54 resultados para periodic geodesic


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In this paper we have conclusively proven that the "enhanced" optical transmission through a periodic array of sub-wavelength holes in metal films (Ebbessen's experiment) is the result of the array periodicity. This work has overturned the commonly accepted theory that the surface plasmons were responsible for the transmission enhancement. It was demonstrated that the reflectance, transmittance and frequency selectivity of the multilayered arrays can be efficiently modified by the aperture shapes.


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High time resolution observations of a white-light flare on the active star EQ PegB show evidence of intensity variations with a period of ≈10 s. The period drifts to longer values during the decay phase of the flare. If the oscillation is interpreted as an impulsively-excited, standing-acoustic wave in a flare loop, the period implies a loop length of ≈3.4 Mm and ≈6.8 Mm for the case of the fundamental mode and the second harmonic, respectively. However, the small loop lengths imply a very high modulation depth making the acoustic interpretation unlikely. A more realistic interpretation may be that of a fast-MHD wave, with the modulation of the emission being due to the magnetic field. Alternatively, the variations could be due to a series of reconnection events. The periodic signature may then arise as a result of the lateral separation of individual flare loops or current sheets with oscillatory dynamics (i.e., periodic reconnection).


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Hydrogen bonding in clusters and extended layers of squaric acid molecules has been investigated by density functional computations. Equilibrium geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies, and energy barriers for proton transfer along hydrogen bonds have been determined using the Car-Parrinello method. The results provide crucial parameters for a first principles modeling of the potential energy surface, and highlight the role of collective modes in the low-energy proton dynamics. The importance of quantum effects in condensed squaric acid systems has been investigated, and shown to be negligible for the lowest-energy collective proton modes. This information provides a quantitative basis for improved atomistic models of the order-disorder and displacive transitions undergone by squaric acid crystals as a function of temperature and pressure. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Optical transmission of a two-dimensional array of subwavelength holes in a metal film has been numerically studied using a differential method. Transmission spectra have been calculated showing a significant increase of the transmission in certain spectral ranges corresponding to the excitation of the surface polariton Bloch waves on a metal surface with a periodic hole structure. Under the enhanced transmission conditions, the near-field distribution of the transmitted light reveals an intensity enhancement greater than 2 orders of magnitude in localized (similar to 40 nm) spots resulting from the interference of the surface polaritons Bragg scattered by the holes in an array.


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An efficient method for calculating the electronic structure of systems that need a very fine sampling of the Brillouin zone is presented. The method is based on the variational optimization of a single (i.e., common to all points in the Brillouin zone) basis set for the expansion of the electronic orbitals. Considerations from k.p-approximation theory help to understand the efficiency of the method. The accuracy and the convergence properties of the method as a function of the optimal basis set size are analyzed for a test calculation on a 16-atom Na supercell.


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The interaction between supernova ejecta and circumstellar matter, arising from previous episodes of mass loss, provides us with a means of constraining the progenitors of supernovae. Radio observations of a number of supernovae show quasi-periodic deviations from a strict power-law decline at late times. Although several possibilities have been put forward to explain these modulations, no single explanation has proven to be entirely satisfactory. Here we suggest that Luminous blue variables undergoing S-Doradus type variations give rise to enhanced phases of mass loss that are imprinted on the immediate environment of the exploding star as a series of density enhancements. The variations in mass loss arise from changes in the ionization balance of Fe, the dominant ion that drives the wind. With this idea, we find that both the recurrence timescale of the variability and the amplitude of the modulations are in line with the observations. Our scenario thus provides a natural, single-star explanation for the observed behaviour that is, in fact, expected on theoretical grounds.


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The current understanding of periodic transonic flow is reviewed briefly. The effects of boundary-layer transition, non-adiabatic wall conditions and modifications to the aerofoil surface geometry at the shock interactions on periodic transonic flow are discussed. Through the methods presented, it is proposed that the frequency of periodic motion can be predicted with reasonable accuracy, but there are limitations on the prediction of buffet boundaries associated with periodic transonic flows. Several methods have been proposed by which the periodic motion may be virtually eliminated, most relevantly by altering the position of transition fix, contouring the aerofoils surface or adding a porous surface and a cavity in the region of shock interaction. In addition, it has been shown that heat transfer can have a significant effect on buffet.


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A periodic finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) analysis is presented and applied for the first time in the study of a two-dimensional (2-D) leaky-wave planar antenna based on dipole frequency selective surfaces (FSSs). First, the effect of certain aspects of the FDTD modeling in the modal analysis of complex waves is studied in detail. Then, the FDTD model is used for the dispersion analysis of the antenna of interest. The calculated values of the leaky-wave attenuation constants suggest that, for an antenna of this type and moderate length, a significant amount of power reaches the edges of the antenna, and thus diffraction can play an important role. To test the validity of our dispersion analysis, measured radiation patterns of a fabricated prototype are presented and compared with those predicted by a leaky-wave approach based on the periodic FDTD results.


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An efficient analysis and design of an electromagnetic-bandgap (EBG) waveguide with resonant loads is presented. Equivalent-circuit analysis is employed to demonstrate the differences between EBG waveguides with resonant and nonresonant loadings. As a result of the resonance, transmission zeros at finite frequencies emerge. The concept is demonstrated in E-plane waveguides. A generic fast and efficient formulation is presented, which starts from the generalized scattering matrix of the unit cell and derives the dispersion properties of the infinite structure. Both real and imaginary parts of the propagation constant are derived and discussed. The Floquet wavelength and impedance are also presented. The theoretical results are validated by comparison with simulations of a finite structure and experimental results. The application of the proposed EBG waveguide in the suppression of the spurious passband of a conventional E-plane filter is presented by experiment.