177 resultados para Documentos electrónicos -- Ontario (Canada)


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Stakeholder participation is viewed as a key element of ecosystem-based marine spatial planning (MSP). There is much debate over the effectiveness of stakeholder participation in ecosystem-based management (EBM) in general and over the form it should take. Particular challenges relating to participation in the marine environment are highlighted. A study of the Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management initiative, which uses a collaborative planning model to implement EBM, is presented in order to explore these issues further. Criteria derived from a review of collaborative planning literature are employed to evaluate the effectiveness of this model, which is found to be a useful consensus-building tool. Although a strategic-level plan has been adopted, the initiative has encountered difficulties transitioning from plan development to plan implementation. These are attributable in large measure to deficiencies in the design of the collaborative model. Useful lessons relating mainly to stakeholder engagement, the role of the lead agency, and implementation strategies are advanced for those engaging in MSP processes.


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Rural support organisations have emerged since agricultural restructuring of the 1980s. The paper draws on research from the UK and Canada to suggest that the support in both countries is derived from a patrilineal culture that still dominates family farming. The paper begins by outlining a conceptual basis for arguing that such a culture can be understood as comprising of male and female relational gender identities capable of explaining farm relationships, farm survival and adjustment strategies and community engagement. These components, it is argued, are facets of the patrilineal farming culture which must be understood if its impacts on all its members are to be appropriately comprehended and supported.

The paper has two key aims, therefore. Firstly it suggests that a more nuanced understanding of farming „culture? which is persistently patrilineal in nature is now required which is capable of addressing the realities of farming individuals?
lives as they perceive them. The conceptualisation of such a culture is informed
by drawing on insights from gender theory, agricultural geography and rural studies. This conceptual discussion provides the context for the paper?s second aim which is to demonstrate how rural support in both the UK and Canada is derived „from? and is influenced by such a patrilineal culture . Findings are
presented identifying five key themes from this conceptualization which influence the support of such organisations. Thus, it is suggested, that the nature of rural support can be better understood and the appropriateness of the support interrogated when such conceptualization is taken on board.


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Consideration of the ethical, social, and policy implications of research has become increasingly important to scientists and scholars whose work focuses on brain and mind, but limited empirical data exist on the education in ethics available to them. We examined the current landscape of ethics training in neuroscience programs, beginning with the Canadian context specifically, to elucidate the perceived needs of mentors and trainees and offer recommendations for resource development to meet those needs. We surveyed neuroscientists at all training levels and interviewed directors of neuroscience programs and training grants. A total of 88% of survey respondents reported general interest in ethics, and 96% indicated a desire for more ethics content as it applies to brain research and clinical translation. Expert interviews revealed formal ethics education in over half of programs and in 90% of grants-based programs. Lack of time, resources, and expertise, however, are major barriers to expanding ethics content in neuroscience education. We conclude with an initial set of recommendations to address these barriers which includes the development of flexible, tailored ethics education tools, increased financial support for ethics training, and strategies for fostering collaboration between ethics experts, neuroscience program directors, and funding agencies. © 2010 the Authors. Journal Compilation © 2010 International Mind, Brain, and Education Society and Blackwell Publishing, Inc.


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Objective: To determine the organizational predictors of higher scores on team climate measures as an indicator of the functioning of a family health team (FHT). Design: Cross-sectional study using a mailed survey. Setting: Family health teams in Ontario. Participants: Twenty-one of 144 consecutively approached FHTs; 628 team members were surveyed. Main outcome measures: Scores on the team climate inventory, which assessed organizational culture type (group, developmental, rational, or hierarchical); leadership perceptions; and organizational factors, such as use of electronic medical records (EMRs), team composition, governance of the FHT, location, meetings, and time since FHT initiation. All analyses were adjusted for clustering of respondents within the FHT using a mixed random-intercepts model. Results: The response rate was 65.8% (413 of 628); 2 were excluded from analysis, for a total of 411 participants. At the time of survey completion, there was a median of 4 physicians, 11 other health professionals, and 4 management and clerical staff per FHT. The average team climate score was 3.8 out of a possible 5. In multivariable regression analysis, leadership score, group and developmental culture types, and use of more EMR capabilities were associated with higher team climate scores. Other organizational factors, such as number of sites and size of group, were not associated with the team climate score. Conclusion: Culture, leadership, and EMR functionality, rather than organizational composition of the teams (eg, number of professionals on staff, practice size), were the most important factors in predicting climate in primary care teams.


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We present the findings of 57 interviews conducted in 2007-2008 with Canadians who have cared for a dying family member to examine their ideal expectations of the Compassionate Care Benefit (CCB) - a social programme providing job security and income support for workers caring for a dying person. Our aims are to (1) appreciate how intended users and other family caregivers view the programme's very nature; (2) identify programme challenges and improvements that emerge from considering family caregivers' ideal expectations; and (3) contribute to a larger evaluative study designed to make policy-relevant recommendations for CCB improvement. Review of transcripts across three respondent groups reveals four categories of ideal expectations: (1) eligibility, (2) informational, (3) timing and (4) financial. Ideal expectations were typically derived from respondents' experiences of care-giving, their knowledge of the programme and, for some, of applying for and/or receiving the CCB. Findings reveal that there are gaps between respondents' ideal expectations and their experienced realities. Such gaps may lead to disappointment being experienced by those who believe they should be eligible for the programme but are not, or should be entitled to receive some form of support that is not presently available. This analysis plays an important role in identifying potential changes for the CCB that may better support family caregivers, in that the ideal expectations serve as a starting point for articulating desirable programme amendments. This analysis also has wider relevance. For jurisdictions looking to create new social programmes to support caregivers based upon labour policy strategies and legislation, this analysis identifies considerations that should be made at the outset of development. For jurisdictions that already have employment-based caregiver support programmes, this analysis demonstrates that programme challenges may not always be met through legislative changes alone but also through measures such as increasing awareness. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Objective: To identify risk factors for falls and injuries among seniors living in a long-term care facility. Method: Case-control study of 335 residents living at St. Joseph's Villa, Dundas, Ontario. Cases were defined as residents who fell between July 1, 1996 and June 30, 1997; controls were those who did not fall. To identify risk factors for injury, cases were defined as those with completed incident injury forms and controls as those without. Results: The most important risk factors for falls included: having fallen in the past three months; residing in a secured unit; living in the facility for two or more years; having the potential to cause injury to others; and having an illness, disease or behaviour that may cause a fall. The most important risk factor for injury among those who fell was altered mental state. Conclusion: The risk factors identified may be helpful to those planning falls prevention initiatives within long-term care settings.


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Background: An increasingly significant public health issue in Canada, and elsewhere throughout the developed world, pertains to the provision of adequate palliative/end-of-life (P/EOL) care. Informal caregivers who take on the responsibility of providing P/EOL care often experience negative physical, mental, emotional, social and economic consequences. In this article, we specifically examine how Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit (CCB) - a contributory benefits social program aimed at informal P/EOL caregivers - operates as a public health response in sustaining informal caregivers providing P/EOL care, and whether or not it adequately addresses known aspects of caregiver burden that are addressed within the population health promotion (PHP) model. Methods. As part of a national evaluation of Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit, 57 telephone interviews were conducted with Canadian informal P/EOL caregivers in 5 different provinces, pertaining to the strengths and weaknesses of the CCB and the general caregiving experience. Interview data was coded with Nvivo software and emerging themes were identified by the research team, with such findings published elsewhere. The purpose of the present analysis was identified after comparing the findings to the literature specific to caregiver burden and public health, after which data was analyzed using the PHP model as a guiding framework. Results: Informal caregivers spoke to several of the determinants of health outlined in the PHP model that are implicated in their burden experience: gender, income and social status, working conditions, health and social services, social support network, and personal health practises and coping strategies. They recognized the need for improving the CCB to better address these determinants. Conclusions: This study, from the perspective of family caregivers, demonstrates that the CCB is not living up to its full potential in sustaining informal P/EOL caregivers. Effort is required to transform the CCB so that it may fulfill the potential it holds for serving as one public health response to caregiver burden that forms part of a healthy public policy that addresses the determinants of this burden. © 2011 Williams et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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A random dialing telephone survey of 1,071 60+ year-olds in 4 Ontario communities identified 553 (52%) users of natural health products. Mean age was 72 yrs (min-max:60-95); 76% were female. The most frequently reported natural health products were: echinacea (27%), glucosamine (26%), garlic (20%), ginkgo biloba (10%), St. John's wort (5%), ginseng (5%), flax seed oil (3%), evening primrose oil (2%), devil's claw (2%), saw palmetto (2%). Natural source vitamin use was reported by 24% of users, and 6% reporting using herbal teas. 51% of users used 2 or more herbal products and 8% used 5 or more products. 19% of herbal users also used a conventional prescription drug to manage the same health problem as the herbal product. The reported range of monthly expenditures for these products varied from a few cents (grew their own) to $288 (CAN). Thirty-five percent of users did not know the price of at least one of their natural products. Of the 75% of respondents willing to disclose their annual household income ($CAN), 20 had an income of $46,000. The widespread use and potential for significant expenditure of limited resources would suggest that more study is required into the efficacy, safety and value of these products.


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A random dialing telephone survey in 4 Ontario communities obtained data on the use of natural health products (NHP) from 1,071 persons 60 years and older. 553 (52%) respondents were users of NHP. Prevalence of use was similar for females (53%) and males (48%). In this population modal users were of European descent, high school graduates and employed at least part-time. Half the users received recommendations about NHP from friends or relatives; another 22% learned about NHP through self-experimentation. Most users (81 %) decided by themselves whether they would buy an NHP rather than rely on input from another source (herbalist, physician, store owner/employee). 38% of NHP users had not informed their physician that they were using an NHP. When users had discussed NHP with their physician, less than 5% of physicians responded negatively. Some users felt natural health products were safer (15%) and less expensive (4%) than prescription drugs. 30% used NHP as a last resort for the treatment of a chronic disease. Nearly half (49%) of the users believed that if the government pays for prescription drugs, it should also pay for herbal remedies; 36% said the consumer should pay. In light of the extensive use of NHP by seniors, there is a need for clinical pharmacology studies of these products.


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Background: The families of people with late-stage dementia need to be informed about the course of the dementia and the comfort/ palliative care option. A booklet was written for that purpose and can be provided to family members by physicians and nurses. Methods: The acceptability of the booklet for nurses was tested in Canada (French and English version), France (French Canadian version) and Japan (translated and adapted version). Results: Overall, 188 nurses completed a survey questionnaire. The booklet was accepted best in Canada and less so in France and Japan. Despite regional variation, the majority of the nurses perceived the booklet as useful for families. The French and Japanese nurses also reported a greater need for palliative care education in advanced dementia. Conclusion: The booklet may help nurses educate families about end-of-life issues in dementia palliative care, but local adaptation of the booklet content and physician engagement are necessary.


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Paper explores the findings from a province-wide program evaluation of Practice and Research Together (PART: www. partcanada.org); The paper is a unique evaluation of a knowledge exchange program and provides interesting analysis of how front-line practitioners, supervisors and senior leaders engage, utilize and contribute to evidence-informed practice.


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Background:There are wide international differences in 1-year cancer survival. The UK and Denmark perform poorly compared with other high-income countries with similar health care systems: Australia, Canada and Sweden have good cancer survival rates, Norway intermediate survival rates. The objective of this study was to examine the pattern of differences in cancer awareness and beliefs across these countries to identify where these might contribute to the pattern of survival.Methods:We carried out a population-based telephone interview survey of 19 079 men and women aged =50 years in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the UK using the Awareness and Beliefs about Cancer measure.Results:Awareness that the risk of cancer increased with age was lower in the UK (14%), Canada (13%) and Australia (16%) but was higher in Denmark (25%), Norway (29%) and Sweden (38%). Symptom awareness was no lower in the UK and Denmark than other countries. Perceived barriers to symptomatic presentation were highest in the UK, in particular being worried about wasting the doctor's time (UK 34%; Canada 21%; Australia 14%; Denmark 12%; Norway 11%; Sweden 9%).Conclusion:The UK had low awareness of age-related risk and the highest perceived barriers to symptomatic presentation, but symptom awareness in the UK did not differ from other countries. Denmark had higher awareness of age-related risk and few perceived barriers to symptomatic presentation. This suggests that other factors must be involved in explaining Denmark's poor survival rates. In the UK, interventions that address barriers to prompt presentation in primary care should be developed and evaluated. © 2013 Cancer Research UK. All rights reserved.


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Background: We investigate whether differences in breast cancer survival in six high-income countries can be explained by differences in stage at diagnosis using routine data from population-based cancer registries. Methods: We analysed the data on 257 362 women diagnosed with breast cancer during 2000-7 and registered in 13 population-based cancer registries in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the UK. Flexible parametric hazard models were used to estimate net survival and the excess hazard of dying from breast cancer up to 3 years after diagnosis.Results:Age-standardised 3-year net survival was 87-89% in the UK and Denmark, and 91-94% in the other four countries. Stage at diagnosis was relatively advanced in Denmark: only 30% of women had Tumour, Nodes, Metastasis (TNM) stage I disease, compared with 42-45% elsewhere. Women in the UK had low survival for TNM stage III-IV disease compared with other countries. Conclusion: International differences in breast cancer survival are partly explained by differences in stage at diagnosis, and partly by differences in stage-specific survival. Low overall survival arises if the stage distribution is adverse (e.g. Denmark) but stage-specific survival is normal; or if the stage distribution is typical but stage-specific survival is low (e.g. UK). International differences in staging diagnostics and stage-specific cancer therapies should be investigated. © 2013 Cancer Research UK. All rights reserved.