287 resultados para isolated schools


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This study demonstrated key resistance genes to fluroquinilones in Streptococcci isolated from sputum of people with CF. This suggests that other bacteria which are sometimes considered commensal may be a resovoir for resistance. Jse designed the study with Moore.


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Madagascan frogs of the mantellid genus Mantella have been a rich source of alkaloids derived from dietary arthropods. Two species of frogs, inhabiting swamp forest, contain a unique set of alkaloids, previously proposed, based only on GC-MS and GC-FTIR data, to represent dehydro analogues of the homopumiliotoxins. The major alkaloid of this set, alkaloid 235C (2), now has been isolated in sufficient quantities (ca. 0.3 mg) to allow determination of the structure by NMR analysis. The structure of alkaloid 235C proved to be a 7,8-dehydro-8-desmethylpumiliotoxin. A comparison is presented between the mass, infrared, and H-1 NMR spectra of 235C (2) and a synthetic dehydrohomopumiliotoxin (1), initially proposed incorrectly as the structure for 235C.


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Inclusion is increasingly understood as an educational reform that responds to the diversity of all learners, challenging the marginalization, exclusion and underachievement which may result from all forms of ‘difference’. Leadership for inclusion is conceptualized here as driving a constant struggle to create shared meanings of inclusion and to build collaborative practice, an effort that needs to be rooted in critical practice lest it risk replicating existing patterns of disadvantage. In response to calls for further research that challenge how school leaders conceptualize inclusion and for research that investigates how leaders enact their understandings of inclusion, this paper aims to increase our understanding of the extent to which leadership vision can map onto a school’s culture and of the organizational conditions in schools that drive responses to diversity. We investigate the enactment of leadership for inclusion in the troubled context of Northern Ireland by looking at two schools that primarily aim to integrate Catholic and Protestant children but which are also sites for a range of other dimensions of student ‘difference’ to come together. Whilst the two schools express differing visions of the integration of Catholics and Protestants, leadership vision of inclusion is enacted by members of the school community with a consensus around this vision brought about by formal and informal aspects of school culture. Multiple and intersecting spheres of difference stimulate a concerted educational response in both schools but integration remains the primary focus. In this divided society, religious diversity poses a significant challenge to inclusion and further support is required from leaders to enable teachers to break through cultural restraints.


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The potential use of negative electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) in the characterisation of the three polyacetylenes common in carrots (Daucus carota) has been assessed. The MS scans have demonstrated that the polyacetylenes undergo a modest degree of in-source decomposition in the negative ionisation mode while the positive ionisation mode has shown predominantly sodiated ions and no [M+H](+) ions. Tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) studies have shown that the polyacetylenes follow two distinct fragmentation pathways: one that involves cleavage of the C3-C4 bond and the other with cleavage of the C7-C8 bond. The cleavage of the C7-C8 bond generated product ions m/z 105.0 for falcarinol, m/z 105/107.0 for falcarindiol, m/z 147.0/149.1 for falcarindiol-3-acetate. In addition to these product ions, the transitions m/z 243.2 -> 187.1 (falcarinol), m/z 259.2 -> 203.1 (falcarindiol), m/z 301.2 -> 255.2/203.1 (falcarindiol-3-acetate), mostly from the C3-C4 bond cleavage, can form the basis of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)-quantitative methods which are poorly represented in the literature. The 'MS3' experimental data confirmed a less pronounced homolytic cleavage site between the C11-C12 bond in the falcarinol-type polacetylenes. The optimised liquid chromatography (LC)/MS conditions have achieved a baseline chromatographic separation of the three polyacetylenes investigated within 40 min total run-time. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A study was undertaken to examine the population structure of viridans group streptococci (VGS) in the sputum of adult patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Freshly expectorated sputa (n=58) from 45 adult CF patients were examined by selective conventional culture on Mitis-Salivarius agar and yielded 190 isolates of VGS. Sequence analyses of the rpnB and 16-23S rRNA ITS genes identified these isolates to belong to 12 species of VGS and included S. anginosus, S. australis, S. cristatus, S. gordonii, S. infantis, S. mitis, S. mutans, S. oralis, S. parasanguinis, S. pneumoniae, S. salivarius and S. sanguinis. The most frequently VGS organism isolated was S. salivarius (47/190; 24.7%), followed by S. mitts (36/190; 19%), S. sanguinis (25/190; 13.2%), S. oralis (20/190; 11.0%), S. pneumoniae (19/190; 10.0%), S. parasanguinis (16/190; 8.4%), S. infantis (11/190; 5.8%), S. gordonii (7/190; 3.7%), S. anginosus (4/190; 2.1%), S. cristatus (2/190; 1.1%), S. australis (1/190; 0.5%), S. mutans (1/190; 0.5%) and S. agalactiae (1/190; 0.5%). All, but four, patients harboured at least one VGS species, which ranged from one to five streptococcal species, with a mean of 2.85 species per patient. There was no clonality at the subspecies level employing ERIC RAPD PCR. Antibiotic susceptibility was determined by Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) testing against penicillin, erythromycin and ciprofloxacin. Overall, resistance to penicillin with all VGS was 73/190 (38.4%) and 167/190 (87.9%) for erythromycin. With regard to ciprofloxacin, 27/190 (14.2%) were fully resistant, whilst a further 21/190 (11.1%) showed intermediate resistance, which equated to approximately three quarters (74.7%) of isolates being fully sensitive to this agent. In addition, as a comparator control population, we examined antibiotic susceptibility, as above, in a non-CF population comprising 12 individuals (50 VGS isolates), who were not receiving chronic antibiotics. In comparison, 8% and 38% of VGS isolates from non-CF individuals were resistant by disk susceptibility testing to penicillin and erythromycin, respectively. None of the non-CF VGS organisms were resistant to ciprofloxacin, but 42% showed intermediate resistance. (C) 2010 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the United Kingdom tensions have existed for many years between the pedagogical traditions of pre-school, which tend to adopt developmentally oriented practices, and the more formal or subject-oriented curriculum framework of primary school. These tensions have been particularly acute in the context of Northern Ireland, which has the earliest school starting age throughout Europe. In response to international research evidence and practice, a play-based and developmentally appropriate curriculum, known as the Enriched Curriculum (EC), was introduced as a pilot in Year 1 and 2 classes in over 100 primary schools in Northern Ireland between 2000 and 2002 and continued until the Foundation Stage became statutory for all primary schools in 2007. This paper outlines four key lessons that have been learned from the first four years of the evaluation of this experience. These include the value and the meaning of a play-based curriculum; the importance of teachers’ confidence and knowledge; teaching reading in a play-based curriculum; and easing transitions in a play-based curriculum.


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The association of very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) with atherosclerosis remains controversial. However, studies have shown that oxidative modification of VLDL can promote foam cell formation, leading to the development of atherosclerosis. A rapid method is described which will allow the significance of VLDL oxidation to be assessed in clinical studies. VLDL was isolated from heparinized plasma by a 1-h, single spin ultracentrifugation. Total protein was standardized to 25 mg/L. Oxidation was promoted by the addition of copper ions (17.5 mu mol/L, final concentration) incubated at 37 degrees C. Conjugated diene production was followed at 234 nm. Total assay preparation time was 2 h. Urate greatly inhibited the oxidation of VLDL and was successfully removed by size exclusion chromatography. VLDL isolated from frozen plasma (-70 degrees C) was stable for 15 weeks. This simple, rapid method for the isolation of VLDL may be applied to assess the significance of VLDL oxidation in disease.