309 resultados para Helium release


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Novel mucoadhesive formulations containing hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC; 3 and 5%, w/w) or Carbopol (3 and 5%, w/w), polycarbophil (PC; 1 and 3%, w/w) and metronidazole (5%, w/w) at pH 6.8 were designed for the treatment of periodontal diseases. Each formulation was characterised in terms of hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness and cohesiveness (using Texture Profile Analysis), drug release, adhesion to a mucin disc (measured as a detachment force using the texture analyser in tensile mode) and, finally, syringeability (using the texture analyser in compression mode). Drug release from all formulations was non-diffusion controlled. Drug release was significantly decreased as the concentration of each polymeric component was increased, due to both the concomitant increased viscosity of the formulations and, additionally, the swelling kinetics of PC following contact with dissolution fluid. Increasing the concentrations of each polymeric component significantly increased formulation hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, mucoadhesion and syringeability, yet decreased cohesiveness. Increased product hardness, compressibility and syringeability were due to polymeric effects on formulation viscosity. The effects on cohesiveness may be explained both by increased viscosity and also by the increasing semi-solid nature of products containing 5% HEC or Carbopol and PC (1 or 3%). The observations concerning formulation adhesiveness/mucoadhesion illustrate the adhesive nature of each polymeric component. Greatest adhesion was noted in formulations where neutralisation of PC was maximally suppressed. For the most part, increased time of contact between formulation and mucin significantly increased the required force of detachment, due to the greater extent of mucin polymer hydration and interpenetration with the formulations. Significant statistical interactions were observed between the effects of each polymer on drug release and mechanical/mucoadhesive properties. These interactions may be explained by formulatory effects on the extent of swelling of PC. In conclusion, the formulations described offered a wide range of mechanical and drug release characteristics. Formulations containing HEC exhibited superior physical characteristics for improved drug delivery to the periodontal pocket and are now the subject of long-term clinical investigations. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The effect of selected formulation variables on the release of chlorhexidine from poly(epsilon-caprolactone) films was evaluated in vitro using a complete factorial experimental design. Repeated measures analysis of variance showed chlorhexidine type (diacetate or base), drug load (10, 20 or 30% w/w), chlorhexidine particle size (


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Chlorhexidine release from ethylcellulose films east from solvents of different dichloromethane/ethanol compositions was studied. Release rate was proportional to the square root of time. Increased ethanol content within the casting solvent significantly enhanced release rate. Release rate and cumulative mass released at different time periods (5, 10, 15 and 25 days) were proportional to the solubility parameter of the casting solvent.


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We report high harmonic generation from a 248.6-nm KrF laser giving harmonic orders up to the 37th (67 Angstrom) in a helium gas jet and the 35th (71 Angstrom) in neon, for laser intensities up to 4 x 10(17) W/cm(2) in 380-fs pulses. These observations are interpreted using theoretical modeling that identifies the ion species He+, Ne+, and Ne2+ as the sources of the highest harmonics.


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Previous work by ourselves and by others has demonstrated that protons with a linear energy transfer (LET) about 30 V mu m(-1) are more effective at killing cells than doubly charged particles of the same LET. In this work we show that by using deuterons, which have about twice the range of protons with the same LET, it is possible to extend measurements of the RBE of singly charged particles to higher LET (up to 50 keV mu m(-1)). We report the design and use of a new arrangement for irradiating V79 mammalian cells. Cell survival. measurements have been made using protons in the energy range 1.0-3.7 MeV, deuterons in the energy range 0.9-3.4 MeV and He-3(2+) ions in the energy range 3.4-6.9 MeV;. This corresponds to volume-averaged LET (within the cell nucleus) between 10 and 28 keV mu m(-1) for protons, 18-50 keV mu m(-1) for deuterons, and 59-106 keV mu m(-1) for helium ions. Our results show no difference in the effectiveness of protons and deuterons matched for LET. However, for LET above about 30 keV mu m(-1) singly charged particles are more effective at inactivating cells than doubly-charged particles of the same LET and that this difference can be understood in terms of the radial dose distribution around the primary ion track.


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Objective and Design: This study examined whether bradykinin and neurokinin A activate human pulmonary mast cells retrieved by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL).


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Helicobacter pylori is important in the aetiology of peptic ulceration. Despite inducing an inflammatory response in the mucosa, the organism persists, suggesting that it has efficient protective mechanisms. Some bacterial and viral products modulate histamine secretion from inflammatory cells. Therefore, this study examined the modulatory effects of H. pylori preparations on histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells and human basophils. Eleven clinical isolates of H. pylori were prepared in different ways: as whole washed bacteria, washed sonicated bacteria, and formalin-killed bacteria, and as outer-membrane and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) extracts. Histamine release from mast cells or basophils was not elicited by any of these bacterial preparations alone. However, when mixed with various secretory stimulants, the bacterial preparations caused inhibition of histamine release from rat mast cells (calcium ionophore A23187, compound 48/80, concanavalin A, anti-rat IgE) and human basophils (A23187, N-formyl Met-Leu-Phe). The degree of inhibition ranged from 48 % to 97 %. These results indicate that H. pylori exerts an inhibitory effect on cells of the immune system that contributes to its persistence within the gastric mucosa.


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Background:Changes in the immune and inflammatory response are induced by smoking tobacco but underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated.


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The present study provides evidence for a number of calcium pools important in histamine secretion from the mast cell. Firstly, calcium loosely bound to the cell membrane, and in rapid equilibrium with the extracellular environment, may be utilized for histamine release induced by most secretagogues. Secondly, all inducers are able to mobilize deeply buried or internal stores of calcium to initiate exocytosis. Finally, calcium bound to regulatory sites in the membrane may modulate the secretory process, Removal of calcium from the latter sites by brief treatment with chelating agents markedly enhances the secretory response in the absence of extracellular calcium, probably by facilitating the mobilization of bound stores of the ion, Saturation of these sites in the presence of excess calcium inhibits the release process and may restrict influx of the cation.


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Although histamine release is recognised as a common event during anaesthesia and surgery, few clinicians judge the resultant cardiorespiratory disturbances serious enough to warrant prophylaxis with antihistamines. We have assessed the incidence and importance of histamine release in a randomised 2 x 2 factorial study.


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Intravascular application of goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin E (IgE) was used to stimulate parenchymal mast cells in situ in perfused rabbit lungs. Sustained pulmonary arterial pressure rise was evoked in the absence of lung vascular permeability increase and lung edema formation. Early prostaglandin (PG) D2 and histamine release into the perfusate was documented, accompanied by more sustained liberation of cysteinyl leukotrienes (LT), LTB4, and PGI2. The quantities of these inflammatory mediators displayed the following order: histamine > cysteinyl-LT > PGI2 > LTB4 > PGD2. Pressor response and inflammatory mediator release revealed corresponding bell-shaped dose dependencies. Cyclooxygenase inhibition (acetylsalicylic acid) suppressed prostanoid generation, increased LT release, and did not substantially affect pressor response and histamine liberation. BW755 C, a cyclo- and lipoxygenase inhibitor, blocked the release of cysteinyl-LT and markedly reduced the liberation of the other inflammatory mediators as well as the pressor response. The H-1-antagonist clemastine caused a moderate reduction of the anti-IgE-provoked pressure rise. We conclude that intravascular anti-IgE challenge in intact lungs provokes the release of an inflammatory mediator profile compatible with in situ lung parenchymal mast cell activation. Pulmonary hypertension represents the predominant vascular response, presumably mediated by cysteinyl-LT and, to a minor extent, histamine liberation.