410 resultados para flexible portal frame


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Prokineticins are small (8 kDa), biologically active secretory proteins whose primary structures have been highly conserved throughout the Animal Kingdom. Representatives have been identified in the defensive skin secretions of several amphibians reflecting the immense structural/functional diversity of polypeptides in such. Here we describe the identification of a prokineticin homolog (designated Bo8) from the skin secretion of the Oriental fire-bellied toad (Bombina orientalis). Full primary structural characterization was achieved using a combination of direct Edman microsequencing, mass spectrometry and cloning of encoding skin cDNA. The latter approach employed a recently described technique that we developed for the cloning of secretory peptide cDNAs from lyophilized skin secretion, and this was further extended to employ lyophilized skin as the starting material for cDNA library construction. The Bo8 precursor was found to consist of an open-reading frame of 96 amino acid residues consisting of a putative 19-residue signal peptide followed by a single 77-residue prokineticin (Mr = 7990 Da). Amino acid substitutions in skin prokineticins from the skin secretions of bombinid toads are confined to discrete sites affording the necessary information for structure/activity studies and analog design.


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Tryptophyllins are a heterogenous group of amphibian skin peptides originally identified in skin extracts of Neotropical leaf frogs, Phyllomedusa sp., by chemical means. Until now, biosynthetic precursor structure and biological activity remain unreported. Here we describe the isolation of a novel, post-translationally modified tryptophyllin, Lys-Pro-Hyp-Ala-Trp-Val-Pro.amide (PdT-1), from the skin secretion of the Mexican leaf frog, Pachymedusa dacnicolor. Using a 3'- and 5'-RACE strategy and an in vitro skin cDNA library, the PdT-1-encoding precursor was cloned and found to consist of an open-reading frame of 62 amino acids with a single copy of PdT-1 located towards the C-terminus. A synthetic replicate of PdT-1 was found to be a potent myoactive agent, relaxing mammalian arterial smooth muscle and contracting small intestinal smooth muscle at nanomolar concentrations. PdT-1 is thus the first amphibian skin tryptophyllin to be pharmacologically characterized and the first whose precursor cDNA has been cloned.


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We have isolated a novel bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist peptide, kinestatin, from toad (Bombina maxima) defensive skin secretion. Mass spectroscopy established a molecular mass of 931.56 Da and a provisional structure: pGlu-Leu/Ile-Pro-Gly-Leu/Ile-Gly-Pro-Leu/Ile-Arg.amide. The unmodified sequence, -QIPGLGPLRG-, was located at the C-terminus of a 116-amino-acid residue open-reading frame following interrogation of a sequenced B. maxima skin cDNA library database. This confirmed the presence of appropriate primary structural attributes for the observed post-translational modifications present on the mature peptide and established residue 2 as Ile and residues 5/8 as Leu. Kinestatin represents a prototype novel peptide from amphibian skin.


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Bradykinin and (Thr6)-bradykinin have been identified in the defensive skin secretion of the fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis. The homologous cDNAs for both peptides were cloned from a skin library using a 3'- and 5'-RACE strategy. Kininogen-1 (BOK-1) contained an open-reading frame of 167 amino acid residues encoding four repeats of bradykinin, and kininogen-2 (BOK-2) contained an open-reading frame of 161 amino acid residues encoding two repeats of (Thr6)-bradykinin. Alignment of both precursor nucleotide and amino acid sequences revealed a high degree of structural similarity. These amphibian skin kininogens/preprobradykinins are not biologically analogous to mammalian kininogens.


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Expansion of trinucleotide repeat DNA of the classes CAG�·CTG, CGG�·CCG and GAA�·TTC are found to be associated with several neurodegenerative disorders. Different mechanisms have been attributed to the expansion of triplets, mainly involving the formation of alternate secondary structures by such repeats. This paper reports the molecular dynamics simulation of triplet repeat DNA sequences to study the basic structural features of DNA that are responsible for the formation of structures such as hairpins and slip-strand DNA leading to expansion. All the triplet repeat sequences studied were found to be more flexible compared to the control sequence unassociated with disease. Moreover, flexibility was found to be in the order CAG�·CTG > CGG�·CCG = GAA�·TTC, the highly flexible CAG�·CTG repeat being the most common cause of neurodegenerative disorders. In another simulation, a single G�·C to T�·A mutation at the 9th position of the CAG�·CTG repeat exhibited a reduction in bending compared to the pure 15-mer CAGâ�¢CTG repeat. EPM1 dodecamer repeat associated with the pathogenesis of progressive myoclonus epilepsy was also simulated and showed flexible nature suggesting a similar expansion mechanism.


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We present a fast and efficient hybrid algorithm for selecting exoplanetary candidates from wide-field transit surveys. Our method is based on the widely used SysRem and Box Least-Squares (BLS) algorithms. Patterns of systematic error that are common to all stars on the frame are mapped and eliminated using the SysRem algorithm. The remaining systematic errors caused by spatially localized flat-fielding and other errors are quantified using a boxcar-smoothing method. We show that the dimensions of the search-parameter space can be reduced greatly by carrying out an initial BLS search on a coarse grid of reduced dimensions, followed by Newton-Raphson refinement of the transit parameters in the vicinity of the most significant solutions. We illustrate the method's operation by applying it to data from one field of the SuperWASP survey, comprising 2300 observations of 7840 stars brighter than V = 13.0. We identify 11 likely transit candidates. We reject stars that exhibit significant ellipsoidal variations caused indicative of a stellar-mass companion. We use colours and proper motions from the Two Micron All Sky Survey and USNO-B1.0 surveys to estimate the stellar parameters and the companion radius. We find that two stars showing unambiguous transit signals pass all these tests, and so qualify for detailed high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up.


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Double beam modulation is widely used in atomic collision experiments in the case where the noise arising froth each of the beams exceeds the measured signal. A method for minimizing the statistical uncertainty in a measured signal in a given time period is discussed, and a flexible modulation and counting system based on a low cost PIC microcontroller is described. This device is capable of modifying the acquisition parameters in real time during the course of an experimental run. It is shown that typical savings in data acquisition time of approximately 30% can be achieved using this optimized modulation scheme.


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Phosphonopyruvate (P-pyr) hydrolase (PPH), a member of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) mutase/isocitrate lyase (PEPM/ICL) superfamily, hydrolyzes P-pyr and shares the highest sequence identity and functional similarity with PEPM. Recombinant PPH from Variovorax sp. Pal2 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. Analytical gel filtration indicated that the protein exists in solution predominantly as a tetramer. The PPH pH rate profile indicates maximal activity over a broad pH range.The steady-state kinetic constants determined for a rapid equilibrium ordered kinetic mechanism with Mg+2 binding first (Kd =140 ± 40 M), are kcat = 105 ± 2 s-1 and P-pyr Km = 5 ± 1 M. PEP (slow substrate kcat = 2 × 10-4 s-1), oxalate, and sulfopyruvate are competitive inhibitors with Ki values of 2.0 ± 0.1 mM, 17 ± 1 M, and 210 ± 10 M, respectively. Three PPH crystal structures have been determined, that of a ligand-free enzyme, the enzyme bound to Mg2+ and oxalate (inhibitor), and the enzyme bound to Mg2+ and P-pyr (substrate). The complex with the inhibitor was obtained by cocrystallization, whereas that with the substrate was obtained by briefly soaking crystals of the ligand-free enzyme with P-pyr prior to flash cooling. The PPH structure resembles that of the other members of the PEPM/ICL superfamily and is most similar to the functionally related enzyme, PEPM. Each monomer of the dimer of dimers exhibits an (/)8 barrel fold with the eighth helix swapped between two molecules of the dimer. Both P-pyr and oxalate are anchored to the active site by Mg2+. The loop capping the active site is disordered in all three structures, in contrast to PEPM, where the equivalent loop adopts an open or disordered conformation in the unbound state but sequesters the inhibitor from solvent in the bound state. Crystal packing may have favored the open conformation of PPH even when the enzyme was cocrystallized with the oxalate inhibitor. Structure alignment of PPH with other superfamily members revealed two pairs of invariant or conservatively replaced residues that anchor the flexible gating loop. The proposed PPH catalytic mechanism is analogous to that of PEPM but includes activation of a water nucleophile with the loop Thr118 residue.


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This work investigates the polyanion initiated gelation process in fabricating chitosan-TPP (tripolyphosphate) nanoparticles in the size range of 100-250 nm intended to be used as carriers for the delivery of gene or protein macromolecules. It demonstrates that ionic gelation of cationic chitosan molecules offers a flexible and easily controllable process for systematically and predictably manipulating particle size and surface charge which are important properties in determining gene transfection efficacy if the nanoparticles are used as non-viral vectors for gene delivery, or as delivery carriers for protein molecules. Variations in chitosan molecular weight, chitosan concentration, chitosan to TPP weight ratio and solution pH value were examined systematically for their effects on nanoparticle size, intensity of surface charge, and tendency of particle aggregation so as to enable speedy fabrication of chitosan nanoparticles with predetermined properties. The chitosan-TPP nanoparticles exhibited a high positive surface charge across a wide pH range, and the isoelectric point (IEP) of the nanoparticles was found to be at pH 9.0. Detailed imaging analysis of the particle morphology revealed that the nanoparticles possess typical shapes of polyhedrons (e.g., pentagon and hexagon), indicating a similar crystallisation mechanism during the particle formation and growth process. This study demonstrates that systematic design and modulation of the surface charge and particle size of chitosan-TPP nanoparticles can be readily achieved with the right control of critical processing parameters, especially the chitosan to TPP weight ratio. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A generic architecture for implementing the advanced encryption standard (AES) encryption algorithm in silicon is proposed. This allows the instantiation of a wide range of chip specifications, with these taking the form of semiconductor intellectual property (IP) cores. Cores implemented from this architecture can perform both encryption and decryption and support four modes of operation: (i) electronic codebook mode; (ii) output feedback mode; (iii) cipher block chaining mode; and (iv) ciphertext feedback mode. Chip designs can also be generated to cover all three AES key lengths, namely 128 bits, 192 bits and 256 bits. On-the-fly generation of the round keys required during decryption is also possible. The general, flexible and multi-functional nature of the approach described contrasts with previous designs which, to date, have been focused on specific implementations. The presented ideas are demonstrated by implementation in FPGA technology. However, the architecture and IP cores derived from this are easily migratable to other silicon technologies including ASIC and PLD and are capable of covering a wide range of modem communication systems cryptographic requirements. Moreover, the designs produced have a gate count and throughput comparable with or better than the previous one-off solutions.


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This paper explores the nature of public acceptance of wind farms by investigating the discourses of support and objection to a proposed offshore scheme. It reviews research into opposition to wind farms, noting previous criticisms that this has tended to provide descriptive rather than explanatory insights and as a result, has not effectively informed the policy debate. One explanation is that much of this research has been conceived within an unreflective positivist research frame, which is inadequate in dealing with the subjectivity and value-basis of public acceptance of wind farm development. The paper then takes a case study of an offshore wind farm proposal in Northern Ireland and applies Q-Methodology to identify the dominant discourse of support and objection. It is argued that this provides new insights into the nature of wind farm conflicts, points to a number or recommendations for policy functions of an example of how this methodology can act as a potential bridge between positivist and post-positivist approaches to policy analysis.


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A common feature of the mammalian septin gene family is complex genomic architecture with multiple alternate splice variants. Septin 9 has 18 distinct transcripts encoding 15 polypeptides, with two transcripts (SEPT9_v4 and v4*) encoding the same polypeptide. We have previously reported that the ratio of these distinct transcripts is altered in neoplasia, with the v4 transcript being the usual form in normal cells but v4* becoming predominant in tumours. This led us to ask what the functional differences between these two transcripts might be. The 5'-UTRs of v4 and v4* have distinct 5' ends encoded by exons 1 beta (v4) and 1 zeta and 2 (v4*) and a common 3' region and initiating ATG encoded within exon 3. Here we show that the two mRNAs are translated with different efficiencies and that cellular stress can alter this. A putative internal ribosome entry site can be identified in the common region of the v4 and v4* 5'-UTRs and translation is modulated by an upstream open-reading frame in the unique region of the v4 5'-UTR. Germline mutations in hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (HNA) map to the region which is common to the two UTRs. These mutations dramatically enhance the translational efficiency of the v4 5'-UTR, leading to elevated SEPT9_v4 protein under hypoxic conditions. Our data provide a mechanistic insight into how the HNA mutations can alter the fine control of SEPT9_v4 protein and its regulation under physiologically relevant conditions and are consistent with the episodic and stress-induced nature of the clinical features of HNA.


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This paper examines the determinants of unemployment duration in a competing risks framework with two destination states: inactivity and employment. The innovation is the recognition of defective risks. A polynomial hazard function is used to differentiate between two possible sources of infinite durations. The first is produced by a random process of unlucky draws, the second by workers rejecting a destination state. The evidence favors the mover-stayer model over the search model. Refinement of the former approach, using a more flexible baseline hazard function, produces a robust and more convincing explanation for positive and zero transition rates out of unemployment.


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The paper is primarily concerned with the modelling of aircraft manufacturing cost. The aim is to establish an integrated life cycle balanced design process through a systems engineering approach to interdisciplinary analysis and control. The cost modelling is achieved using the genetic causal approach that enforces product family categorisation and the subsequent generation of causal relationships between deterministic cost components and their design source. This utilises causal parametric cost drivers and the definition of the physical architecture from the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to identify product families. The paper presents applications to the overall aircraft design with a particular focus on the fuselage as a subsystem of the aircraft, including fuselage panels and localised detail, as well as engine nacelles. The higher level application to aircraft requirements and functional analysis is investigated and verified relative to life cycle design issues for the relationship between acquisition cost and Direct Operational Cost (DOC), for a range of both metal and composite subsystems. Maintenance is considered in some detail as an important contributor to DOC and life cycle cost. The lower level application to aircraft physical architecture is investigated and verified for the WBS of an engine nacelle, including a sequential build stage investigation of the materials, fabrication and assembly costs. The studies are then extended by investigating the acquisition cost of aircraft fuselages, including the recurring unit cost and the non-recurring design cost of the airframe sub-system. The systems costing methodology is facilitated by the genetic causal cost modeling technique as the latter is highly generic, interdisciplinary, flexible, multilevel and recursive in nature, and can be applied at the various analysis levels required of systems engineering. Therefore, the main contribution of paper is a methodology for applying systems engineering costing, supported by the genetic causal cost modeling approach, whether at a requirements, functional or physical level.