-1, α-SMA, collagen I and III. Genomic DNA was bisulphite treated and methylation specific PCR (MSPCR) was used to examine the methylation status of the Thy-1 promoter.

RESULTS: Significant global hypermethylation was detected in hypoxic fibroblasts relative to normoxic controls and was accompanied by increased expression of myofibroblast markers. Thy-1 mRNA expression was suppressed in hypoxic cells, which was restored with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine. MSPCR revealed that Thy-1 became methylated following fibroblast exposure to 1% O2.

CONCLUSION: These data suggest that global and gene-specific changes in DNA methylation may play an important role in fibroblast function in hypoxia.


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The importance of ion channels in the hallmarks of many cancers is increasingly recognised. This article reviews current knowledge of the expression of members of the voltage-gated calcium channel family (CaV) in cancer at the gene and protein level and discusses their potential functional roles. The ten members of the CaV channel family are classified according to expression of their pore-forming α-subunit; moreover, co-expression of accessory α2δ, β and γ confers a spectrum of biophysical characteristics including voltage dependence of activation and inactivation, current amplitude and activation/inactivation kinetics. CaV channels have traditionally been studied in excitable cells including neurones, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and cardiac cells, and drugs targeting the channels are used in the treatment of hypertension and epilepsy. There is emerging evidence that several CaV channels are differentially expressed in cancer cells compared to their normal counterparts. Interestingly, a number of CaV channels also have non-canonical functions and are involved in transcriptional regulation of the expression of other proteins including potassium channels. Pharmacological studies show that CaV canonical function contributes to the fundamental biology of proliferation, cell-cycle progression and apoptosis. This raises the intriguing possibility that calcium channel blockers, approved for the treatment of other conditions, could be repurposed to treat particular cancers. Further research will reveal the full extent of both the canonical and non-canonical functions of CaV channels in cancer and whether calcium channel blockers are beneficial in cancer treatment.


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Two novel bradykinin-related peptides (Ala3,Thr6)-bradykinin and (Val1,Thr3,Thr6)-bradykinin, were identified by a systematic sequencing study of peptides in the defensive skin secretion of the yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata. These peptides are the first amphibian skin bradykinins to exhibit amino acid substitutions at the Pro3 position of the bradykinin nonapeptide. Previously reported bradykinins from other Bombina species were not detected. Respective precursor cDNAs, designated BVK-1 and BVK-2, respectively, were cloned from a skin library by 3'- and 5'-RACE reactions. BVK-1 contained an open-reading frame of 97 amino acids encoding a single copy of (Ala3,Thr6)-bradykinin and similarly, the open-reading frame of BVK-2 consisted of 96 amino acids encoding a single copy of (Val1,Thr3,Thr6)-bradykinin. Synthetic replicates of each novel bradykinin were found to be active on mammalian arterial and small intestinal smooth muscle preparations. The structural diversity of bradykinins in amphibian defensive skin secretions may be related to defence against specific predators.


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Scientists interested in the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, and their control, have recently been studying cells in the interstitium of tissues that express the c-kit antigen (Kit(+) cells). These cells have morphologic features that are reminiscent of the well-described pacemaker cells in the gut, the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). The spontaneous contractile behavior of muscles in the urinary tract varies widely, and it is clear that urinary tract Kit(+) interstitial cells cannot be playing an identical role to that played by the ICC in the gut. Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence that they do play a role in modulating the contractile behavior of adjacent smooth muscle, and might also be involved in mediating neural control. This review outlines the properties of ICC in the gut, and gives an account of the discovery of cells in the interstitium of the main components of the urinary tract. The physiologic properties of such cells and the functional implications of their presence are discussed, with particular reference to the bladder. In this organ, Kit(+) cells are found under the lamina propria, where they might interact with the urothelium and with sensory nerves, and also between and within the smooth-muscle bundles. Confocal microscopy and calcium imaging are being used to assess the physiology of ICC and their interactions with smooth muscles. Differences in the numbers of ICC are seen in smooth muscle specimens obtained from patients with various pathologies; in particular, bladder overactivity is associated with increased numbers of these cells.


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PURPOSE: We describe the presence of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) throughout the wall of the guinea pig bladder. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bladders obtained from male guinea pigs were prepared for immunohistochemical investigations using various primary antibodies, including the specific ICC marker c-kit (Gibco BRL, Grand Island, New York). Enzymatically dispersed cells with a branched morphology were identified as ICC using anti-c-kit. They were loaded with fluo-4acetoxymethyl (Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oregon) and studied using confocal laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: Anti-c-kit labeling demonstrated that ICC were oriented in parallel with the smooth muscle bundles that run diagonally throughout the bladder. Double labeling with anti-smooth muscle myosin (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Missouri) revealed that ICC were located on the boundary of smooth muscle bundles. When anti-c-kit was used in combination with the general neuronal antibody protein gene product 9.5 (Ultraclone Ltd., Isle of Wight, United Kingdom) or anti-neuronal nitric oxide synthase, it was noted that there was a close association between nerves and ICC. Enzymatic dissociation of cells from tissue pieces yielded a heterogeneous population of cells containing typical spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells and branched cells resembling ICC from other preparations. The latter could be identified immunohistochemically as ICC using anti-c-kit, whereas the majority of spindle-shaped cells were not Kit positive. Branched cells responded to the application of carbachol by firing Ca2+ waves and they were often spontaneously active. CONCLUSIONS: ICC are located on the boundary of smooth muscle bundles in the guinea pig bladder. They fire Ca2+ waves in response to cholinergic stimulation and can be spontaneously active, suggesting that they could act as pacemakers or intermediaries in the transmission of nerve signals to smooth muscle cells.


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Maximakinin is an N-terminally extended bradykinin (DLPKINRKGPRPPGFSPFR) from the venom of a Chinese toad (Bombina maxima) that displays highly selective activity at mammalian arterial smooth muscle receptors. In this study, we report that incubation of maximakinin with either kallikrein or human saliva generates catabolites with enhanced bioactivity that retain the tissue selective effects of the parent molecule. In addition, we have observed that kallikrein rapidly cleaves the C-terminal arginyl residue of both maximakinin and bradykinin – a cleavage hitherto considered to be performed by a carboxypeptidase that facilitates selective bradykinin receptor targeting. Maximakinin has thus evolved as a `smart' defensive weapon in the toad with inherent resistance to the signal-terminating protease hardware in the potential predator. Thus, natural selection of amphibian skin peptides for antipredator defence, through interspecies delivery by an exogenous secretory mode, produces subtle structural stabilization modifications that can potentially provide new insights for the design of orally active and selectively targeted peptide therapeutics.


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Tryptophyllins are a heterogenous group of amphibian skin peptides originally identified in skin extracts of Neotropical leaf frogs, Phyllomedusa sp., by chemical means. Until now, biosynthetic precursor structure and biological activity remain unreported. Here we describe the isolation of a novel, post-translationally modified tryptophyllin, Lys-Pro-Hyp-Ala-Trp-Val-Pro.amide (PdT-1), from the skin secretion of the Mexican leaf frog, Pachymedusa dacnicolor. Using a 3'- and 5'-RACE strategy and an in vitro skin cDNA library, the PdT-1-encoding precursor was cloned and found to consist of an open-reading frame of 62 amino acids with a single copy of PdT-1 located towards the C-terminus. A synthetic replicate of PdT-1 was found to be a potent myoactive agent, relaxing mammalian arterial smooth muscle and contracting small intestinal smooth muscle at nanomolar concentrations. PdT-1 is thus the first amphibian skin tryptophyllin to be pharmacologically characterized and the first whose precursor cDNA has been cloned.