193 resultados para Obligations of medical researchers


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Introduction: Variation across research ethics boards (REBs) in conditions placed on access to medical records for research purposes raises concerns around negative impacts on research quality and on human subject protection, including privacy. Aim: To study variation in REB consent requirements for retrospective chart review and who may have access to the medical record for data abstraction. Methods: Thirty 90-min face-to-face interviews were conducted with REB chairs and administrators affiliated with faculties of medicine in Canadian universities, using structured questions around a case study with open-ended responses. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and coded manually. Results: Fourteen sites (47%) required individual patient consent for the study to proceed as proposed. Three (10%) indicated that their response would depend on how potentially identifying variables would be managed. Eleven sites (38%) did not require consent. Two (7%) suggested a notification and opt-out process. Most stated that consent would be required if identifiable information was being abstracted from the record. Among those not requiring consent, there was substantial variation in recognising that the abstracted information could potentially indirectly re-identify individuals. Concern over access to medical records by an outside individual was also associated with requirement for consent. Eighteen sites (60%) required full committee review. Sixteen (53%) allowed an external research assistant to abstract information from the health record. Conclusions: Large variation was found across sites in the requirement for consent for research involving access to medical records. REBs need training in best practices for protecting privacy and confidentiality in health research. A forum for REB chairs to confidentially share concerns and decisions about specific studies could also reduce variation in decisions.


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Background: End-of-life care for seniors is an important and neglected area of research. The University of Ottawa Institute of Palliative Care has expanded its research capacity by developing a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) funded new emerging team on end-of-life care for seniors. This initiative brings together an interdisciplinary team of researchers from palliative care and geriatrics to develop a comprehensive program of research. Methods: 1) A variety of investigators from the fields of palliative care and geriatrics and disciplines of epidemiology, medicine, nursing, psychology and social work will collaborate on the development of a research agenda focussed on end-of-life care for seniors. 2) The conceptual model for the research program consists of 4 broad interrelated domains that are congruent with the CIHR themes of health services, clinical issues, population health and psychosocial, cultural, spiritual and ethical issues; this framework will guide the research program and all studies emanating from the program. 3) Research studies will focus on 5 areas of inquiry that are central to end-of-life care for seniors: palliative end-of-life care for rural seniors, care settings, burden, role of volunteers, and delirium. Results: This new team has the potential to obtain peer-reviewed funding, recruit and train a new generation of researchers, and build a network of concerned researchers. Conclusions: The new team should ultimately contribute to an improved quality of care for seniors who are approaching death.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to estimate costs and quality of life (QoL) of late-stage glaucoma patients in 4 European countries. Methods: Retrospective review of medical charts of patients with POAG who were followed in a low-vision or vision rehabilitation center in one of 4 countries for at least 1 year was used to determine patient characteristics, health status, and health care resource use. Visual impairment was measured by best-corrected visual acuity (Snellen score). Patients were also interviewed over the telephone in order to assess their health-related QoL (using EuroQol EQ-5D) and use of resources including: the number of visits to rehabilitation centers, visits to hospital and non-hospital specialists, the use of low-vision devices, medication, tests, and the use of hired home help. The costs associated with resource use were calculated from the perspective of a third-party payer of health and social care based on resource usage and unit costs in each country. Results: Patients undergoing visual rehabilitation in France (n=21), Denmark (n=59), Germany (n=60), and the United Kingdom (n=22) were identified, interviewed and had their medical charts reviewed. Annual maintenance costs of late-stage glaucoma amounted to €830 (±445) on average. Average home help costs were more than 3 times higher. QoL, on average, was 0.65 (±0.28). QoL was positively correlated with the level of visual acuity in the patients' best eye. On the other hand, visual acuity was also positively correlated to health care costs, but negatively correlated to costs of home help. Conclusions: The study was limited by its observational, uncontrolled design. The finding that late-stage glaucoma is associated with higher home help costs than health care maintenance costs suggests that potential savings from a better preventive treatment are to be found for social care payers rather than health care payers. © 2008 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of glaucoma and elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with inflammatory eye disease. Methods: Retrospective review of medical records of 391 consecutive patients with uveitis attending a uveitis clinic of an academic Department of Ophthalmology from January 1999 to August 2002. Demographic, ocular and systemic variables were recorded. The diagnosis and treatment of uveitis were recorded. Uveitis was classified according to standard anatomic, etiological and clinical criteria. "Glaucoma" was defined as elevated IOP (>21 mm Hg) or glaucomatous optic nerve damage requiring medical and/or surgical anti-glaucoma treatment. Kaplan-Maier analysis and log-rank tests were used to evaluate and compare the incidence of glaucoma. Results: The incidence of glaucoma as defined above at 3 and 12 months after acute uveitis was 7.6%. In patients with chronic uveitis (n = 337), the incidence of glaucoma at 1 and 5 years was 6.5% and 11.1%, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of glaucoma between different types of uveitis, idiopathic versus non-idiopathic, and among anterior, intermediate, posterior and panuveitis. Visual loss occurred more frequently in patients with glaucoma than in patients without glaucoma. Conclusion: In patients with chronic inflammatory eye disease, the presence of glaucoma was associated with an increasing risk of visual loss. The incidence of glaucoma increased with time and was similar among the different types of uveitis.


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Tissue micro array (TMA) is based on the idea of applying miniaturization and a high throughput approach to hybridization-based analyses of tissues. It facilitates biomedical research on a large scale in a single experiment; thus representing one of the most commonly used technologies in translational research. A critical analysis of the existing TMA instruments indicates that there are potential constraints in terms of portability, apart from costs and complexity. This paper will present the development of an affordable, configurable, and portable TMA instrument to allow an efficient collection of tissues, especially in instrument-to-tissue scenarios. The purely mechanical instrument requires no energy sources other than the user, is light weight, portable, and simple to use. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004922]


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This study analyses the narrative elements of a little-known report into anti-venereal trials written by an Irish military physician-surgeon, Daniel O'Sullivan (1760–c.1797). It explores the way in which O'Sullivan as the narrator of the Historico-critical report creates medical heroes and anti-heroes as a means to criticise procedures initiated by staff in the Hospital General de San Andrés, Mexico City. The resulting work depicts a much less positive picture of medical trials and hospital authorities in this period than has been recorded to date, and provides a critical and complicated assessment of one of Spain's leading physicians of the nineteenth century, Francisco Javier Balmis (1753–1819).


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Usher syndrome, a combination of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and sensorineural hearing loss with or without vestibular dysfunction, displays a high degree of clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Three clinical subtypes can be distinguished, based on the age of onset and severity of the hearing impairment, and the presence or absence of vestibular abnormalities. Thus far, eight genes have been implicated in the syndrome, together comprising 347 protein-coding exons.


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Epistasis may be important in the etiology of schizophrenia. Analysis of epistasis has been important in the positional cloning of a gene involved in the etiology of type II diabetes mellitus. We investigated the importance of epistasis among six linked regions in 268 multiplex pedigrees in the Irish Study of High-Density Schizophrenia Families (ISHDSF) by computing pairwise correlations between nonparametric linkage scores for narrow, intermediate, and broad diagnostic definitions. The linked regions were on chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10. No correlation reached our a priori level of statistical significance. Using this statistical approach, we did not find evidence of important epistatic effects among these six regions in the ISHDSF.


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Schizophrenia is clinically heterogeneous and multidimensional, but it is not known whether this is due to etiological heterogeneity. Previous studies have not consistently reported association between any specific polymorphisms and clinical features of schizophrenia, and have primarily used case-control designs. We tested for the presence of association between clinical features and polymorphisms in the genes for the serotonin 2A receptor (HT2A), dopamine receptor types 2 and 4, dopamine transporter (SLC6A3), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Two hundred seventy pedigrees were ascertained on the basis of having two or more members with schizophrenia or poor outcome schizoaffective disorder. Diagnoses were made using a structured interview based on the SCID. All patients were rated on the major symptoms of schizophrenia scale (MSSS), integrating clinical and course features throughout the course of illness. Factor analysis revealed positive, negative, and affective symptom factors. The program QTDT was used to implement a family-based test of association for quantitative traits, controlling for age and sex. We found suggestive evidence of association between the His452Tyr polymorphism in HT2A and affective symptoms (P = 0.02), the 172-bp allele of BDNF and negative symptoms (P = 0.04), and the 480-bp allele in SLC6A3 (= DAT1) and negative symptoms (P = 0.04). As total of 19 alleles were tested, we cannot rule out false positives. However, given prior evidence of involvement of the proteins encoded by these genes in psychopathology, our results suggest that more attention should be focused on the impact of these alleles on clinical features of schizophrenia.


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The regulator of the G-protein signaling 4 (RGS4) gene was shown to have a different expression pattern in schizophrenia patients in a microarray study. A family-based study subsequently implicated the association of this gene with schizophrenia. We replicated the study with our sample from the Irish Study of High Density Schizophrenia Families (ISHDSF). Single marker transmission disequilibrium tests (TDT) for the four core SNPs showed modest association for SNP 18 (using a narrow diagnostic approach with FBAT P = 0.044; with PDT P = 0.0073) and a trend for SNP 4 (with FBAT P = 0.1098; with PDT P = 0.0249). For SNP 1 and 7, alleles overtransmitted to affected subjects were the same as previously reported. Haplotype analyses suggested that haplotype G-G-G for SNP1-4-18, which is the most abundant haplotype (42.3%) in the Irish families, was associated with the disease (narrow diagnosis, FBAT P = 0.0061, PDT P = 0.0498). This was the same haplotype implicated in the original study. While P values were not corrected for multiple testing because of the clear prior hypothesis, these results could be interpreted as supporting evidence for the association between RGS4 and schizophrenia.


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A functional polymorphism (Val-158-Met) at the Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) locus has been identified as a potential etiological factor in schizophrenia. Yet the association has not been convincingly replicated across independent samples. We hypothesized that phenotypic heterogeneity might be diluting the COMT effect. To clarify the putative association, we performed an exploratory analysis to test for association between COMT and five psychosis symptom scales. These were derived through factor analysis of the Operational Criteria Checklist for Psychiatric Illness. Our sample was the Irish Study of High Density Schizophrenia Families, a large collection consisting of 268 multiplex families. This sample has previously shown a small but significant effect of the COMT Val allele in conferring risk for schizophrenia. We tested for preferential transmission of COMT alleles from parent to affected offspring (n = 749) for each of the five factor-derived scales (negative symptoms, delusions, hallucinations, mania, and depression). Significant overtransmission of the Val allele was found for mania (P <0.05) and depression (P = 0.01) scales. Examination of odds ratios (ORs) revealed a heterogeneous effect of COMT, whereby it had no effect on Negative Symptoms, but largest impact on Depression (OR = 1.4). These results suggest a modest affective vulnerability conferred by this allele in psychosis, but will require replication.


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The cost-effectiveness of novel interventions in the treatment of cancer is well researched; however, relatively little attention is paid to the cost of many aspects of routine care. Oesophageal cancer is the ninth most common cancer in the UK and sixth most common cause of cancer death. It usually presents late and has a poor prognosis. The hospital costs incurred by oesophageal cancer patients diagnosed in Northern Ireland in 2005 (n = 198) were determined by review of medical records. The average cost of hospital care per patient in the 12 months from presentation was £7847. Variations in total hospital costs by age at diagnosis, gender, cancer stage, histological type, mortality at 1 year, co-morbidity count and socio-economic status were analysed using multiple regression analyses. Higher costs were associated with earlier stages of cancer and cancer stage remained a significant predictor of costs after controlling for cancer type, patient age and mortality at 1 year. Thus, although early detection of cancer usually improves survival, this would mean increased costs in the first year. Deprivation achieved borderline significance with those from more deprived areas having lower resource consumption relative to the more affluent. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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There is substantial international variation in human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence; this study details the first report from Northern Ireland and additionally provides a systematic review and meta-analysis pooling the prevalence of high-risk (HR-HPV) subtypes among women with normal cytology in the UK and Ireland. Between February and December 2009, routine liquid based cytology (LBC) samples were collected for HPV detection (Roche Cobas® 4800 [PCR]) among unselected women attending for cervical cytology testing. Four electronic databases, including MEDLINE, were then searched from their inception till April 2011. A random effects meta-analysis was used to calculate a pooled HR-HPV prevalence and associated 95% confidence intervals (CI). 5,712 women, mean age 39 years (±SD 11.9 years; range 20-64 years), were included in the analysis, of which 5,068 (88.7%), 417 (7.3%) and 72 (1.3%) had normal, low, and high-grade cytological findings, respectively. Crude HR-HPV prevalence was 13.2% (95% CI, 12.7-13.7) among women with normal cytology and increased with cytological grade. In meta-analysis the pooled HR-HPV prevalence among those with normal cytology was 0.12 (95% CIs, 0.10-0.14; 21 studies) with the highest prevalence in younger women. HPV 16 and HPV 18 specific estimates were 0.03 (95% CI, 0.02-0.05) and 0.01 (95% CI, 0.01-0.02), respectively. The findings of this Northern Ireland study and meta-analysis verify the prevalent nature of HPV infection among younger women. Reporting of the type-specific prevalence of HPV infection is relevant for evaluating the impact of future HPV immunization initiatives, particularly against HR-HPV types other than HPV 16 and 18. J. Med. Virol. 85:295-308, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The landscape of medical education is changing as students embrace the accessibility and interactivity of e-learning. Virtual patients are e-learning resources that may be used to advance microbiology education. Although the development of virtual patients has been widely considered, here we aim to provide a coherent approach for clinical educators.


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Efficacy of inverse planning is becoming increasingly important for advanced radiotherapy techniques. This study's aims were to validate multicriteria optimization (MCO) in RayStation (v2.4, RaySearch Laboratories, Sweden) against standard intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) optimization in Oncentra (v4.1, Nucletron BV, the Netherlands) and characterize dose differences due to conversion of navigated MCO plans into deliverable multileaf collimator apertures. Step-and-shoot IMRT plans were created for 10 patients with localized prostate cancer using both standard optimization and MCO. Acceptable standard IMRT plans with minimal average rectal dose were chosen for comparison with deliverable MCO plans. The trade-off was, for the MCO plans, managed through a user interface that permits continuous navigation between fluence-based plans. Navigated MCO plans were made deliverable at incremental steps along a trajectory between maximal target homogeneity and maximal rectal sparing. Dosimetric differences between navigated and deliverable MCO plans were also quantified. MCO plans, chosen as acceptable under navigated and deliverable conditions resulted in similar rectal sparing compared with standard optimization (33.7 ± 1.8Gy vs 35.5 ± 4.2Gy, p = 0.117). The dose differences between navigated and deliverable MCO plans increased as higher priority was placed on rectal avoidance. If the best possible deliverable MCO was chosen, a significant reduction in rectal dose was observed in comparison with standard optimization (30.6 ± 1.4Gy vs 35.5 ± 4.2Gy, p = 0.047). Improvements were, however, to some extent, at the expense of less conformal dose distributions, which resulted in significantly higher doses to the bladder for 2 of the 3 tolerance levels. In conclusion, similar IMRT plans can be created for patients with prostate cancer using MCO compared with standard optimization. Limitations exist within MCO regarding conversion of navigated plans to deliverable apertures, particularly for plans that emphasize avoidance of critical structures. Minimizing these differences would result in better quality treatments for patients with prostate cancer who were treated with radiotherapy using MCO plans.