180 resultados para TEMPORAL STEM


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Background. Many studies have separately reported abnormalities of frontal and temporal lobe structures in schizophrenia, but little is known of structural fronto-temporal associations in this condition. We investigated whether male patients with chronic schizophrenia would show abnormal patterns of correlation between regional brain volumes.

Methods. Structural magnetic resonance images of the brain in 42 patients were compared with 43 matched unaffected controls. We explored the pattern of association between regional brain volumes by correlational analyses, and non-parametrically tested for significance of between-group differences by randomization.

Results. The schizophrenics demonstrated significant volume deficits in several brain regions (left temporal lobe and hippocampus, right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex), and significant volume increases in the ventricular system (third ventricle and left temporal horn of the lateral ventricle). Controls demonstrated large positive correlations (r > 0.4) between prefrontal and temporal lobe regions. By contrast, inter-regional correlations significantly reduced in schizophrenics included those between prefrontal, anterior cingulate and temporal regions, and between posterior cingulate and hippocampus (P < 0.05). The most salient abnormality in patients was a dissociation between prefrontal and superior temporal gyrus volumes (P < 0.01).

Conclusions. These results support the existence of a relative 'fronto-temporal dissociation' in schizophrenia which we suggest may be due to lack of mutually trophic influences during frontal and temporal lobe development.


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Problem-solving ability was investigated in 25 DSM-IIIR schizophrenic (SC) patients using the Tower of Hanoi (TOH) task. Their performance was compared to that of: (1) 22 patients with neurosurgical unilateral prefrontal lesions, 11 left (LF) and 10 right hemisphere (RF); (2) 38 patients with unilateral temporal lobectomies, 19 left (LT) and 19 right (RT); and (3) 44 matched control subjects. Like the RT and LF group, the schizophrenics were significantly impaired on the TOH. The deficit shown by the schizophrenic group was equivalent whether or not the problems to be solved included goal-subgoal conflicts, unlike the LF group who were impaired specifically on these problems. The nature of the SC deficit was also distinct from that of the RT group, in that the problem-solving deficit remained after controlling for the effects of spatial memory performance. This study indicates, therefore, that neither focal frontal nor temporal lobe damage sustained in adult life is a sufficient explanation for the problem-solving deficits found in patients with schizophrenia. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ancillary (non-sounding) body movements made by expert musicians during performance have been shown to indicate expressive, emotional, and structural features of the music to observers, even if the sound of the performance is absent. If such ancillary body movements are a component of skilled musical performance, then it should follow that acquiring the temporal control of such movements is a feature of musical skill acquisition. This proposition is tested using measures derived from a theory of temporal guidance of movement, “General Tau Theory” (Lee in Ecol Psychol 10:221–250, 1998; Lee et al. in Exp Brain Res 139:151–159, 2001), to compare movements made during performances of intermediate-level clarinetists before and after learning a new piece of music. Results indicate that the temporal control of ancillary body movements made by participants was stronger in performances after the music had been learned and was closer to the measures of temporal control found for an expert musician’s movements. These findings provide evidence that the temporal control of musicians’ ancillary body movements develops with musical learning. These results have implications for other skillful behaviors and nonverbal communication.


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This paper describes a data model for content representation of temporal media in an IP based sensor network. The model is formed by introducing the idea of semantic-role from linguistics into the underlying concepts of formal event representation with the aim of developing a common event model. The architecture of a prototype system for a multi camera surveillance system, based on the proposed model is described. The important aspects of the proposed model are its expressiveness, its ability to model content of temporal media, and its suitability for use with a natural language interface. It also provides a platform for temporal information fusion, as well as organizing sensor annotations by help of ontologies.


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Knowledge about the diet of fish-eating predators is critical when evaluating conflicts with the fishing industry. Numerous primary studies have examined the diet of grey seals Halichoerus grypus and common seals Phoca vitulina in a bid to understand the ecology of these predators. However, studies of large-scale spatial and temporal variation in seal diet are limited. Therefore this review combines the results of seal diet studies published between 1980 and 2000 to examine how seal diet varies at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Our results revealed extensive spatial variation in gadiform, perciform and flatfish consumption, likely reflecting variation in prey availability. Flatfish and gadiform consumption varied between years, reflecting changes in fish assemblages as a consequence of factors such as varying fishing pressures, climate change and natural fluctuations in populations. Perciform and gadiform consumption varied seasonally: in addition there was a significant interaction between season and seal species, indicating that grey and common seals exhibited different patterns of seasonal variation in their consumption of Perciformes and Gadiformes. Multivariate analysis of grey seal diet revealed spatial variation at a much smaller scale, with different species dominating the diet in different areas. The existence of spatial and temporal variation in seal diet emphasizes that future assessments of the impact of seal populations should not be based on past or localized estimates of diet and highlights the need for up-to-date, site specific estimates of diet composition in the context of understanding and resolving seal/fisheries conflict. © 2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.


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Histone deacetylases (HDACs) have a central role in the regulation of gene expression. Here we investigated whether HDAC7 has an impact on embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation into smooth muscle cells (SMCs). ES cells were seeded on collagen-IV-coated flasks and cultured in the absence of leukemia inhibitory factor in differentiation medium to induce SMC differentiation. Western blots and double-immunofluorescence staining demonstrated that HDAC7 has a parallel expression pattern with SMC marker genes. In ex vivo culture of embryonic cells from SM22-LacZ transgenic mice, overexpression of HDAC7 significantly increased beta-galactosidase-positive cell numbers and enzyme activity, indicating its crucial role in SMC differentiation during embryonic development. We found that HDAC7 undergoes alternative splicing during ES cell differentiation. Platelet-derived growth factor enhanced ES cell differentiation into SMCs through upregulation of HDAC7 splicing. Further experiments revealed that HDAC7 splicing induced SMC differentiation through modulation of the SRF-myocardin complex. These findings suggest that HDAC7 splicing is important for SMC differentiation and vessel formation in embryonic development.


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Smooth muscle cell (SMC) differentiation is a critical process during cardiovascular formation and development, but the underlying molecular mechanism remains unclear.


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We have previously demonstrated that histone deacetylase 7 (HDAC7) expression and splicing play an important role in smooth muscle cell (SMC) differentiation from embryonic stem (ES) cells, but the molecular mechanisms of increased HDAC7 expression during SMC differentiation are currently unknown. In this study, we found that platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) induced a 3-fold increase in the transcripts of HDAC7 in differentiating ES cells. Importantly, our data also revealed that PDGF-BB regulated HDAC7 expression not through phosphorylation of HDAC7 but through transcriptional activation. By dissecting its promoters with progressive deletion analysis, we identified the sequence between -343 and -292 bp in the 5'-flanking region of the Hdac7 gene promoter as the minimal PDGF-BB-responsive element, which contains one binding site for the transcription factor, specificity protein 1 (Sp1). Mutation of the Sp1 site within this PDGF-BB-responsive element abolished PDGF-BB-induced HDAC7 activity. PDGF-BB treatment enhanced Sp1 binding to the Hdac7 promoter in differentiated SMCs in vivo as demonstrated by the chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Moreover, we also demonstrated that knockdown of Sp1 abrogated PDGF-BB-induced HDAC7 up-regulation and SMC differentiation gene expression in differentiating ES cells, although enforced expression of Sp1 alone was sufficient to increase the activity of the Hdac7 promoter and expression levels of SMC differentiation genes. Importantly, we further demonstrated that HDAC7 was required for Sp1-induced SMC differentiation of gene expression. Our data suggest that Sp1 plays an important role in the regulation of Hdac7 gene expression in SMC differentiation from ES cells. These findings provide novel molecular insights into the regulation of HDAC7 and enhance our knowledge in SMC differentiation and vessel formation during embryonic development.


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NADPH oxidase (Nox4) produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are important for vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) behavior, but the potential impact of Nox4 in stem cell differentiation is unknown. When mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells were plated on collagen IV-coated dishes/flasks, a panel of SMC-specific genes was significantly and consistently upregulated. Nox4 expression was markedly correlated with such a gene induction as confirmed by real-time PCR, immunofluorescence, and Western blot analysis. Overexpression of Nox4 specifically resulted in increased SMC marker production, whereas knockdown of Nox4 induced a decrease. Furthermore, SMC-specific transcription factors, including serum response factor (SRF) and myocardin were activated by Nox4 gene expression. Moreover, Nox4 was demonstrated to drive SMC differentiation through generation of H(2)O(2). Confocal microscopy analysis indicates that SRF was translocated into the nucleus during SMC differentiation in which SRF was phosphorylated. Additionally, autosecreted transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta(1) activated Nox4 and promoted SMC differentiation. Interestingly, cell lines generated from stem cells by Nox4 transfection and G418 selection displayed a characteristic of mature SMCs, including expression of SMC markers and cells with contractile function. Thus we demonstrate for the first time that Nox4 is crucial for SMC differentiation from ES cells, and enforced Nox4 expression can maintain differentiation status and functional features of stem cell-derived SMCs, highlighting its impact on vessel formation in vivo and vascular tissue engineering in the future.


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Reendothelialization involves endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) homing, proliferation, and differentiation, which may be influenced by fluid shear stress and local flow pattern. This study aims to elucidate the role of laminar flow on embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation and the underlying mechanism. We demonstrated that laminar flow enhanced ES cell-derived progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation into endothelial cells (ECs). Laminar flow stabilized and activated histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) through the Flk-1-PI3K-Akt pathway, which in turn deacetylated p53, leading to p21 activation. A similar signal pathway was detected in vascular endothelial growth factor-induced EC differentiation. HDAC3 and p21 were detected in blood vessels during embryogenesis. Local transfer of ES cell-derived EPC incorporated into injured femoral artery and reduced neointima formation in a mouse model. These data suggest that shear stress is a key regulator for stem cell differentiation into EC, especially in EPC differentiation, which can be used for vascular repair, and that the Flk-1-PI3K-Akt-HDAC3-p53-p21 pathway is crucial in such a process.


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Embryonic stem cells possess the ability to differentiate into endothelium. The ability to produce large volumes of endothelium from embryonic stem cells could provide a potential therapeutic modality for vascular injury. We describe an approach that selects endothelial cells using magnetic beads that may be used therapeutically to treat arterial injury.


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Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into a variety of cells to replace dead cells or to repair tissue. Recently, accumulating evidence indicates that mechanical forces, cytokines and other factors can influence stem cell differentiation into vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). In developmental process, SMCs originate from several sources, which show a great heterogenicity in different vessel walls. In adult vessels, SMCs display a less proliferative nature, but are altered in response to risk factors for atherosclerosis. Traditional view on SMC origins in atherosclerotic lesions is challenged by the recent findings that stem cells and smooth muscle progenitors contribute to the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Vascular progenitor cells circulating in human blood and the presence of adventitia in animals are recent discoveries, but the source of these cells is still unknown. The present review gives an update on the progress of stem cell and SMC research in atherosclerosis, and discusses possible mechanisms of stem/progenitor cell differentiation that contribute to the disease process.


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Rationale: Mesenchymal stem cells secrete paracrine factors that can regulate lung permeability and decrease inflammation, making it a potentially attractive therapy for acute lung injury. However, concerns exist whether mesenchymal stem cells' immunomodulatory properties may have detrimental effects if targeted toward infectious causes of lung injury. Objectives: Therefore, we tested the effect of mesenchymal stem cells on lung fluid balance, acute inflammation, and bacterial clearance. Methods: We developed an Escherichia coli pneumonia model in our ex vivo perfused human lung to test the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells on bacterial-induced acute lung injury. Measurements and Main Results: Clinical-grade human mesenchymal stem cells restored alveolar fluid clearance to a normal level, decreased inflammation, and were associated with increased bacterial killing and reduced bacteremia, in part through increased alveolar macrophage phagocytosis and secretion of antimicrobial factors. Keratinocyte growth factor, a soluble factor secreted by mesenchymal stem cells, duplicated most of the antimicrobial effects. In subsequent in vitro studies, we discovered that human monocytes expressed the keratinocyte growth factor receptor, and that keratinocyte growth factor decreased apoptosis of human monocytes through AKT phosphorylation, an effect that increased bacterial clearance. Inhibition of keratinocyte growth factor by a neutralizing antibody reduced the antimicrobial effects of mesenchymal stem cells in the ex vivo perfused human lung and monocytes grown in vitro injured with E. coli bacteria. Conclusions: In E. coli-injured human lungs, mesenchymal stem cells restored alveolar fluid clearance, reduced inflammation, and exerted antimicrobial activity, in part through keratinocyte growth factor secretion.


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The potential therapeutic value of cell-based therapy with mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) has been reported in mouse models of polymicrobial peritoneal sepsis. However, the mechanisms responsible for the beneficial effects of MSC have not been well defined. Therefore, we tested the therapeutic effect of intravenous bone marrow-derived human MSC in peritoneal sepsis induced by gram-negative bacteria. At 48 h, survival was significantly increased in mice treated with intravenous MSC compared with control mice treated with intravenous fibroblasts (3T3) or intravenous PBS. There were no significant differences in the levels of TNF-a, macrophage inflammatory protein 2, or IL-10 in the plasma. However, there was a marked reduction in the number of bacterial colony-forming units of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the blood of MSC-treated mice compared with the 3T3 and PBS control groups. In addition, phagocytic activity was increased in blood monocytes isolated from mice treated with MSC compared with the 3T3 and PBS groups. Furthermore, levels of C5a anaphylotoxin were elevated in the blood of mice treated with MSC, a finding that was associated with upregulation of the phagocytosis receptor CD11b on monocytes. The phagocytic activity of neutrophils was not different among the groups. There was also an increase in alternately activated monocytes/macrophages (CD163- and CD206-positive) in the spleen of the MSC-treated mice compared with the two controls. Thus intravenous MSC increased survival from gram-negative peritoneal sepsis, in part by a monocyte-dependent increase in bacterial phagocytosis.


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Rationale: Bacterial pneumonia is the most common infectious cause of death worldwide and treatment is increasingly hampered by antibiotic resistance. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been demonstrated to provide protection against acute inflammatory lung injury; however, their potential therapeutic role in the setting of bacterial pneumonia has not been well studied.

Objective: This study focused on testing the therapeutic and mechanistic effects of MSCs in a mouse model of Gram-negative pneumonia.

Methods and results: Syngeneic MSCs from wild-type mice were isolated and administered via the intratracheal route to mice 4 h after the mice were infected with Escherichia coli. 3T3 fibroblasts and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) were used as controls for all in vivo experiments. Survival, lung injury, bacterial counts and indices of inflammation were measured in each treatment group. Treatment with wild-type MSCs improved 48 h survival (MSC, 55%; 3T3, 8%; PBS, 0%; p<0.05 for MSC vs 3T3 and PBS groups) and lung injury compared with control mice. In addition, wild-type MSCs enhanced bacterial clearance from the alveolar space as early as 4 h after administration, an effect that was not observed with the other treatment groups. The antibacterial effect with MSCs was due, in part, to their upregulation of the antibacterial protein lipocalin 2.

Conclusions: Treatment with MSCs enhanced survival and bacterial clearance in a mouse model of Gram-negative pneumonia. The bacterial clearance effect was due, in part, to the upregulation of lipocalin 2 production by MSCs