244 resultados para Andrews-curtis Conjecture


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Fluidised hot melt granulation (FHMG) is a novel granulation technique for processing pharmaceutical powders. Several process and formulation parameters have been shown to significantly influence granulation characteristics within FHMG. In this study we have investigated the effect of the binder properties (binder particle size and binder viscosity) on agglomerate growth mechanisms within FHMG. Low-melting point co-polymers of polyoxyethylene–polyoxypropylene (Lutrol® F68 Poloxamer 188 and Lutrol® F127 Poloxamer 407) were used as meltable binders for FHMG, while standard ballotini beads were used as model fillers for this process. Standard sieve analysis was used to determine the size distribution of granules whereas we utilised fluorescence microscopy to investigate the distribution of binder within granules. This provided further insight into the growth mechanisms during FHMG. Binder particle size and viscosity were found to affect the onset time of granulation. Agglomerate growth achieved equilibrium within short time-scales and was shown to proceed by two competing processes, breakage of formed granules and re-agglomeration of fractured granules. Breakage was affected by the initial material properties (binder size and viscosity). When using binder with a small particle size (<250 µm), agglomerate growth via a distribution mechanism dominated. Increasing the binder particle size shifted the granulation mechanism such that agglomerates were formed predominantly via immersion. A critical ratio between binder diameter and filler has been calculated and this value may be useful for predicting or controlling granulation growth processes.


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Formulation of Celecoxib into solid dosage forms is difficult due to the physical properties of the drug powder. However for the first time, this paper reports on the drug delivery characteristics glass solutions of celecoxib and polyvinylpyrrolidone prepared by hot melt extrusion, together with use of supercritical carbon dioxide to achieve a porous structure, in order to achieve a stable and enhanced drug release.


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Solid molecular dispersions of bicalutamide (BL) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) were prepared by hot melt extrusion technology at drug-to-polymer ratios of 1:10, 2:10, and 3:10 (w/w). The solid-state properties of BL, physical mixtures of BL/PVP, and hot melt extrudates were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD), Raman, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Drug dissolution studies were subsequently conducted on hot melt extruded solid dispersions and physical mixtures. All hot melt extrudates had a single Tg between theTg of amorphous BL and PVP indicating miscibility of BL with PVP and the formation of solid molecular dispersions. PXRD con?rmed the presence of the amorphous form of BL within the extrudates. Conversely, PXRD patterns recorded for physical mixtures showed sharp bands characteristic of crystalline BL, whereas DSC traces had a distinct endotherm at 1968C corresponding to melting of crystalline BL. Further investigations using DSC con?rmed solid-state plasticization of PVP by amorphous BL and hence antiplasticization of amorphous BL by PVP. Experimentally observed Tg values of physical mixtures were shown to be signi?cantly higher than those calculated using the Gordon–Taylor equation suggesting the formation of strong intermolecular interactions between BL and PVP. FTIR and Raman spectroscopy were used to investigate these interactions and strongly suggested the presence of secondary interaction between PVP and BL within the hot melt extrudates. The drug dissolution properties of hot melt extrudates were enhanced signi?cantly in comparison to crystalline BL and physical mixtures. Moreover, the rate and extent of BL release were highly dependent on the amount of PVP present within the extrudate. Storage of the extrudates con?rmed the stability of amorphous BL for up to 12 months at 208C, 40% RH whereas stability was reduced under highly humid conditions (208C, 65% RH). Interestingly, BL recrystallization after storage under these conditions had no effect on the dissolution properties of the extrudates.


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Studies concerning the physiological significance of Ca2+ sparks often depend on the detection and measurement of large populations of events in noisy microscopy images. Automated detection methods have been developed to quickly and objectively distinguish potential sparks from noise artifacts. However, previously described algorithms are not suited to the reliable detection of sparks in images where the local baseline fluorescence and noise properties can vary significantly, and risk introducing additional bias when applied to such data sets. Here, we describe a new, conceptually straightforward approach to spark detection in linescans that addresses this issue by combining variance stabilization with local baseline subtraction. We also show that in addition to greatly increasing the range of images in which sparks can be automatically detected, the use of a more accurate noise model enables our algorithm to achieve similar detection sensitivities with fewer false positives than previous approaches when applied both to synthetic and experimental data sets. We propose, therefore, that it might be a useful tool for improving the reliability and objectivity of spark analysis in general, and describe how it might be further optimized for specific applications.


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Silicone elastomer systems have previously been shown to offer potential for the sustained release of protein therapeutics. However, the general requirement for the incorporation of large amounts of release enhancing solid excipients to achieve therapeutically effective release rates from these otherwise hydrophobic polymer systems can detrimentally affect the viscosity of the precure silicone elastomer mixture and its curing characteristics. The increase in viscosity necessitates the use of higher operating pressures in manufacture, resulting in higher shear stresses that are often detrimental to the structural integrity of the incorporated protein. The addition of liquid silicones increases the initial tan delta value and the tan delta values in the early stages of curing by increasing the liquid character (G '') of the silicone elastomer system and reducing its elastic character (G'), thereby reducing the shear stress placed on the formulation during manufacture and minimizing the potential for protein degradation. However, SEM analysis has demonstrated that if the liquid character of the silicone elastomer is too high, the formulation will be unable to fill the mold during manufacture. This study demonstrates that incorporation of liquid hydroxy-terminated polydimethylsiloxanes into addition-cure silicone elastomer-covered rod formulations can both effectively lower the viscosity of the precured silicone elastomer and enhance the release rate of the model therapeutic protein bovine serum albumin. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011


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We have analyzed the adhesion of human and murine platelets, and of recombinant human and murine GpVI ectodomains, to synthetic triple-helical collagen-like peptides. These included 57 peptides derived from the sequence of human type III collagen and 9 peptides derived from the cyanogen bromide fragment of bovine type III collagen, alpha 1(III)CB4. We have identified several peptides that interact with GpVI, in particular a peptide designated III-30 with the sequence GAOGLRGGAGPOG-PEGGKGAAGPOGPO. Both human and murine platelets bound to peptide III-30 in a GpVI-dependent manner. III-30 also supported binding of recombinant GpVI ectodomains. Cross-linked III-30 induced aggregation of human and murine platelets, although with a lower potency than collagen-related peptide. Modifications of the peptide sequence indicated that the hydroxyproline residues play a significant role in supporting its GpVI reactivity. However, many peptides containing OGP/ GPO motifs did not support adhesion to GpVI. These data indicate that the ability of a triple-helical peptide to bind GpVI is not solely determined by the presence or spatial arrangement of these OGP/GPO motifs within the peptides.


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In this study, the dissolution properties of celecoxib (CX) solid dispersions manufactured from Eudragit 4155F and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) were evaluated. Hot-melt extrusion (HME) technology was used to prepare amorphous solid dispersions of drug/polymer binary systems at different mass ratios. The drug concentrations achieved from the dissolution of PVP and Eudragit 4155F solid dispersions in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 (PBS 7.4) were significantly greater than the equilibrium solubility of CX (1.58 µg/mL). The degree of supersaturation increased significantly as the polymer concentration within the solid dispersion increased. The maximum drug concentration achieved by PVP solid dispersions did not significantly exceed the apparent solubility of amorphous CX. The predominant mechanism for achieving supersaturated CX concentrations in PBS 7.4 was attributed to stabilization of amorphous CX during dissolution. Conversely, Eudragit 4155F solid dispersions showed significantly greater supersaturated drug solutions particularly at high polymer concentrations. For example, at a drug/polymer ratio of 1:9, a concentration of 100 µg/mL was achieved after 60 min that was stable (no evidence of drug recrystallization) for up to 72 h. This clearly identifies the potential of Eudragit 4155F to act as a solubilizing agent for CX. These findings were in good agreement with the results from solubility performed using PBS 7.4 in which Eudragit 4155F had been predissolved. In these tests, Eudragit 4155F significantly increased the equilibrium solubility of CX. Solution 1H NMR spectra were used to identify drug/polymer interactions. Deshielding of CX aromatic protons (H-1a and H-1b) containing the sulfonamide group occurred as a result of dissolution of Eudragit 4155F solid dispersions, whereas deshielding of H-1a protons and shielding of H-1b protons occurred as a result of the dissolution of PVP solid dispersions. In principle, it is reasonable to suggest that the different drug/polymer interactions observed give rise to the variation in dissolution observed for the two polymer/drug systems.


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In this article, we have prepared hot-melt-extruded solid dispersions of bicalutamide (BL) using poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) as a matrix platform. Prior to preparation, miscibility of PEO and BL was assessed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The onset of BL melting was signi?cantly depressed in the presence of PEO, and using Flory– Huggins (FH) theory, we identi?ed a negative value of -3.4, con?rming miscibility. Additionally, using FH lattice theory, we estimated the Gibbs free energy of mixing which was shown to be negative, passing through a minimum at a polymer fraction of 0.55. Using these data, solid dispersions at drug-to-polymer ratios of 1:10, 2:10 and 3:10 were prepared via hot-melt extrusion. Using a combination of DSC, powder X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron
microscopy, amorphous dispersions of BL were con?rmed at the lower two drug loadings. At the 3:10 BL to PEO ratio, crystalline BL was detected. The percent crystallinity of PEO was reduced by approximately 10% in all formulations following extrusion. The increased amorphous content within PEO following extrusion accommodated amorphous BL at drug to polymer loadings up to 2:10; however, the increased amorphous domains with PEO following extrusion were not suf?cient to fully accommodate BL at drug-to-polymer ratios of 3:10.


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This article has arisen from a research-led production of Translations by Brian Friel for Queen’s University’s Tyrone Guthrie Society in February 2010. Drawing partly on a review of the existing critical literature and also from questions left unresolved by a previous experience of directing the play, the production sought to address through ‘active analysis’ (Merlin 2001) a number of research questions relating to the embodied nature of the rehearsal process and the historicity of Friel’s play. The analysis invokes Bergson (1910), Lefebvre (1991) and Worthern (2006) in establishing a performative correlative for insightful but more literary studies by Connolly (1993), Lojek (1994) and McGrath (1989 & 1999). A detailed account of the rehearsal process helps reveal the extent to which the idea of failure of communication is embedded in the text and embodied in performance, while an experiment with the partial use of the Irish language casts further light on Friel’s extraordinary device of rendering two languages through the medium of one. The use of music to counterpoint, rather than underscore the action, together with an achronological sequence of projected historical images inspired by Andrews (1983) provided me as director a means to challenge the audience’s presuppositions about the play. The sense of palimpsest, of the layered histories, that this evoked also served to highlight Friel’s use of the wider stylistic palette of Anglo-Irish drama, revealing Translations as a forerunner for Stewart Parker’s more explicit formal experiments in Northern Star. In rehearsal and performance Friel’s place in the continuum of the Irish theatrical canon became clear, as stylistic allusions to O’Casey, Shaw, Wilde and Beckett were embodied by the actors on the rehearsal room floor.