193 resultados para K-regulations


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Germanium is an attractive channel material for MOSFETs because of its higher mobility than silicon. In this paper, GeO2 has been investigated as an interfacial layer for high-kappa gate stacks on germanium. Thermally grown GeO2 layers have been prepared at 550 degrees C to minimise GeO volatilisation. GeO2 growth has been performed in both pure O-2 ambient and O-2 diluted with N-2. GeO2 thickness has been scaled down to approximately 3 nm. MOS capacitors have been fabricated using different GeO2 thicknesses with a standard high-kappa dielectric on top. Electrical properties and thermal stability have been tested up to at least 350 degrees C. The K value of GeO2 was experimentally determined to be 4.5. Interface state densities (D-it) of less than 10(12) CM-2 eV(-1) have been extracted for all devices using the conductance method.


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There are major concerns about the level of personal borrowing, particularly sourced from credit cards. This paper charts the progress of an initiative to create a Responsible Lending Index (RLI) for the credit industry. The RLI proposed to voluntarily benchmark lending standards and promote best practice within the credit industry by involving suppliers of credit, customer representatives and regulators. However, despite initial support from some banks, consumer bodies and the Chair of the Treasury Select Committee, it failed to gain sufficient support from financial institutions in its original format. The primary reasons for this were related to the complexity of building such a robust index and the banks trade body’s fear of exposing its members to public scrutiny. A revised alternative, the Responsible Lending Initiative, was proposed which took into account these concerns. However, the Association of Payment Clearing Service (APACS), the trade body of the credit industry, then effectively destroyed the proposal. This article describes an attempt to address the challenges in the credit card industry with the initiation of the RLI, reflected in stakeholder discourse and in the context of a wider concern expressed by the involved stakeholders in terms of the need for greater responsibility in the banking industry’s lending practices.


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The thermal conductivities of 11 ionic liquids were determined, over the temperature range from 293 K to 353 K, at atmospheric pressure, using an apparatus based on the transient hot-wire method. For each of the ionic liquids studied, the thermal conductivities were found to be between (0.1 and 0.2) W.m(-1).K-1, with a slight decrease observed on increasing temperature. The uncertainty is estimated to be less than +/- 0.002 W.m(-1).K-1. In all cases, a linear equation was found to give a good fit to the data. The effects of water content and chloride content on the thermal conductivities of some of the ionic liquids were investigated. In each case, the thermal conductivities of the water + ionic liquid and chloride + ionic liquid binary mixtures were found to be less than the weighted average of the pure component thermal conductivities. This effect was adequately modeled using the Jamieson correlation. Chloride contamination at typical postsynthesis levels was found to have no significant effect on the thermal conductivities of the ionic liquid studied.


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The presence of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxins in seafood is a severe and growing threat to human health. In order to minimize the risks of human exposure, the maximum content of these toxins in seafood has been limited by legal regulations worldwide. The regulated limits are established in equivalents of the main representatives of the groups: saxitoxin (STX), okadaic acid (OA) and domoic acid (DA), for PSP, DSP and ASP, respectively. In this study a multi-detection method to screen shellfish samples for the presence of these toxins simultaneously was developed. Multiplexing was achieved using a solid-phase microsphere assay coupled to flow-fluorimetry detection, based on the Luminex xMap technology. The multi-detection method consists of three simultaneous competition immunoassays. Free toxins in solution compete with STX, OA or DA immobilized on the surface of three different classes of microspheres for binding to specific monoclonal antibodies. The IC50 obtained in buffer was similar in single- and multi-detection: 5.6 ± 1.1 ng/mL for STX, 1.1 ± 0.03 ng/mL for OA and 1.9 ± 0.1 ng/mL for DA. The sample preparation protocol was optimized for the simultaneous extraction of STX, OA and DA with a mixture of methanol and acetate buffer. The three immunoassays performed well with mussel and scallop matrixes displaying adequate dynamic ranges and recovery rates (around 90 % for STX, 80 % for OA and 100 % for DA). This microsphere-based multi-detection immunoassay provides an easy and rapid screening method capable of detecting simultaneously in the same sample three regulated groups of marine toxins.


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This article examines the role of creditor protection in the development of the U.K. corporate bond market. This market grew rapidly in the late nineteenth century, but in the twentieth century it experienced a reversal, albeit with a short-lived post-1945 renaissance. Such was the extent of the reversal that the market from the 1970s onwards was smaller than it had been in 1870. We find that law does not explain the variation in the size of this market over time. Alternatively, our evidence suggests that inflation and taxation policies were major drivers of this market in the post-1945 era. Copyright © The Economic History Association 2013


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Xerox circulation to sponsors. Cambridge University.


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Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer has resulted in longer survival, meaning that cancer patients are now living with what may be termed a chronic type condition. As a result of this the needs of patients living with a cancer diagnosis has changed, placing a greater emphasis on survivorship which in turn has an effect on quality of life and sleep patterns. Evidence suggests that counselling and complementary therapies have a positive impact not only on the cancer patient’s quality of life but also on family members and friends.

The aim of this study was to determine if there is an improvement in client’s quality of life and sleep patterns after availing of counselling and complementary therapy services as offered by a local cancer charity.

All clients availing of the counselling or complementary therapies offered by the charity were invited to participate in a Service Evaluation. The regulations relating to research involving human participants as outlined by the “Research Governance Framework” at a local university were also adhered to. A seven piece questionnaire was used for evaluation of services.

Access to anonymous data from the cancer patients, their families and carers was granted by the Research and Development Officer within Action Cancer.
A total of 507 participants completed the initial questionnaires immediately before therapy and 255 participants completed the questionnaires immediately after therapy, the total matched sample is 230. When considering counselling and complementary therapies together (therapeutic services) there were statistically significant results indicating improved quality of life and sleep patterns between the two sets of data. However this was not the trend when considering counselling and complementary therapies alone.

While some of the findings closely reflect the literature and on the whole supports the use of therapeutic services in having a positive effect on cancer patient’s quality of life and sleep patterns.


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The Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations (2007) is one of the most important set of health and safety regulations in the construction industry today. The aim of this research is to examine critical success factors for CDM compliance in small to medium size contractors in the UK construction industry. The objectives of the research include the identification of critical barriers in doing so along with the identification of success factors where CDM is incorporated. A mixed method approach is adopted in the identification and categorisation of the various factors encompassing a literature review, interviews and questionnaire survey. The key finding which emerge is the lack of knowledge and understanding with regards the CDM regulations with the recommendation to encourage small and medium contractor compliance through illustrating the benefits attainable. The practicality of the research is evident based on the significant uptake in the CDM by larger contractors, yet the research indicates that further insight and guidance is required to educate and inform those working within small to medium sized contractors in the UK. Where such acknowledgement and compliance is adopted, it is envisaged that this sector will benefit from reduced incidents and accidents, increased productivity while ultimately leading to a safer and more productive industry as a whole.


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Let X be a connected, noetherian scheme and A{script} be a sheaf of Azumaya algebras on X, which is a locally free O{script}-module of rank a. We show that the kernel and cokernel of K(X) ? K(A{script}) are torsion groups with exponent a for some m and any i = 0, when X is regular or X is of dimension d with an ample sheaf (in this case m = d + 1). As a consequence, K(X, Z/m) ? K(A{script}, Z/m), for any m relatively prime to a. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Park Jae-Sang’s (otherwise known as PSY) bewilderingly successful pop contagion ‘Gangnam Style’ needs no introduction. As of January 2013, it has become the most watched video in YouTube’s history and has garnered over 1.23 billion hits since. ‘Gangnam Style’ has also become a rapid global pop phenomenon with multiple parodic reproductions, imitations and adaptations; Rapper PSY himself has become an international name and styled as the ‘anti-hero’ of the glamour-driven K-pop scene. His fame has transcended the social sphere and permeated the political stratosphere with politicians such as Barrack Obama and David Cameron being among the many whom PSY has exchanged pleasantries with. Apart from breaking ground and creating social and media history in many ways, ‘Gangnam Style’ has even been purported by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to be a “force for world peace” – cultural barriers are demolished as the world dances. Underlying this sentiment is the video’s almost universal appeal that assumes a supracultural yet equally paradoxical translatability: Korea’s neoteric ‘K-Wave’ phenomenon is at once local yet global, and where the latter is predicated on the former quality. The paper’s concern is thus two-fold. It will consider the dromological aspects of this musical contagion as it exemplifies and performs quite literally Paul Virilio’s thesis that the modern condition is driven by speed yet arrested to a dictatorship of movement. While many theories have been put forward for this astounding pop peculiarity, this paper would also examine the intercultural currents that advocate such a global (pop) cultural response. Through an analysis of sonic qualities – digital techno-beat rhythms, synth-based musicality, cyclical lyrics, horse-galloping movements – and acoustic receptions, it will consider the simultaneous and dichotomous currents of glocalisation and globalisation as it relates to the ways in which sonic ‘hyper-links’ establish new concepts of global-cultural identities even as these seem to be interrogated in the borderless worlds of hyper-mediatised realities and cultural technologies.


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Purpose: This study tested the role of K(+)- and Cl(-)-channels in retinal arteriolar smooth muscle in the regulation of retinal blood flow.

Methods: Studies were carried out in adult Male Hooded Lister rats. Selectivity of ion channel blockers was established using electrophysiological recordings from smooth muscle in isolated arterioles under voltage clamp conditions. Leukocyte velocity and retinal arteriolar diameters were measured in anesthetised animals using leukocyte fluorography and fluorescein angiography imaging with a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope. These values were used to estimate volumetric flow, which was compared between control conditions and following intravitreal injections of ion channel blockers, either alone or in combination with the vasoconstrictor potent Endothelin 1 (Et1).

Results: Voltage activated K(+)-current (IKv) was inhibited by correolide, large conductance (BK) Ca(2+)-activated K(+)-current (IKCa) by Penitrem A, and Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-)-current (IClCa) by disodium 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS). Intravitreal injections (10µl) of DIDS (estimated intraocular concentration 10mM) increased flow by 22%, whereas the BK-blockers Penitrem A (1µM) and iberiotoxin (4µM), and the IKv-inhibitor correolide (40µM) all decreased resting flow by approximately 10%. Et1 (104nM) reduced flow by almost 65%. This effect was completely reversed by DIDS but was unaffected by Penitrem A, iberiotoxin or correolide.

Conclusions: These results suggest that Cl(-)-channels in retinal arteriolar smooth muscle limit resting blood flow and play an obligatory role in Et1 responses. K(+)-channel activity promotes basal flow but exerts little modifying effect on the Et1 response. Cl(-)-channels may be appropriate molecular targets in retinal pathologies characterised by increased Et1 activity and reduced blood flow.


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Ethnopharmacological relevance: The ethnobotanical use of Aframomum melegueta in the treatment of urinary tract and soft tissue infection suggested that the plant has antimicrobial activity.

Materials and methods: To substantiate the folkloric claims, an acetone, 50:50 acetone:methanol and 2:1 chloroform:methanol extracts were tested against Escherichia coli K12; acetone extract and the fractions of acetone extracts were tested against Listeria monocytogenes. Bioassay-guided fractionation was performed on the extract using L. monocytogenes as the test organism to isolate the bioactive compounds which were then tested against all the other organisms.

Results: Four known labdane diterpenes (G3 and G5) were isolated for the first time from the rhizomes of A. melegueta and purified. These were tested against E. coli, L. monocytogenes, methicillin resistant Staphylococus aureus (MRSA) and S. aureus to determine antibacterial activity. The result showed that two compounds G3 and G5 exhibited more potent antibacterial activity compared to the current clinically used antibiotics ampicillin, gentamicin and vancomycin and can be potential antibacterial lead compounds. The structure of the labdane diterpenes were elucidated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Mass spectrometry. A possible mode of action of the isolated compound G3 and its potential cytotoxicity towards mammalian cells were also discussed.

Conclusion: The results confirmed the presence of antibacterial compounds in the rhizomes of A. melegueta with a favourable toxicity profile which could be further optimized as antibacterial lead compounds.