267 resultados para positive identity


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Given currently high rates of extinction, it is critical to be able to predict how ecosystems will respond to loss of species and consequent changes in community structure. Much previous research in this area has been based on terrestrial systems, using synthetically assembled communities. There has beer! much less research on inter-trophic effects in different systems, using in situ removal experiments. Problems with the design of early experiments have made it difficult to determine whether reductions in ecosystem functioning in low diversity treatments were due to the number of species present or merely to the reduced likelihood of including particular (


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The rate of species loss is increasing at a global scale, and human-induced extinctions are biased toward predator species. We examined the effects of predator extinctions on a foundation species, the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). We performed a factorial experiment manipulating the presence and abundance of three of the most common predatory crabs, the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), stone crab (Menippe mercenaria), and mud crab (Panopeus herbstii) in estuaries in the eastern United States. We tested the effects of species richness and identity of predators on juvenile oyster survival, oyster recruitment, and organic matter content of sediment. We also manipulated the density of each of the predators and controlled for the loss of biomass of species by maintaining a constant mass of predators in one set of treatments and simultaneously using an additive design. This design allowed us to test the density dependence of our results and test for functional compensation by other species. The identity of predator species, but not richness, affected oyster populations. The loss of blue crabs, alone or in combination with either of the other species, affected the survival rate of juvenile oysters. Blue crabs and stone crabs both affected oyster recruitment and sediment organic matter negatively. Mud crabs at higher than ambient densities, however, could fulfill some of the functions of blue and stone crabs, suggesting a level of ecological redundancy. Importantly, the strong effects of blue crabs in all processes measured no longer occurred when individuals were present at higher-than-ambient densities. Their role as dominant predator is, therefore, dependent on their density within the system and the density of other species within their guild (e.g., mud crabs). Our findings support the hypothesis that the effects of species loss at higher trophic levels are determined by predator identity and are subject to complex intraguild interactions that are largely density dependent. Understanding the role of biodiversity in ecosystem functioning or addressing practical concerns, such as loss of predators owing to overharvesting, remains complicated because accurate predictions require detailed knowledge of the system and should be drawn from sound experimental evidence, not based on observations or generalized models.


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The successful career of Dean Mahomet (1759-1851) as a migrant from India to Ireland (and later, England) has led to scholarly and popular interest in his work. His Travels through several parts of India in the Service of the Honourable East India Company (1794) published by subscription in Cork is reputedly the first English book by an Indian, and has been seen to counterbalance the many accounts of India by western travellers, and to assert, in autobiographical form, his identity as an Indian in 1790s Ireland. My paper analyses this text in relation to moral and economic criticisms of the East India Company in the eighteenth century, and in particular to legislation of 1793 which defined the role of the Company in Ireland’s trade with the east. These aspects of colonial politics involving Ireland and India as subject nations of Britain are shown to shape Mahomet’s discursive strategies and the complex identity produced in his text.


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This paper presents a palimpsest of ways in which self-study draws upon arts-based methods not just as processes towards teacher development, but also as means to problematize and inquire into conceptualizations of the self. It focuses on the creation of individual self-boxes that mediate teachers’ dynamic narratives of identity. Concepts of the unitary self, the decentred self and the relationship between inner and outer experience are challenged and illustrated through two interlapping stories made manifest through the creation of self-boxes. From time immemorial man has known that he is the subject most deserving of his own study, but he has also fought shy of treating this subject as a whole, that is, in accordance with its total character. (Buber, 1947, p. 140)


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Previous research shows that approximately half of the coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) isolated from patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) at Belfast City Hospital were resistant to methicillin. The presence of this relatively high proportion of methicillin-resistance genetic material gives rise to speculation that these organisms may act as potential reservoirs of methicillinresistance genetic material to methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). Mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer from PBP2a-positive CNS to MSSA, potentially transforming MSSA to MRSA, aided by electroporation-type activities such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), should be considered. Methicillin-resistant CNS (MR-CNS) isolates are collected over a two-month period from a variety of clinical specimen types, particularly wound swabs. The species of all isolates are confirmed, as well as their resistance to oxacillin by standard disc diffusion assays. In addition, MSSA isolates are collected over the same period and confirmed as PBP2a-negative. Electroporation experiments are designed to mimic the time/voltage combinations used commonly in the clinical application of TENS. No transformed MRSA were isolated and all viable S. aureus cells remained susceptible to oxacillin and PBP2a-negative. Experiments using MSSA pre-exposed to sublethal concentrations of oxacillin (0.25 µg/mL) showed no evidence of methicillin gene transfer and the generation of an MRSA. The study showed no evidence of horizontal transfer of methicillin resistance genetic material from MR-CNS to MSSA. These data support the belief that TENS and the associated time/voltage combinations used do not increase conjugational transposons or facilitate horizontal gene transfer from MR-CNS to MSSA.