162 resultados para HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSTS


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A series of alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes and nitriles of significant interest in the fragrance industry have been prepared using Grubbs' catalysts in cross-metathesis reactions of electron-deficient olefins (i.e., acrolein, crotonaldehyde, methacrolein, and acrylonitrile) with various 1-alkenes, including 1-decene, 1-octene, 1-hexene and 2-allyloxy-6-methylheptane. The latter is of particular interest, as it has not previously being used as a substrate in cross-metathesis reactions and allows access to valuable intermediates for the synthesis of new fragrances. Most reactions gave good selectivity of the desired CM product (>= 90%). Detailed optimisation and mechanistic studies have been performed on the cross-metathesis of acrolein with 1-decene. Recycling of the catalyst has been attempted using ionic liquids. 


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Mechanochemical preparation of Ag/Al2O3 catalysts used for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx using hydrocarbons has been shown to substantially increase the activity of the catalyst in comparison with Ag/Al2O3 prepared by wet impregnation. The effect of using different ball-milling experimental parameters on both the structure of the material as well as the catalyst activity has been investigated and the optimum conditions established. A phase transition from γ- to α-alumina was observed milling at high speeds which was found to result in lower catalyst activities. At lower milling speeds both fracturing and agglomeration of the alumina support can be observed depending on the grinding time. However, due to ball-milling, a general enhancement in the NOx reduction activity was observed for all catalysts compared with the conventionally prepared catalysts irrespective of the reductant used. Transient DRIFTS-MS experiments were performed to investigate the effect of H2 in the absence and presence of water on the SCR reaction over catalysts prepared by both ball milling and wet impregnation. In-situ DRIFTS-MS analysis revealed significant differences in both gas phase and surface species. Most notably, isocyanate species were formed significantly more quickly and at higher surface concentration in the case of the mechanochemically prepared catalyst.


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Cyclic voltammograms of quinones were recorded in acetonitrile in the presence of various substrates: carbonyl compounds, halobenzenes, Methyl Viologen and Neutral Red. When illuminated with light of λ >410 nm, catalytic waves were observed. From the ratio of the catalysed to uncatalysed peak current, electron transfer rate constants were calculated using the working curves of Saveant and coworkers. The values of these rate constants were compared with the values obtained by Shukla and Rusling for different systems using a similar method and with quenching rate constants calculated using Rehm-Weller-Marcus theory.


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Ligated Pd(II) complexes have been studied for the catalytic oxidation of terminal olefins to their corresponding methyl ketones. The method uses aqueous hydrogen peroxide as the terminal oxidant; a sustainable and readily accessible oxidant. The choice of ligand, counterion and solvent all have a significant effect on catalytic performance and we were able to develop systems which perform well for these challenging oxidations.


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Catalyst deactivation is ultimately inevitable, and one of the processes known to cause deactivation is sintering of metal particles. Consequently, numerous methods to reverse the sintering process by redispersing metal nanoparticles have been developed. These methods are discussed in this perspective, and the reported mechanisms of redispersion are summarized. Additionally, the longer-term practical use of such treatments and the benefits this can bring are briefly disclosed.


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Through combined theoretical and experimental efforts, the reaction mechanism of ethanol steam reforming on Rh catalysts was studied. The results suggest that acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) is an important reaction intermediate in the reaction on nanosized Rh catalyst. Our theoretical work suggests that the H-bond effect significantly modifies the ethanol decomposition pathway. The possible reaction pathway on Rh (211) surface is suggested as CH3CH2OH -> CH3CH2O -> CH3CHO -> CH3CO -> CH3 + CO -> CH2 + CO -> CH + CO -> C + CO, followed by the water gas shift reaction to yield H-2 and CO2. In addition, we found that the water-gas shift reaction, not the ethanol decomposition, is the bottleneck for the overall ethanol steam reforming process. The CO + OH association is considered the key step, with a sizable energy barrier of 1.31 eV. The present work first discusses the mechanisms and the water effect in ethanol steam reforming reactions on Rh catalyst from both theoretical and experimental standpoints, which may shed light on designing improved catalysts.


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The energetics of the low-temperature adsorption and decomposition of nitrous oxide, N(2)O, on flat and stepped platinum surfaces were calculated using density-functional theory (DFT). The results show that the preferred adsorption site for N(2)O is an atop site, bound upright via the terminal nitrogen. The molecule is only weakly chemisorbed to the platinum surface. The decomposition barriers on flat (I 11) surfaces and stepped (211) surfaces are similar. While the barrier for N(2)O dissociation is relatively small, the surface rapidly becomes poisoned by adsorbed oxygen. These findings are supported by experimental results of pulsed N(2)O decomposition with 5% Pt/SiO(2) and bismuth-modified Pt/C catalysts. At low temperature, decomposition occurs but self-poisoning by O((ads)) prevents further decomposition. At higher temperatures some desorption Of O(2) is observed, allowing continued catalytic activity. The study with bismuth-modified Pt/C catalysts showed that, although the activation barriers calculated for both terraces and steps were similar, the actual rate was different for the two surfaces. Steps were found experimentally to be more active than terraces and this is attributed to differences in the preexponential term. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The hydrogenation of 4-phenyl-2-butanone over Pt/TiO2 and Pt/SiO2 catalysts has been performed in a range of solvents and it has been observed that the solvent impacted on the selectivity of ketone and aromatic ring hydrogenation as well as the overall TOF of the titania catalyst with no solvent effect on selectivity observed using the silica supported catalyst where ring hydrogenation was favored. For the titania catalyst, alkanes were found to favor ring hydrogenation whereas aromatics and alcohols led to carbonyl hydrogenation. A two-site catalyst model is proposed whereby the aromatic ring hydrogenation occurs over the metal sites while carbonyl hydrogenation is thought to occur predominantly at interfacial sites, with oxygen vacancies in the titania support activating the carbonyl. The effect of the solvent on the hydrogenation reaction over the titania catalyst was related to competition for the active sites between solvent and 4-phenyl-2-butanone.


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The redox catalyst ruthenium dioxide, prepared via the Adams technique, i.e.Ru(Adams), is used as a water oxidation catalyst using the oxidants (i) Ce(IV) in 0.5M H2SO4 and (ii) periodate in 0.5 M H2SO4, water and 0.1 M KOH. Like Ce(IV),periodate is a very strong oxidant that is able to oxidise water to oxygen and can bereadily monitored spectrophotometrically at 280 nm, compared with 430 nm for Ce(IV).More importantly, unlike Ce(IV), which is unstable towards hydrolysis above pH 1,periodate is stable in acid, water and strong alkali. A spectrophotometric study of thekinetics of periodate reduction, and concomitant oxidation of water to O2, reveals thatin the presence of a suitable redox catalyst, Ru(Adams) in this work, periodate is ableto effect the stoichiometric oxidation of water, with a turnover number > 64. In justwater, the kinetics of the latter reaction appear diffusion-controlled, due to the largethermodynamic driving force, a measure of which is the difference in redox potential,i.e. ∆E = 423 mV. As this difference is decreased, ∆E = 396 mV in acid and 290 mVin strong alkali (0.1 M KOH), the kinetics become increasingly activation-controlledand slower. These findings are discussed briefly with regard to the possible use of (i)periodate as an alternative oxidant in the rapid screening of new potential wateroxidation catalyst material powders that are stable only under near neutral and/oralkaline conditions, and (ii) Ru(Adams) as a benchmark catalyst.


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This manuscript describes the application and further development of the TAP technique in kinetic characterization of heterogeneous catalysis. The major application of TAP systems is to study mechanisms, kinetics and transport phenomena in heterogeneous catalysis, all of which is made possible by the sub-millisecond time resolution. Furthermore, the kinetic information obtained can be used to gain an insight into the mechanism occurring over the catalyst system. This is advantageous as heterogeneous catalysts with an improved efficiency can be developed as a result. TAP kinetic studies are carried out at low pressure (~1x10-7 mbar) and TAP pulses are sufficiently small (1013-1015 molecules) so as to maintain this low pressure. The use of a small number of molecules in comparison to the total number of active sites means the state of the catalyst remains relatively unchanged. The use of the low intensity pulses also makes the pressure gradient negligible and so allows the TAP reactor system to operate in the Knudsen Diffusion regime, where gas-gas reactions are eliminated. Hence only gas-catalyst reactions are investigated and, by the use of moment analysis of observed exit flow, rate constants of elementary steps of the reaction can be obtained.

In this manuscript, two attempts to further the TAP technique are reported. Firstly, the work undertaken at QUB to attempt to control the number of molecules of condensable reagents that can be pulsed during a TAP pulse experiment is disclosed. Secondly, a collaborative project with SAI Ltd Manchester is discussed in a separate chapter, where technical details and validation of a customised time of flight mass spectrometer (ToF MS) for the QUB TAP-1 system are reported. A collaborative project with Cardiff Catalysis Institute focusing on the study of CO oxidation over hopcalite catalysts is also reported. The analysis of the experimental results has provided an insight into the possible mechanism of the oxidation of CO over these catalysts. A correction function has also been derived which accounts for the adsorption of reactant molecules over inert materials that are used for the reactor packing in TAP experiments. This function was then applied to the selective reduction of O2 in a H2 rich ethene feed, so that more accurate TAP moment based analysis could be conducted.