199 resultados para Prime rational functions
Il D.Lgs. 150/09 ha inteso dar vita ad una “riforma organica” della PA italiana, improntandone il funzionamento a logiche di programmazione e controllo delle performance. Attorno a tale concetto la riforma ha costruito un Sistema teso a programmare, misurare, controllare, valutare e comunicare la performance degli enti. Il lavoro si focalizza sulla programmazione, e in particolare sullo strumento cardine introdotto dal D.Lgs. 150/09: il Piano della Performance (PdP). Il contributo, basato su una metodologia deduttivo-induttiva, si concentra sui comuni medi italiani, scelti in quanto statisticamente rappresentativi del livello medio di complessità degli enti locali. Sono stati oggetto di indagine i PdP pubblicati sui siti istituzionali degli enti considerati, al fine di verificarne sia il livello di aderenza alle Linee Guida (LG) emanate dalla Commissione Indipendente per la Valutazione, la Trasparenza e l’Integrità delle amministrazioni pubbliche (CIVIT) e dalla Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani (ANCI), sia il loro livello di adeguatezza economico-aziendale. Preliminarmente si indagherà il tema della programmazione, sotto il profilo normativo-dottrinale, concentrandosi su soggetti, processi e strumenti. Poi si sposterà il focus sul PdP: dopo aver definito obiettivi, quesiti e metodologia della ricerca, verranno esplicitate le configurazioni di PdP emergenti dalle LG CIVIT e ANCI. Verranno poi illustrati i risultati della ricerca empirica, mettendo in luce il livello di allineamento dei PdP dei comuni medi alle LG, nonché il livello di adeguatezza economico-aziendale degli stessi. Si tratteggeranno quindi alcune brevi conclusioni.
To test the applicability of the sex-specific 2008 Framingham general cardiovascular risk equation for coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke in European middle-aged men from Ireland and France.
Objective: To simultaneously evaluate 14 biomarkers from distinct biological pathways for risk prediction of ischemic stroke, including biomarkers of hemostasis, inflammation, and endothelial activation as well as chemokines and adipocytokines.
Methods and Results: The Prospective Epidemiological Study on Myocardial Infarction (PRIME) is a cohort of 9771 healthy men 50 to 59 years of age who were followed up over 10 years. In a nested case–control study, 95 ischemic stroke cases were matched with 190 controls. After multivariable adjustment for traditional risk factors, fibrinogen (odds ratio [OR], 1.53; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03–2.28), E-selectin (OR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.06–2.93), interferon-γ-inducible-protein-10 (OR, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.06–2.78), resistin (OR, 2.86; 95% CI, 1.30–6.27), and total adiponectin (OR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.04–3.19) were significantly associated with ischemic stroke. Adding E-selectin and resistin to a traditional risk factor model significantly increased the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve from 0.679 (95% CI, 0.612–0.745) to 0.785 and 0.788, respectively, and yielded a categorical net reclassification improvement of 29.9% (P=0.001) and 28.4% (P=0.002), respectively. Their simultaneous inclusion in the traditional risk factor model increased the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve to 0.824 (95% CI, 0.770–0.877) and resulted in an net reclassification improvement of 41.4% (P<0.001). Results were confirmed when using continuous net reclassification improvement.
Conclusion: Among multiple biomarkers from distinct biological pathways, E-selectin and resistin provided incremental and additive value to traditional risk factors in predicting ischemic stroke.
Hopanoids are bacterial surrogates of eukaryotic membrane sterols and among earth's most abundant natural products. Their molecular fossils remain in sediments spanning more than a billion years. However, hopanoid metabolism and function are not fully understood. Burkholderia species are environmental opportunistic pathogens that produce hopanoids and also occupy diverse ecological niches. We investigated hopanoids biosynthesis in Burkholderia cenocepacia by deletion mutagenesis and structural characterization of the hopanoids produced by the mutants. The enzymes encoded by hpnH and hpnG were essential for production of all C35 extended hopanoids, including bacteriohopanetetrol (BHT), BHT glucosamine and BHT cyclitol ether. Deletion of hpnI resulted in BHT production, while ΔhpnJ produced only BHT glucosamine. Thus, HpnI is required for BHT glucosamine production while HpnJ is responsible for its conversion to the cyclitol ether. The ΔhpnH and ΔhpnG mutants could not grow under any stress condition tested, whereas ΔhpnI, ΔhpnJ and ΔhpnK displayed wild-type growth rates when exposed to detergent, but varying levels of sensitivity to low pH and polymyxin B. This study not only elucidates the biosynthetic pathway of hopanoids in B. cenocepacia, but also uncovers a biosynthetic role for the conserved proteins HpnI, HpnJ and HpnK in other hopanoid-producing bacteria.whereas ΔhpnI, ΔhpnJ and ΔhpnK displayed wild-type growth rates when exposed to detergent, but varying levels of sensitivity to low pH and polymyxin B. This study not only elucidates the biosynthetic pathway of hopanoids in B. cenocepacia, but also uncovers a biosynthetic role for the conserved proteins HpnI, HpnJ and HpnK in other hopanoid-producing bacteria.
When asked to solve mathematical problems, some people experience anxiety and threat, which can lead to impaired mathematical performance (Curr Dir Psychol Sci 11:181–185, 2002). The present studies investigated the link between mathematical anxiety and performance on the cognitive reflection test (CRT; J Econ Perspect 19:25–42, 2005). The CRT is a measure of a person’s ability to resist intuitive response tendencies, and it correlates strongly with important real-life outcomes, such as time preferences, risk-taking, and rational thinking.
In Experiments 1 and 2 the relationships between maths anxiety, mathematical knowledge/mathematical achievement, test anxiety and cognitive reflection were analysed using mediation analyses. Experiment 3 included a manipulation of working memory load. The effects of anxiety and working memory load were analysed using ANOVAs.
Our experiments with university students (Experiments 1 and 3) and secondary school students (Experiment 2) demonstrated that mathematical anxiety was a significant predictor of cognitive reflection, even after controlling for the effects of general mathematical knowledge (in Experiment 1), school mathematical achievement (in Experiment 2) and test anxiety (in Experiments 1–3). Furthermore, Experiment 3 showed that mathematical anxiety and burdening working memory resources with a secondary task had similar effects on cognitive reflection.
Given earlier findings that showed a close link between cognitive reflection, unbiased decisions and rationality, our results suggest that mathematical anxiety might be negatively related to individuals’ ability to make advantageous choices and good decisions.
We prove that if G is S1 or a profinite group, then all of the homotopical information of the category of rational G-spectra is captured by the triangulated structure of the rational G-equivariant stable homotopy category.
That is, for G profinite or S1, the rational G-equivariant stable homotopy category is rigid. For the case of profinite groups this rigidity comes from an intrinsic formality statement, so we carefully relate the notion of intrinsic formality of a differential graded algebra to rigidity.
Predictive Demand Response (DR) algorithms allow schedulable loads in power systems to be shifted to off-peak times. However, the size of the optimisation problems associated with predictive DR can grow very large and so efficient implementations of algorithms are desirable. In this paper Laguerre functions are used to significantly reduce the size of the optimisation needed to implement predictive DR, thus significantly increasing the efficiency of the implementation. © 2013 IEEE.
Social work in the United Kingdom remains embroiled in concerns about child protection error. The serious injury or death of vulnerable children continues to evince much consternation in the public and private spheres. Governmental responses to these concerns invariably draw on technocratic solutions involving more procedures, case management systems, information technology and bureaucratic regulation. Such solutions flow from an implicit use of instrumental rationality based on a ‘means-end’ logic. While bringing an important perspective to the problem of child protection error, instrumental rationality has been overused limiting discretion and other modes of rational inquiry. This paper argues that the social work profession should apply an enlarged form of rationality comprising not only the instrumental-rational mode but also the critical-rational, affective-rational and communicative-rational forms. It is suggested that this combined, conceptual arsenal of rational inquiry leads to a gestalt which has been termed the holistic-rational perspective. It is also argued that embracing a more rounded perspective such as this might offer greater opportunities for reducing child protection error.
Knowledge is an important component in many intelligent systems.
Since items of knowledge in a knowledge base can be conflicting, especially if
there are multiple sources contributing to the knowledge in this base, significant
research efforts have been made on developing inconsistency measures for
knowledge bases and on developing merging approaches. Most of these efforts
start with flat knowledge bases. However, in many real-world applications, items
of knowledge are not perceived with equal importance, rather, weights (which
can be used to indicate the importance or priority) are associated with items of
knowledge. Therefore, measuring the inconsistency of a knowledge base with
weighted formulae as well as their merging is an important but difficult task. In
this paper, we derive a numerical characteristic function from each knowledge
base with weighted formulae, based on the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence.
Using these functions, we are able to measure the inconsistency of the knowledge
base in a convenient and rational way, and are able to merge multiple knowledge
bases with weighted formulae, even if knowledge in these bases may be
inconsistent. Furthermore, by examining whether multiple knowledge bases are
dependent or independent, they can be combined in different ways using their
characteristic functions, which cannot be handled (or at least have never been
considered) in classic knowledge based merging approaches in the literature.
Relatively few measurements of the solar phase function of cometary nuclei exist, despite the importance of this parameter in determining accurate sizes and its use in modeling surface properties. We make use of robotic telescopes and servicemode observing to monitor cometary nuclei over months at a time, combining intensive observations at a single epoch with regular short light-curve segments to efficiently account for brightness changes due to both nucleus rotation and changing solar phase angle. We present our latest results on comets 8P/Tuttle, 14P/Wolf, 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko and 110P/Hartley 3.