153 resultados para surf safety messages
Food preparation and storage behaviors in the home deviating from the ‘best practice’ food safety recommendations may result in food borne illnesses. Currently, there are limited tools available to fully evaluate the consumer knowledge, perceptions and behavior in the area of refrigerator safety. The current study aimed to develop a valid and reliable tool in the form of a questionnaire (CFSQCRSQ) for assessing systematically all these aspects. Items relating to refrigerator safety knowledge (n=17), perceptions (n=46), reported behavior (n=30) were developed and pilot tested by an expert reference group and various consumer groups to assess face and content validity (n=20), item difficulty and item consistency (n=55) and construct validity (n=23). The findings showed that the CFSQCRSQ has acceptable face and content validity with acceptable levels of item difficulty. Item consistency was observed for 12 out of 15 refrigerator safety knowledge. Further, all five of the subscales of consumer perceptions of refrigerator safety practices relating to risk of developing foodborne disease food poisoning showed acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s α value > 0.8). Construct validity of the CFSQCRSQ was shown to be very good (p=0.022). The CFSQCRSQ exhibited acceptable test-retest reliability at 14 days with majority of knowledge items (93.3%) and reported behavior items (96.4%) having correlation coefficients of greater than 0.70. Overall, the CFSQCRSQ was deemed valid and reliable in assessing refrigerator safety knowledge and behavior and therefore has the potential for future use in identifying groups of individuals at increased risk of deviating from recommended refrigerator safety practices as well as the assessment of refrigerator safety knowledge, behavior for use before and after an intervention.
Existing compact routing schemes, e.g., Thorup and Zwick [SPAA 2001] and Chechik [PODC 2013], often have no means to tolerate failures, once the system has been setup and started. This paper presents, to our knowledge, the first self-healing compact routing scheme. Besides, our schemes are developed for low memory nodes, i.e., nodes need only O(log2 n) memory, and are thus, compact schemes.
We introduce two algorithms of independent interest: The first is CompactFT, a novel compact version (using only O(log n) local memory) of the self-healing algorithm Forgiving Tree of Hayes et al. [PODC 2008]. The second algorithm (CompactFTZ) combines CompactFT with Thorup-Zwick’s treebased compact routing scheme [SPAA 2001] to produce a fully compact self-healing routing scheme. In the self-healing model, the adversary deletes nodes one at a time with the affected nodes self-healing locally by adding few edges. CompactFT recovers from each attack in only O(1) time and ∆ messages, with only +3 degree increase and O(log∆) graph diameter increase, over any sequence of deletions (∆ is the initial maximum degree).
Additionally, CompactFTZ guarantees delivery of a packet sent from sender s as long as the receiver has not been deleted, with only an additional O(y log ∆) latency, where y is the number of nodes that have been deleted on the path between s and t. If t has been deleted, s gets informed and the packet removed from the network.