171 resultados para peripheral nerve block


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Systemic and localised complications after administration of local anaesthetic for dental procedures are well recognised. We present two cases of patients with trismus and sensory deficit that arose during resolution of trismus as a delayed complication of inferior alveolar nerve block.


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<p>OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate glue compared with microsuturing technique in peripheral nerve reanastomosis in rats.</p><p>STUDY DESIGN: Fourteen young adult white rats were used. Bilateral sciatic neurotomies were performed in 12 of them and then reanastomosed with 3 epineural microsutures in the right side (study group G1) and with n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate glue in the left side (study group G2). On the remaining 2 rats (control group G3), sham surgery was done on both sides. Biopsies were harvested 12 weeks after surgery and examined under light microscope using Osmic acid stains. The number of nerve fibers was counted in the distal and proximal nerve segments, and the results were analyzed and compared in all groups.</p><p>RESULTS: Adequate regeneration with no anastomotic ruptures was seen 12 weeks after surgery in G1 and G2. The histomorphometric assessment showed no statistically significant difference (P = .960) in the neurotization index of G1 (89.01%) compared with G2 (88.97%). There was a significant (P = .001) reduction in the mean number of axon counts distal to the repair in G1 (271.3) and G2 (272.8) compared with that of the proximal segments of each study group (304.6 and 303, respectively, as well as to that of G3 (348.5).</p><p>CONCLUSION: Both n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive and 3-microsuture techniques showed comparable neurotization indices and were equally adequate to stabilize the nerve during regeneration period.</p>


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Platyhelminthes occupy a unique position in nerve-muscle evolution, being the most primitive of metazoan phyla. Essentially, their nervous system consists of an archaic brain and associated pairs of longitudinal nerve cords cross-linked as an orthogon by transverse commissures. Confocal imaging reveals that these central nervous system elements are in continuity with an array of peripheral nerve plexuses which innervate a well-differentiated grid work of somatic muscle as well as a complexity of myofibres associated with organs of attachment, feeding, and reproduction. Electrophysiological studies of flatworm muscles have exposed a diversity of voltage-activated ion channels that influence muscle contractile events. Neuronal cell types are mainly multi- and bi-polar and highly secretory in nature, producing a heterogeneity of vesicular inclusions whose contents have been identified cytochemically to include all three major types of cholinergic, aminergic, and peptidergic messenger molecules. A landmark discovery in flatworm neurobiology was the biochemical isolation and amino acid sequencing of two groups of native neuropeptides: neuropeptide F and FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs). Both families of neuropeptide are abundant and broadly distributed in platyhelminths, occurring in neuronal vesicles in representatives of all major flatworm taxa. Dual localization studies have revealed that peptidergic and cholinergic substances occupy neuronal sets separate from those of serotoninergic components. The physiological actions of neuronal messengers in flatworms are beginning to be established, and where examined, FaRPs and 5-HT are myoexcitatory, while cholinomimetic substances are generally inhibitory. There is immunocytochemical evidence that FaRPs and 5-HT have a regulatory role in the mechanism of egg assembly. Use of muscle strips and (or) muscle fibres from free-living and parasitic flatworms has provided baseline information to indicate that muscle responses to FaRPs are mediated by a G-protein-coupled receptor, and that the signal transduction pathway for contraction involves the second messengers cAMP and protein kinase C.


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The purpose of this study was to define pathological abnormalities in the peripheral nerve of a large animal model of long-duration type 1 diabetes and also to determine the effects of treatment with sulindac. Detailed morphometric studies were performed to define nerve fiber and endoneurial capillary pathology in 6 control dogs, 6 type 1 diabetic dogs treated with insulin, and 6 type 1 diabetic dogs treated with insulin and sulindac for 4 years. Myelinated fiber and regenerative cluster density showed a non-significant trend toward a reduction in diabetic compared to control animals, which was prevented by treatment with sulindac. Unmyelinated fiber density did not differ among groups. However, diabetic animals showed a non-significant trend toward an increase in axon diameter (p &lt;0.07), with a shift of the size frequency distribution towards larger axons, which was not prevented by treatment with sulindac. Endoneurial capillary density and luminal area showed a non-significant trend toward an increase in diabetic animals, which was prevented with sulindac treatment. Endoneurial capillary basement membrane area was significantly increased (p &lt;0.05) in diabetic animals, but was not prevented with sulindac treatment. We conclude that the type 1 diabetic dog demonstrates minor structural abnormalities in the nerve fibers and endoneurial capillaries of the sciatic nerve, and treatment with sulindac ameliorates some but not all of these abnormalities.


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The organization of the nervous system of Archilopsis unipunctata Promonotus schultzei and Paramonotus hamatus (Monocelididae, Proseriata) and Stenostomum leucops (Catenulida) and Microstomum lineare (Macrostomida) was studied by immunocytochemistry, using antibodies to the authentic flatworm neuropeptide F (NPF) (Moniezia expansa). The organization of the nervous system of the Monocelididae was compared to that of the nervous system of Bothriomolus balticus (Otoplanidae), a previously studied species of another family of the Proseriata. The results show that the main nerve cords (MCs), independent of lateral or ventral position in the Monocelididae and the Otoplanidae, correspond to each other. The study also confirms the status of the lateral cords as main cords (MCs) in S. leucops and M. lineare. Common for MCs in the members of the investigated taxa are the following features: MCs consist of many fibres, originate from the brain and are adjoined to 5-HT-positive neurons. In Monocelididae and Otoplanidae, the MCs additionally have the same type of contact to the pharyngeal nervous system. Also common for both proseriate families is the organization of the two lateral nerve cords, with weaker connections to the brain, and the pair of dorsal cords running above the brain. The organization of the minor cords differs. The Monocelididae have a pair of thin ventral cords forming a mirror image of the dorsal pair. Furthermore, an unpaired ventral medial cord connecting medial commissural cells was observed in P. schultzei. Marginal nerve cords, observed in Otoplanidae, are absent in Monocelididae. All minor nerve cords are closely connected to the peripheral nerve plexus. The postulated trends of condensation of plexal fibres to cords and/or the flexibility of the peripheral nerve plexus are discussed. In addition, the immunoreactivity (IR) pattern of NPF was compared to the IR patterns of the neuropeptide RFamide and the indoleamine, 5-HT (serotonin). Significant differences between the distribution of IR to NPF and to 5-HT occur. 5-HT-IR dominates in the submuscular and subepidermal plexuses. In the stomatogastric plexus of M. lineare, only peptidergic IR is observed in the intestinal nerve net. The distribution of NPF-IR in fibres and cells of the intestinal wall in M. lineare indicates a regulatory function for this peptide in the gut, while a relationship with ciliary and muscular locomotion is suggested for the 5-HT-IR occurring in the subepidermal and submuscular nerve plexuses. In M. lineare, the study revealed an NPF- and RFamide-positive cell pair, marking the finished development of new zooids. This finding indicates that constancy of these cells is maintained in this asexually reproducing and regenerating species.


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We have recently isolated a cDNA (SKV1.1) encoding a Shakei-related K+ channel from the human parasitic trematode Schistosoma mansoni. In order to better understand the functions of SKv1.1 protein, the distribution of SKv1.1 protein in adult S. mansoni was analyzed by immunohistochemistry using a region-specific antibody. SKV1.1 proteins were widely expressed in the nervous and muscular systems. The strongest immunoreactivity (IR) was observed in the nervous system of both male and female. In the nervous system, IR for SKv1.1 proteins was localized in cell bodies and nerve fibers of the anterior ganglia, the central commissure, and the main nerve cords. IR was also observed in the dorsal and the ventral peripheral nerve nets, fine nerve fibers entering into a variety of structures such as the dorsal tubercles, longitudinal and ventral muscle fibers, and oral and ventral suckers. In the muscular system, SKv1.1 proteins were localized to the longitudinal, circular, and ventral muscle fibers of male as well as in isolated muscle fibers where native A-type K+ currents were measured. Moderate IR was also seen in a large number of cell bodies in the parenchyma. These results indicate that SKv1.1 protein may play an important role in the regulation of the excitability of neurons and muscle cells of S. mansoni. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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<p>Many types of non-invasive brain stimulation alter corticospinal excitability (CSE). Paired associative stimulation (PAS) has attracted particular attention as its effects ostensibly adhere to Hebbian principles of neural plasticity. In prototypical form, a single electrical stimulus is directed to a peripheral nerve in close temporal contiguity with transcranial magnetic stimulation delivered to the contralateral primary motor cortex (M1). Repeated pairing of the two discrete stimulus events (i.e. association) over an extended period either increases or decreases the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, contingent on the interstimulus interval. We studied a novel form of associative stimulation, consisting of brief trains of peripheral afferent stimulation paired with short bursts of high frequency (â¥80 Hz) transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) over contralateral M1. Elevations in the excitability of corticospinal projections to the forearm were observed for a range of tACS frequency (80, 140 and 250 Hz), current (1, 2 and 3 mA) and duration (500 and 1000 ms) parameters. The effects were at least as reliable as those brought about by PAS or transcranial direct current stimulation. When paired with tACS, muscle tendon vibration also induced elevations of CSE. No such changes were brought about by the tACS or peripheral afferent stimulation alone. In demonstrating that associative effects are expressed when the timing of the peripheral and cortical events is not precisely circumscribed, these findings suggest that multiple cellular pathways may contribute to a long term potentiation-type response. Their relative contributions will differ depending on the nature of the induction protocol that is used.</p>


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<p>Paired Associative Stimulation (PAS) has come to prominence as a potential therapeutic intervention for the treatment of brain injury/disease, and as an experimental method with which to investigate Hebbian principles of neural plasticity in humans. Prototypically, a single electrical stimulus is directed to a peripheral nerve in advance of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) delivered to the contralateral primary motor cortex (M1). Repeated pairing of the stimuli (i.e., association) over an extended period may increase or decrease the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, in manner that depends on the interstimulus interval (ISI). It has been suggested that these effects represent a form of associative long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) that bears resemblance to spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) as it has been elaborated in animal models. With a large body of empirical evidence having emerged since the cardinal features of PAS were first described, and in light of the variations from the original protocols that have been implemented, it is opportune to consider whether the phenomenology of PAS remains consistent with the characteristic features that were initially disclosed. This assessment necessarily has bearing upon interpretation of the effects of PAS in relation to the specific cellular pathways that are putatively engaged, including those that adhere to the rules of STDP. The balance of evidence suggests that the mechanisms that contribute to the LTP- and LTD-type responses to PAS differ depending on the precise nature of the induction protocol that is used. In addition to emphasizing the requirement for additional explanatory models, in the present analysis we highlight the key features of the PAS phenomenology that require interpretation.</p>


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<p>Malignant Triton tumor (MTT) is a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor showing rhabdomyoblastic differentiation. It is considered a high-grade neoplasm with poor outcome. This report describes an MTT appearing in the oral cavity. On histologic examination the encapsulated lesion was composed of interlacing fascicles of spindle cells and scattered, large, strap-like pleomorphic cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. No cross striations were seen. Examination of levels through the tissue showed a total of only 4 normal mitoses and no necrosis. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated diffuse S100 positivity in the spindle cells. The large pleomorphic cells were weakly positive for alpha-sarcomeric actin and myoglobin, although variably but strongly positive for desmin. Management involved a small en bloc resection of the maxilla. After 33 months there was no sign of recurrence or distant metastasis. It was concluded that low-grade variants of MTT occur that do not have an aggressive clinical course.</p>


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Purpose: To examine the influence of continuing administration of sevoflurane or isoflurane during reversal of rocuronium induced neuromuscular block with neostigmine. Methods: One hundred and twenty patients, divided into three equal groups, were randomly allocated to maintenance of anesthesia with sevoflurane, isoflurane or propofol. Neuromuscular block was induced with rocuronium and monitored using train-of-four (TOF) stimulation of the ulnar nerve and recording the force of contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle. Neostigmine was administered when the first response in TOF had recovered to 25%. At this time the volatile agent administration was stopped or propofol dosage reduced in half the patients in each group (n = 20 in each group). The times to attain TOF ratio of 0.8, and the number of patients attaining this end point within 15 min were recorded. Results: The times (mean ± SD) to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.8 were 12.0 ± 5.5 and 6.8 ± 2.3 min in the sevoflurane continued and sevoflurane stopped groups, 9.0 ± 8.3 and 5.5 ± 3.0 min in the isoflurane continued and isoflurane stopped groups, and 5.2 ± 2.8 and 4.7 ±1.5 min in the propofol continued and propofol stopped groups (P &lt;0.5- 01). Only 9 and 15 patients in the sevoflurane and isoflurane continued groups respectively had attained a TOF ratio of 0.8 within 15 min (P &lt;0.001 for sevoflurane). Conclusions: The continued administration of sevoflurane, and to a smaller extent isoflurane, results in delay in attaining adequate antagonism of rocuronium induced neuromuscular block.


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Responses evoked in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) by systemic hypoxia have received relatively little attention. Moreover, MSNA is generally identified from firing characteristics in fibres supplying whole limbs: their actual destination is not determined. We aimed to address these limitations by using a novel preparation of spinotrapezius muscle in anaesthetised rats. By using focal recording electrodes, multi-unit and discriminated single unit activity were recorded from the surface of arterial vessels. This had cardiac- and respiratory-related activities expected of MSNA, and was increased by baroreceptor unloading, decreased by baroreceptor stimulation and abolished by autonomic ganglion blockade. Progressive, graded hypoxia (breathing sequentially 12, 10, 8% O2 for 2 min each) evoked graded increases in MSNA. In single units, mean firing frequency increased from 0.2 ± 0.04 in 21% O2 to 0.62 ± 0.14 Hz in 8% O2, while instantaneous frequencies ranged from 0.04â6 Hz in 21% O2 to 0.09â20 Hz in 8% O2. Concomitantly, arterial pressure (ABP), fell and heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency (RF) increased progressively, while spinotrapezius vascular resistance (SVR) decreased (Spinotrapezius blood flow/ABP), indicating muscle vasodilatation. During 8% O2 for 10 min, the falls in ABP and SVR were maintained, but RF, HR and MSNA waned towards baselines from the second to the tenth minute. Thus, we directly show that MSNA increases during systemic hypoxia to an extent that is mainly determined by the increases in peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation and respiratory drive, but its vasoconstrictor effects on muscle vasculature are largely blunted by local dilator influences, despite high instantaneous frequencies in single fibres.


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The localisation and distribution of neuropeptides in the peripheral nervous system of the pig roundworm Ascaris suum have been determined by an indirect immunofluorescence technique in conjunction with confocal microscopy. Of the 31 antisera tested, immunostaining was obtained only with antisera to peptide YY (PYY), pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and FMRFamide. Immunostaining for PYY and FMRFamide was evident in the amphidial and papillary ganglia associated with the anterior nerve ring and in the nerves from these ganglia that terminated in sensory receptors within the buccal lips of the parasite. The only peptide immunoreactivity (IR) observed in the reproductive system of either sex was that evident in the nerve supply to the distal region of the vagina in the female worm. It took the form of a well-developed plexus of parallel nerve fibres, cross-connectives and looped commissures. The nerve net diminished in the more proximal region of the vagina. PP-IR was less intense than that for PYY and FMRFamide and was more restricted in distribution, being confined to a small number of nerve fibres in the nerve supply to the vagina; it did not occur in the nerves supplying the anterior sensory receptors. The possible roles of neuropeptides in the sensory and reproductive biology of nematodes are discussed.


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Standard enzyme cytochemical and indirect immunocytochemical techniques have been used in conjunction with light and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) to visualize cholinergic, serotoninergic and peptidergic nerve elements in whole-mount preparations of the amphibian urinary-bladder fluke, Gorgoderina vitelliloba. Cholinesterase (ChE) activity was localized in paired anterior ganglia, a connecting dorsal commissure and in the origins of the ventral nerve cords. Cholinergic ganglia were also evident in shelled embryos in the uterus. Serotonin-immunoreactivity (IR) was more extensive than ChE activity and was identified in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Serotoninergic nerve fibres were associated with the somatic musculature and female reproductive ducts. Antisera to nine mammalian peptides and one invertebrate (FMRFamide) peptide have been used to investigate the peptidergic nervous system in the parasite. Immunoreactivity was obtained to five peptides, namely pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY), neuropeptide Y (NPY), substance P (SP) and FMRFamide. Peptidergic nerve fibres were found to be more abundant than demonstrable cholinergic or serotoninergic nerve fibres. NPY-IR was identified only in the main components of the central nervous system. However, PP- and PYY-IR occurred in the anterior ganglia, dorsal commissure, main nerve cords and in numerous small varicose fibres that ramified throughout the worm. Additionally, PP-immunoreactive nerve fibres were found to innervate the musculature of the female reproductive tracts. Six sites of IR were found in the acetabulum, using antisera directed towards the C-terminal end of PP and PYY, and these matched with the distribution of six non-ciliated rosette-like papillae observed by scanning electron microscopy. SP- and FMRFamide-IR were identified in the CNS, and FMRFamide-immunopositive nerve fibres were also evident in association with the gonopore/cirrus region and with the terminal excretory pore. Results are discussed with respect to possible roles for each of the neurochemical types.


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Purpose: A peripheral iridotomy (PI) is the treatment of choice for pupillary block. In this study we investigated the effect of enlarging the size of a small PI on the anterior chamber angle in patients with angle closure using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). Patients and Methods: Patients who had been treated with laser peripheral iridotomy for angle closure and were identified to have a small patent PI (&lt;100 µm) with still appositionally closed anterior chamber angle were selected prospectively. The anterior chamber angle was assessed using UBM. The angle opening distance 500 µm from the scleral spur (AOD500) as well as the anterior and posterior chamber depth (ACD and PCD) 1000 µm from the scleral spur was measured. In addition, the ACD/PCD ratio was calculated. Afterwards, the PI was enlarged using an Nd: YAG laser and the UBM measurements were repeated as described above. Results: Six eyes of six patients were examined. After the enlargement of the PI the average AOD500 increased from 109 µm (±36) to 147 µm (±40) (p