242 resultados para ionic and nonionic micelles


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We present a study on the transport properties through conductivity (s), viscosity (?), and self-diffusion coefficient (D) measurements of two pure protic ionic liquids—pyrrolidinium hydrogen sulfate, [Pyrr][HSO4], and pyrrolidinium trifluoroacetate, [Pyrr][CF3COO]—and their mixtures with water over the whole composition range at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure. Based on these experimental results, transport mobilities of ions have been then investigated in each case through the Stokes–Einstein equation. From this, the proton conduction in these PILs follows a combination of Grotthuss and vehicle-type mechanisms, which depends also on the water composition in solution. In each case, the displacement of the NMR peak attributed to the labile proton on the pyrrolidinium cation with the PILs concentration in aqueous solution indicates that this proton is located between the cation and the anion for a water weight fraction lower than 8%. In other words, for such compositions, it appears that this labile proton is not solvated by water molecules. However, for higher water content, the labile protons are in solution as H3O+. This water weight fraction appears to be the solvation limit of the H+ ions by water molecules in these two PILs solutions. However, [Pyrr][HSO4] and [Pyrr][CF3COO] PILs present opposed comportment in aqueous solution. In the case of [Pyrr][CF3COO], ?, s, D, and the attractive potential, Epot, between ions indicate clearly that the diffusion of each ion is similar. In other words, these ions are tightly bound together as ion pairs, reflecting in fact the importance of the hydrophobicity of the trifluoroacetate anion, whereas, in the case of the [Pyrr][HSO4], the strong H-bond between the HSO4– anion and water promotes a drastic change in the viscosity of the aqueous solution, as well as on the conductivity which is up to 187 mS·cm–1 for water weight fraction close to 60% at 298 K.


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Rates of rapair of pBR 322 plasmid DNA radicals by thiols of varying net charge (Z) at pH 7 and physiological ionic strength were measured using the oxygen explosion technique. The extent of conversion of supercoiled to relaxed circular plasmid was measured by HPLC as a function of the time of oxygen exposure before or after irradiation, the time-courses being fitted by a pseudo-first-order kinetic expression with k1 = k2[RSH]. Values of k2 (M-1 S-1) were: 2.1 x 10(5) (GSH, Z = -1), 1.4 x 10(6) (2-mercaptoethanol, Z = 0), 1.2 x 10(7) (cysteamine, Z = +1), 6.6 x 10(7) (WR-1065 or N-(2-mercaptoethyl)-1,3-diamino?? propane, Z = +2). The approximately 6-fold increase in rate with each unit increase in Z is attributed to concentration of cationic thiols near DNA as a consequence of counter-ion condensation and reduced levels of anionic thiols near DNA owing to co-ion depletion. The results are quantitatively consistent with chemical repair as a significant mechanism for radioprotection of cells by neutral and cationic thiols under aerobic conditions, but indicate that repair by GSH will compete effectively with oxygen only at low oxygen tension.


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We present a study on the phase equilibrium behaviour of binary mixtures containing two 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide-based ionic liquids, [Cnmim] [NTf2] (n=2 and 4), mixed with diethylamine or triethylamine as a function of temperature and composition using different experimental techniques. Based on this work, two systems showing an LCST and one system with a possible hourglass shape are measured. Their phase behaviours are then correlated and predicted by using Flory–Huggins equations and the UNIQUAC method implemented in Aspen. The potential of the COSMO-RS methodology to predict the phase equilibria was also tested for the binary systems studied. However, this methodology is unable to predict the trends obtained experimentally, limiting its use for systems involving amines in ionic liquids. The liquid-state structure of the binary mixture ([C2mim] [NTf2]+diethylamine) is also investigated by molecular dynamics simulation and neutron diffraction. Finally, the absorption of gaseous ethane by the ([C2mim][NTf2]+diethylamine) binary mixture is determined and compared with that observed in the pure solvents.


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The anionic speciation of chlorostannate(II) ionic liquids, prepared by mixing 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride and tin(II) chloride in various molar ratios, chi(SnCl2), was investigated in both solid and liquid states. The room temperature ionic liquids were investigated by Sn-119 NMR spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and viscometry. Crystalline samples were studied using Raman spectroscopy, single-crystal X-ray crystallography, and differential scanning calorimetry. Both liquid and solid systems (crystallized from the melt) contained [SnCl3](-) in equilibrium with Cl- when chi(SnCl2) < 0.50, [SnCl3](-) in equilibrium with [Sn2Cl5](-) when chi(SnCl2) > 0.50, and only [SnCl3](-) when chi(SnCl2) = 0.50. Tin(II) chloride was found to precipitate when chi(SnCl2) > 0.63. No evidence was detected for the existence of [SnCl4](-) across the entire range of chi(SnCl2) although such anions have been reported in the literature for chlorostannate(II) organic salts crystallized from organic solvents. Furthermore, the Lewis acidity of the chlorostannate(II)-based systems, expressed by their Gutmann acceptor number, has been determined as a function of the composition, chi(SnCl2), to reveal Lewis acidity for chi(SnCl2) > 0.50 samples comparable to the analogous systems based on zinc(II). A change of the Lewis basicity of the anion was estimated using H-1 NMR spectroscopy, by comparison of the measured chemical shifts of the C-2 hydrogen in the imidazolium ring. Finally, compositions containing free chloride anions (chi(SnCl2) < 0.50) were found to oxidize slowly in air to form a chlorostannate(IV) ionic liquid containing the [SnCl6](2-) anion.


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Densities and viscosities were measured as a function of temperature for six ionic liquids (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate and butyltrimethylammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide. The density and the viscosity were obtained using a vibrating tube densimeter from Anton Paar and a rheometer from Rheometrics Scientific at temperatures up to 393 K and 388 K with an accuracy of 10-3 g cm-3 and 1%, respectively. The effect of the presence of water on the measured values was also examined by studying both dried and water-saturated samples. A qualitative analysis of the evolution of density and viscosity with cation and anion chemical structures was performed. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2006.


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Experimental values for the solubility of carbon dioxide and hydrogen in three room temperature ionic liquids based on the same anion- (bistrifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [Ntf2]-and three different cations-1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium, [C4mim], 1-ethyl-3- methylimidazolium, [C2mim] and trimethyl-butylammonium, [N 4111]-are reported between 283 and 343 K and close to atmospheric pressure. Carbon dioxide, with a mole-fraction solubility of the order of 10-2, is two orders of magnitude more soluble than hydrogen. The solubility of CO2 is very similar in the three ionic liquids although slightly lower in the presence of the [C2mim] cation. In the case of H2, noticeable differences were observed with larger mole fraction solubilities in the presence of [N4111] followed by [C 4mim]. All of the mole-fraction solubilities decrease with increasing temperature. From the variation of Henry's law constants with temperature, the thermodynamic functions of solvation were calculated. The precision of the experimental data, considered as the average absolute deviation of the Henry's law constants from appropriate smoothing equations, is always better than ±1%. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007.


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The objective of this work was to study the influence of changing the cation of the ionic liquid (IL) on gas solubility. For this purpose, the low-pressure solubility of carbon dioxide and of ethane in three ILs based on the bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide anion ([NTf2](-)) was determined experimentally. Solubility data is reported for 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ([C(1)C(2)Im](+)), 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium ([C(1)C(4)pyrr](+)) and propylcholinium ([N1132-OH](+)) bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide ILs between 300 and 345 K. These data are precise to within +/- 1% and accurate to within +/- 5%. In these ILs, carbon dioxide (mole fraction solubility between 1 and 3 x 10(-2), molarity between 0.03 and 0.1 mol L-1) is one order of magnitude more soluble than ethane. The effect of changing the cation is small but significant. Changing the cation has a similar effect on both gases even if the differences are more pronounced in the case of ethane with the order of solubility [C(1)C(4)pyrr][NTf2] > [C(1)C(2)Im][NTf2] > [N1132-OH][NTf2]. For all the systems, the solubility decreases with temperature corresponding to exothermic processes of solvation and negative enthalpies and entropies of solvation were calculated. The properties of solvation of the two gases in [C(1)C(4)pyrr][NTf2] do not vary significantly with temperature while important variations are depicted for both gases in [C(1)C(2)Im][NTf2]. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Density, rheological properties, and conductivity of a homologous series of ammonium-based ionic liquids N-alkyl-triethylammonium bis{(trifluoromethyl) sulfonyl}imide were studied at atmospheric pressure as a function of alkyl chain length on the cation, as well as of the temperature from (293.15 to 363.15) K. From these investigations, the effect of the cation structure was quantified on each studied properties, which demonstrated, as expected, a decrease of the density and conductivity, a contrario of an increase of the viscosity with the alkyl chain length on the ammonium cation. Furthermore, rheological properties were measured for both pure and water-saturated ionic liquids. The studied ionic liquids were found to be Newtonian and non-Arrhenius. Additionally, the effect of water content in the studied ionic liquids on their viscosity was investigated by adding water until they were saturated at 293.15 K. By comparing the viscosity of pure ionic liquids with the data measured in water-saturated samples, it appears that the presence of water decreases dramatically the viscosity of ionic liquids by up to three times. An analysis of involved transport properties leads us to a classification of the studied ionic liquids in terms of their ionicity using the Walden plot, from which it is evident that they can be classified as "good" ionic liquids. Finally, from measured density data, different volumetric properties, that is, molar volumes and thermal expansion coefficients were determined as a function of temperature and of cationic structure. Based on these volumetric properties, an extension of Jacquemin's group contribution model has been then established and tested for alkylammonium-based ionic liquids within a relatively good uncertainty close to 0.1 %. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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Densities and viscosities of the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium octylsulfate, [C4C1Im][C8SO4] were measured as a function of temperature between 313 K and 395 K. Solubilities of hydrogen and carbon dioxide were determined, between 283 K and 343 K, and at pressures close to atmospheric in [C4C1Im][C 8SO4] and in another ionic liquid based on the alkylsulfate anion-1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate, [C 2C1Im][C2SO4]. Density and viscosity were measured using a vibrating tube densimeter from Anton Paar and a rheometer from Rheometrics Scientific with accuracies of 10-3 g cm -3 and 1%, respectively. Solubilities were obtained using an isochoric saturation technique and, from the variation of solubility with temperature, the partial molar thermodynamic functions of solvation, such as the standard Gibbs energy, the enthalpy, and the entropy, are calculated. The precision of the experimental data, considered as the average absolute deviation of the Henry's law constants from appropriate smoothing equations, is better than ±1%. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Free fatty acid receptors 2 and 3 (FFA2 and FFA3) are G protein-coupled receptors for short chain free fatty acids (SCFAs). They respond to the same set of endogenous ligands but with distinct rank-order of potency, such that acetate (C2) has been described as FFA2 selective while propionate (C3) is non-selective. Although C2 was confirmed to be selective for human FFA2 over FFA3, this ligand was not selective between the mouse orthologs. Moreover, although C3 was indeed not selective between the human orthologs it displayed clear selectivity for mouse FFA3 over mouse FFA2. This altered selectivity to C2 and C3 resulted from broad differences in SCFAs potency at the mouse orthologs. In studies to define the molecular basis for these observations marked variation in ligand-independent, constitutive activity was identified. The orthologs with higher potency for the SCFAs, human FFA2 and mouse FFA3, displayed high constitutive activity while the orthologs with lower potency for the agonist ligands, mouse FFA2 and human FFA3, did not. Sequence alignments of the 2nd extracellular loop identified single negatively charged residues in FFA2 and FFA3 not conserved between species and predicted to form ionic lock interactions with arginine residues within the FFA2 or FFA3 agonist binding pocket to regulate constitutive activity and SCFA potency. Reciprocal mutation of these residues between species orthologs resulted in the induction (or repression) of constitutive activity, and in most cases also yielded corresponding changes in SCFA potency.


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The structural and coordination properties of complexes formed upon the interaction of copper(II) and chromium(II) chlorides with diallrylimidazolium chloride (RMlm(+)Cl(-)) ionic liquids and glucose are studied by a combination of density functional theory (DFT) calculations and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). In the absence of the carbohydrate substrate, isolated mononuclear four-coordinated MeCl42- species (Me = Cu, Cr) dominate in the ionic liquid solution. The organic part of the ionic liquid does not directly interact with the metal centers. The interactions between the RMlm(+) cations and the anionic metal chloride complexes are limited to hydrogen bonding with the basic Cl- ligands and the overall electrostatic stabilization of the anionic metal complexes. Exchange of Cl ligands by a hydroxyl group of glucose is only favorable for CrCl42-. For Cu2+ complexes, the formation of hydrogen bonded complexes between CuCl42- and glucose is preferred. No preference for the coordination of metal chloride species to specific hydroxyl group of the carbohydrate is found. The formation of binuclear metal chloride complexes is also considered. The reactivity and selectivity patterns of the Lewis acid catalyzed reactions of glucose are discussed in the framework of the obtained results.


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Stable chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, manganese, rhenium, ruthenium, osmium, cobalt, rhodium, and iridium metal nanoparticles (MNPs) have been reproducibly obtained by facile, rapid (3 min), and energysaving 10 W microwave irradiation (MWI) under an argon atmosphere from their metal–carbonyl precursors [Mx(CO)y] in the ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMIm][BF4]). This MWI synthesis is compared to UV-photolytic (1000 W, 15 min) or conventional thermal decomposition (180–2508C, 6–12 h) of [Mx(CO)y] in ILs. The MWIobtained nanoparticles have a very small (<5 nm) and uniform size and are prepared without any additional stabilizers or capping molecules as long-term stable M-NP/IL dispersions (characterization by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), transmission electron diffraction (TED), and dynamic light scattering (DLS)). The ruthenium, rhodium, or iridium nanoparticle/IL dispersions are highly active
and easily recyclable catalysts for the biphasic liquid–liquid hydrogenation of cyclohexene to cyclohexane with activities of up to 522 (mol product)(mol Ru)1h1 and 884 (mol product)(molRh)1h1 and give almost quantitative conversion within 2 h at 10 bar H2 and 908C. Catalyst poisoning experiments with CS2 (0.05 equiv per Ru) suggest a heterogeneous surface catalysis of RuNPs.


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A range of nucleoside phosphoramidites incorporating small amino substituents have been readily synthesised using ionic liquid stabilised phosphorodiamidites coupled with mechanochemistry.