173 resultados para Atmospheric radio refractivity.


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We present optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry and NIR spectroscopy of SN 2004am, the only optically detected supernova (SN) in M82. These demonstrate that SN 2004am was a highly reddened Type II-P SN similar to the low-luminosity Type II-P events such as SNe 1997D and 2005cs. We show that SN 2004am was located coincident with the obscured super star cluster M82-L, and from the cluster age infer a progenitor mass of 12{^{+ 7}_{- 3}} M⊙. In addition to this, we present a high spatial resolution Gemini-North Telescope K-band adaptive optics image of the site of SN 2008iz and a second transient of uncertain nature, both detected so far only at radio wavelengths. Using image subtraction techniques together with archival data from the Hubble Space Telescope, we are able to recover a NIR transient source coincident with both objects. We find the likely extinction towards SN 2008iz to be not more than AV ˜ 10. The nature of the second transient remains elusive and we regard an extremely bright microquasar in M82 as the most plausible scenario.


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The nature and kinetics of plasmid DNA damage after DNA exposure to a kHz-driven atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma jet has been investigated. Both single-strand break (SSB) and double-strand break (DSB) processes are reported here. While SSB had a higher rate constant, DSB is recognized to be more significant in living systems, often resulting in loss of viability. In a helium-operated plasma jet, adding oxygen to the feed gas resulted in higher rates of DNA DSB, which increased linearly with increasing oxygen content, up to an optimum level of 0.75% oxygen, after which the DSB rate decreased slightly, indicating an essential role for reactive oxygen species in the rapid degradation of DNA.


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The electron dynamics in a planar coil inductively coupled plasma (ICP) system with a capacitively biased electrode is investigated using space and phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy. The two power source frequencies are exact multiple of each other and phase-locked. In this configuration, the system is investigated when the coil is operated in both E-mode and H-mode. The results show that in a phase synchronized RF biased ICP, the electrode bias power couples with the capacitive contribution of the coil, in both E-mode and H-modes, similar to dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas (2f-CCPs). It is also demonstrated that in H-mode, the phase between the electrode bias frequency and the ICP coil frequency influences the electron heating, similar to the electrical asymmetry effect in 2f-CCPs.


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On 2011 August 24 (UT) the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) discovered PTF11kly (SN 2011fe), the youngest and most nearby Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) in decades. We followed this event up in the radio (centimeter and millimeter bands) and X-ray bands, starting about a day after the estimated explosion time. We present our analysis of the radio and X-ray observations, yielding the tightest constraints yet placed on the pre-explosion mass-loss rate from the progenitor system of this supernova. We find a robust limit of from sensitive X-ray non-detections, as well as a similar limit from radio data, which depends, however, on assumptions about microphysical parameters. We discuss our results in the context of single-degenerate models for SNe Ia and find that our observations modestly disfavor symbiotic progenitor models involving a red giant donor, but cannot constrain systems accreting from main-sequence or sub-giant stars, including the popular supersoft channel. In view of the proximity of PTF11kly and the sensitivity of our prompt observations, we would have to wait for a long time (a decade or longer) in order to more meaningfully probe the circumstellar matter of SNe Ia.


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We study the magnetospheric structure and the ionospheric Joule Heating of planets orbiting M-dwarf stars in the habitable zone using a set of magnetohydrodynamic models. The stellar wind solution is used to drive a model for the planetary magnetosphere, which is coupled with a model for the planetary ionosphere. Our simulations reveal that the space environment around close-in habitable planets is extreme, and the stellar wind plasma conditions change from sub- to super-Alfvénic along the planetary orbit. As a result, the magnetospheric structure changes dramatically with a bow shock forming in the super-Alfvénic sectors, while no bow shock forms in the sub-Alfvénic sectors. The planets reside most of the time in the sub-Alfvénic sectors with poor atmospheric protection. A significant amount of Joule Heating is provided at the top of the atmosphere as a result of the intense stellar wind. For the steady-state solution, the heating is about 0.1%-3% of the total incoming stellar irradiation, and it is enhanced by 50% for the time-dependent case. The significant Joule Heating obtained here should be considered in models for the atmospheres of habitable planets in terms of the thickness of the atmosphere, the top-side temperature and density, the boundary conditions for the atmospheric pressure, and particle radiation and transport. Here we assume constant ionospheric Pedersen conductance similar to that of the Earth. The conductance could be greater due to the intense EUV radiation leading to smaller heating rates. We plan to quantify the ionospheric conductance in future study.


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Cold plasma is an emerging non-thermal processing technology that could be used for large scale leaf decontamination as an alternative to chlorine washing. In this study the effect of an atmospheric cold plasma apparatus (air DBD, 15 kV) on the safety, antioxidant activity and quality of radicchio (red chicory, Cichorium intybus L.) was investigated after 15 and 30 min of treatment (in afterglow at 70 mm from the discharge, at 22 °C and 60% of RH) and during storage. Escherichia coli O157:H7 inoculated on radicchio leaves was significantly reduced after 15 min cold plasma treatment (-1.35 log MPN/cm<sup>2</sup>). However, a 30 min plasma treatment was necessary to achieve a significant reduction of Listeria monocytogenes counts (-2.2 log CFU/cm<sup>2</sup>). Immediately after cold plasma treatment, no significant effects emerged in terms of antioxidant activity assessed by the ABTS and ORAC assay and external appearance of the radicchio leaves. Significant changes between treated and untreated radicchio leaves are quality defects based on the cold plasma treatment. Atmospheric cold plasma appears to be a promising processing technology for the decontamination of leafy vegetables although some criticalities, that emerged during storage, need to be considered in future studies.


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In dynamic spectrum access networks, cognitive radio terminals monitor their spectral environment in order to detect and opportunistically access unoccupied frequency channels. The overall performance of such networks depends on the spectrum occupancy or availability patterns. Accurate knowledge on the channel availability enables optimum performance of such networks in terms of spectrum and energy efficiency. This work proposes a novel probabilistic channel availability model that can describe the channel availability in different polarizations for mobile cognitive radio terminals that are likely to change their orientation during their operation. A Gaussian approximation is used to model the empirical occupancy data that was obtained through a measurement campaign in the cellular frequency bands within a realistic operational scenario.


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Spectrum sensing is the cornerstone of cognitive radio technology and refers to the process of obtaining awareness of the radio spectrum usage in order to detect the presence of other users. Spectrum sensing algorithms consume considerable energy and time. Prediction methods for inferring the channel occupancy of future time instants have been proposed as a means of improving performance in terms of energy and time consumption. This paper studies the performance of a hidden Markov model (HMM) spectrum occupancy predictor as well as the improvement in sensing energy and time consumption based on real occupancy data obtained in the 2.4GHz ISM band. Experimental results show that the HMM-based occupancy predictor outperforms a kth order Markov and a 1-nearest neighbour (1NN) predictor. Our study also suggests that by employing such a predictive scheme in spectrum sensing, an improvement of up to 66% can be achieved in the required sensing energy and time.