162 resultados para lung cancer screening


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tissue MicroArrays (TMAs) are a valuable platform for tissue based translational research and the discovery of tissue biomarkers. The digitised TMA slides or TMA Virtual Slides, are ultra-large digital images, and can contain several hundred samples. The processing of such slides is time-consuming, bottlenecking a potentially high throughput platform.
a High Performance Computing (HPC) platform for the rapid analysis of TMA virtual slides is presented in this study. Using an HP high performance cluster and a centralised dynamic load balancing approach, the simultaneous analysis of multiple tissue-cores were established. This was evaluated on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer TMAs for complex analysis of tissue pattern and immunohistochemical positivity.
the automated processing of a single TMA virtual slide containing 230 patient samples can be significantly speeded up by a factor of circa 22, bringing the analysis time to one minute. Over 90 TMAs could also be analysed simultaneously, speeding up multiplex biomarker experiments enormously.
the methodologies developed in this paper provide for the first time a genuine high throughput analysis platform for TMA biomarker discovery that will significantly enhance the reliability and speed for biomarker research. This will have widespread implications in translational tissue based research.


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The treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has evolved substantially during the last years. Chemotherapy remains the cornerstone of treatment and prolongs survival with a positive impact on quality of life. However, we seem to have reached a plateau of activity in the treatment of NSCLC. Recently, the addition of bevacizumab or cetuximab to chemotherapy doublets has improved the outcome in selected patients with advanced NSCLC. Furthermore, the use of erlotinib and gefitinib is an alternative for second line treatment. Advances in our understanding of molecular biology of cancer and mechanisms of tumourigenesis have further enabled the discovery of several potential molecular targets and development of novel 'targeted therapies'. The purpose of this study is to review current data on the role of targeted therapies in the treatment of advanced NSCLC. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article explores the complex and neglected picture of occupational and environmental disease healthcare costs specifically relating to asbestos. Diagnosed mesothelioma cases in Scotland in one calendar year were used to investigate the subject in greater depth. Data from UK sources on asbestos disease types recorded in 2000 and their disease treatment costs were obtained. Acute care economic costs of these diseases are estimated. One hundred and twenty diagnosed, recorded, and treated cases of asbestos-related diseases occurred in 2000 in Scotland. Mesothelioma accounted for 100 cases and directly cost Scottish National Health Service hospitals an estimated 942,038 pounds. The estimated UK figure in 2000 was at least 16,014,646 pounds because official figures for diagnosed and recorded deaths from mesothelioma are running at over 1700 a year with rises predicted for 2010 of 2000 deaths. By 2003, 50,000 people in the UK had died from diagnosed and recorded mesothelioma since records began. Earlier disease treatment costs would have been significantly lower than those in 2000 but, at 2000 prices, cost to the UK was roughly 471,019,000 pounds in acute hospital expenditure. Figures for primary care costs, including caregiver costs, are incomplete or unknown. These disease costs are substantial and have some international generalizability. Treatment patterns and costs vary greatly. Many lung cancer cases due to asbestos exposure occur globally for each mesothelioma case. Hence figures provided in this article are certain to be gross underestimates of the total health service and personal economic costs of asbestos illness and treatment in Scotland.


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Cdk2 and cdk1 are individually dispensable for cell-cycle progression in cancer cell lines because they are able to compensate for one another. However, shRNA-mediated depletion of cdk1 alone or small molecule cdk1 inhibition abrogated S phase cell-cycle arrest and the phosphorylation of a subset of ATR/ATM targets after DNA damage. Loss of DNA damage-induced checkpoint control was caused by a reduction in formation of BRCA1-containing foci. Mutation of BRCA1 at S1497 and S1189/S1191 resulted in loss of cdk1-mediated phosphorylation and also compromised formation of BRCA1-containing foci. Abrogation of checkpoint control after cdk1 depletion or inhibition in non-small-cell lung cancer cells sensitized them to DNA-damaging agents. Conversely, reduced cdk1 activity caused more potent G2/M arrest in nontransformed cells and antagonized the response to subsequent DNA damage. Cdk1 inhibition may therefore selectively sensitize BRCA1-proficient cancer cells to DNA-damaging treatments by disrupting BRCA1 function.


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This study examined variations in gene expression between FFPE blocks within tumors of individual patients. Microarray data were used to measure tumor heterogeneity within and between patients and disease states. Data were used to determine the number of samples needed to power biomarker discovery studies. Bias and variation in gene expression were assessed at the intrapatient and interpatient levels and between adenocarcinoma and squamous samples. A mixed-model analysis of variance was fitted to gene expression data and model signatures to assess the statistical significance of observed variations within and between samples and disease states. Sample size analysis, adjusted for sample heterogeneity, was used to determine the number of samples required to support biomarker discovery studies. Variation in gene expression was observed between blocks taken from a single patient. However, this variation was considerably less than differences between histological characteristics. This degree of block-to-block variation still permits biomarker discovery using either macrodissected tumors or whole FFPE sections, provided that intratumor heterogeneity is taken into account. Failure to consider intratumor heterogeneity may result in underpowered biomarker studies that may result in either the generation of longer gene signatures or the inability to identify a viable biomarker. Moreover, the results of this study indicate that a single biopsy sample is suitable for applying a biomarker in nonsmall-cell lung cancer. © 2012 American Society for Investigative Pathology and the Association for Molecular Pathology.


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Idiopathic Erythrocytosis (IE) is a diagnosis given to patients who have an absolute erythrocytosis (red cell mass more than 25% above their mean normal predicted value) but who do not have a known form of primary or secondary erythrocytosis (BCSH guideline, 2005). We report here the results of a follow-up study of 80 patients (44 male and 36 female) diagnosed with IE from the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland over a 10 year period. Baseline information was initially collected when investigating for molecular causes of erythrocytosis in this group. The diagnosis of IE was made on the basis of a raised red cell mass >25% above mean normal predicted value, absence of Polycythaemia Vera (PV) based on the criteria of Pearson and Messinezy (1996), and the exclusion of secondary erythrocytosis (oxygen saturation >92% on pulse oximetry, no history of sleep apnoea, no renal or hepatic pathology, and a normal oxygen dissociation curve (if indicated). The average age at diagnosis of erythrocytosis was 34.5 (2–74 years). Erythropoietin levels were available for 77/80 of the patients and were low in 18 (23%) and normal or high in 59 (74%). Ultrasound imaging was carried out in 67 patients (84%) at time of diagnosis and no significant abnormalities found. Fourteen patients had a family history of erythrocytosis. These patients have now been followed up for an average of 9.4 years (range 1–39). Out of 80 patients 56 patients can still be classified as having IE, of whom 52 are living (cause of death in the other 4 - lung cancer, RTA, sepsis, unknown). Thirty-five of these patients are regularly venesected, 3 take hydroxyurea (one also venesected), 11 receive no treatment while treatment is unknown in 2. Twenty take aspirin, 1 warfarin and 31 no thromboprophylaxis. Four of these patients had suffered thromboembolic complications (3 with CVA/TIAs and 1 with recurrent DVT) at or before their original diagnosis. Since diagnosis 8 patients have had 9 thrombotic events of which 7 were arterial (1 CVA, 3 TIAs, 1 MI, 2 PVD) and 2 venous (DVT/PE). Twenty take aspirin, 1 dipyridamole, 1 warfarin and 30 take no thromboprophylaxis. Out of the 24 patients who now have a diagnosis other than IE, 8 have been diagnosed with myelo-proliferative disease. Thirteen patients have a molecular abnormality which is likely to account for their erythrocytosis (11 VHL, 1 PHD-2, 1 EPO-receptor mutations). Three patients have secondary erythrocytosis. Older case studies identified a heterogenous group of patients, some of whom probably had apparent erythrocytosis and some who had either primary polycythaemia or secondary causes later identified (Modan and Modan, Najean et al). More recent reviews have identified a more homogenous group with low rates of transformation to myelofibrosis/acute leukaemia and low rates of thrombosis of around 1% patient-year. Follow up of our initial patient group does indeed reveal a heterogeneous group of patients with 10% now diagnosed with an MPD, although when analysis is confined to those patients who continue to fulfil the criteria for IE, the clinical course has been more stable. There has been no progression to MDS or leukaemia in this group (one patient with PV progressed to AML). The rate of thrombosis is 1.6% patient-years which is lower than the rate seen in PV and is consistent with the rate identified in other series. Molecular defects continue to be identified in this group and future investigation is likely to reveal further abnormalities.


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Respiratory motion introduces complex spatio-temporal variations in the dosimetry of radiotherapy. There is a paucity of literature investigating the radiobiological consequences of intrafraction motion and concerns regarding the impact of movement when applied to cancer cell lines in vitro exist. We have addressed this by developing a novel model which accurately replicates respiratory motion under experimental conditions to allow clinically relevant irradiation of cell lines. A bespoke phantom and motor driven moving platform was adapted to accommodate flasks containing medium and cells in order to replicate respiratory motion using varying frequencies and amplitude settings. To study this effect on cell survival in vitro, dose response curves were determined for human lung cancer cell lines H1299 and H460 exposed to a uniform 6 MV radiation field under moving or stationary conditions. Cell survival curves showed no significant difference between irradiation at different dose points for these cell lines in the presence or absence of motion. These data indicate that motion of unshielded cells in vitro does not affect cell survival in the presence of uniform irradiation. This model provides a novel research platform to investigate the radiobiological consequences of respiratory motion in radiotherapy.


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Chronic cough is a common and frequently disruptive symptom which can be difficult to treat with currently available medicines. Asthma/eosinophilic airway disease and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease are most commonly associated with chronic cough but it may also trouble patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. Over the last three decades there have been a number of key advances in the clinical approach to cough and a number of international guidelines on the management of cough have been developed. Despite the undoubted benefit of such initiatives, more effective treatments for cough are urgently needed. The precise pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic cough are unknown but central to the process is sensitization (upregulation) of the cough reflex. One well-recognized clinical consequence of this hypersensitive state is bouts of coughing triggered by apparently trivial provocation such as scents and odours and changes in air temperature. The main objective of new treatments for cough would be to identify ways to downregulate this heightened cough reflex but yet preserve its crucial role in protecting the airway. The combined efforts of clinicians, scientists and the pharmaceutical industry offer most hope for such a treatment breakthrough. The aim of this chapter is to provide some rationale for the current treatment recommendations and to offer some reflections on the management of patients with chronic cough.


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PHD finger protein 20 (PHF20) is a transcription factor, which was originally identified in glioma patients. PHF20 appears to be a novel antigen in glioma, and has also termed glioma-expressed antigen 2. PHF20 is thought to contribute to the development of cancers, including glioblastoma, lung cancer, colon cancer and ovarian cancer. However, little is known about the function of PHF20 in various cancers. Here we report that PHF20 contains two consensus sites for protein kinase B (PKB) phosphorylation (RxRxxS/T). PKB can directly phosphorylate PHF20 on Ser291 in vitro and in vivo. It has been shown that PKB participates in the tumor suppressor p53 regulated gene expression program and has a direct effect on p21 regulation after DNA damage. UV-induced DNA damage results in accumulation of p53 and PKB activation. Interestingly, PKB-mediated PHF20 phosphorylation led to an inhibition of p53 induction following UV treatment, leading to the reduction of p21 transcriptional activity. Using anti PHF20 and anti pPKB (S473) antibodies, these events were mapped in various human cancer tissues. Taken together, these data suggest that PHF20 is a novel substrate for PKB and its phosphorylation by PKB plays an important role in tumorigenesis via regulating of p53 mediated signaling. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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The human respiratory tract of individuals with normal lung function maintains a fine-tuned balance, being asymptomatically colonised by the normal microbiota in the upper airways and sterile in the lower tract. This equilibrium may be disrupted by the exposure to insults such as cigarette smoke. In the respiratory tract, the complex and noxious nature of inhaled cigarette smoke alters host-microorganisminteraction dynamics at all anatomical levels, causing infections in many cases. Moreover, continuous exposure to cigarette smoke itself causes deleterious effects on the host that can trigger the development of chronic respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. COPD is an irreversible airflow obstruction associated with emphysema, fibrosis, mucus hypersecretion and persistent colonisation of the lower airways by opportunistic pathogens. COPD patients keep a stable (without exacerbation) but progressively worsening condition and suffer periodic exacerbations caused, in most cases, by infections. Although smoking and smoking-associated diseases are associated with a high risk of infection, most therapies aim to reduce inflammatory parameters, but do not necessarily take into account the presence of persistent colonisers. The effect of cigarette smoke on host-pathogen interaction dynamics in the respiratory tract, together with current and novel therapies, is discussed. Copyright©ERS 2012.