147 resultados para ion energy loss


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We present ab initio quantum chemistry calculations for elastic scattering and the radiative charge transfer reaction process and collision rates for trapped ytterbium ions immersed in a quantum degenerate rubidium vapor.
The collision of the ion (or ions) with the quasiatom is the key mechanism to transfer quantum coherences between the systems. We use first-principles
quantum chemistry codes to obtain the potential surfaces and coupling terms for the two-body interaction of Yb^+ with Rb. We find that the low energy collision has an inelastic radiative charge transfer process in agreement with recent experiments.
The charge transfer cross section agrees well with the semiclassical Langevin model at higher energies but is dominated by resonances at submillikelvin temperatures.


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Quantum coherence between electron and ion dynamics, observed in organic semiconductors by means of ultrafast spectroscopy, is the object of recent theoretical and computational studies. To simulate this kind of quantum coherent dynamics, we have introduced in a previous article [L. Stella, M. Meister, A. J. Fisher, and A. P. Horsfield, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 214104 (2007)] an improved computational scheme based on Correlated Electron-Ion Dynamics (CEID). In this article, we provide a generalization of that scheme to model several ionic degrees of freedom and many-body electronic states. To illustrate the capability of this extended CEID, we study a model system which displays the electron-ion analog of the Rabi oscillations. Finally, we discuss convergence and scaling properties of the extended CEID along with its applicability to more realistic problems. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3589165]


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Laser accelerated proton beams have been proposed to be used in different research fields. A great interest has risen for the potential replacement of conventional accelerating machines with laser-based accelerators, and in particular for the development of new concepts of more compact and cheaper hadrontherapy centers. In this context the ELIMED (ELI MEDical applications) research project has been launched by INFN-LNS and ASCR-FZU researchers within the pan-European ELI-Beamlines facility framework. The ELIMED project aims to demonstrate the potential clinical applicability of optically accelerated proton beams and to realize a laser-accelerated ion transport beamline for multi-disciplinary user applications. In this framework the eye melanoma, as for instance the uveal melanoma normally treated with 62 MeV proton beams produced by standard accelerators, will be considered as a model system to demonstrate the potential clinical use of laser-driven protons in hadrontherapy, especially because of the limited constraints in terms of proton energy and irradiation geometry for this particular tumour treatment. Several challenges, starting from laser-target interaction and beam transport development up to dosimetry and radiobiology, need to be overcome in order to reach the ELIMED final goals. A crucial role will be played by the final design and realization of a transport beamline capable to provide ion beams with proper characteristics in terms of energy spectrum and angular distribution which will allow performing dosimetric tests and biological cell irradiation. A first prototype of the transport beamline has been already designed and other transport elements are under construction in order to perform a first experimental test with the TARANIS laser system by the end of 2013. A wide international collaboration among specialists of different disciplines like Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Medicine and medical doctors coming from Europe, Japan, and the US is growing up around the ELIMED project with the aim to work on the conceptual design, technical and experimental realization of this core beamline of the ELI Beamlines facility. © 2013 SPIE.


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Ion-beam irradiation provides a promising treatment for some types of cancer. This promise is due mainly to the selective deposition of energy into a relatively small volume (the Bragg peak), thus reducing damage to healthy tissue. Recent observations that electrons with energies below the ionization potential of DNA can cause covalent damage to the bases and backbone have led to investigations into the ability of low-energy (


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A significant amount of experimental work has been devoted over the last decade to the development and optimization of proton acceleration based on the so-called Target Normal Sheath acceleration mechanism. Several studies have been dedicated to the determination of scaling laws for the maximum energy of the protons as a function of the parameters of the irradiating pulses, studies based on experimental results and on models of the acceleration process. We briefly summarize the state of the art in this area, and review some of the scaling studies presented in the literature. We also discuss some recent results, and projected scalings, related to a different acceleration mechanism for ions, based on the Radiation Pressure of an ultraintense laser pulse.


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Nano-sized(nO-Co3O4, 387nm)andmicron-sized(mO-Co3O4, 6.65 mm) Co3O4 octahedraenclosedby
treatment,andservedasanodematerialoflithium ionbatteries(LIBs).Electrochemicalresults
demonstratethatthenO-Co3O4 showsexcellentlongcyclabilityandratecapability.ThenO-Co3O4
candeliverastablechargecapacityashighas955.5mAhg1 upto200cycleswithoutnoticeable
capacityfadingatacharge/dischargecurrentdensityof0.1Ag1 (ca. 0.11C).Theexcellent
octahedra. WhilethemO-Co3O4 could onlymaintain288.5mAhg1 after 200cycles,illustratingvery
changeduringrepeatedcharging/discharging process.TheresultsrevealthattheCo3O4 nano-


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Bond formation and rearrangement reactions in gas phase electron attachment were studied through dissociative electron attachment (DEA) to pentafluorotoluene (PFT), pentafluoroaniline (PFA) and pentafluorophenol (PFP) in the energy range 0-14 eV. In the case of PFA and PFP, the dominant processes involve formation of [M - HF](-) through the loss of neutral HF. This fragmentation channel is most efficient at low incident electron energy and for PFP it is accompanied by a substantial conformational change of the anionic fragment. At higher energy, HF loss is also observed as well as a number of other fragmentation processes. Thermochemical threshold energies have been computed for all the observed fragments and classical trajectories of the electron attachment process were calculated to elucidate the fragmentation mechanisms. For the dominant reaction channel leading to the loss of HF from PFP, the minimum energy path was calculated using the nudged elastic band method.


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A short overview of laser-plasma acceleration of ions is presented. The focus is on some recent experimental results and the related theoretical work on advanced regimes. These latter include in particular target normal sheath acceleration using ultrashort low-energy pulses and structured targets, radiation pressure acceleration in both thick and ultrathin targets and collisionless shock acceleration in moderate density plasmas. For each approach, open issues and the need and potential for further developments are briefly discussed. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We present observations of intense beams of energetic negative hydrogen ions and fast neutral hydrogen atoms in intense (5 × 10 W/cm) laser plasma interaction experiments, which were quantified in numerical calculations. Generation of negative ions and neutral atoms is ascribed to the processes of electron capture and loss by a laser accelerated positive ion in the collisions with a cloud of droplets. A comparison with a numerical model of charge exchange processes provides information on the cross section of the electron capture in the high energy domain.


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The maximum energy to which cosmic rays can be accelerated at weakly magnetised ultra-relativistic shocks is investigated. We demonstrate that for such shocks, in which the scattering of energetic particles is mediated exclusively by ion skin-depth scale structures, as might be expected for a Weibel-mediated shock, there is an intrinsic limit on the maximum energy to which particles can be accelerated. This maximum energy is determined from the requirement that particles must be isotropized in the downstream plasma frame before the mean field transports them far downstream, and falls considerably short of what is required to produce ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. To circumvent this limit, a highly disorganized field is required on larger scales. The growth of cosmic ray-induced instabilities on wavelengths much longer than the ion-plasma skin depth, both upstream and downstream of the shock, is considered. While these instabilities may play an important role in magnetic field amplification at relativistic shocks, on scales comparable to the gyroradius of the most energetic particles, the calculated growth rates have insufficient time to modify the scattering. Since strong modification is a necessary condition for particles in the downstream region to re-cross the shock, in the absence of an alternative scattering mechanism, these results imply that acceleration to higher energies is ruled out. If weakly magnetized ultra-relativistic shocks are disfavoured as high-energy particle accelerators in general, the search for potential sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays can be narrowed.


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We report on a low-damage method for direct and rapid fabrication of arrays of epitaxial BiFeO3(BFO) nanoislands. An array of aluminium dots is evaporated through a stencil mask on top of an epitaxial BiFeO3 thin film. Low energy focused ion beam milling of an area several microns wide containing the array-covered film leads to removal of the bismuth ferrite in between the aluminium-masked dots. By chemical etching of the remaining aluminium, nanoscale epitaxial bismuth ferrite islands with diameter ∼250 nm were obtained. Piezoresponse force microscopy showed that as-fabricated structures exhibited good piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties, with polarization state retention of several days.


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A new method is presented for transmission loss allocation based on the separation of transmission loss caused by load and the loss due to circulating currents between generators. The theoretical basis for and derivation of the loss formulae are presented using simple systems. The concept is then extended to a general power system using the Ybus model. Details of the application of the proposed method to a typical power system are presented along with results from the IEEE 30 bus test system. The results from both the small system and the standard IEEE test system demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.