200 resultados para Root surfaces


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Relative strengths of surface interaction for individual carbon atoms in acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons adsorbed on alumina surfaces are determined using chemically resolved 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) T1 relaxation times. The ratio of relaxation times for the adsorbed atoms T1,ads to the bulk liquid relaxation time T1,bulk provides an indication of the mobility of the atom. Hence a low T1,ads/T1,bulk ratio indicates a stronger surface interaction. The carbon atoms associated with unsaturated bonds in the molecules are seen to exhibit a larger reduction in T1 on adsorption relative to the aliphatic carbons, consistent with adsorption occurring through the carbon-carbon multiple bonds. The relaxation data are interpreted in terms of proximity of individual carbon atoms to the alumina surface and adsorption conformations are inferred. Furthermore, variations of interaction strength and molecular configuration have been explored as a function of adsorbate coverage, temperature, surface pre-treatment, and in the presence of co-adsorbates. This relaxation time analysis is appropriate for studying the behaviour of hydrocarbons adsorbed on a wide range of catalyst support and supported-metal catalyst surfaces, and offers the potential to explore such systems under realistic operating conditions when multiple chemical components are present at the surface.


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Ericoid mycorrhizas are believed to improve N nutrition of many ericaceous plant species that typically occur in habitats with impoverished nutrient status, by releasing amino acids from organic N forms. Despite the ubiquity of mycorrhizal formation the mechanisms and regulation of nutrient transport in mycorrhizal associations are poorly understood. We used an electrophysiological approach to study how amino acid transport characteristics of Calluna vulgaris were affected by colonization with the ericoid mycorrhiza fungus Hymenoscyphus ericae. Both the Vmax and Km parameters of amino acid uptake were affected by fungal colonization in a manner consistent with an increased availability of amino acid to the plant. The ecophysiological significance of altered amino acid transport in colonized root cells of C. vulgaris is discussed. © New Phytologist (2002).


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A total of 107 putative ericoid mycorrhizal endophytes were isolated from hair roots of Calluna vulgaris from two abandoned arsenic/copper mine sites and a natural heathland site in southwest England. The endophytes were initially grouped as 14 RFLP types, based on the results of ITS-RFLP analysis using the restriction endonucleases Hinf I, Rsa I and Hae III. ITS sequences were obtained for representative isolates from each RFLP type and compared phylogenetically with sequences for known ericoid mycorrhizal endophytes and selected ascomycetes. The majority of endophyte isolates (62-92%) from each site were identified as Hymenoscyphus ericae, but a number of other less common mycorrhizal RFLP types were also identified, all of which appear to have strong affinities with the order Leotiales. None of the less common RFLP types was isolated from C. vulgaris at more than one field site. Neighbour-joining analysis indicated similarities between the endophytes from C. vulgaris and mycorrhizal endophytes isolated from other Ericaceae and Epacridaceae hosts in North America and Australia.


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Membrane currents were recorded under voltage clamp from root hairs of Arabidopsis thaliana L. using the two-electrode method. Concurrent measurements of membrane voltage distal to the point of current injection were also carried out to assess the extent of current dissipation along the root hair axis. Estimates of the characteristic cable length, λ, showed this parameter to be a function both of membrane voltage and of substrate concentration for transport. The mean value for λ at 0 mV was 103 ± 20 μm (n=17), but ranged by as much as 6-fold in any one cell for membrane voltages from -300 to +40 mV and was affected by 0.25 to 3-fold at any one voltage on raising [K+]0 from 0.1 to 10 mol m-3. Current dissipation along the length of the cells lead to serious distortions of the current-voltage [I-V) characteristic, including consistent underestimates of membrane current as well as a general linearization of the I-V curve and a masking of conductance changes in the presence of transported substrates. In some experiments, microelectrodes were also placed in neighbouring epidermal cells to record the extent of intercellular coupling. Even with current-passing microelectrodes placed at the base of root hairs, coupling was ≤5% (voltage deflection of the epidermal cell ≤5% that recorded at the site of current injection), indicating an appreciable resistance to current passage between cells. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using root hairs as a 'single-cell model' in electrophysiological analyses of transport across the higher-plant plasma membrane; they also confirmed the need to correct for the cable properties of these cells on a cell-by-cell basis. © 1994 Oxford University Press.


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A microcosm is described in which root exudation may be estimated in the presence of microorganisms. Ryegrass seedlings are grown in microcosms in which roots were spatially separated from a microbial inoculant by a Millipore membrane. Seedlings grown in the microcosms were labelled with [14C]-CO2, and the fate of the label within the plant and rhizosphere was determined. Inoculation of the microcosms with Cladosporium resinae increased net fixation of the [14C] label compared to plants grown under sterile conditions. Inoculation also increased root exudation. The use of the microcosm was illustrated and its applications discussed. © 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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A recent experimental investigation (Kim et al. J. Catal. 306 (2013) 146-154) on the selective hydrogenation of acetylene over Pd nanoparticles with different shapes concluded that Pd(100) showed higher activity and selectivity than Pd(111) for acetylene hydrogenation. However, our recent density functional calculations (Yang et al. J. Catal. 305 (2013) 264-276) observed that the clean Pd(111) surface should result in higher activity and ethylene selectivity compared with the clean Pd(100) surface for acetylene hydrogenation. In the current work, using density functional theory calculations, we find that Pd(100) in the carbide form gives rise to higher activity and selectivity than Pd(111) carbide. These results indicate that the catalyst surface is most likely in the carbide form under the experimental reaction conditions. Furthermore, the adsorption energies of hydrogen atoms as a function of the hydrogen coverage at the surface and subsurface sites over Pd(100) are compared with those over Pd(111), and it is found that the adsorption of hydrogen atoms is always less favoured on Pd(100) over the whole coverage range. This suggests that the Pd(100) hydride surface will be less stable than the Pd(111) hydride surface, which is also in accordance with the experimental results reported.


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An investigation on the design of aperiodic FSS is presented. First, an accurate yet efficient method which allows the analysis of finite sized aperiodic FSS has been developed. Subsequently, an optimisation method is implemented which optimises all the FSS elements to obtain an FSS design with an aperiodic element layout. Preliminary designs of aperiodic FSS are presented and the numerical results are discussed.


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Na+ near membranes controls our nerve signals, besides several other crucial bioprocesses. We demonstrate that fluorescent PET (photoinduced electron transfer) sensor molecules target Na+ in nanospaces near micellar membranes with excellent discrimination against H+. They find that Na+ near anionic micelles is concentrated by factors of upto 160. Sensor molecules which are not held tight to the micelle surface find a Na+ amplification factor of 8 only. These findings are strengthened by the employment of control compounds whose PET processes are permanently ‘on’ or permanently ‘off’.