181 resultados para heritage sites


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The spontaneous oxidation of CO adsorbates on a Pt electrode modified by Ru under open circuit (OC) conditions in perchloric acid solution has been followed, for the first time, using in situ FTIR spectroscopy, and the dynamics of the surface processes taking place have been elucidated. The IR data show that adsorbed CO present on both the Ru and Pt domains and can be oxidized by the oxygen-containing adlayer on the Ru in a chemical process to produce CO under OC conditions. There is a free exchange of CO is between the Ru and Pt sites. Oxidation of CO may take place at the edges of the Ru islands, but CO is transfer, at least on the time scale of these experiments, allows the two different populations to maintain equilibrium. Oxidation is limited in this region by the rate of supply of oxygen to die surface of the catalyst. A mechanism is postulated to explain the observed behavior.


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An academic–industrial partnership was formed with the aim of constructing a natural stone database for Northern Ireland that could be used by the public and practitioners to understand both the characteristics of the stone used in construction across Northern Ireland and how it has performed in use, and, through a linked database of historical quarries, explore the potential for obtaining locally sourced replacement stone. The aims were to improve the level of conservation specification by those with a duty of care for historical structures, and to enhance the quality of the conservation work undertaken by archi- tects and contractors through their improved knowledge of stone and stone decay processes.


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The Camino de Santiago comprises a lattice of European pilgrimage itineraries which converge at Santiago de Compostela in north-west Spain. This Working Paper introduces the historical and contemporary representation of these routes as a heritage complex that is imagined and codified within varied cultural meanings of a journey undertaken. Particular attention is given to the Camino Frances and the Via de la Platawhich contrast as mature and formative pilgrimage settings. Within this spatial sphere, the analysis deals with the Camino de Santiago as official heritage, as development instrument, as civil society, and as personal experience. The paper concludes by critically reviewing a previous conceptualisation of pilgrim route-based tourism, derived from fieldwork completed in 1994. Some substantive additions to that model are then advanced which arguably fit better with the many context changes that have occurred over the past two decades.


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This book is a compilation of 5th year architecture dissertations dealing with the value of the existing built fabric of Belfast city center and the potential reuse of that fabric. This hopefully begins a tradition of disseminating the extensive work students undertake in describing, understanding and analyzing built heritage in Belfast and Northern Ireland. It does not aim to be innovative in its findings nor revolutionary in its position, but hopefully it will be a seed in a quest to get architecture students involved in their city and the value of the existing built fabric.


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Aim: The aim of this paper is to identify best practice relating to the effective management of materials in an urban, confined construction site, using structural equation modelling.

Methodology: A literature review, case study analysis and questionnaire survey are employed, with the results scrutinised using confirmatory factor analysis in the form of structural equation modelling.

Results: The following are the leading strategies in the management of materials in a confined urban site environment; (1) Consult and review the project programme, (2) Effective communication and delivery, (3) Implement site safety management plans, and (4) Proactive spatial monitoring and control.

Implication for Practice: With the relentless expansion of urban centres and the increasing high cost of materials, any potential savings made on-site would translate into significant monetary concessions on completion of a development.

Originality/Value: As on-site project management professionals successfully identify and implement the various strategies in the management of plant and materials on a confined urban site, successful resource management in this restrictive environment is attainable.

Innovative Aspect of Paper: An empirical study of three different construction sites in three different countries (Ireland, England and USA) together with a questionnaire survey from the industry, investigating the managerial strategies in the management of plant and material in confined urban site environments


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A density functional theory study of methanol dehydrogenation over stepped Pt(2 1 1) surfaces without and with Ru modification was carried out to understand fuel catalytic reactions on Pt-based catalysts. Two main pathways of the CH3OH dehydrogenation were examined: the O–H pathway which was initiated by O–H bond scission to form the methoxy (CH3O) intermediate followed by sequential cleavage of C–H bonds to CO, and the C–H pathway which was initiated by C–H bond scission to form the hydroxymethyl (CH2OH) followed by two C–H bond cleavages to COH and then CO. Possible crossover reactions between the O–H and C–H pathways were also computed. Compared to flat Pt(1 1 1), stepped Pt(2 1 1) increases the adsorption energies of intermediates, making no significant contribution to decreasing the reaction barriers of most elementary steps involved, except in the first hydrogen scission. However, on the Ru-modified surface, a significant reduction was found in reaction barriers for the first step of the C–H bond scission and a number of further dehydrogenation steps crossing over to the O–H pathway, with the most facile paths identified. Our data reveals the complexity of methanol catalytic reaction processes at the atomic level and contributes to a fundamental understanding of fuel reactions on Pt-based catalysts.


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Soil gas emissions of methane and carbon dioxide on brownfield sites are usually attributed to anthropogenic activities; however geogenic sources of soil gas are often not considered during site investigation and risk management strategies. This paper presents a field study at a redeveloped brownfield site on a flood plain to identify accumulations of methane biogas trapped in underlying sediments. The investigation is based on a multidisciplinary approach using direct multi-level sampling measurements and Earth resistivity tomography . Resistivity imaging was applied to evaluate the feasibility of identifying the size and spatial continuity of soil gas accumulations in anthropogenic and naturally occurring deposits. As a result, biogas accumulations are described within both anthropogenic deposits and pristine organic sediments. This result is important to identify the correct approaches to identify and manage risks associated with soil gas emissions on brownfield and pristine sites. The organic-rich sediments in Quaternary fluvial environments of São Paulo Basin in particular the Tietê River, biogas reservoirs can be generated and trapped beneath geogenic and anthropogenic layers, potentially requiring the management of brownfield developments across this region.


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This article examines the ways in which female figures function as additional sites for poetic inscription in Gautier's Émaux et Camées. Although considerable attention has already been paid to the numerous and varied objects catalogued in the collection and, indeed, to the notion of the poems themselves as objects, the present study aims to expand upon such interpretations of the work by focusing on three texts, "Le Poëme de la femme", "Étude de mains : Impéria" and "La fellah". In these poems, female figures who, while they may at first be granted some agency (and be represented going about the business of daily, if highly stylized, life), are finally immobilized within the verse as their bodies, and particularly their pristine skin, ultimately function as an additional paper-like surface for the poet, permitting their assimilation into Gautier's diminutive private collection.


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The Camino de Santiago comprises a lattice of European pilgrimage itineraries that converge at Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain. This article introduces the historical and contemporary representation of these routes as a heritage complex that is imagined and codified within varied cultural meanings of a journey undertaken. Particular attention is given to the Camino Frances and the Via de la Plata, which contrast as mature and formative pilgrimage settings. Within this spatial sphere, the analysis deals with the Camino de Santiago as official heritage, as development instrument, as civil society, and as personal experience. The article concludes by offering a contemporary conceptualization of the evolving Camino de Santiago cultural heritage complex.


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Observations from the HERschel Inventory of the Agents of Galaxy Evolution (HERITAGE ) have been used to identify dusty populations of sources in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC). We conducted the study using the HERITAGE catalogs of point sources available from the Herschel Science Center from both the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS; 100 and 160 μm) and Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE; 250, 350, and 500 μm) cameras. These catalogs are matched to each other to create a Herschel band-merged catalog and then further matched to archival Spitzer IRAC and MIPS catalogs from the Spitzer Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution (SAGE) and SAGE-SMC surveys to create single mid- to far-infrared (far-IR) point source catalogs that span the wavelength range from 3.6 to 500 μm. There are 35,322 unique sources in the LMC and 7503 in the SMC. To be bright in the FIR, a source must be very dusty, and so the sources in the HERITAGE catalogs represent the dustiest populations of sources. The brightest HERITAGE sources are dominated by young stellar objects (YSOs), and the dimmest by background galaxies. We identify the sources most likely to be background galaxies by first considering their morphology (distant galaxies are point-like at the resolution of Herschel) and then comparing the flux distribution to that of the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (ATLAS ) survey of galaxies. We find a total of 9745 background galaxy candidates in the LMC HERITAGE images and 5111 in the SMC images, in agreement with the number predicted by extrapolating from the ATLAS flux distribution. The majority of the Magellanic Cloud-residing sources are either very young, embedded forming stars or dusty clumps of the interstellar medium. Using the presence of 24 μm emission as a tracer of star formation, we identify 3518 YSO candidates in the LMC and 663 in the SMC. There are far fewer far-IR bright YSOs in the SMC than the LMC due to both the SMC's smaller size and its lower dust content. The YSO candidate lists may be contaminated at low flux levels by background galaxies, and so we differentiate between sources with a high ("probable") and moderate ("possible ") likelihood of being a YSO. There are 2493/425 probable YSO candidates in the LMC/SMC. Approximately 73% of the Herschel YSO candidates are newly identified in the LMC, and 35% in the SMC. We further identify a small population of dusty objects in the late stages of stellar evolution including extreme and post-asymptotic giant branch, planetary nebulae, and supernova remnants. These populations are identified by matching the HERITAGE catalogs to lists of previously identified objects in the literature. Approximately half of the LMC sources and one quarter of the SMC sources are too faint to obtain accurate ample FIR photometry and are unclassified.


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The mineral concentrations in cereals are important for human health, especially for individuals who consume a cereal subsistence diet. A number of elements, such as zinc, are required within the diet, while some elements are toxic to humans, for example arsenic. In this study we carry out genome-wide association (GWA) mapping of grain concentrations of arsenic, copper, molybdenum and zinc in brown rice using an established rice diversity panel of,300 accessions and 36.9 k single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The study was performed across five environments: one field site in Bangladesh, one in China and two in the US, with one of the US sites repeated over two years. GWA mapping on the whole dataset and on separate subpopulations of rice revealed a large number of loci significantly associated with variation in grain arsenic, copper, molybdenum and zinc. Seventeen of these loci were detected in data obtained from grain cultivated in more than one field location, and six co-localise with previously identified quantitative trait loci. Additionally, a number of candidate genes for the uptake or transport of these elements were located near significantly associated SNPs (within 200 kb, the estimated global linkage disequilibrium previously employed in this rice panel). This analysis highlights a number of genomic regions and candidate genes for further analysis as well as the challenges faced when mapping environmentally-variable traits in a highly genetically structured diversity panel.