276 resultados para X ray line broadening
An imaging microscope, comprising a Schwarzchild condenser and zone plate optical arrangement, has been established on the Vulcan Nd-glass laser system at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL). Images of simple test structures have been taken in X-ray transmission using doublet X-ray laser radiation at 23.2 nm and 23.6 nm from collisionally pumped Ne-like germanium. Image resolution of about 0.15 mum has been measured.
We describe the properties of the exploding foil neon-like germanium soft X-ray lasers having wavelengths of 19-28 nm and gain length product of more than 10. The measured X-ray intensity of lasing lines from an exploding foil target has been explained with the results of the plasma hydrodynamic code from the viewpoint of suitable condition of electron density and temperature for creating population inversion.
An imaging microscope, comprising a Schwarzchild condenser and a zone-plate optical arrangement, has been established on the Vulcan Nd:glass laser system at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Magnified images of simple test structures have been taken in x-ray transmission in a single subnanosecond laser shot by using doublet x-ray laser radiation at 23.2 and 23.6 nm from collisionally pumped Ne-like germanium. Image resolutions of approximately 0.15 mum have been measured. The results are a proof of principle and demonstrate that images of potentially suboptical resolution and of specimen regions that are destroyed on passage of the x-ray beam can be taken successfully using the Vulcan x-ray laser.
Characteristics of the 3p-3s amplified spontaneous emission from Ne-like Ge plasma columns, generated by ablation from massive targets, have been studied in detail. In particular, the gain coefficients of the J = 2-1 lines at 23.2 and 23.6 nm have been measured as a function of incident intensity for a 1.05-mu-m wavelength pump laser beam. For 100-mu-m wide stripe targets and a fixed energy pump laser the maximum gain length product is achieved at an irradiance of
For the first time, the technique of point projection absorption spectroscopy - which uses an intense, point source of X-rays to project and spectrally disperse an image of a plasma onto a detector- has been shown to be applicable to the study of expanding aluminium plasmas generated by approximately 80ps (2-omega) laser pulses. Massive, stripe targets of approximately 125-mu-m width and wire targets of 25-mu-m diameter have been studied. Using a PET Bragg crystal as the dispersive element, a resolving power of approximately 3500 was achieved with spatial resolution at the 5-mu-m level in frame times of the order of 80ps. Reduction of the data for times up to 150ps after the peak of the incident laser pulse produced estimates of the temperature and densities present, as a function of space and time.