202 resultados para Pulmonary drug delivery


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Different types of gels were prepared by combining poloxamines (Tetronic), i.e. poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(propylene oxide) (PEO/PPO) octablock star copolymers, and cyclodextrins (CD). Two different poloxamines with the same molecular weight (ca. 7000) but different molecular architectures were used. For each of their four diblock arms, direct Tetronic 904 presents PEO outer blocks while in reverse Tetronic 90R4 the hydrophilic PEO blocks are the inner ones. These gels were prepared by combining alpha-CD and poloxamine aqueous solutions. The physicochemical properties of these systems depend on several factors such as the structure of the block copolymers and the Tetronic/alpha-CD ratio. These gels were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), viscometry and X-ray diffraction measurements. The 90R4 gels present a consistency that makes them suitable for sustained drug delivery. The resulting gels were easily eroded: these complexes were dismantled when placed in a large amount of water, so controlled release of entrapped large molecules such as proteins (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA) is feasible and can be tuned by varying the copolymer/CD ratio. 


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A commercial polymeric film (Parafilm M (R), a blend of a hydrocarbon wax and a polyolefin) was evaluated as a model membrane for microneedle (MN) insertion studies. Polymeric MN arrays were inserted into Parafilm M (R) (PF) and also into excised neonatal porcine skin. Parafilm M (R) was folded before the insertions to closely approximate thickness of the excised skin. Insertion depths were evaluated using optical coherence tomography (OCT) using either a force applied by a Texture Analyser or by a group of human volunteers. The obtained insertion depths were, in general, slightly lower, especially for higher forces, for PF than for skin. However, this difference was not a large, being less than the 10% of the needle length. Therefore, all these data indicate that this model membrane could be a good alternative to biological tissue for MN insertion studies. As an alternative method to OCT, light microscopy was used to evaluate the insertion depths of MN in the model membrane. This provided a rapid, simple method to compare different MN formulations. The use of Parafilm M (R), in conjunction with a standardised force/time profile applied by a Texture Analyser, could provide the basis for a rapid MN quality control test suitable for in-process use. It could also be used as a comparative test of insertion efficiency between candidate MN formulations. 


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This study describes the preclinical development of a matrix-type silicone elastomer vaginal ring device designed to provide controlled release of UC781, a non-nucleoside re- verse transcriptase inhibitor. Testing of both human- and macaque-sized rings in a sink condition in vitro release model demonstrated continuous UC781 release in quantities consid- ered sufficient to maintain vaginal fluid concentrations at levels 82–860-fold higher than the in vitro IC50 (2.0 to 10.4 nM) and therefore potentially protect against mucosal trans- mission of HIV. The 100-mg UC781 rings were well tolerated in pig-tailed macaques, did not induce local inflammation as determined by cytokine analysis and maintained median con- centrations in vaginal fluids of UC781 in the range of 0.27 to 5.18 mM during the course of the 28-day study. Analysis of residual UC781 content in rings after completion of both the in vitro release and macaque pharmacokinetic studies revealed that 57 and 5 mg of UC781 was released, respectively. The pharmacokinetic analysis of a 100-mg UC781 vaginal ring in pig-tailed macaques showed poor in vivo–in vitro correlation, attributed to the very poor solubility of UC781 in vaginal fluid and resulting in a dissolution-controlled drug release mecha- nism rather than the expected diffusion-controlled mechanism.


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With several gold nanoparticle-based therapies currently undergoing clinical trials, these treatments may soon be in the clinic as novel anticancer agents. Gold nanoparticles are the subject of a wide ranging international research effort with preclinical studies underway for multiple applications including photoablation, diagnostic imaging, radiosensitization and multifunctional drug-delivery vehicles. These applications require an increasingly complex level of surface modification in order to achieve efficacy and limit off-target toxicity. This review will discuss the main obstacles in relation to surface functionalization and the chemical approaches commonly utilized. Finally, we review a range of recent preclinical studies that aim to advance gold nanoparticle treatments toward the clinic.


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Nanoparticles offer alternative options in cancer therapy both as drug delivery carriers and as direct therapeutic agents for cancer cell inactivation. More recently, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have emerged as promising radiosensitizers achieving significantly elevated radiation dose enhancement factors when irradiated with both kilo-electron-volt and mega-electronvolt X-rays. Use of AuNPs in radiobiology is now being intensely driven by the desire to achieve precise energy deposition in tumours. As a consequence, there is a growing demand for efficient and simple techniques for detection, imaging and characterization of AuNPs in both biological and tumour samples. Spatially accurate imaging on the nanoscale poses a serious challenge requiring high- or super-resolution imaging techniques. In this mini review, we discuss the challenges in using AuNPs as radiosensitizers as well as various current and novel imaging techniques designed to validate the uptake, distribution and localization in mammalian cells. In our own work, we have used multiphoton excited plasmon resonance imaging to map the AuNP intracellular distribution. The benefits and limitations of this approach will also be discussed in some detail. In some cases, the same "excitation" mechanism as is used in an imaging modality can be harnessed tomake it also a part of therapymodality (e.g. phototherapy)-such examples are discussed in passing as extensions to the imaging modality concerned.


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With interest in microneedles as a novel drug transdermal delivery system increasing rapidly since the late 1990s (Margetts and Sawyer Contin Educ Anaesthesia Crit Care Pain. 7(5):171-76, 2007), a diverse range of microneedle systems have been fabricated with varying designs and dimensions. However, there are still very few commercially available microneedle products. One major issue regarding microneedle manufacture on an industrial scale is the lack of specific quality standards for this novel dosage form in the context of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). A range of mechanical characterisation tests and microneedle insertion analysis techniques are used by researchers working on microneedle systems to assess the safety and performance profiles of their various designs. The lack of standardised tests and equipment used to demonstrate microneedle mechanical properties and insertion capability makes it difficult to directly compare the in use performance of candidate systems. This review highlights the mechanical tests and insertion analytical techniques used by various groups to characterise microneedles. This in turn exposes the urgent need for consistency across the range of microneedle systems in order to promote innovation and the successful commercialisation of microneedle products.


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Development of formulations and drug delivery strategies for paediatric use is challenging, partially due to the age ranges within this population, resulting in varying requirements to achieve optimised patient outcomes. Although the oral route of drug delivery remains the preferred option, there are problematic issues, such as difficulty swallowing and palatability of medicines specific to this population. The parenteral route is not well accepted by children due to needle-related fear and pain. Accordingly, a plethora of alternative routes of drug administration have been investigated. Microneedles (MN) breach the stratum corneum (SC), the outermost layer of skin, increasing the number of drug substances amenable to transdermal delivery. This strategy involves the use of micron-sized needles to painlessly, and without drawing blood, create transient aqueous conduits in the SC. In this study, polymeric dissolving MN and hydrogel-forming MN were fabricated incorporating two model drugs commonly used in paediatric patients (caffeine and lidocaine hydrochloride). The potential efficacy of these MN for paediatric dosing was investigated via in vitro and in vivo studies. Views pertaining to MN technology were sought amongst school children in Northern Ireland, members of the UK general public and UK-based paediatricians, to determine perceived benefits, acceptance, barriers and concerns for adoption of this technology. In this study, polymeric MN were shown to substantially enhance skin permeability of the model therapeutic molecules in vitro and in vivo. In particular, hydrogel-forming MN led to a 6.1-fold increase in caffeine delivery whilst lidocaine HCl delivery was increased by 3.3-fold using dissolving MN in vitro. Application of caffeine-loaded MN led to a caffeine plasma concentration of 23.87μg/mL in rats at 24h. This research also highlighted a strong consensus regarding MN technology amongst schoolchildren, paediatricians and the general public, regarding potential use of MN in the paediatric population. Overall, 93.6% of general public respondents and 85.9% of paediatricians regarded the use of MN as a positive approach.


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Microneedles (MNs) are micron-sized, minimally invasive devices that breach the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum (SC), creating transient, aqueous pores in the skin and facilitating the transport of therapeutic molecules into the epidermis. Following many years of extensive research in the area of MN-mediated trans- and intra-dermal drug delivery, MNs are now being exploited in the cosmeceutical industry as a means of disrupting skin cell architecture, inducing elastin and collagen expression and deposition. They are also being used as vehicles to deliver cosmeceutic molecules across the skin, in addition to their use in combinatorial treatments with topical agents or light sources. This review explores the chronology of microneedling methodologies, which has led to the emergence of MN devices, now extensively used in cosmeceutical applications. Recent developments in therapeutic molecule and peptide delivery to the skin via MN platforms are addressed and some commercially available MN devices are described. Important safety and regulatory considerations relating to MN usage are addressed, as are studies relating to public perception of MN, as these will undoubtedly influence the acceptance of MN products as they progress towards commercialisation.


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Microneedle (MN) arrays could offer an alternative method to traditional drug delivery and blood sampling methods. However, acceptance among key end-users is critical for new technologies to succeed. MNs have been advocated for use in children and so, paediatricians are key potential end-users. However, the opinions of paediatricians on MN use have been previously unexplored. The aim of this study was to investigate the views of UK paediatricians on the use of MN technology within neonatal and paediatric care. An online survey was developed and distributed among UK paediatricians to gain their opinions of MN technology and its use in the neonatal and paediatric care settings, particularly for MN-mediated monitoring. A total of 145 responses were obtained, with a completion response rate of 13.7 %. Respondents believed an alternative monitoring technique to blood sampling in children was required. Furthermore, 83 % of paediatricians believed there was a particular need in premature neonates. Overall, this potential end-user group approved of the MN technology and a MN-mediated monitoring approach. Minimal pain and the perceived ease of use were important elements in gaining favour. Concerns included the need for confirmation of correct application and the potential for skin irritation. The findings of this study provide an initial indication of MN acceptability among a key potential end-user group. Furthermore, the concerns identified present a challenge to those working within the MN field to provide solutions to further improve this technology. The work strengthens the rationale behind MN technology and facilitates the translation of MN technology from lab bench into the clinical setting.


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We describe, for the first time, considerations in the sterile manufacture of polymeric microneedle arrays. Microneedles (MN) made from dissolving polymeric matrices and loaded with the model drugs ovalbumin (OVA) and ibuprofen sodium and hydrogel-forming MN composed of "super-swelling" polymers and their corresponding lyophilised wafer drug reservoirs loaded with OVA and ibuprofen sodium were prepared aseptically or sterilised using commonly employed sterilisation techniques. Moist and dry heat sterilisation, understandably, damaged all devices, leaving aseptic production and gamma sterilisation as the only viable options. No measureable bioburden was detected in any of the prepared devices, and endotoxin levels were always below the US Food & Drug Administration limits (20 endotoxin units/device). Hydrogel-forming MN were unaffected by gamma irradiation (25 kGy) in terms of their physical properties or capabilities in delivering OVA and ibuprofen sodium across excised neonatal porcine skin in vitro. However, OVA content in dissolving MN (down from approximately 101.1 % recovery to approximately 58.3 % recovery) and lyophilised wafer-type drug reservoirs (down from approximately 99.7 % recovery to approximately 60.1 % recovery) was significantly reduced by gamma irradiation, while the skin permeation profile of ibuprofen sodium from gamma-irradiated dissolving MN was markedly different from their non-irradiated counterparts. It is clear that MN poses a very low risk to human health when used appropriately, as evidenced here by low endotoxin levels and absence of microbial contamination. However, if guarantees of absolute sterility of MN products are ultimately required by regulatory authorities, it will be necessary to investigate the effect of lower gamma doses on dissolving MN loaded with active pharmaceutical ingredients and lyophilised wafers loaded with biomolecules in order to avoid the expense and inconvenience of aseptic processing.


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A novel manufacturing process for fabricating microneedle arrays (MN) has been designed and evaluated. The prototype is able to successfully produce 14 × 14 MN arrays and is easily capable of scale-up, enabling the transition from laboratory to industry and subsequent commercialisation. The method requires the custom design of metal MN master templates to produce silicone MN moulds using an injection moulding process. The MN arrays produced using this novel method was compared with centrifugation, the traditional method of producing aqueous hydrogel-forming MN arrays. The results proved that there was negligible difference between either methods, with each producing MN arrays with comparable quality. Both types of MN arrays can be successfully inserted in a skin simulant. In both cases the insertion depth was approximately 60% of the needle length and the height reduction after insertion was in both cases approximately 3%.


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Bioresorbable polymers have been widely investigated as materials exhibiting significant potential for successful application in the medical fields of bone fixation devices and drug delivery. Further to the ability to control degradation, surface engineering of polymers has been highlighted as a key method central to their development. Previous work has demonstrated the ability of electron beam (e-beam) technology to control the degradation profiles and bioresorption of a number of commercially relevant bioresorbable polymers (poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA), L-lactide/ DL-lactide co-polymer (PLDL) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA). This work investigates the further potential of e-beam technology to impart added biofunctionality through the manipulation of polymer (PLLA) surface properties. A Dynamatron Continuous DC e-beam unit (Synergy Health, UK), with beam energies of 0.5, 0.75, and 1.5 MeV, was used for the irradiation of PLLA samples with delivered surface doses of 150 or 500 kGy at each energy level. The chosen conditions reflect the need to achieve a specific surface modification for the control of surface degradation as demonstrated in previous work. Surface characterization was then performed using contact angle analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy.
Results demonstrated a significant increase in surface wettability post e-beam treatment. In correlation with this, XPS data showed the introduction of oxygen-containing functional groups to the surface of PLLA. Raman spectroscopy indicated chain scission in the near surface region of PLLA. E-beam irradiation did not seem to affect the surface roughness of PLLA as a direct consequence of the treatment. In conclusion electron beam surface modification has been found to modify both the surface-to-bulk bioresorption profile and the surface hydrophilicity. Both could provide benefits in relation to the performance of implantable medical devices.


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The impending and increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance has led to a greater focus into developing alternative therapies as substitutes for traditional antibiotics for the treatment of multi-drug resistant infections.1 Our group has developed a library of short, cost-effective, diphenylalanine-based peptides (X1-FF-X2) which selective eradicate (viability reduced >90% in 24 hours) the most resistant biofilm forms of a range of Gram-positive and negative pathogens including: methicillin resistant and sensitive Staphyloccoccus aureus and Staphyloccoccus epidermidis; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli. They demonstrate a reduced cell cytotoxic profile (NCTC929 murine fibroblast) and limited haemolysis.2 Our molecules have the ability respond to subtle changes in pH, associated with bacterial infection, self-assembling to form β-sheet secondary structures and supramolecular hydrogels at low concentrations (~0.5%w/v). Conjugation of variety of aromatic-based drugs at the X1 position, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), confer further pharmacological properties to the peptide motif enhancing their therapeutic potential. In vivo studies using waxworms (Galleria mellonella) provide promising preliminary results demonstrating the low toxicity and high antimicrobial activity of these low molecular weight gelators in animal models. This work shows biofunctional peptide-based nanomaterials hold great promise for future translation to patients as antimicrobial drug delivery and biomaterial platforms.3 [1] G. Laverty, S.P. Gorman and B.F. Gilmore. Int.J.Mol.Sci. 2011, 12, 6566-6596. [2] G. Laverty, A.P. McCloskey, B.F. Gilmore, D.S. Jones, J Zhou, B Xu. Biomacromolecules. 2014, 15, 9, 3429-3439. [3] A.P. McCloskey, B.F. Gilmore and G.Laverty. Pathogens. 2014, 3, 791-821.