242 resultados para Irradiated seafood.


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To develop a model to describe the response of cell populations to spatially modulated radiation exposures of relevance to advanced radiotherapies.

Materials and Methods:
A Monte Carlo model of cellular radiation response was developed. This model incorporated damage from both direct radiation and intercellular communication including bystander signaling. The predictions of this model were compared to previously measured survival curves for a normal human fibroblast line (AGO1522) and prostate tumor cells (DU145) exposed to spatially modulated fields.

The model was found to be able to accurately reproduce cell survival both in populations which were directly exposed to radiation and those which were outside the primary treatment field. The model predicts that the bystander effect makes a significant contribution to cell killing even in uniformly irradiated cells. The bystander effect contribution varies strongly with dose, falling from a high of 80% at low doses to 25% and 50% at 4 Gy for AGO1522 and DU145 cells, respectively. This was verified using the inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor aminoguanidine to inhibit the bystander effect in cells exposed to different doses, which showed significantly larger reductions in cell killing at lower doses.

The model presented in this work accurately reproduces cell survival following modulated radiation exposures, both in and out of the primary treatment field, by incorporating a bystander component. In addition, the model suggests that the bystander effect is responsible for a significant portion of cell killing in uniformly irradiated cells, 50% and 70% at doses of 2 Gy in AGO1522 and DU145 cells, respectively. This description is a significant departure from accepted radiobiological models and may have a significant impact on optimization of treatment planning approaches if proven to be applicable in vivo.


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Radiation-induced bystander responses are observed when cells respond to their neighbours being irradiated. Considerable evidence is now available regarding the importance of these responses in cell and tissue models. Most studies have utilized two approaches where either a media-transferable factor has been assessed or cells have been exposed to low fluences of charged particles, where only a few percent are exposed. The development of microbeams has allowed nontargeted responses such as bystander effects to be more carefully analysed. As well as charged particle microbeams, X-ray microprobes have been developed, and several groups are also developing electron microbeams. Using the Gray Cancer Institute soft X-ray microprobe, it has been possible to follow the response of individual cells to targeted low doses of carbon-characteristic soft X-rays. Studies in human fibroblasts have shown evidence of a significant radiation quality-dependent bystander effect, measured as chromosomal damage in the form of micronuclei which is radiation quality dependent. Other studies show that even under conditions when only a single cell is targeted with soft X-rays, significant bystander-mediated cell killing is observed. The observation of bystander responses with low LET radiation suggests that these may be important in understanding radiation risk from background levels of radiation, where cells observe only single electron track traversals. Also, the indirect evidence for these responses in vivo indicates that they may have a role to play in current radiotherapy approaches and future novel strategies involving modulating nontargeted responses.


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Radiation biophysics has sought to understand at a molecular level, the mechanisms through which ionizing radiations damage DNA, and other molecules within living cells. The complexity of lesions produced in the DNA by ionizing radiations is thought to depend on the amount of energy deposited at the site of each lesion. To study the relationship between the energy deposited and the damage produced, we have developed novel techniques for irradiating dry prasmid DNA, partially re-hydrated DNA and DNA in solution using monochromatic vacuum-UV synchrotron radiation. We have used photons in the energy range 7-150 eV, corresponding to the range of energies typically involved in the efficient production of DNA single-strand (SSB), and double-strand breaks (DSB) by ionizing radiation. The data show that both types of breaks are produced at all energies investigated (with, or without water present). Also, the energy dependence for DSB induction follows a similar trend to SSB induction but at a 20-30-fold reduced incidence, suggesting a common precursor for both types of damage. Preliminary studies where DNA has been irradiated in solution indicate a change in the shape of the dose-effect curve (from linear, to linear-quadratic for double-strand break induction) and a large increase in sensitivity due to the presence of water.


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Chinese hamster V79 fibroblasts were irradiated in the gas explosion apparatus and the chemical repair rates of the oxygen-dependent free radical precursors of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) and lethal lesions measured using filter elution (pH 9.6) and a clonogenic assay. Depletion of cellular GSH levels, from 4.16 fmol/cell to 0.05 fmol/cell, by treatment with buthionine sulphoximine (50 mumol dm-3; 18 h), led to sensitization as regards DNA dsb induction and cell killing. This was evident at all time settings but was particularly pronounced when the oxygen shot was given 1 ms after the irradiation pulse. A detailed analysis of the chemical repair kinetics showed that depletion of GSH led to a reduction in the first-order rate constant for dsb precursors from 385 s-1 to 144 s-1, and for lethal lesion precursors from 533 s-1 to 165 s-1. This is generally consistent with the role of GSH in the repair-fixation model of radiation damage at the critical DNA lesions. However, the reduction in chemical repair rate was not proportional to the severe thiol depletion (down to almost-equal-to 1% for GSH) and a residual repair capacity remained (almost-equal-to 30%). This was found not to be due to compartmentalization of residual GSH in the nucleus, as the repair rate for dsb precursors in isolated nuclei, washed virtually free of GSH, was identical to that found in GSH-depleted cells (144 s-1), also the OER remained substantially above unity. This suggests that other reducing agents may have a role to play in the chemical repair of oxygen-dependent damage. One possible candidate is the significant level of protein sulphydryls present in isolated nuclei.


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Evidence has accumulated that radiation induces a transmissible persistent destabilization of the genome, which mag. result in effects arising in the progeny of irradiated but surviving cells. An enhanced death rate among the progeny of cells surviving irradiation persists for many generations in the form of a reduced plating efficiency. Such delayed reproductive death is correlated with an increased occurrence of micronuclei. Since it has been suggested that radiation-induced chromosomal instability might depend on the radiation quality, we investigated the effects of alpha particles of different LET by looking at the frequency of delayed micronuclei in Chinese hamster V79 cells after cytochalasin-induced block of cell division, A dose-dependent increase in the frequency of micronuclei was found in cells assayed 1 week postirradiation or later. Also, there was a persistent increase in the frequency of dicentrics in surviving irradiated cells, Moreover, we found an increased micronucleus frequency in all of the 30 clones isolated from individual cells which had been irradiated with doses equivalent to either one, two or three alpha-particle traversals per cell nucleus, We conclude that the target for genomic instability in Chinese hamster cells must be larger than the cell nucleus. (C) 1997 by Radiation Research Society


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By using a fast reaction technique which employs H2S gas as a fast-reacting chemical repair agent, it is possible to measure the competition kinetics between chemical repair reactions and oxygen fixation reactions in model DNA and cellular systems. In plasmid pBR322 DNA irradiated with electrons, we have compared the oxygen fixation reactions of the free radical precursors that lead to the production of single-strand (SSBs) and double-strand breaks (DSBs). For the oxygen-dependent fixation of radical damage leading to SSBs, a second-order rate constant of 2.3 x 10(8) dm(3) mol(-1) s(-1) was obtained compared to 8.9 x 10(7) dm(3) mol(-1) s(-1) for DSBs. The difference is in general agreement with predictions from a multiple-radical model where the precursor of a DSB originates from two radicals. The fixation of this precursor by oxygen will require both radicals to be fixed for the DSB to be formed, which will have slower kinetics than that of single free-radical precursors of SSBs. (C) 1999 by Radiation Research Society.


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The RBE of alpha -particles in different mutations of Chinese hamster cells was determined with the aim of identifying differences in the sensitivity to x-ray and alpha -particle-induced DNA damage. Two parental lines of Chinese hamster cells and four radiosensitive mutants were irradiated with different single doses of x-rays and alpha -particles and clonogenic cell survival was determined. Radiosensitivity to x-rays varied by a factor of 5 between the cell strains whereas sensitivity to alpha -particle irradiation was almost identical among all strains. The RBE is only determined by the sensitivity of the cells towards x-rays. Since cells with different defects of repair or cell cycle control have different radiosensitivities, we conclude that the effects of x-ray irradiation and the RBE are mostly determined by the activity of repair processes.


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The application of microbeams is providing new insights into the actions of radiation at the cell and tissue levels. So far, this has been achieved exclusively through the use of collimated charged particles. One alternative is to use ultrasoft X rays, focused by X-ray diffractive optics. We have developed a unique facility that uses 0.2-0.8-mm-diameter zone plates to focus ultrasoft X rays to a beam of less than 1 mum diameter. The zone plate images characteristic K-shell X rays of carbon or aluminum, generated by focusing a beam of 5-10 keV electrons onto the appropriate target. By reflecting the X rays off a grazing-incidence mirror, the contaminating bremsstrahlung radiation is reduced to 2%. The focused X rays are then aimed at selected subcellular targets using rapid automated cell-finding and alignment procedures; up to 3000 cells per hour can be irradiated individually using this arrangement. (C) 2001 by Radiation Research Society.


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Bystander responses have been reported to be a major determinant of the response of cells to radiation exposure at low doses, including those of relevance to therapy. This study investigated the role of changes in calcium levels in bystander responses leading to chromosomal damage in nonirradiated T98G glioma cells and AG01522 fibroblasts that had been either exposed to conditioned medium from irradiated cells or co-cultured with a population where a fraction of cells were individually targeted through the nucleus or cytoplasm with a precise number of microbeam helium-3 particles. After the recipient cells were treated with conditioned medium from T98G or AG01522 cells that had been irradiated through either nucleus or cytoplasm, rapid calcium fluxes were monitored in the nonirradiated recipient cells. Their characteristics were dependent on the source of the conditioned medium but had no dependence on radiation dose. When recipient cells were co-cultured with an irradiated population of either T98G or AG01522 cells, micronuclei were induced in the nonirradiated cells, but this response was eliminated by treating the cells with calcicludine (CaC), a potent blocker of Ca2+ channels. Moreover, both the calcium fluxes and the bystander effect were inhibited when the irradiated T98G cells were treated with aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and when the irradiated AG01522 cells were treated with DMSO, a scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which indicates that NO and ROS were involved in the bystander responses generated from irradiated T98G and AG01522 cells, respectively. Our findings indicate that calcium signaling may be an early response in radiation-induced bystander effects leading to chromosome damage. (c) 2006 by Radiation Research Society.


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Experimental demonstration of negative ion acceleration to MeV energies from sub-micron size droplets of water spray irradiated by ultra-intense laser pulses is presented. Thanks to the specific target configuration and laser parameters, more than 109 negative ions per steradian solid angle in 5% energy bandwidth are accelerated in a stable and reliable manner. To our knowledge, by virtue of the ultra-short duration of the emission, this is by far the brightest negative ion source reported. The data also indicate the existence of beams of neutrals with at least similar numbers and energies.


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Liquid ethanol (C2H5OH) was used to generate a spray of sub-micron droplets. Sprays with different nozzle geometries have been tested and characterised using Mie scattering to find scaling properties and to generate droplets with different diameters within the spray. Nozzles having throat diameters of 470 µm and 560 µm showed generation of ethanol spray with droplet diameters of (180 ± 10) nm and (140 ± 10) nm, respectively. These investigations were motivated by the observation of copious negative ions from these target systems, e.g., negative oxygen and carbon ions measured from water and ethanol sprays irradiated with ultra-intense (5 × 1019 W/cm2), ultra short (40 fs) laser pulses. It is shown that the droplet diameter and the average atomic density of the spray have a significant effect on the numbers and energies of accelerated ions, both positive and negative. These targets open new possibilities for the creation of efficient and compact sources of different negative ion species.


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A new approach to spectroscopy of laser induced proton beams using radiochromic film (RCF) is presented. This approach allows primary standards of absorbed dose-to-water as used in radiotherapy to be transferred to the calibration of GafChromic HD-810 and EBT in a 29 MeV proton beam from the Birmingham cyclotron. These films were then irradiated in a common stack configuration using the TARANIS Nd:Glass multi-terawatt laser at Queens University Belfast, which can accelerate protons to 10-12 MeV, and a depth-dose curve was measured from a collimated beam. Previous work characterizing the relative effectiveness (RE) of GafChromic film as a function of energy was implemented into Monte Carlo depth-dose curves using FLUKA. A Bragg peak (BP) "library" for proton energies 0-15 MeV was generated, both with and without the RE function. These depth-response curves were iteratively summed in a FORTRAN routine to solve for the measured RCF depth-dose using a simple direct search algorithm. By comparing resultant spectra with both BP libraries, it was found that the effect of including the RE function accounted for an increase in the total number of protons by about 50%. To account for the energy loss due to a 20 mu m aluminum filter in front of the film stack, FLUKA was used to create a matrix containing the energy loss transformations for each individual energy bin. Multiplication by the pseudo-inverse of this matrix resulted in "up-shifting" protons to higher energies. Applying this correction to two laser shots gave further increases in the total number of protons, N of 31% and 56%. Failure to consider the relative response of RCF to lower proton energies and neglecting energy losses in a stack filter foil can potentially lead to significant underestimates of the total number of protons in RCF spectroscopy of the low energy protons produced by laser ablation of thin targets.


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Paralytic shellfish poisoning is a toxic syndrome described in humans following the ingestion of seafood contaminated with saxitoxin and/or its derivatives. The presence of these toxins in shellfish is considered an important health threat and their levels in seafood destined to human consumption are regulated in many countries, as well as the levels of other chemically unrelated toxins. We studied the feasibility of immunodetection of saxitoxin and its analogs using a solid-phase microsphere assay coupled to flow cytometry detection in a Luminex 200 system. The technique consists of a competition assay where the toxins in solution compete with bead-bound saxitoxin for binding to an antigonyautoxin 2/3 monoclonal antibody (GT-13A). The assay allowed the detection of saxitoxin both in buffer and mussel extracts in the range of 2.2-19.7 ng/mL (IC(20)-IC(80)). Moreover, the assay cross-reactivity with other toxins of the group is similar to previously published immunoassays, with adequate detection of most analogs except N-1 hydroxy analogs. The recovery rate of the assay for saxitoxin was close to 100%. This microsphere-based immunoassay is suitable to be used as a screening method, detecting saxitoxin from 260 to 2360 µg/kg. This microsphere/flow cytometry system provided similar sensitivities to previously published immunoassays and provides a solid background for the development of easy, flexible multiplexing of toxin detection in one sample.


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The aim of this work is to determine the out-of-field survival of cells irradiated with either the primary field or scattered radiation in the presence and absence of intercellular communication following delivery of conformal, IMRT and VMAT treatment plans. Single beam, conformal, IMRT and VMAT plans were created to deliver 3 Gy to half the area of a T80 flask containing either DU-145 or AGO-1522 cells allowing intercellular communication between the in-and out-of-field cell populations. The same plans were delivered to a similar custom made phantom used to hold two T25 culture flasks, one flask in-field and one out-of-field to allow comparison of cell survival responses when intercellular communication is physically inhibited. Plans were created for the delivery of 8 Gy to the more radio-resistant DU-145 cells only in the presence and absence of intercellular communication. Cell survival was determined by clonogenic assay. In both cell lines, the out-of-field survival was not statistically different between delivery techniques for either cell line or dose. There was however, a statistically significant difference between survival out-of-field when intercellular communication was intact (single T80 culture flask) or inhibited (multiple T25 culture flasks) to in-field for all plans. No statistically significant difference was observed in-field with or without cellular communication to out-of-field for all plans. These data demonstrate out-of-field effects as important determinants of cell survival following exposure to modulated irradiation fields when cellular communication between differentially irradiated cell populations is present. This data is further evidence that refinement of existing radiobiological models to include indirect cell killing effects is required.


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During the delivery of advanced radiotherapy treatment techniques modulated beams are utilised to increase dose conformity across the target volume. Recent investigations have highlighted differential cellular responses to modulated radiation fields particularly in areas outside the primary treatment field that cannot be accounted for by scattered dose alone. In the present study, we determined the DNA damage response within the normal human fibroblast AG0-1522B and the prostate cancer cell line DU-145 utilising the DNA damage assay. Cells plated in slide flasks were exposed to 1 Gy uniform or modulated radiation fields. Modulated fields were delivered by shielding 25%, 50% or 75% of the flask during irradiation. The average number of 53BP1 or ?H2AX foci was measured in 2 mm intervals across the slide area. Following 30 minutes after modulated radiation field exposure an increase in the average number of foci out-of-field was observed when compared to non-irradiated controls. In-field, a non-uniform response was observed with a significant decrease in the average number of foci compared to uniformly irradiated cells. Following 24 hrs after exposure there is evidence for two populations of responding cells to bystander signals in-and out-of-field. There was no significant difference in DNA damage response between 25%, 50% or 75% modulated fields. The response was dependent on cellular secreted intercellular signalling as physical inhibition of intercellular communication abrogated the observed response. Elevated residual DNA damage observed within out-of-field regions decreased following addition of an inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (Aminoguanidine). These data show, for the first time, differential DNA damage responses in-and out-of-field following modulated radiation field delivery. This study provides further evidence for a role of intercellular communication in mediating cellular radiobiological response to modulated radiation fields and may inform the refinement of existing radiobiological models for the optimization of advanced radiotherapy treatment plans. © 2012 Trainor et al.