44 resultados para rigid gas permeable lens materials


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of patients with healed moderate to severe contact lens-associated corneal infectious ulcers who were re-fit with contact lenses. Methods: We retrospectively studied patients who were fit with contact lenses on our service and who had had moderate to severe corneal infectious ulcers associated with previous contact lens use. Six patients were included in the study. Results: Gas permeable contact lenses were fit in five patients, and a soft contact lens was fit in one patient. Successful fit was achieved in all cases and visual acuities were equal to or better than 20/30 in all patients. No significant complications were observed after a mean follow-up of 23 months (range, 6-45 months). Conclusion: In this small series of patients with a history of moderate to severe contact-lens related infectious keratitis, no complications were observed after contact lenses were refit. Contact lens wear in patients with a history of infectious keratitis may be safe and useful in order to achieve visual rehabilitation.


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A contact lens is a medical device widely used as an alternative to spectacles in order to correct refractive vision problems. The evolution of polymeric biomaterials has heralded a continuous development in the materials used to produce contact lenses and maximize patient comfort and limit adverse events. Microbial keratitis (MK) is a relatively rare but potentially devastating condition associated with contact lens use, particularly with the extended wear of hydrogel lenses. It is the principal complication related to contact lens wear and the large population at risk make it a public health concern. Bacterial binding to the contact lens material is a precursor to the development of MK and is influenced by properties of the material and the bacteria. In order for bacteria to infiltrate the cornea there must be some degree of corneal damage, usually caused by trauma or hypoxia. The most recent materials available aim to allow the continuous wear of lenses while limiting corneal hypoxia, thus helping to prevent the development of MK. Limitations to the treatment of MK require that novel approaches may be necessary in order to limit bacterial adhesion to contact lens materials.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the outcome of patients with filtering blebs who were fit with contact lenses. Methods: We retrospectively studied patients with filtering blebs secondary to glaucoma or cataract surgery who were fit with contact lenses. Eight eyes from seven patients were identified. Results: Five patients (six eyes) were fit with gas permeable contact lenses and two patients (two eyes) were fit with soft contact lenses. Successful fits were achieved in all patients. No complications were observed after a mean follow-up of 64.6±28.5 months. Conclusions: No significant complications were recorded in our series of patients with filtering blebs who were fit with contact lenses. We think that when indications for fitting contact lenses are justified, patients with filtering blebs are acceptable candidates for contact lens use. However, adequate selection of cases, careful contact lens fitting, patient education, and close follow-up are necessary.


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The evolution of the optical sensor for CO2 over the past two decades is outlined and illustrated through examples of luminescent-based sensors. The basic principles and design of the early 'wet covered' type sensor, in which a pH sensitive dye in an aqueous buffer is covered by a gas permeable, ion impermeable, membrane, are outlined. The gradual move from the 'wet covered' types of CO2 optical sensor to 'solid-water droplet' type sensors and then onto 'solid' sensors is charted. The basic design and principles of operation of the modern 'solid' optical sensor for P-CO2 is covered in some detail. Other sensing strategies outside the simple use of pH-sensitive dyes are also considered, most notably those based on luminescence lifetime measurements.


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Dissolved CO2 measurements are usually made using a Severinghaus electrode, which is bulky and can suffer from electrical interference. In contrast, optical sensors for gaseous CO2, whilst not suffering these problems, are mainly used for making gaseous (not dissolved) CO2 measurements, due to dye leaching and protonation, especially at high ionic strengths (>0.01 M) and acidity (<pH 4). This is usually prevented by coating the sensor with a gas-permeable, but ion-impermeable, membrane (GPM). Herein, we introduce a highly sensitive, colourimetric-based, plastic film sensor for the measurement of both gaseous and dissolved CO2, in which a pH-sensitive dye, thymol blue (TB) is coated onto particles of hydrophilic silica to create a CO2-sensitive, TB-based pigment, which is then extruded into low density polyethylene (LDPE) to create a GPM-free, i.e. naked, TB plastic sensor film for gaseous and dissolved CO2 measurements. When used for making dissolved CO2 measurements, the hydrophobic nature of the LDPE renders the film: (i) indifferent to ionic strength, (ii) highly resistant to acid attack and (iii) stable when stored under ambient (dark) conditions for >8 months, with no loss of colour or function. Here, the performance of the TB plastic film is primarily assessed as a dissolved CO2 sensor in highly saline (3.5 wt%) water. The TB film is blue in the absence of CO2 and yellow in its presence, exhibiting 50% transition in its colour at ca. 0.18% CO2. This new type of CO2 sensor has great potential in the monitoring of CO2 levels in the hydrosphere, as well as elsewhere, e.g. food packaging and possibly patient monitoring.


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A sequential biological permeable reactive barrier (PRB) was determined to be the best option for remediating groundwater that has become contaminated with a wide range of organic contaminants (i.e., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and polyaromatic hydrocarbons), heavy metals (i.e., lead and arsenic), and cyanide at a former manufactured gas plant after 150 years of operation in Portadown, Northern Ireland. The objective of this study was to develop a modified flyash that could be used in the initial cell within a sequential biological PRB to filter complex contaminated groundwater containing ammonium. Flyash modified with lime (CaOH) and alum was subjected to a series of batch tests which investigated the modified cation exchange capacity (CEC) and rate of removal of anions and cations from the solution. These tests showed that a high flyash composition medium (80%) could remove 8.65 mol of ammonium contaminant for every kilogram of medium. The modified CEC procedure ruled out the possibility of cation exchange as the major removal mechanism. The medium could also adsorb anions as well as cations (i.e., Pb and Cr), but not with the same capacity. The initial mechanism for Pb and Cr removal is probably precipitation. This is followed by sorption, which is possibly the only mechanism for the removal of dichromate anions. Scanning electron microscopic analysis revealed very small (


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Spatial variability of bias-dependent electrochemical processes on a (La0.5Sr0.5)(2)CoO4 +/- modified (LaxSr1-x)CoO3- surface is studied using first-order reversal curve method in electrochemical strain microscopy (ESM). The oxygen reduction/evolution reaction (ORR/OER) is activated at voltages as low as 3-4 V with respect to bottom electrode. The degree of bias-induced transformation as quantified by ESM hysteresis loop area increases with applied bias. The variability of electrochemical activity is explored using correlation analysis and the ORR/OER is shown to be activated in grains at relatively low biases, but the final reaction rate is relatively small. At the same time, at grain boundaries, the onset of reaction process corresponds to larger voltages, but limiting reactivity is much higher. The reaction mechanism in ESM of mixed electronic-ionic conductor is further analyzed. These studies both establish the framework for probing bias-dependent electrochemical processes in solids and demonstrate rich spectrum of electrochemical transformations underpinning catalytic activity in cobaltites.


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In this work, 1-hexene was extracted from its mixtures with n-hexane in varying ratios using a task specific ionic liquid. Herein, the ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate, [BMIM][NO3], was used and examined with and without the addition of a metal salt. The impact of water on both selectivity and distribution coefficient was also tested. Four potential metal salts were investigated, the results of which demonstrate that the dissolution of transition-metal salts in the IL improves the separation of 1-hexene from n-hexane through metal-olefin complexation. Additionally, the presence of water in IL solutions containing metal salt enhances this selectivity. Finally, UNIFAC was used to correlate the experimental LLE data with good accuracy.


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Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) of zero-valent iron (Fe0) are increasingly being used to remediate contaminated ground water. Corrosion of Fe0 filings and the formation of precipitates can occur when the PRB material comes in contact with ground water and may reduce the lifespan and effectiveness of the barrier. At present, there are no routine procedures for preparing and analyzing the mineral precipitates from Fe0 PRB material. These procedures are needed because mineralogical composition of corrosion products used to interpret the barrier processes can change with iron oxidation and sample preparation. The objectives of this study were (i) to investigate a method of preparing Fe0 reactive barrier material for mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and (ii) to identify Fe mineral phases and rates of transformations induced by different mineralogical preparation techniques. Materials from an in situ Fe0 PRB were collected by undisturbed coring and processed for XRD analysis after different times since sampling for three size fractions and by various drying treatments. We found that whole-sample preparation for analysis was necessary because mineral precipitates occurred within the PRB material in different size fractions of the samples. Green rusts quickly disappeared from acetone-dried samples and were not present in air-dried and oven-dried samples. Maghemite/magnetite content increased over time and in oven-dried samples, especially after heating to 105°C. We conclude that care must be taken during sample preparation of Fe0 PRB material, especially for detection of green rusts, to ensure accurate identification of minerals present within the barrier system.


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Distorted-wave Born approximation calculations for Ps formation in positron impact on He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe are reported for the energy range up to 200 eV. Capture into the n = 1, 2 and 3 states of Ps is calculated explicitly and 1/n(3) scaling is used to estimate capture into states with n > 3. The calculations for the heavier noble gases allow for capture not only from the outer np(6) shell of the atom but also from the first inner ns(2) shell. However, the inner shell capture is found to be very small. Although by no means unambiguous, the calculations provide some support to the conjecture of Larrichia et al. [J. Phys. B 35 (2002) 2525] that the double peak and shoulder structures observed experimentally for Ps formation in Ar, Kr and Xe arise from formation in excited states. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Novel surface-modified hydrogel materials have been prepared by binding charged porphyrins TMPyP (tetrakis-(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrin) and TPPS (tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin) to copolymers of HEMA (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) with either MAA (methacrylic acid) or DEAEMA (2-(diethylamino)ethylmethacrylate). The charged hydrogels display strong electrostatic interactions with the appropriate cationic or anionic porphyrins to give materials which are intended to be used to generate cytotoxic singlet oxygen (1O2) on photoexcitation and can therefore be used to reduce postoperative infection of the intraocular hydrogel-based replacement lenses that are used in cataract surgery. The UV/vis spectra of TMPyP in MAA:HEMA copolymers showed a small shift in the Soret band and a change from single exponential (161 ���­s) triplet decay lifetime in solution to a decay that could be fitted to a biexponential fit with two approximately equal components with ���´ ) 350 and 1300 ���­s. O2 bubbling reduced the decay to a dominant (90%) component with a much reduced lifetime of 3 ���­s and a minor, longer lived (20 ���­s) component. With D2O solvent the 1O2 lifetime was measured by 1270 nm fluorescence as 35 ���­s in MAA:HEMA, compared to 67 ���­s in solution, although absorbance-matched samples showed similar yield of 1O2 in the polymers and in aqueous solution. In contrast to the minor perturbation in photophysical properties caused by binding TMPyP to MAA:HEMA, TPPS binding to DEAEMA:HEMA copolymers profoundly changed the 1O2 generating ability of the TPPS. In N2-bubbled samples, the polymer-bound TPPS behaved in a similar manner to TMPyP in its copolymer host; however, O2 bubbling had only a very small effect on the triplet lifetime and no 1O2 generation could be detected. The difference in behavior may be linked to differences in binding in the two systems. With TMPyP in MAA:HEMA, confocal fluorescence microscopy showed significant penetration of the porphyrin into the core of the polymer film samples (>150 ���­m). However, for TPPS in DEAEMA:HEMA copolymers, although the porphyrin bound much more readily to the polymer, it remained localized in the first 20 ���­m, even in heavily loaded samples. It is possible that the resulting high concentration of TPPS may have cross-linked the hydrogels to such an extent that it significantly reduced the solubility and/or diffusion rate of oxygen into the doped polymers. This effect is significant since it demonstrates that even simple electrostatic binding of charged porphyrins to hydrogels can have an unexpectedly large effect on the properties of the system as a whole. In this case it makes the apparently promising TPPS/DEAEMA:HEMA system a poor candidate for clinical application as a postoperative antibacterial treatment for intraocular lenses while the apparently equivalent cationic system TMPyP/MAA:HEMA displays all the required properties.