196 resultados para Ultraviolet spectra.


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Recently using KrF high power laser (248 nm; 350 fs; 5.0x10(16) W/cm(2)) in the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory an experimental search for recombination extreme ultraviolet (XUV) laser action in Li-like nitrogen ions was performed. To understand the experimental results of line emission at 24.7 nm in the 3d(5/2)-2p(3/2) transition of the Li-like nitrogen ion a simulation was undertaken using a one-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamic code. From the simulation results, we confirmed that there was nonlinear dependence of spectral line emission on the gas density which was well matched to the experimental results. Only a six times increase of the 24.7 nm emission intensity was obtained when the plasma length was increased 1000 times from 1 mu m as an optically thin case to 1 mm. Also, the spatial profile of the electron density and temperature was obtained and the electron temperature was about 40-50 eV which was too high for the optical field ionization x-ray lasing. We could not find evidence of x-ray laser gain. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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Purpose: To measure action spectra for the induction of single- strand breaks (SSB) and double-strand breaks (DSB) in plasmid DNA by low-energy photons and provide estimates for the energy dependence of strand-break formation important for track-structure simulations of DNA damage.


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The plasma produced during laser ablation deposition of thin film YBCO has been studied by optical emission spectroscopy. There is evidence of increased YO band emission in the range 590-625 nm as the ambient oxygen gas pressure confining the plume is increased in the range 30-200 m Torr. Temporal profiles show that close to the target the plume is insensitive to ambient oxygen pressure. It is deduced that the optical emission here is excited by electron impact excitation. Further away from the target there is evidence that two distinct processes are at work. One is again electron excitation; the emission from this process decreases with distance because the expanding plume cools and collisions become less frequent in the expanding gas. The second is driven by oxidation of atomic species expelled at high speeds from the target. The main region of this activity is in the plume sheath where a shock front ensures heating of ambient O2 and reaction of monatomic plasma species to form oxide in an exothermic reaction. Spatial mapping of the emission demonstrates clearly how increasing oxygen gas pressure confines the plasma and enhances the emission intensity from the molecular YO species ejected from the target in a smaller region close to the target. Ba+ is observed as a dominant species only very close to (within 1 mm of) the target. Absorption spectra have been taken in an attempt to examine ground state and cool species in the plume. They reveal the quite surprising result that YO persists in the chamber for periods up to 1 msec. This suggests an explanation for the recent report of off-axis laser deposition in terms of simple condensation. Previously, quasi-ballistic transfer of material from target to substrate has been considered the only significant process.


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Calculations of ?-spectra for positron annihilation on a selection of molecules, including methane and its fluoro-substitutes, ethane, propane, butane and benzene are presented. The annihilation ?-spectra characterise the momentum distribution of the electron-positron pair at the instant of annihilation. The contribution to the ?-spectra from individual molecular orbitals is obtained from electron momentum densities calculated using modern computational quantum chemistry density functional theory tools. The calculation, in its simplest form, effectively treats the low-energy (thermalised, room-temperature) positron as a plane wave and gives annihilation ?-spectra that are about 40% broader than experiment, although the main chemical trends are reproduced. We show that this effective 'narrowing' of the experimental spectra is due to the action of the molecular potential on the positron, chiefly, due to the positron repulsion from the nuclei. It leads to a suppression of the contribution of small positron-nuclear separations where the electron momentum is large. To investigate the effect of the nuclear repulsion, as well as that of short-range electron-positron and positron-molecule correlations, a linear combination of atomic orbital description of the molecular orbitals is employed. It facilitates the incorporation of correction factors which can be calculated from atomic many-body theory and account for the repulsion and correlations. Their inclusion in the calculation gives -spectrum linewidths that are in much better agreement with experiment. Furthermore, it is shown that the effective distortion of the electron momentum density, when it is observed through positron annihilation -spectra, can be approximated by a relatively simple scaling factor. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.


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Spectra of ?-ray Doppler shifts for positron annihilation in benzene and its fluoro-derivatives are simulated using low energy plane wave positron (LEPWP) approximation. The results are compared with available measurements. It is found that the Doppler shifts in these larger aromatic compounds are dominated by the contributions of the valence electrons and that the LEPWP model overestimates the measurements by approximately 30%, in agreement with previous findings in noble gases and small molecules. It is further revealed that the halogen atoms not only switch the sign of the charges on carbon atoms that they bond to, but that they also polarize other C-H bonds in the molecule leading to a redistribution of the molecular electrostatic potentials. As a result, it is likely that the halogen atoms contribute more significantly to the annihilation process. The present study also suggests that, while the Doppler shifts are sensitive to the number of valence electrons in the molecules, they are less sensitive to the chemical structures of isomers that have the same numbers and type of atoms and, hence, the same numbers of electrons. Further investigation of this effect is warranted. © EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2012.


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Calculations of gamma spectra for positron annihilation for a selection of molecules, including methane and its fluoro-substitutes, ethane, propane, butane and benzene are presented. The contribution to the ?-spectra from individual molecular orbitals is obtained from electron momentum distributions calculated using the density functional theory (DFT) based B3LYP/TZVP model. For positrons thermalised to room temperature, the calculation, in its simplest form, effectively treats the positron as a plane wave and gives positron annihilation ?-spectra linewidths that are broader (30-40%) than experiment, although the main chemical trends are reproduced. The main physical reason for this is the neglect of positron repulsion from the nuclei. We show that this effect can be incorporated through momentum-dependent correction factors, determined from positron-atom calculations, e.g., many-body perturbation theory. Inclusion of these factors in the calculation gives linewidths that are in improved agreement with experiment.


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The electronic band structure of vacuum cleaved single-crystal indium selenide has been investigated by X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. The valence band consists of three well separated groups, one derived from the Se 4s levels, and two derived from p-like wavefunctions. The band structure and valence band density of states has been calculated using a tight-binding single-layer approximation and all the major features in the experimental spectra are well accounted for. The spin-orbit splitting and electron loss structure associated with the In 4d core level is also reported.


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The UV spectra of nova-like variables are dominated by emission from the accretion disk, modified by scattering in a wind emanating from the disk. Here, we model the spectra of RW Tri and UX UMa, the only two eclipsing nova-like variables which have been observed with the Hubble Space Telescope in the far-ultraviolet, in an attempt to constrain the geometry and the ionization structure of their winds. Using our Monte Carlo radiative transfer code, we computed spectra for simply parameterized axisymmetric biconical outflow models and were able to find plausible models for both systems. These reproduce the primary UV resonance lines-N v, Si iv, and C iv-in the observed spectra in and out of eclipse. The distribution of these ions in the wind models is similar in both cases as is the extent of the primary scattering regions in which these lines are formed. The inferred mass-loss rates are 6%-8% of the mass accretion rates for the systems. We discuss the implication of our point models for our understanding of accretion disk winds in cataclysmic variables. © 2010. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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We perform multidimensional radiative transfer simulations to compute spectra for a hydrodynamical simulation of a line-driven accretion disc wind from an active galactic nucleus. The synthetic spectra confirm expectations from parametrized models that a disc wind can imprint a wide variety of spectroscopic signatures including narrow absorption lines, broad emission lines and a Compton hump. The formation of these features is complex with contributions originating from many of the different structures present in the hydrodynamical simulation. In particular, spectral features are shaped both by gas in a successfully launched outflow and in complex flows where material is lifted out of the disc plane but ultimately falls back. We also confirm that the strong Fe Ka line can develop a weak, red-skewed line wing as a result of Compton scattering in the outflow. In addition, we demonstrate that X-ray radiation scattered and reprocessed in the flow has a pivotal part in both the spectrum formation and determining the ionization conditions in the wind. We find that scattered radiation is rather effective in ionizing gas which is shielded from direct irradiation from the central source. This effect likely makes the successful launching of a massive disc wind somewhat more challenging and should be considered in future wind simulations. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 RAS.


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We use a multidimensional Monte Carlo code to compute X-ray spectra for a variety of active galactic nucleus (AGN) disc-wind outflow geometries. We focus on the formation of blueshifted absorption features in the Fe K band and show that line features similar to those which have been reported in observations are often produced for lines of sight through disc-wind geometries. We also discuss the formation of other spectral features in highly ionized outflows. In particular, we show that, for sufficiently high wind densities, moderately strong Fe K emission lines can form and that electron scattering in the flow may cause these lines to develop extended red wings. We illustrate the potential relevance of such models to the interpretation of real X-ray data by comparison with observations of a well-known AGN, Mrk 766. Journal compilation © 2008 RAS.


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Measurements of ultraviolet line fluxes from Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectra of the K2-dwarf e Eri are reported. These are used to develop new emission measure distributions and semi-empirical atmospheric models for the chromosphere and lower transition region of the star. These models are the most detailed constructed to date for a main-sequence star other than the Sun. New ionization balance calculations, which account for the effect of finite density on dielectronic recombination rates, are presented for carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and silicon. The results of these calculations are significantly different from the standard Arnaud & Rothenflug ion balance, particularly for alkali-like ions. The new atmospheric models are used to place constraints on possible first ionization potential (FIP)-related abundance variations in the lower atmosphere and to discuss limitations of single-component models for the interpretation of certain optically thick line fluxes. © 2005 RAS.