24 resultados para histopathological


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It has been suggested that inflammatory processes may play a role in the development of Alzheimerâ??s disease (AD), and that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug treatments may provide protection against the onset of AD. In the current study male Wistar rats were trained in two-lever operant chambers under an alternating lever cyclic-ratio ratio (ALCR) schedule. When responding showed no trends, subjects were divided into groups. One group was bilaterally injected into the CA3 area of the hippocampus with 5 μl of aggregated β-amyloid (Aβ) suspension, and one group was bilaterally injected into the CA3 area of the hippocampus with 5 μl of sterile saline. Subgroups were treated twice daily with 0.1 ml (40 mg/kg) ibuprofen administered orally. The results indicated that chronic administration of ibuprofen protected against detrimental behavioural effects following aggregated Aβ injections. Withdrawal of ibuprofen treatment from aggregated Aβ-injected subjects produced a decline in behavioural performance to the level of the non-treated aggregated Aβ-injected group. Ibuprofen treatment reduced the numbers of reactive astrocytes following aggregated Aβ injection, and withdrawal of ibuprofen resulted in an increase of reactive astrocytes. These results suggest that induced inflammatory processes may play a role in AD, and that ibuprofen treatment may protect against some of the symptoms seen in AD.


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Clinical, pathological and experimental studies of radiation retinopathy confirm that the primary vascular event is endothelial cell loss and capillary closure. Pericytes are less susceptible, but typically atrophy as the capillaries become non-functional. The immediate effects of radiation reflect interphase and early mitotic death of injured endothelial cells, whereas later changes may be attributed to delayed mitotic death of compromised endothelial cells as they attempt division in the ordinary course of repair and replacement. Capillary occlusion leads to the formation of dilated capillary collaterals which may remain serviceable and competent for years. Microaneurysms develop in acellular and poorly supported capillaries, predominantly on the arterial side of the circulation and adjacent to regions of poorly perfused retina. Alterations in haemodynamics produce large telangiectatic-like channels which, typically develop a thick collagenous adventitia and may become fenestrated. Limited capillary regeneration occurs, usually evident as recanalisation of arterioles or venules by new capillaries. Vitreo-retinal neovascularisation may occur where retinal ischaemia is widespread. Radiation produces an exaggerated vasculopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus, and five month streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats develop a severe ischaemic retinopathy with vitreoretinal neovascularisation when exposed to 1500 cGy of radiation. Later photocoagulation is useful in containing or reversing microvascular incompetence and vasoproliferation in some patients with advanced radiation retinopathy.


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An abundance of genetic, histopathological, and biochemical evidence has implicated the neuronal protein, alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn) as a key player in the development of several neurodegenerative diseases, the so-called synucleinopathies, of which Parkinson's disease (PD) is the most prevalent. Development of disease appears to be linked to events that increase the intracellular concentration of alpha-syn or cause its chemical modification, either of which can accelerate the rate at which it forms aggregates. Examples of such events include increased copy number of genes, decreased rate of degradation via the proteasome or other proteases, or altered forms of alpha-syn, such as truncations, missense mutations, or chemical modifications by oxidative reactions. Aggregated forms of the protein, especially newly formed soluble aggregates, are toxic to cells, so that one therapeutic strategy would be to reduce the rate at which such oligomerization occurs. We have therefore designed several peptides and also identified small molecules that can inhibit alpha-syn oligomerization and toxicity in vitro. These compounds could serve as lead compounds for the design of new drugs for the treatment of PD and related disorders in the future.


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Tuberculosis (TB) pleural disease is complicated by extensive tissue destruction. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 and -9 are implicated in immunopathology of pulmonary and central nervous system TB. There are few data on MMP activity in TB pleurisy. The present study investigated MMP-1, -2 and -9 and their specific inhibitors (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and -2) in tuberculous effusions, and correlated these with clinical and histopathological features. Clinical data, routine blood tests, and pleural fluid/biopsy material were obtained from 89 patients presenting with pleural effusions in a TB-endemic area. MMP-1, -2 and -9 were measured by zymography or western blot, and TIMP-1 and -2 by ELISA. Pleural biopsies were examined microscopically, cultured for acid–alcohol fast bacilli and immunostained for MMP-9. Tuberculous pleural effusions contained the highest concentrations of MMP-9 compared with malignant effusions or heart failure transudates. MMP-9 concentrations were highest in effusions from patients with granulomatous biopsies: median (interquartile range) 108 (61–218) pg·mL-1 versus 43 (12–83) pg·mL-1 in those with nongranulomatous pleural biopsies. MMP-1 and -2 were not upregulated in tuberculous pleural fluid. The ratio of MMP-9:TIMP-1 was significantly higher in TB effusions. Tuberculous pleurisy is characterised by a specific pattern of matrix metalloproteinase-9 upregulation, correlating with the presence of granulomas and suggesting a specific role for matrix metalloproteinase-9 in inflammatory responses in tuberculous pleural disease.


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This study evaluated the clinical and histopathological responses of vulval lichen sclerosus (LS) and squamous hyperplasia (SH) to photodynamic therapy (PDT). A novel bioadhesive patch containing aminolevulinic acid (ALA) at a dose of (38 mg/cm(2)) was used to treat 10 patients before irradiation with light of 630 nm. Clinical, histopathological and pathological responses to treatment were assessed at 6 weeks post-treatment. After 17 cycles of PDT, six patients reported significant symptomatic relief and no cutaneous photosensitivity. Histopathological differences were not demonstrated, but statistically significant induction of apoptosis was seen. It can be concluded that ALA-PDT patch-based formulation is pragmatic and primarily offers symptomatic management of vulval LS and SH.


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Relapsing fever borreliosis is a multisystemic infection characterized primarily by bacteremia but can extend to the CNS. The incidence of CNS disease manifestations in humans depends on the infecting relapsing fever Borrelia species. In the murine model of Borrelia hermsii infection we found high incidence of distinct signs of CNS disease that ranged from a flaccid tail to complete paralysis of hind limbs. Infiltration of large number of T cells into the spinal cord of B. hermsii-infected mice and the upregulation of MHC class II and CD80 on infiltrating macrophages and on microglial cells suggested a role for T cell and Ag-presenting cell interactions in this pathogenesis. Indeed, B. hermsii infection did not induce CNS disease manifestations in T cell-deficient mice (TCR-ß × d-/-), although it resulted in bacteremia comparable to wild-type (Wt) level. Moreover, the infiltration of immune cells into the spinal cord of TCR-ß × d-/- mice was reduced and the resident microglial cells were not activated. Histopathological analysis of lumbar sections of the spinal cord confirmed severe inflammation in Wt but not in TCR-ß × d-/- mice. Induction of CNS disease was dependent on the B. hermsii strain as well as on the ability of the host to control bacteremia. Mice that are impaired in controlling B. hermsii, such as CD14-/- mice, exhibited more severe CNS disease than Wt mice. This study demonstrates that distinct neurologic disease manifestations develop during relapsing fever and that T cells play a critical role in the induction of neuropathogenesis.


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Twenty-four shed-reared lambs were each infected orally with 250 metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica, using either the triclabendazole (TCBZ)-sensitive Cullompton isolate or the TCBZ-resistant Sligo isolate. Twelve weeks after infection the lambs were treated with TCBZ (10 mg/kg) or with the experimental fasciolicide, Compound Alpha (Cpd alpha), a benzimidazole derivative of TCBZ (15 mg/kg). The lambs were euthanised 48,72 and 96 h after TCBZ treatment, or 24, 48 and 72 h after Cpd a treatment, and flukes were collected from the liver and/or gall bladder of each animal. Untreated animals harbouring 12-week infections were euthanised 24 h after administration of anthelmintic to the treatment groups, and the untreated flukes provided control material. A semi-quantitative assessment of the degree of histological change induced by the two drugs after different times of exposure was achieved by scoring the intensity of three well-defined lesions that developed in the testes and uteri of a representative sample of flukes from each lamb. In general, it was found that in those tissues where active meiosis and/or mitosis occurred (testis, ovary, and vitelline follicles), there was progressive loss of cell content due to apparent failure of cell division to keep pace with expulsion of the mature or effete products. Further, actively dividing cell types tended to become individualised, rounded and condensed, characteristic of apoptotic cell death. Protein synthetic activity was apparently inhibited in the Mehlis' secretory cells. In the uterus, where successful formation of shelled eggs represents the culmination of a complex sequence of cytokinetic, cytological and synthetic activity involving the vitelline follicles, the ovary and the Mehlis' gland, histological evidence indicating failure of ovigenesis was evident from 24 h post-treatment onwards. The development of these lesions may be related to the known antitubulin activity of the benzimidazole class of anthelmintics, to the induction of apoptosis in cells where mitosis or meiosis has aborted due to failure of spindle formation, and to drug-induced inhibition of protein synthesis. The semi-quantitative findings indicated that Cpd a is slightly less efficacious than TCBZ itself in causing histological damage to the reproductive structures of TCBZ-sensitive flukes, and that, like TCBZ, it caused no histological damage in flukes of the TCBZ-resistant isolate. This study illustrates the potential utility of histological techniques for conveniently screening representative samples of flukes in field trials designed to validate instances of drug resistance or to test the efficacy of new products against known drug-resistant and drug-susceptible fluke isolates. It also provides reference criteria for drug-induced histopathological changes in fluke reproductive structures which may aid interpretation of TEM findings. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We introduced a targeted single base deletion at codon 307 of the rds-peripherin gene in mice, similar mutations being known to cause autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in man. Histopathological and electroretinographic analysis indicate that the retinopathy in mice homozygous for the codon 307 mutation appears more rapid than that in the naturally occurring null mutant, the rds(-/-) mouse, suggesting that the rds-307 mutation displays a dominant negative phenotype in combination with that due to haplosufficiency. RP is the most prevalent cause of registered visual handicap in those of working age in developed countries, the 50 or so mutations so far identified within the RDS-peripherin gene accounting for up to 10% of dominant cases of the disease. Given the sequence homologies that exist between the murine rds-peripherin and the human RDS-peripherin gene, this disease model, the first to be generated for peripherin-based RP using gene targeting techniques, should in principle be of value in the work-up in mice of therapeutics capable of targeting transcripts derived from the human gene.


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The objective of the present study was to analyse the reproductive viability (using histopathologic studies) of Fasciola hepatica from cattle artificially infected and treated subcutaneously with a new experimental formulation of triclabendazole (8 mg/kg b.w.). The results of the efficacy controlled test, which only takes into account the presence of live adult flukes, indicated that, whilst in the control group (n=7)533 live specimens were recovered, in the test groups (doses of 8 and 12 mg/kg b.w.) only 195 and 47 adults were recovered, respectively. These numbers indicate efficacies of 69% and 95.6%, respectively. It was observed in that dose of 8 mg/kg b.w. some specimens remained viable, but they were infertile, which severely compromises the biological cycle of the trematode. in the testis tubules of flukes treated with the low dose of TCBZ (8 mg/kg), very few cells were present and the vitelline follicles were markedly reduced in size and each follicle contained very few cells. This would have direct implications for the pathogenesis of the parasitosis since the remaining parasites would produce little clinical-productive manifestations, would stimulate the immune response and would find it difficult to establish future re-infestations/re-infections. Consequently, these observations will also prompt a review of certain methodological and interpretative aspects related to efficacy tests, where the only discriminative factor is the reduction of the adult parasite load. On one hand, histopathological studies could be complementary to the efficacy controlled test for TCBZ or other BZD formulations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Traditionally, education and training in pathology has been delivered using textbooks, glass slides and conventional microscopy. Over the last two decades, the number of web-based pathology resources has expanded dramatically with centralized pathological resources being delivered to many students simultaneously. Recently, whole slide imaging technology allows glass slides to be scanned and viewed on a computer screen via dedicated software. This technology is referred to as virtual microscopy and has created enormous opportunities in pathological training and education. Students are able to learn key histopathological skills, e.g. to identify areas of diagnostic relevance from an entire slide, via a web-based computer environment. Students no longer need to be in the same room as the slides. New human–computer interfaces are also being developed using more natural touch technology to enhance the manipulation of digitized slides. Several major initiatives are also underway introducing online competency and diagnostic decision analysis using virtual microscopy and have important future roles in accreditation and recertification. Finally, researchers are investigating how pathological decision-making is achieved using virtual microscopy and modern eyetracking devices. Virtual microscopy and digital pathology will continue to improve how pathology training and education is delivered.


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Measles remains a significant childhood disease, and is associated with a transient immune suppression. Paradoxically, measles virus (MV) infection also induces robust MV-specific immune responses. Current hypotheses for the mechanism underlying measles immune suppression focus on functional impairment of lymphocytes or antigen-presenting cells, caused by infection with or exposure to MV. We have generated stable recombinant MVs that express enhanced green fluorescent protein, and remain virulent in non-human primates. By performing a comprehensive study of virological, immunological, hematological and histopathological observations made in animals euthanized at different time points after MV infection, we developed a model explaining measles immune suppression which fits with the "measles paradox". Here we show that MV preferentially infects CD45RA - memory T-lymphocytes and follicular B-lymphocytes, resulting in high infection levels in these populations. After the peak of viremia MV-infected lymphocytes were cleared within days, followed by immune activation and lymph node enlargement. During this period tuberculin-specific T-lymphocyte responses disappeared, whilst strong MV-specific T-lymphocyte responses emerged. Histopathological analysis of lymphoid tissues showed lymphocyte depletion in the B- and T-cell areas in the absence of apoptotic cells, paralleled by infiltration of T-lymphocytes into B-cell follicles and reappearance of proliferating cells. Our findings indicate an immune-mediated clearance of MV-infected CD45RA - memory T-lymphocytes and follicular B-lymphocytes, which causes temporary immunological amnesia. The rapid oligoclonal expansion of MV-specific lymphocytes and bystander cells masks this depletion, explaining the short duration of measles lymphopenia yet long duration of immune suppression. © 2012 de Vries et al.


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PURPOSE. This study evaluated the effect of transforming growth factor (TGF)-ß2 and anti-TGF-ß2 antibody in a rodent model of posterior capsule opacification (PCO). METHODS. An extracapsular lens extraction (ECLE) was performed in 72 Sprague-Dawley rats. At the end of the procedure, 10 µL TGF-ß2 (TGF-ß2-treated group), fetal calf serum (FCS)/phosphate- buffered saline (PBS; FCS/PBS-treated control group), a human monoclonal TGF-ß2 antibody (anti-TGF-ß2-treated group), or a null control IgG4 antibody (null antibody-treated control group) was injected into the capsule. Animals were killed 3 and 14 days postoperatively. Eyes were evaluated clinically prior to euthanatization, then enucleated and processed for light microscopy and immunohistochemistry afterward. PCO was evaluated clinically and histopathologically. Student's t-test and ? were used to assess differences between groups. RESULTS. There were no statistically significant clinical or histopathological differences in degree of PCO between the TGF-ß2- and FCS/PBS-treated groups at 3 and 14 days after ECLE. Nor were there differences between the anti-TGF-ß2- and the null antibody-treated groups, with the exception of the histopathology score for capsule wrinkling 3 days after ECLE (P = 0.02). a-Smooth-muscle actin staining was observed in the lens capsular bag only in areas where there was close contact with the iris. CONCLUSIONS. No sustained effect of TGF-ß2 or anti-TGF-ß2 antibody on PCO was found in rodents at the dose and timing administered in this study. Iris cells may play a role in the process of epithelial mesenchymal transition linked to PCO. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.