231 resultados para grim trigger strategies


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Manipulator motion planning is a classic problem in robotics, with a number of complete solutions available for their motion in controlled (industrial) environments. Owing to recent technological advances in the field of robotics, there has been a significant development of more complex robots with high-fidelity sensors and more computational power. One such example has been a rise in the production of humanoid robots equipped with dual-arm manipulators which require complex motion planning algorithms. Also, the technological advances have resulted in a shift from using manipulators in strictly controlled environments, to investigating the deployment of manipulators in dynamic or unknown environments. As a result, a greater emphasis has been put on the development of local motion planners, which can provide real-time solutions to these problems. Artificial Potential Fields (APFs) is one such popular local motion planning technique, which can be applied to manipulator motion planning, however, the basic algorithm is severely prone to local minima problems. Here, two modified APF-based strategies for solving the dual-arm motion planning task in unknown environments are proposed. Both techniques make use of configuration sampling and subgoal selection to assist the APFs in avoiding these local minima scenarios. Extensive simulation results are presented to validate the efficacy of the proposed methodology.


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Efficient formation of early GCs depends on the close interaction between GC B cells and antigen-primed CD4+ follicular helper T cells (TFH). A tight and stable formation of TFH/B cell conjugates is required for cytokine-driven immunoglobulin class switching and somatic hypermutation of GC B cells. Recently, it has been shown that the formation of TFH/B cell conjugates is crucial for B-cell differentiation and class switch following infection with Leishmania major parasites. However, the subtype of DCs responsible for TFH-cell priming against dermal antigens is thus far unknown. Utilizing a transgenic C57BL/6 mouse model designed to trigger the ablation of Langerin+ DC subsets in vivo, we show that the functionality of TFH/B cell conjugates is disturbed after depletion of Langerhans cells (LCs): LC-depleted mice show a reduction in somatic hypermutation in B cells isolated from TFH/B cell conjugates and markedly reduced GC reactions within skin-draining lymph nodes. In conclusion, this study reveals an indispensable role for LCs in promoting GC B-cell differentiation following cutaneous infection with Leishmania major parasites. We propose that LCs are key regulators of GC formation and therefore have broader implications for the development of allergies and autoimmunity as well as for future vaccination strategies.


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In order to meet the recycling and recovery targets set forth by the European Union's (EU) Waste and Landfill Directives, both the Irish and Czech governments’ policy on waste management is changing to meet these pressures, with major emphasis being placed upon the management of biodegradable municipal waste (BMW). In particular, the EU Landfill Directive requires reductions in the rate of BMW going to landfill to 35% of 1995 values by 2016 and 2020 for Ireland and the Czech Republic, respectively. In this paper, the strategies of how Ireland and the Czech Republic plan to meet this challenge are compared. Ireland either landfills or exports its waste for recovery, while the Czech Republic has a relatively new waste management infrastructure. While Ireland met the first target of 75% diversion of BMW from landfill by 2010 and preliminary 2012 data indicate that Ireland is on track to meet the 2013 target, the achievement of the 2016 target remains at risk. Indicators that were developed to monitor the Czech Republic's path to meeting the targets demonstrate that it did not meet the first target that was set for 2010 and will probably not meet its 2013 target either. The evaluation reports on the implementation of Waste Management Plan of Czech Republic suggest that the currently applied strategy to divert biodegradable waste from landfill is not effective enough. For both countries, the EU Waste Framework and Landfill Directives will be a significant influence and driver of change in waste management practices and governance over the coming decade. This means that both countries will not only have to invest in infrastructure to achieve the targets, but will also have to increase awareness among the public in diverting this waste at the household level. Improving environmental education is part of increased awareness as it is imperative for citizens to understand the consequences of their actions as affluence continues to grow producing increased levels of waste.

Graphical abstract
Despite the differences in the levels of waste generation in both the Czech Republic and Ireland, each country can learn from each other in order to meet the recycling and recovery targets set by the European Union's (EU) Waste and Landfill Directives. Both countries will not only have to invest in infrastructure to achieve the targets, but will also have to increase awareness among the public in diverting this waste at the household level. In addition, there needs to be minimum safe standards when land-spreading organic agricultural and organic municipal and industrial materials on agricultural land used for food production, as well as incentives to increase BMW diversion from landfill such as the increased landfill levy implemented in Ireland and the acceptance of MBT and/or incineration as a means of treating residual waste.


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The development of smart grid technologies and appropriate charging strategies are key to accommodating large numbers of Electric Vehicles (EV) charging on the grid. In this paper a general framework is presented for formulating the EV charging optimization problem and three different charging strategies are investigated and compared from the perspective of charging fairness while taking into account power system constraints. Two strategies are based on distributed algorithms, namely, Additive Increase and Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD), and Distributed Price-Feedback (DPF), while the third is an ideal centralized solution used to benchmark performance. The algorithms are evaluated using a simulation of a typical residential low voltage distribution network with 50% EV penetration. © 2013 IEEE.


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In this paper we consider charging strategies that mitigate the impact of domestic charging of EVs on low-voltage distribution networks and which seek to reduce peak power by responding to time-ofday pricing. The strategies are based on the distributed Additive Increase and Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) charging algorithms proposed in [5]. The strategies are evaluated using simulations conducted on a custom OpenDSS-Matlab platform for a typical low voltage residential feeder network. Results show that by using AIMD based smart charging 50% EV penetration can be accommodated on our test network, compared to only 10% with uncontrolled charging, without needing to reinforce existing network infrastructure. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.


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The development of appropriate Electric Vehicle (EV) charging strategies has been identified as an effective way to accommodate an increasing number of EVs on Low Voltage (LV) distribution networks. Most research studies to date assume that future charging facilities will be capable of regulating charge rates continuously, while very few papers consider the more realistic situation of EV chargers that support only on-off charging functionality. In this work, a distributed charging algorithm applicable to on-off based charging systems is presented. Then, a modified version of the algorithm is proposed to incorporate real power system constraints. Both algorithms are compared with uncontrolled and centralized charging strategies from the perspective of both utilities and customers. © 2013 IEEE.


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Population viability is driven by individual survival, which in turn depends on individuals balancing energy budgets. As carnivores may function close to maximum sustained power outputs, decreased food availability or increased activity may render some populations energetically vulnerable. Prey theft may compromise energetic budgets of mesopredators, such as cheetahs and wild dogs, which are susceptible to competition from larger carnivores. We show that daily energy expenditure (DEE) of cheetahs was similar to size-based predictions and positively related to distance traveled. Theft at 25% only requires cheetahs to hunt for an extra 1.1 hour per day, increasing DEE by just 12%. Therefore, not all mesopredators are energetically constrained by direct competition. Other factors that increase DEE, such as those that increase travel, may be more
important for population viability.


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In this paper the evolution of a time domain dynamic identification technique based on a statistical moment approach is presented. This technique can be used in the case of structures under base random excitations in the linear state and in the non linear one. By applying Itoˆ stochastic calculus, special algebraic equations can be obtained depending on the statistical moments of the response of the system to be identified. Such equations can be used for the dynamic identification of the mechanical parameters and of the input. The above equations, differently from many techniques in the literature, show the possibility of obtaining the identification of the dissipation characteristics independently from the input. Through the paper the first formulation of this technique, applicable to non linear systems, based on the use of a restricted class of the potential models, is presented. Further a second formulation of the technique in object, applicable to each kind of linear systems and based on the use of a class of linear models, characterized by a mass proportional damping matrix, is described.


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The global financial crisis has led many regulators and lawmakers to a rethinking about current versus optimum financial market structures and activities that include a variety and even radical ideas about delevaraging and downsizing finance. This paper focuses on the flaws and shortcomings of regulatory reforms of finance and on the necessity of and scope for more radical transformative strategies. With 'crisis economics' back, the most developed countries, including the EU member states, are still on the edge of disaster and confronted with systemic risk. Changes in financial regulation adopted in the aftermath of the financial meltdown have not been radical enough to transform the overall system of finance-driven capitalism towards a more sustainable system with a more embedded finance. The paper discusses financialisation in order to understand the development trends in finance over the past decades and examines various theories to describe the typical trends and patterns in financial regulation. By focusing on a limited number of regulatory reforms in the European Union, the limitations of current reforms and the need for additional transformative strategies necessary to overcome the finance-driven accumulation regime are explored. Finally, the regulatory space for such transformative strategies and for taming finance in times of crisis, austerity, and increased public protest potential is analysed.


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BACKGROUND: Molecular typing is integral for identifying Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains that may be shared between patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). We conducted a side-by-side comparison of two P. aeruginosa genotyping methods utilising informative-single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) methods; one targeting 10 P. aeruginosa SNPs and using real-time polymerase chain reaction technology (HRM10SNP) and the other targeting 20 SNPs and based on the Sequenom MassARRAY platform (iPLEX20SNP).

METHODS: An in-silico analysis of the 20 SNPs used for the iPLEX20SNP method was initially conducted using sequence type (ST) data on the P. aeruginosa PubMLST website. A total of 506 clinical isolates collected from patients attending 11 CF centres throughout Australia were then tested by both the HRM10SNP and iPLEX20SNP assays. Type-ability and discriminatory power of the methods, as well as their ability to identify commonly shared P. aeruginosa strains, were compared.

RESULTS: The in-silico analyses showed that the 1401 STs available on the PubMLST website could be divided into 927 different 20-SNP profiles (D-value = 0.999), and that most STs of national or international importance in CF could be distinguished either individually or as belonging to closely related single- or double-locus variant groups. When applied to the 506 clinical isolates, the iPLEX20SNP provided better discrimination over the HRM10SNP method with 147 different 20-SNP and 92 different 10-SNP profiles observed, respectively. For detecting the three most commonly shared Australian P. aeruginosa strains AUST-01, AUST-02 and AUST-06, the two methods were in agreement for 80/81 (98.8%), 48/49 (97.8%) and 11/12 (91.7%) isolates, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: The iPLEX20SNP is a superior new method for broader SNP-based MLST-style investigations of P. aeruginosa. However, because of convenience and availability, the HRM10SNP method remains better suited for clinical microbiology laboratories that only utilise real-time PCR technology and where the main interest is detection of the most highly-prevalent P. aeruginosa CF strains within Australian clinics.


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OBJECTIVE: To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing two different tooth replacement strategies for partially dentate older patients, namely partial removable dental prostheses (RDP) and functionally orientated treatment based on the shortened dental arch concept (SDA).

METHODS: Ninety-two partially dentate older patients completed a randomized controlled clinical trial. Patients were randomly allocated to two treatment groups: the RDP group and the SDA group. Treatment effect was measured using impact on oral health-related quality of life (OHrQOL), and the costs involved in providing and maintaining care were recorded for all patients. Patients were followed for 12 months after treatment intervention. All treatment was provided by a single operator.

RESULTS: The total cost of achieving the minimally important clinical difference (MID) in OHrQOL for an average patient in the RDP group was €464.64. For the SDA group, the cost of achieving the MID for an average patient was €252.00. The cost-effectiveness ratio was therefore 1:1.84 in favour of SDA treatment.

CONCLUSION: With an increasingly ageing population, many patients will continue to benefit from removable prostheses to replace their missing natural teeth. From a purely economic standpoint, the results from this analysis suggest that the treatment of partially dentate older adults should be focused on functionally orientated treatment because it is simply more cost-effective.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the cost-effectiveness of conventional treatment using partial dentures with functionally orientated treatment to replace missing teeth for partially dentate elders using a randomised controlled clinical trial.

BACKGROUND: In many countries, including the Republic of Ireland, the only publically funded treatment option offered to partially dentate older patients is a removable partial denture. However, evidence suggests that these removable prostheses are unpopular with patients and can potentially increase the risk of further dental disease and subsequent tooth loss.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fourty-four partially dentate patients aged 65 years and older were recruited. Patients were randomly assigned to the two treatment arms of the study. The conventional treatment group received removable partial dentures to replace all missing natural teeth. The functionally orientated group was restored to a Shortened Dental Arch (SDA) of 10 occluding contacts using resin-bonded bridgework (RBB). The costs associated with each treatment were recorded. Effectiveness was measured in terms of the impact on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) using OHIP-14.

RESULTS: Both groups reported improvements in OHRQoL 1 month after completion of treatment. The conventional treatment group required 8.3 clinic visits as compared to 4.4 visits for the functionally orientated group. The mean total treatment time was 183 min 19 s for the conventional group vs. 124 min 8 s for the functionally orientated group. The average cost of treatment for the conventional group was 487.74 Euros compared to 356.20 Euros for the functional group.

CONCLUSIONS: Functionally orientated treatment was more cost-effective than conventional treatment in terms of treatment effect and opportunity costs to the patients' time.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of tooth replacement on the nutritional status of partially dentate older patients, and, to compare two different tooth replacement strategies; conventional treatment using removable partial dentures and functionally orientated treatment based on the shortened dental arch.

BACKGROUND: Amongst older patients, diet plays a key role in disease prevention, as poor diets have been linked to numerous illnesses. Poor oral health and loss of teeth can have very significant negative effects on dietary intake and nutritional status for elderly patients. There is evidence that good oral health generally, has positive effects on the nutritional intake of older adults.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A randomised, controlled clinical trial was designed to investigate the impact of tooth replacement on the nutritional status of partially dentate elders. Forty-four patients aged over 65 years completed the trial, with 21 allocated to conventional treatment and 23 allocated to functionally orientated treatment. Nutritional status was accessed at baseline and after treatment using the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and a range of haematological markers.

RESULTS: At baseline, relationships were observed between the number of occluding tooth contacts and some measures of nutritional status. As the number of contacts increased, MNA scores (R = 0.16), in addition to vitamin B12 (R = 0.21), serum folate (R = 0.32) and total lymphocyte count (R = 0.35), also increased. After treatment intervention, the only measure of nutritional status that showed a statistically significant improvement for both treatment groups was MNA score (p = 0.03). No significant between group differences were observed from analysis of the haematological data.

CONCLUSION: In this study, prosthodontic rehabilitation with both conventional treatment and functionally orientated treatment resulted in an improvement in MNA score. Haematological markers did not illustrate a clear picture of improvement in nutritional status for either treatment group.