181 resultados para COLLISION STRENGTHS


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We consider a collision-sensitive secondary system that intends to opportunistically aggregate and utilize spectrum of a primary system to achieve higher data rates. In such opportunistic spectrum access, secondary transmission can collide with primary transmission. When the secondary system aggregates more channels for data transmission, more frequent collisions may occur, limiting the performance obtained by the opportunistic spectrum aggregation. In this context, dynamic spectrum aggregation problem is formulated to maximize the ergodic channel capacity under the constraint of collision tolerable level. To solve the problem, we develop the optimal spectrum aggregation approach, deriving closed-form expressions for the collision probability in terms of primary user traffic load, secondary user transmission interval, and the random number of sub-channels aggregated. Our results show that aggregating only a subset of sub-channels will be a better choice, depending on the ratio of collision sensitivity requirement to the primary user traffic.


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Background There is growing evidence linking early social and emotional wellbeing to later academic performance and various health outcomes including mental health. An economic evaluation was designed alongside the Roots of Empathy cluster-randomised trial evaluation, which is a school-based intervention for improving pupils’ social and emotional wellbeing. Exploration of the relevance of the Strengths and Diffi culties Questionnaire (SDQ) and Child Health Utility 9D (CHU9D) in school-based health economic evaluations is warranted. The SDQ is a behavioural screening questionnaire for 4–17-year-old children, consisting of a total diffi culties score, and also prosocial behaviour,
which aims to identify positive aspects of behaviour. The CHU9D is a generic preference-based health-related quality of life instrument for 7–17-year-old children.


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In this paper we present oscillator strengths and transition probabilities for W xlv transitions between levels arising from configurations 3d104s2,4p2,4d2, 3d104k4l (k = s,p,d,f and l = p,d,f), 3d94s24l (l = p,d,f) and 3d94s4p2. The model used to calculate these contained all configurations which can be constructed from the available orbitals (up to n = 4), with either a 3d10 or 3d9 core. The calculations were performed with the configuration interaction CIV3 program with the inclusion of relativistic effects achieved through the use of the Breit-Pauli approximation. We compare our ab initio energy levels, oscillator strengths and transition rates with other experimental and theoretical values available in the literature. There is generally good agreement when only levels with 3d10 cores are considered. The literature is sparse for levels in which the 3d-subshell is opened: for the majority of the fine-structure lines considered, there is either no comparison data available or substantial differences are found. This paper also investigates how the inclusion of relativistic effects can result in a significant redistribution of the oscillator strength from the LS calculations.


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In order to address road safety effectively, it is essential to understand all the factors, which
attribute to the occurrence of a road collision. This is achieved through road safety
assessment measures, which are primarily based on historical crash data. Recent advances
in uncertain reasoning technology have led to the development of robust machine learning
techniques, which are suitable for investigating road traffic collision data. These techniques
include supervised learning (e.g. SVM) and unsupervised learning (e.g. Cluster Analysis).
This study extends upon previous research work, carried out in Coll et al. [3], which
proposed a non-linear aggregation framework for identifying temporal and spatial hotspots.
The results from Coll et al. [3] identified Lisburn area as the hotspot, in terms of road safety,
in Northern Ireland. This study aims to use Cluster Analysis, to investigate and highlight any
hidden patterns associated with collisions that occurred in Lisburn area, which in turn, will
provide more clarity in the causation factors so that appropriate countermeasures can be put
in place.


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The discovery of P/2010 A2 by the LINEAR survey in January 2010 revealed an object displaying a large trail of material similar in shape to a cometary tail although no central condensation or coma could be detected. The appearance of this object in an asteroidal orbit in the inner main belt attracted attention as a potential new member of the Main Belt Comets class (MBCs) but the discovery of a nucleus, with an estimated diameter of 120 m, around 1500 km away from the trail implied that the extended object we were seeing could be the debris trail from a recent collision rather than the tail of a comet. Due to the low inclination of its orbit, it is difficult to conclude about the nature of P/2010 A2 from Earth-based data only, as different scenarios lead to the same appearance in the orbital configuration at the times of observations. We present here another set of images, acquired from the unique viewing geometry provided by ESA's Rosetta spacecraft en route to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Albeit faint (22 magnitude), the object could be observed by the high-resolution camera OSIRIS. We used a Finson-Probstein model to simulate the shape of the trail, and estimate the time of emission and β parameter (ratio between solar radiation pressure and gravity) for the dust grains. Simulations were compared to the OSIRIS images and ground based observations acquired at NTT and Palomar telescopes. Thanks to the different phase angle provided by Rosetta, we could reduce the number of solutions to a unique model, leading to the conclusive demonstration that the trail is due to a single event rather than a period of cometary activity.


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The peculiar object P/2010A2 was discovered in January 2010 and given a cometary designation because of the presence of a trail of material, although there was no central condensation or coma. The appearance of this object, in an asteroidal orbit (small eccentricity and inclination) in the inner main asteroid belt attracted attention as a potential new member of the recently recognized class of main-belt comets. If confirmed, this new object would expand the range in heliocentric distance over which main-belt comets are found. Here we report observations of P/2010A2 by the Rosetta spacecraft. We conclude that the trail arose from a single event, rather than a period of cometary activity, in agreement with independent results. The trail is made up of relatively large particles of millimetre to centimetre size that remain close to the parent asteroid. The shape of the trail can be explained by an initial impact ejecting large clumps of debris that disintegrated and dispersed almost immediately. We determine that this was an asteroid collision that occurred around 10 February 2009.


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This paper employs a unique decentralised cooperative control method to realise a formation-based collision avoidance strategy for a group of autonomous vehicles. In this approach, the vehicles' role in the formation and their alert and danger areas are first defined, and the formation-based intra-group and external collision avoidance methods are then proposed to translate the collision avoidance problem into the formation stability problem. The extension–decomposition–aggregation formation control method is next employed to stabilise the original and modified formations, whilst manoeuvring, and subsequently solve their collision avoidance problem indirectly. Simulation study verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the intra-group and external collision avoidance strategy. It is demonstrated that both formation control and collision avoidance problems can be simultaneously solved if the stability of the expanded formation including external obstacles can be satisfied.


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Several factors affecting the reactivity of pulverised fuel ash (pfa) as a precursor for geopolymer concrete have been investigated. These include physical and chemical properties of various pfa sources, inclusion of ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbs), chemical activator dosages and curing temperature. Alkali-activated pfa was found to require elevated curing temperatures and high alkali concentrations. A mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate was used and this was shown to result in high strengths, as high as 70 MPa at 28-days. The presence of silicates in solution was found to be a key factor. Detailed physical and chemical characterisation was carried out on thirteen pfa sources from the UK. The most important factor affecting the reactivity was found to be the particle size of pfa. The loss on ignition (LOI) and the amorphous content are also important parameters that need to be considered for the selection of pfa for use in geopolymer concrete. The partial replacement of pfa by ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbs) was found to be beneficial in not only avoiding the need for elevated curing temperatures but also in improving compressive strengths. Microstructural characterisation with scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was performed on pfa/ggbs pastes. The reaction product of pfa and ggbs in these binary systems was calcium aluminium silicate hydrate gel (C-A-S-H) with inclusion of Na in the structure.


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Petaflop architectures are currently being utilized efficiently to perform large scale computations in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Collisions. We solve the Schr\"odinger or Dirac equation for the appropriate collision problem using the R-matrix or R-matrix with pseudo-states approach. We briefly outline the parallel methodology used and implemented for the current suite of Breit-Pauli and DARC codes. In this report, various examples are shown from our theoretical results compared with experimental results obtained from Synchrotron Radiation facilities where the Cray architecture at HLRS is playing an integral part in our computational projects.


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We review the development of the time-dependent close-coupling method to study atomic and molecular few body dynamics. Applications include electron and photon collisions with atoms, molecules, and their ions.


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R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in N-like Mg VI are used to derive theoretical electron-density-sensitive emission line ratios involving 2s22p3 - 2s2p4 transitions in the 269-403 Å wavelength range. A comparison of these with observations of a solar active region, obtained during the 1989 flight of the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals good agreement between theory and observation for the 2s22p3 4S - 2s2p 4 4p transitions at 399.28, 400.67, and 403.30 Å, and the 2s22p3 2p - 2s2p4 2D lines at 387.77 and 387.97 Å. However, intensities for the other lines attributed to Mg VI in this spectrum by various authors do not match the present theoretical predictions. We argue that these discrepancies are not due to errors in the adopted atomic data, as previously suggested, but rather to observational uncertainties or mis-identifications. Some of the features previously identified as Mg VI lines in the SERTS spectrum, such as 291.36 and 293.15 Å, are judged to be noise, while others (including 349.16 Å) appear to be blended.


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In this work we report both the calculation of atomic collision data for the electron-impact excitation of Ni II using parallel R-matrix codes and the computation of atomic transition data using the general atomic structure package CIV3.


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This paper presents a multiple robots formation manoeuvring and its collision avoidance strategy. The direction priority sequential selection algorithm is employed to achieve the raw path, and a new algorithm is then proposed to calculate the turning compliant waypoints supporting the multi-robot formation manoeuvre. The collision avoidance strategy based on the formation control is presented to translate the collision avoidance problem into the stability problem of the formation. The extension-decomposition-aggregation scheme is next applied to solve the formation control problem and subsequently achieve the collision avoidance during the formation manoeuvre. Simulation study finally shows that the collision avoidance problem can be conveniently solved if the stability of the constructed formation including unidentified objects can be satisfied.


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A key issue in pulse detonation engine development is better understanding of the detonation structure and its propagation mechanism. Thus, in the present work the turbulent structure of an irregular detonation is studied through very high resolution numerical simulations of 600 points per half reaction length. The aim is to explore the nature of the transverse waves during the collision and reflection processes of the triple point with the channel walls. Consequently the formation and consumption mechanism of unreacted gas pockets is studied. Results show that the triple point and the transverse wave collide simultaneously with the wall. The strong transverse wave switches from a primary triple point before collision to a new one after reflection. Due to simultaneous interaction of the triple point and the transverse wave with the wall in the second half of the detonation cell, a larger high-pressurised region appears on the wall. During the reflection the reaction zone detaches from the shock front and produces a pocket of unburned gas. Three mechanisms found to be of significance in the re-initiation mechanism of detonation at the end of the detonation cell; i: energy resealed via consumption of unburned pockets by turbulent mixing ii: compression waves arise due to collision of the triple point on the wall which helps the shock to jump abruptly to an overdriven detonation iii: drastic growth of the Richtmyer–Meshkov instability causing a part of the front to accelerate with respect to the neighbouring portions.