189 resultados para Engaged Literature


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Participatory and socially engaged art practices have, for a couple of decades, emerged a myriad of aesthetic and methodological strategies across different media. These are artistic practices that have a primary interest in participation, affecting social dynamics, dialogue and at times political activism. Nato Thompson in “Living Form: Socially Engaged Art from 1991-2011” surveys these
practices, which range from theatre to urban planning, visual art to healthcare. Linked to notions such as relational aesthetics (Bourriaud, 1998), community art and public art, socially engaged art often focuses on the development of a sense of ownership by the part of participants. If an artist is working truly collaboratively with participants and addressing the reality of a particular community, the long-term effect of a project lies in the process of engagement as well as in the artwork itself. Projects by New York based artist Pablo Helguera, for example, use different media to engage with social inequalities through participative action while rejecting the notion of art for art sake.

“Socially engaged art functions by attaching itself to subjects and problems that normally belong to other disciplines, moving them temporarily into a space of ambiguity. It is this temporary snatching away of subjects into the realm of art-making that brings new insights to a particular problem or condition and in turn makes it visible to other disciplines.” (Helguera, 2011)

Socially engaged practices develop the notion of artwork about or by a community, to work of a community. In this chapter we address how socially engaged, participatory approaches can form a context for the sonic arts, arguably less explored than practices such as theatre and performance art. The use of sound is clearly present in a wide range of socially engaged work (e.g. Helguera’s “Aelia Media” enabling a nomadic radio station in Bologna or Maria Andueza “Immigrant Sounds – Res(on)Art (Stockholm)” exploring ways of sonically resonating a city, or Sue MacCauley’s “The Housing Project” addressing ways of representing the views of urban dwellers on public scape through sound art. It is nevertheless rare to encounter projects which take our experience of sound in the everyday as a trigger for community social engagement in a participatory context.
We address concepts and methodologies behind the project Som da Maré, a participatory sonic arts project in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro.


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Medicines reconciliation is a way to identify and act on discrepancies in patients’ medical histories and it is found to play a key role in patient safety. This review focuses on discrepancies and medical errors that occurred at point of discharge from hospital. Studies were identified through the following electronic databases: PubMed, Sciences Direct, EMBASE, Google Scholar, Cochrane Reviews and CINAHL. Each of the six databases was screened from inception to end of January 2014. To determine eligibility of the studies; the title, abstract and full manuscript were screened to find 15 articles that meet the inclusion criteria. The median number of discrepancies across the articles was found to be 60%. In average patient had between 1.2–5.3 discrepancies when leaving the hospital. More studies also found a relation between the numbers of drugs a patient was on and the number of discrepancies. The variation in the number of discrepancies found in the 15 studies could be due to the fact that some studies excluded patient taking more than 5 drugs at admission. Medication reconciliation would be a way to avoid the high number of discrepancies that was found in this literature review and thereby increase patient safety.


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During Northern Ireland’s transition towards peace the role of the police as an actor in the conflict has been a key point of contention. As such, the reform of policing has been central to conflict transformation. Within this process, the role of dialogue about what policing had been and could be in the future has been vital. Such institutional post violence change processes have been hugely significant in illustrating both organisational resistance to change and the need for transitions to be powerfully manoeuvred through complex, political, organisational and cultural processes (Buchanan and Badham 1999; Pettigrew 2012). The radical and reforming nature of policing transition (Murphy 2013) has been both organisationally challenging (requiring significant transformational leadership, resourcing and external engagement from wider civic society) and politically unusual. Indeed, in a society emerging from violence the NI police are the only public sector organisation to have engaged structurally and culturally in understanding the point at which their core roles intersected with the ‘management’ of the conflict in NI generally. This paper presents an analysis of the role of historical dialogue in organisational change process, using the RUC / PSNI case. It proposes that historical dialogue is not just an external, societal process but also an internal organisational process and as such, has implications for managing institutional change in societies emerging from conflict. In doing so, it builds theoretical links between literature on conflict transformation and that on organisational memory and empirically explores messaging internal to the RUC before and during the four main periods of organisational change (Murphy 2013), with dialogue aimed at an external audience. It offers an analysis of how historical dialogue itself impacts on and is impacted by the organisational realities of change itself.


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The increase in adolescent suicides has prompted the World Health Organization to set targets to reduce the incidence of deaths by the year 2000. In order to achieve this target further investigation into the perceptions of adolescent parasuicidal individuals is required to reduce the number of suicide attempts. Statistical evidence shows that parasuicidal individuals are commonly females who attempt suicide by taking an overdose. In the majority of cases help has been sought within the month prior to the attempt. Following an attempt many individuals feel isolated or ignored by health professionals. It appears that communication difficulties and negative attitudes by health professionals often reinforce the stigma associated with suicide. Nurses can contribute to the prevention of parasuicide/suicide by actively providing therapeutic care and counselling parasuicidal individuals to help them deal with major life events.


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A case of chronic myeloid leukaemia diagnosed as an incidental finding in a 32-year-old woman, pregnant with twins at 11 weeks gestation, is presented. Management of the patient was with leucapheresis and supportive care until spontaneous delivery of two morphologically normal infants (one male, one female) at 37 weeks gestation. Special considerations while employing leucapheresis in pregnant patients are discussed.


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Perfect information is seldom available to man or machines due to uncertainties inherent in real world problems. Uncertainties in geographic information systems (GIS) stem from either vague/ambiguous or imprecise/inaccurate/incomplete information and it is necessary for GIS to develop tools and techniques to manage these uncertainties. There is a widespread agreement in the GIS community that although GIS has the potential to support a wide range of spatial data analysis problems, this potential is often hindered by the lack of consistency and uniformity. Uncertainties come in many shapes and forms, and processing uncertain spatial data requires a practical taxonomy to aid decision makers in choosing the most suitable data modeling and analysis method. In this paper, we: (1) review important developments in handling uncertainties when working with spatial data and GIS applications; (2) propose a taxonomy of models for dealing with uncertainties in GIS; and (3) identify current challenges and future research directions in spatial data analysis and GIS for managing uncertainties.


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Background: Search filters are combinations of words and phrases designed to retrieve an optimal set of records on a particular topic (subject filters) or study design (methodological filters). Information specialists are increasingly turning to reusable filters to focus their searches. However, the extent of the academic literature on search filters is unknown. We provide a broad overview to the academic literature on search filters.
Objectives: To map the academic literature on search filters from 2004 to 2015 using a novel form of content analysis.
Methods: We conducted a comprehensive search for literature between 2004 and 2015 across eight databases using a subjectively derived search strategy. We identified key words from titles, grouped them into categories, and examined their frequency and co-occurrences.
Results: The majority of records were housed in Embase (n = 178) and MEDLINE (n = 154). Over the last decade, both databases appeared to exhibit a bimodal distribution with the number of publications on search filters rising until 2006, before dipping in 2007, and steadily increasing until 2012. Few articles appeared in social science databases over the same time frame (e.g. Social Services Abstracts, n = 3).
Unsurprisingly, the term ‘search’ appeared in most titles, and quite often, was used as a noun adjunct for the word 'filter' and ‘strategy’. Across the papers, the purpose of searches as a means of 'identifying' information and gathering ‘evidence’ from 'databases' emerged quite strongly. Other terms relating to the methodological assessment of search filters, such as precision and validation, also appeared albeit less frequently.
Conclusions: Our findings show surprising commonality across the papers with regard to the literature on search filters. Much of the literature seems to be focused on developing search filters to identify and retrieve information, as opposed to testing or validating such filters. Furthermore, the literature is mostly housed in health-related databases, namely MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Embase, implying that it is medically driven. Relatively few papers focus on the use of search filters in the social sciences.


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Implementing evidence into practice requires nurses to identify, critically appraise and synthesise research. This may require a comprehensive literature review: this article aims to outline the approaches and stages required and provides a working example of a published review


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Youths exposed to armed conflict have a higher prevalence of mental health and psychosocial difficulties. Diverse interventions exist that aim to ameliorate the effect of armed conflict on the psychological and psychosocial wellbeing of conflict affected youths. However, the evidence base for the effectiveness of these interventions is limited. Using standard review methodology, this review aims to address the effectiveness of psychological interventions employed among this population. The search was performed across four databases and grey literature. Article quality was assessed using the Downs and Black Quality Checklist (1998). Where possible, studies were subjected to meta-analyses. The remaining studies were included in a narrative synthesis. Eight studies concerned non clinical populations, while nine concerned clinical populations. Review findings conclude that Group Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is effective for reducing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression and improving prosocial behaviour among clinical cohorts. The evidence does not suggest that interventions aimed at non clinical groups within this population are effective. Despite high quality studies, further robust trials are required to strengthen the evidence base, as a lack of replication has resulted in a limited evidence base to inform practice.