211 resultados para tissue preservation


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Measles virus Edmonston strain was purified by ultrafiltration followed by two successive sedimentations through sucrose. Purified virus retained infectivity and, when used as an immunogen, elicited high titred antibody to measles antigens by conventional serology. The measles preparations were examined by SDS-PAGE followed by staining. In addition, following PAGE, the purity of these preparations was assessed immunochemically using antisera directed to measles and host cell antigens. The results of these studies demonstrate the utility of the purification method for the preparation of milligram quantities of relatively pure measles virus.


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Experiments were undertaken to determine if nitric oxide (NO) plays a role in regulation of basal blood flow in the oral cavity of pentobarbital anesthetized cats and, if so, to quantify this effect using dose-response relationships. Blood flow was continuously measured from the surface of the tongue and mandibular gingiva (laser-Doppler flowmetry) and from the lingual artery (ultrasonic flowmetry). Cardiovascular parameters also were recorded. Administration of the nonselective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), L-NAME (0.08-20 mg/kg i.v.), produced a dose-related increase of blood pressure associated with decreases of blood flow at all three measurement sites. Maximal blood flow depression of 50-60% was seen 30-60 min after administration of 1.25 mg/kg of L-NAME. D-NAME (1.25 mg/kg i.v.) was inactive at all sites. Subsequent administration of L-arginine partially reversed effects of L-NAME in the lingual artery and tongue, but not in the gingival circulation. The neuronally selective NOS inhibitor, 7-nitroindazole (7-NI, 30 mg/kg i.p.), was devoid of effect on any of the measured parameters. These results suggest that endothelial (but not neuronally derived) NO plays an important role in control of basal blood flow in oral tissues of the cat.


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Non-invasive population genetics has become a valuable tool in ecology and conservation biology, allowing genetic studies of wild populations without the need to catch, handle or even observe the study subjects directly. We address some of the concerns regarding the limitations of using non-invasive samples by comparing the quality of population genetic information gained through DNA extracted from faecal samples and biopsy samples of two elusive bat species, Myotis mystacinus and Myotis nattereri. We demonstrate that DNA extracted from faeces and tissue samples gives comparable results for frequency based population genetic analyses, despite the occurrence of genotyping errors when using faecal DNA. We conclude that non-invasive genetic sampling for population genetic analysis in bats is viable, and although more labour-intensive and expensive, it is an alternative to tissue sampling, which is particularly pertinent when specimens are rare, endangered or difficult to capture. © 2012 Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS.


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Thousands of Neolithic and Bronze Age open-air rock art panels exist across the countryside in northern England. However, desecration, pollution, and other factors are threatening the survival of these iconic stone monuments. Evidence suggest that rates of panel deterioration may be increasing, although it is not clear whether this is due to local factors or wider environmental influences accelerated by environmental change. To examine this question, 18 rock art panels with varied art motifs were studied at two major panel locations at Lordenshaw and Weetwood Moor in Northumberland. A condition assessment
tool was used to first quantify the level of deterioration of each panel (called “staging”). Stage estimates then were compared statistically with 27 geochemical and physical descriptors of local environments, such as soil moisture, salinity, pH, lichen coverage, soil anions and cation levels, and panel orientation, slope, and standing height. In parallel, climate modelling was performed using UKCP09 to assess how projected climatic conditions (to 2099) might affect the environmental descriptors most correlated with elevated stone deterioration. Only two descriptors significantly correlated (P < 0.05) with increased stage: the standing height of the panel and the exchangeable cation content of the local soils, although moisture conditions also were potentially influential at some panels. Climate modelling predicts warming temperatures, more seasonally variable precipitation, and increased wind speeds, which hint stone deterioration could accelerate in the future due to increased physiochemical weathering. We recommend key panels be targeted for immediate management intervention, focusing on reducing wind exposures, improving site drainage, and potentially immobilizing soil salts.


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Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) is an acquired clonal disorder thought to arise in a multipotent haemopoietic stem cell. A distinct clinical feature is a tendency to thrombosis, with a particular predilection for the hepatic veins (Budd-Chiari syndrome). We report here on two patients with PNH who developed hepatic vein thrombosis (HVT) and who were treated with tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA). Both patients had a marked clinical and radiological improvement following the t-PA treatment and remain well over 2 years and 6 years after the treatment. This method of thrombolysis for HVT occurring in PNH has only been reported in two previous patients with limited follow-up. We suggest that this therapy is a useful first-line treatment for PNH patients who develop HVT.


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Purpose: To investigate the roles of the CCL2-CCR2 and CX3CL1-CX3CR1 pathways in experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU)-mediated retinal tissue damage and angiogenesis.

Methods: The C57BL/6J wild-type (WT) and CCL2−/−CX3CR1gfp/gfp (double knockout [DKO]) mice were immunized with IRBP1-20. Retinal inflammation and tissue damage were evaluated clinically and histologically at different days postimmunization (p.i.). Retinal neovascular membranes were evaluated by confocal microscopy of retinal flat mounts, and immune cell infiltration by flow cytometry.

Results: At day 25 p.i., DKO mice had lower clinical and histological scores and fewer CD45highCD11b+ infiltrating cells compared with WT mice. The F4/80+macrophages constitute 40% and 21% and CD11b+Gr-1+Ly6G+ neutrophils constitute 10% and 22% of retinal infiltrating cells in WT and DKO mice, respectively. At the late stages of EAU (day 60–90 p.i.), DKO and WT mice had similar levels of inflammatory score. However, less structural damage and reduced angiogenesis were detected in DKO mice. Neutrophils were rarely detected in the inflamed retina in both WT and DKO mice. Macrophages and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) accounted for 8% and 3% in DKO EAU retina, and 19% and 10% in WT EAU retina; 71% of infiltrating cells were T/B-lymphocytes in DKO EAU retina and 50% in WT EAU retina.

Conclusions: Experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis–mediated retinal tissue damage and angiogenesis is reduced in CCL2−/−CX3CR1gfp/gfp mice. Retinal inflammation is dominated by neutrophils at the acute stage and lymphocytes at the chronic stage in these mice. Our results suggest that CCR2+ and CX3CR1+monocytes are both involved in tissue damage and angiogenesis in EAU.


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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with significant disturbances in the homeostasis of Na+ and K+ ions as well as reduced levels of Na+/K+ ATPase in the brain. This study used ICP-MS to accurately quantify Na+ and K+ concentrations in human postmortem brain tissue. We analyzed parietal cortex (Brodmann area 7) from 28 cognitively normal age-matched controls, 15 cases of moderate AD, 30 severe AD, and 15 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Associations were investigated between [Na+] and [K+] and a number of variables including diagnosis, age, gender, Braak tangle stage, amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque load, tau load, frontal tissue pH, and APOE genotype. Brains from patients with severe AD had significantly higher (26%; p<0.001) [Na+] (mean 65.43 ± standard error 2.91 mmol/kg) than controls, but the concentration was not significantly altered in moderate AD or DLB. [Na+] correlated positively with Braak stage (r=0.45; p<0.0001), indicating association with disease severity. [K+] in tissue was 10% lower (p<0.05) in moderate AD than controls. However, [K+] in severe AD and DLB (40.97±1.31 mmol/kg) was not significantly different from controls. There was a significant positive correlation between [K+] and Aβ plaque load (r=0.46; p=0.035), and frontal tissue pH (r=0.35; p=0.008). [Na+] was not associated with [K+] across the groups, and neither ion was associated with tau load or APOE genotype. We have demonstrated disturbances of both [Na+] and [K+] in relation to the severity of AD and markers of AD pathology, although it is possible that these relate to late-stage secondary manifestations of the disease pathology.


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The depletion of three banned nitroimidazole drugs (dimetridazole (DMZ), metronidazole (MNZ) and ronidazole (RNZ)) was investigated in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) following in-water medication. The highest concentrations of residues were measured immediately after the 24 h immersion (day 0). At this time, MNZ and MNZ-OH residues were measured in shrimp tissue samples at concentrations ranging from 361–4189 and 0.28–6.6 μg kg−1, respectively. DMZ and its metabolites HMMNI ranged in concentration between 31509–37780 and 15.0–31.9 μg kg−1, respectively. RNZ and HMMNI concentrations ranged 14530–24206 and 25.0–55 μg kg−1, respectively. MNZ, DMZ and RNZ were the more persistent marker residues and can be detected for at least eight days post-treatment. MNZ-OH was only detectable on day 0 following treatment with MNZ. HMMNI residues were only detectable up to day 1 (0.97–3.2 μg kg−1) or 2 (1.2–4.5 μg kg−1) following DMZ and RNZ treatment, respectively. The parent drugs, MNZ, DMZ and RNZ were still measureable on day 8 at 0.12–1.00, 40.5–55 and 8.8–18.7 μg kg−1, respectively. The study also investigated the stability of nitroimidazole residues under various cooking procedures (frying, grilling, boiling and boiling followed by microwaving). The experiments were carried out in shrimp muscle tissue containing both high and low concentrations of these residues. Different cooking procedures showed the impact on nitroimidazole residue concentration in shrimp tissuetheir concentration depleted significantly, but partially, by boiling and/or microwaving but the compounds were largely resistant to conventional grilling or frying. Cooking cannot therefore be considered as a safeguard against harmful nitroimidazole residues in shrimp.


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In recent years, there has been growing evidence for the involvement of stem cells in cancer initiation. As a result of their long life span, stem cells may have an increased propensity to accumulate genetic damage relative to differentiated cells. Therefore, stem cells of normal tissues may be important targets for radiation-induced carcinogenesis.

Knowledge of the effects of ionizing radiation (IR) on normal stem cells and on the processes involved in carcinogenesis is very limited. The influence of high doses of IR (>5 Gy) on proliferation, cell cycle and induction of senescence has been demonstrated in stem cells. There have been limited studies of the effects of moderate (0.5–5 Gy) and low doses (<0.5 Gy) of IR on stem cells however, the effect of low dose IR (LD-IR) on normal stem cells as possible targets for radiation-induced carcinogenesis has not been studied in any depth. There may also be important parallels between stem cell responses and those of cancer stem cells, which may highlight potential key common mechanisms of their response and radiosensitivity.

This review will provide an overview of the current knowledge of radiation-induced effects on normal stem cells, with particular focus on low and moderate doses of IR.