267 resultados para Absalon, abp., 1128-1201.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is an important opportunistic pathogen of patients with cystic fibrosis. This bacterium is inherently resistant to a wide range of antimicrobial agents, including high concentrations of antimicrobial peptides. We hypothesized that the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of B. cenocepacia is important for both virulence and resistance to antimicrobial peptides. We identified hldA and hldD genes in B. cenocepacia strain K56-2. These two genes encode enzymes involved in the modification of heptose sugars prior to their incorporation into the LPS core oligosaccharide. We constructed a mutant, SAL1, which was defective in expression of both hldA and hldD, and by performing complementation studies we confirmed that the functions encoded by both of these B. cenocepacia genes were needed for synthesis of a complete LPS core oligosaccharide. The LPS produced by SAL1 consisted of a short lipid A-core oligosaccharide and was devoid of O antigen. SAL1 was sensitive to the antimicrobial peptides polymyxin B, melittin, and human neutrophil peptide 1. In contrast, another B. cenocepacia mutant strain that produced complete lipid A-core oligosaccharide but lacked polymeric O antigen was not sensitive to polymyxin B or melittin. As determined by the rat agar bead model of lung infection, the SAL1 mutant had a survival defect in vivo since it could not be recovered from the lungs of infected rats 14 days postinfection. Together, these data show that the B. cenocepacia LPS inner core oligosaccharide is needed for in vitro resistance to three structurally unrelated antimicrobial peptides and for in vivo survival in a rat model of chronic lung infection.


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Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi causes typhoid fever in humans. Central to the pathogenicity of serovar Typhi is its capacity to invade intestinal epithelial cells. The role of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the invasion process of serovar Typhi is unclear. In this work, we constructed a series of mutants with defined deletions in genes for the synthesis and polymerization of the O antigen (wbaP, wzy, and wzz) and the assembly of the outer core (waaK, waaJ, waaI, waaB, and waaG). The abilities of each mutant to associate with and enter HEp-2 cells and the importance of the O antigen in serum resistance of serovar Typhi were investigated. We demonstrate here that the presence and proper chain length distribution of the O-antigen polysaccharide are essential for serum resistance but not for invasion of epithelial cells. In contrast, the outer core oligosaccharide structure is required for serovar Typhi internalization in HEp-2 cells. We also show that the outer core terminal glucose residue (Glc II) is necessary for efficient entry of serovar Typhi into epithelial cells. The Glc I residue, when it becomes terminal due to a polar insertion in the waaB gene affecting the assembly of the remaining outer core residues, can partially substitute for Glc II to mediate bacterial entry into epithelial cells. Therefore, we conclude that a terminal glucose in the LPS core is a critical residue for bacterial recognition and internalization by epithelial cells.


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Taxonomic studies of the past few years have shown that the Burkholderia cepacia complex, a heterogeneous group of B. cepacia-like organisms, consists of at least nine species. B. cepacia complex strains are ubiquitously distributed in nature and have been used for biocontrol, bioremediation, and plant growth promotion purposes. At the same time, B. cepacia complex strains have emerged as important opportunistic pathogens of humans, particularly those with cystic fibrosis. All B. cepacia complex species investigated thus far use quorum-sensing (QS) systems that rely on N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) signal molecules to express certain functions, including the production of extracellular proteases, swarming motility, biofilm formation, and pathogenicity, in a population-density-dependent manner. In this study we constructed a broad-host-range plasmid that allowed the heterologous expression of the Bacillus sp. strain 240B1 AiiA lactonase, which hydrolyzes the lactone ring of various AHL signal molecules, in all described B. cepacia complex species. We show that expression of AiiA abolished or greatly reduced the accumulation of AHL molecules in the culture supernatants of all tested B. cepacia complex strains. Phenotypic characterization of wild-type and transgenic strains revealed that protease production, swarming motility, biofilm formation, and Caenorhabditis elegans killing efficiency was regulated by AHL in the large majority of strains investigated.


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The core oligosaccharide component of the lipopolysaccharide can be subdivided into inner and outer core regions. In Escherichia coli, the inner core consists of two 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid and three glycero-manno-heptose residues. The HldE protein participates in the biosynthesis of ADP-glycero-manno-heptose precursors used in the assembly of the inner core. HldE comprises two functional domains: an N-terminal region with homology to the ribokinase superfamily (HldE1 domain) and a C-terminal region with homology to the cytidylyltransferase superfamily (HldE2 domain). We have employed the structure of the E. coli ribokinase as a template to model the HldE1 domain and predict critical amino acids required for enzyme activity. Mutation of these residues renders the protein inactive as determined in vivo by functional complementation analysis. However, these mutations did not affect the secondary or tertiary structure of purified HldE1, as judged by fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism. Furthermore, in vivo coexpression of wild-type, chromosomally encoded HldE and mutant HldE1 proteins with amino acid substitutions in the predicted ATP binding site caused a dominant negative phenotype as revealed by increased bacterial sensitivity to novobiocin. Copurification experiments demonstrated that HldE and HldE1 form a complex in vivo. Gel filtration chromatography resulted in the detection of a dimer as the predominant form of the native HldE1 protein. Altogether, our data support the notions that the HldE functional unit is a dimer and that structural components present in each HldE1 monomer are required for enzymatic activity.


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We have previously shown that the TolA protein is required for the correct surface expression of the Escherichia coli O7 antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In this work, delta tolA and delta pal mutants of E. coli K-12 W3110 were transformed with pMF19 (encoding a rhamnosyltransferase that reconstitutes the expression of O16-specific LPS), pWQ5 (encoding the Klebsiella pneumoniae O1 LPS gene cluster), or pWQ802 (encoding the genes necessary for the synthesis of Salmonella enterica O:54). Both DeltatolA and delta pal mutants exhibited reduced surface expression of O16 LPS as compared to parental W3110, but no significant differences were observed in the expression of K. pneumoniae O1 LPS and S. enterica O:54 LPS. Therefore, TolA and Pal are required for the correct surface expression of O antigens that are assembled in a wzy (polymerase)-dependent manner (like those of E. coli O7 and O16) but not for O antigens assembled by wzy-independent pathways (like K. pneumoniae O1 and S. enterica O:54). Furthermore, we show that the reduced surface expression of O16 LPS in delta tolA and delta pal mutants was associated with a partial defect in O-antigen polymerization and it was corrected by complementation with intact tolA and pal genes, respectively. Using derivatives of W3110 delta tolA and W3110 delta pal containing lacZ reporter fusions to fkpA and degP, we also demonstrate that the RpoE-mediated extracytoplasmic stress response is upregulated in these mutants. Moreover, an altered O16 polymerization was also detected under conditions that stimulate RpoE-mediated extracytoplasmic stress responses in tol+ and pal+ genetic backgrounds. A Wzy derivative with an epitope tag at the C-terminal end of the protein was stable in all the mutants, ruling out stress-mediated proteolysis of Wzy. We conclude that the absence of TolA and Pal elicits a sustained extracytoplasmic stress response that in turn reduces O-antigen polymerization but does not affect the stability of the Wzy O-antigen polymerase.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is an opportunistic bacterium that infects patients with cystic fibrosis. B. cenocepacia strains J2315, K56-2, C5424, and BC7 belong to the ET12 epidemic clone, which is transmissible among patients. We have previously shown that transposon mutants with insertions within the O antigen cluster of strain K56-2 are attenuated for survival in a rat model of lung infection. From the genomic DNA sequence of the O antigen-deficient strain J2315, we have identified an O antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis gene cluster that has an IS402 interrupting a predicted glycosyltransferase gene. A comparison with the other clonal isolates revealed that only strain K56-2, which produced O antigen and displayed serum resistance, lacked the insertion element inserted within the putative glycosyltransferase gene. We cloned the uninterrupted gene and additional flanking sequences from K56-2 and conjugated this plasmid into strains J2315, C5424, and BC7. All the exconjugants recovered the ability to form LPS O antigen. We also determined that the structure of the strain K56-2 O antigen repeat, which was absent from the LPS of strain J2315, consisted of a trisaccharide unit made of rhamnose and two N-acetylgalactosamine residues. The complexity of the gene organization of the K56-2 O antigen cluster was also investigated by reverse transcription-PCR, revealing several transcriptional units, one of which also contains genes involved in lipid A-core oligosaccharide biosynthesis.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia (formerly Burkholderia cepacia complex genomovar III) causes chronic lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. In this work, we used a modified signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) strategy for the isolation of B. cenocepacia mutants that cannot survive in vivo. Thirty-seven specialized plasposons, each carrying a unique oligonucleotide tag signature, were constructed and used to examine the survival of 2,627 B. cenocepacia transposon mutants, arranged in pools of 37 unique mutants, after a 10-day lung infection in rats by using the agar bead model. The recovered mutants were screened by real-time PCR, resulting in the identification of 260 mutants which presumably did not survive within the lungs. These mutants were repooled into smaller pools, and the infections were repeated. After a second screen, we isolated 102 mutants unable to survive in the rat model. The location of the transposon in each of these mutants was mapped within the B. cenocepacia chromosomes. We identified mutations in genes involved in cellular metabolism, global regulation, DNA replication and repair, and those encoding bacterial surface structures, including transmembrane proteins and cell surface polysaccharides. Also, we found 18 genes of unknown function, which are conserved in other bacteria. A subset of 12 representative mutants that were individually examined using the rat model in competition with the wild-type strain displayed reduced survival, confirming the predictive value of our STM screen. This study provides a blueprint to investigate at the molecular level the basis for survival and persistence of B. cenocepacia within the airways.


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Transcriptional regulators, such as SoxS, RamA, MarA, and Rob, which upregulate the AcrAB efflux pump, have been shown to be associated with multidrug resistance in clinically relevant Gram-negative bacteria. In addition to the multidrug resistance phenotype, these regulators have also been shown to play a role in the cellular metabolism and possibly the virulence potential of microbial cells. As such, the increased expression of these proteins is likely to cause pleiotropic phenotypes. Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major nosocomial pathogen which can express the SoxS, MarA, Rob, and RamA proteins, and the accompanying paper shows that the increased transcription of ramA is associated with tigecycline resistance (M. Veleba and T. Schneiders, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 56:4466-4467, 2012). Bioinformatic analyses of the available Klebsiella genome sequences show that an additional AraC-type regulator is encoded chromosomally. In this work, we characterize this novel AraC-type regulator, hereby called RarA (Regulator of antibiotic resistance A), which is encoded in K. pneumoniae, Enterobacter sp. 638, Serratia proteamaculans 568, and Enterobacter cloacae. We show that the overexpression of rarA results in a multidrug resistance phenotype which requires a functional AcrAB efflux pump but is independent of the other AraC regulators. Quantitative real-time PCR experiments show that rarA (MGH 78578 KPN_02968) and its neighboring efflux pump operon oqxAB (KPN_02969_02970) are consistently upregulated in clinical isolates collected from various geographical locations (Chile, Turkey, and Germany). Our results suggest that rarA overexpression upregulates the oqxAB efflux pump. Additionally, it appears that oqxR, encoding a GntR-type regulator adjacent to the oqxAB operon, is able to downregulate the expression of the oqxAB efflux pump, where OqxR complementation resulted in reductions to olaquindox MICs.


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Tigecycline resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae results from ramA upregulation that causes the overexpression of the efflux pump, AcrAB-TolC. Tigecycline mutants, derived from Ecl8?ramA, can exhibit a multidrug resistance phenotype due to increased transcription of the marA, rarA, acrAB, and oqxAB genes. These findings support the idea that tigecycline or multidrug resistance in K. pneumoniae, first, is not solely dependent on the ramA gene, and second, can arise via alternative regulatory pathways in K. pneumoniae. © 2012, American Society for Microbiology.


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OBJECTIVE The authors used a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of multiply affected families to investigate the association of schizophrenia to common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and rare copy number variants (CNVs). METHOD The family sample included 2,461 individuals from 631 pedigrees (581 in the primary European-ancestry analyses). Association was tested for single SNPs and genetic pathways. Polygenic scores based on family study results were used to predict case-control status in the Schizophrenia Psychiatric GWAS Consortium (PGC) data set, and consistency of direction of effect with the family study was determined for top SNPs in the PGC GWAS analysis. Within-family segregation was examined for schizophrenia-associated rare CNVs. RESULTS No genome-wide significant associations were observed for single SNPs or for pathways. PGC case and control subjects had significantly different genome-wide polygenic scores (computed by weighting their genotypes by log-odds ratios from the family study) (best p=10-17, explaining 0.4% of the variance). Family study and PGC analyses had consistent directions for 37 of the 58 independent best PGC SNPs (p=0.024). The overall frequency of CNVs in regions with reported associations with schizophrenia (chromosomes 1q21.1, 15q13.3, 16p11.2, and 22q11.2 and the neurexin-1 gene [NRXN1]) was similar to previous case-control studies. NRXN1 deletions and 16p11.2 duplications (both of which were transmitted from parents) and 22q11.2 deletions (de novo in four cases) did not segregate with schizophrenia in families. CONCLUSIONS Many common SNPs are likely to contribute to schizophrenia risk, with substantial overlap in genetic risk factors between multiply affected families and cases in large case-control studies. Our findings are consistent with a role for specific CNVs in disease pathogenesis, but the partial segregation of some CNVs with schizophrenia suggests that researchers should exercise caution in using them for predictive genetic testing until their effects in diverse populations have been fully studied.


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Objective: Previous studies with patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) revealed deficits in working memory and executive functions. In the present study we investigated whether patients with MDD have the ability to allocate cognitive resources in dual task performance of a highly challenging cognitive task (working memory) and a task that is seemingly automatic in nature (postural control). Method: Fifteen young (18–35 years old) patients with MDD and 24 healthy age-matched controls performed a working memory task and two postural control tasks (standing on a stable or on a moving platform) both separately (single task) and concurrently (dual task). Results: Postural stability under single task conditions was similar in the two groups, and in line with earlier studies, MDD patients recalled fewer working memory items than controls. To equate working memory challenges for patients and controls, task difficulty (number of items presented) in dual task was individually adjusted such that accuracy of working memory performance was similar for the two groups under single task conditions. Patients showed greater postural instability in dual task performance on the stable platform, and more importantly when posture task difficulty increased (moving platform) they showed deficits in both working memory accuracy and postural stability compared with healthy controls. Conclusions: We interpret our results as evidence for executive control deficits in MDD patients that affect their task coordination. In multitasking, these deficits affect not only cognitive but also sensorimotor task performance.


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Human motor behaviour is continually modified on the basis of errors between desired and actual movement outcomes. It is emerging that the role played by the primary motor cortex (M1) in this process is contingent upon a variety of factors, including the nature of the task being performed, and the stage of learning. Here we used repetitive TMS to test the hypothesis that M1 is intimately involved in the initial phase of sensorimotor adaptation. Inhibitory theta burst stimulation was applied to M1 prior to a task requiring modification of torques generated about the elbow/forearm complex in response to rotations of a visual feedback display. Participants were first exposed to a 30° clockwise (CW) rotation (Block A), then a 60° counterclockwise rotation (Block B), followed immediately by a second block of 30° CW rotation (A2). In the STIM condition, participants received 20s of continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) prior to the initial A Block. In the conventional (CON) condition, no stimulation was applied. The overt characteristics of performance in the two conditions were essentially equivalent with respect to the errors exhibited upon exposure to a new variant of the task. There were however, profound differences between the conditions in the latency of response preparation, and the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, which accompanied phases of de-adaptation and re-adaptation (during Blocks B and A2). Upon subsequent exposure to the A rotation 24h later, the rate of re-adaptation was lower in the stimulation condition than that present in the conventional condition. These results support the assertion that primary motor cortex assumes a key role in a network that mediates adaptation to visuomotor perturbation, and emphasise that it is engaged functionally during the early phase of learning.


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We investigated whether imagining contact with an outgroup member would change intergroup behaviour. Participants who had imagined a positive interaction with an outgroup member or an unspecified stranger were told that they were about to take part in a discussion task with an outgroup member. They were taken to a room and asked to set out two chairs ready for the discussion while the experimenter left, ostensibly to find the other participant. The distance between the two chairs was then measured. Undergraduate students who imagined talking to an obese individual (Experiment 1) or a Muslim individual (Experiment 2) placed the chairs significantly closer than those in the control condition. They also reported more positive feelings and beliefs regarding Muslims. These findings highlight an important practical application of imagined contact: preparing people for successful face-to-face contact.


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Although several studies have described an association between Alzheimer disease (AD) and genetic variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), each has implicated different mtDNA variants, so the role of mtDNA in the etiology of AD remains uncertain.


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A nonparametric, small-sample-size test for the homogeneity of two psychometric functions against the left- and right-shift alternatives has been developed. The test is designed to determine whether it is safe to amalgamate psychometric functions obtained in different experimental sessions. The sum of the lower and upper p-values of the exact (conditional) Fisher test for several 2 × 2 contingency tables (one for each point of the psychometric function) is employed as the test statistic. The probability distribution of the statistic under the null (homogeneity) hypothesis is evaluated to obtain corresponding p-values. Power functions of the test have been computed by randomly generating samples from Weibull psychometric functions. The test is free of any assumptions about the shape of the psychometric function; it requires only that all observations are statistically independent. © 2011 Psychonomic Society, Inc.