26 resultados para domain model


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Tanpura string vibrations have been investigated previously using numerical models based on energy conserving schemes derived from a Hamiltonian description in one-dimensional form. Such time-domain models have the property that, for the lossless case, the numerical Hamiltonian (representing total energy of the system) can be proven to be constant from one time step
to the next, irrespective of any of the system parameters; in practice the Hamiltonian can be shown to be conserved within machine precision. Models of this kind can reproduce a jvari effect, which results from the bridge-string interaction. However the one-dimensional formulation has recently been shown to fail to replicate the jvaris strong dependence on the thread placement. As a first step towards simulations which accurately emulate this sensitivity to the thread placement, a twodimensional model is proposed, incorporating coupling of controllable level between the two string polarisations at the string termination opposite from the barrier. In addition, a friction force acting when the string slides across the bridge in horizontal direction is introduced, thus effecting a further damping mechanism. In this preliminary study, the string is terminated at the position of the thread. As in the one-dimensional model, an implicit scheme has to be used to solve the system, employing Newton's method to calculate the updated positions and momentums of each string segment. The two-dimensional model is proven to be energy conserving when the loss parameters are set to zero, irrespective of the coupling constant. Both frequency-dependent and independent losses are then added to the string, so that the model can be compared to analogous instruments. The influence of coupling and the bridge friction are investigated.


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A techno-economic model of an autonomous wave-powered desalination plant is developed and indicates that fresh water can be produced for as little as £0.45/m3. The advantages of an autonomous wave-powered desalination plant are also discussed indicating that the real value of the system is enhanced due to its flexibility for deployment and reduced environmental impact. The modelled plant consists of the Oyster wave energy converter, conventional reverse osmosis membranes and a pressure exchanger–intensifier for energy recovery. A time-domain model of the plant is produced using wave-tank experimentation to calibrate the model of Oyster, manufacturer's data for the model of the reverse osmosis membranes and a hydraulic model of the pressure exchanger–intensifier. The economic model of the plant uses best-estimate cost data which are reduced to annualised costs to facilitate the calculation of the cost of water. Finally, the barriers to the deployment of this technology are discussed, but they are not considered insurmountable.


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Although it is well established that benzimidazole (BZMs) compounds exert their therapeutic effects through binding to helminth beta-tubulin and thus disrupting microtubule-based processes in the parasites, the precise location of the benzimidazole-binding site on the beta-tubulin molecule has yet to be determined. In the present study, we have used previous experimental data as cues to help identify this site. Firstly, benzimidazole resistance has been correlated with a phenylalanine-to-tyrosine substitution at position 200 of Haemonchus contortus beta-tubulin isotype-I. Secondly, site-directed mutagenesis studies, using fungi, have shown that other residues in this region of the protein can influence the interaction of benzimidazoles with beta-tubulin. However, the atomic structure of the alphabeta-tubulin dimer shows that residue 200 and the other implicated residues are buried within the protein. This poses the question: how might benzimidazoles interact with these apparently inaccessible residues? In the present study, we present a mechanism by which those residues generally believed to interact with benzimidazoles may become accessible to the drugs. Furthermore, by docking albendazole-sulphoxide into a modelled H. contortus beta-tubulin molecule we offer a structural explanation for how the mutation conferring benzimidazole resistance in nematodes may act, as well as a possible explanation for the species-specificity of benzimidazole anthelmintics.


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Brown's model for the relaxation of the magnetization of a single domain ferromagnetic particle is considered. This model results in the Fokker-Planck equation of the process. The solution of this equation in the cases of most interest is non- trivial. The probability density of orientations of the magnetization in the Fokker-Planck equation can be expanded in terms of an infinite set of eigenfunctions and their corresponding eigenvalues where these obey a Sturm-Liouville type equation. A variational principle is applied to the solution of this equation in the case of an axially symmetric potential. The first (non-zero) eigenvalue, corresponding to the largest time constant, is considered. From this we obtain two new results. Firstly, an approximate minimising trial function is obtained which allows calculation of a rigorous upper bound. Secondly, a new upper bound formula is derived based on the Euler-Lagrange condition. This leads to very accurate calculation of the eigenvalue but also, interestingly, from this, use of the simplest trial function yields an equivalent result to the correlation time of Coffey et at. and the integral relaxation time of Garanin. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In dynamic spectrum access networks, cognitive radio terminals monitor their spectral environment in order to detect and opportunistically access unoccupied frequency channels. The overall performance of such networks depends on the spectrum occupancy or availability patterns. Accurate knowledge on the channel availability enables optimum performance of such networks in terms of spectrum and energy efficiency. This work proposes a novel probabilistic channel availability model that can describe the channel availability in different polarizations for mobile cognitive radio terminals that are likely to change their orientation during their operation. A Gaussian approximation is used to model the empirical occupancy data that was obtained through a measurement campaign in the cellular frequency bands within a realistic operational scenario.


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We examine hypotheses for the neural basis of the profile of visual cognition in young children with Williams syndrome (WS). These are: (a) that it is a consequence of anomalies in sensory visual processing; (b) that it is a deficit of the dorsal relative to the ventral cortical stream; (c) that it reflects deficit of frontal function, in particular of fronto-parietal interaction; (d) that it is related to impaired function in the right hemisphere relative to the left. The tests reported here are particularly relevant to (b) and (c). They form part of a more extensive programme of investigating visual, visuospatial, and cognitive function in large group of children with WS children, aged 8 months to 15 years. To compare performance across tests, avoiding floor and ceiling effects, we have measured performance in children with WS in terms of the ‘age equivalence’ for typically developing children. In this paper the relation between dorsal and ventral function was tested by motion and form coherence thresholds respectively. We confirm the presence of a subgroup of children with WS who perform particularly poorly on the motion (dorsal) task. However, such performance is also characteristic of normally developingchildren up to 5 years: thus the WS performance may reflect an overall persisting immaturity of visuospatial processing which is particularly evident in the dorsal stream. Looking at the performance on the global coherence tasks of the entire WS group, we find that there is also a subgroup who have both high form and motion coherence thresholds, relative to the performance of children of the same chronological age and verbal age on the BPVS, suggesting a more general global processing deficit. Frontal function was tested by a counterpointing task, ability to retrieve a ball from a ‘detour box’, and the Stroop-like ‘day-night’ task, all of which require inhibition of a familiar response. When considered in relation to overall development as indexed by vocabulary, the day-night task shows little specific impairment, the detour box shows a significant delay relative to controls, and the counterpointing task shows a marked and persistent deficit in many children. We conclude that frontal control processes show most impairment in WS when they are associated with spatially directed responses, reflecting a deficit of fronto-parietal processing. However, children with WS may successfully reduce the effect of this impairment by verbally mediated strategies. On all these tasks we find a range of difficulties across individual children and a small subset of WS who show very good performance, equivalent to chronological age norms of typically developing children. Neurobiological models of visuo-spatial cognition in children with WS p.4 Overall, we conclude that children with WS have specific processing difficulties with tasks involving frontoparietal circuits within the spatial domain. However, some children with WS can achieve similar performance to typically developing children on some tasks involving the dorsal stream, although the strategies and processing may be different in the two groups.


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This paper proposes a novel image denoising technique based on the normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) density model using an extended non-negative sparse coding (NNSC) algorithm proposed by us. This algorithm can converge to feature basis vectors, which behave in the locality and orientation in spatial and frequency domain. Here, we demonstrate that the NIG density provides a very good fitness to the non-negative sparse data. In the denoising process, by exploiting a NIG-based maximum a posteriori estimator (MAP) of an image corrupted by additive Gaussian noise, the noise can be reduced successfully. This shrinkage technique, also referred to as the NNSC shrinkage technique, is self-adaptive to the statistical properties of image data. This denoising method is evaluated by values of the normalized signal to noise rate (SNR). Experimental results show that the NNSC shrinkage approach is indeed efficient and effective in denoising. Otherwise, we also compare the effectiveness of the NNSC shrinkage method with methods of standard sparse coding shrinkage, wavelet-based shrinkage and the Wiener filter. The simulation results show that our method outperforms the three kinds of denoising approaches mentioned above.


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Extremely regular self-organized patterns of 90o ferroelastic domains have been reported in freestanding single crystal thin films of ferroelectric BaTiO3. Lukyanchuk et al. [Phys Rev B 79, 144111 (2009)] have recently shown that the domain size as a function of thickness for such free standing films can be well described assuming that the domains are due to stress caused by a surface tension layer that does not undergo the paraelectric–ferroelectric transition. From the starting point of Lukyanchuk’s model, it is shown here that the ‘‘universal’’relationship between domain size and domain wall thickness previously observed in ferroelectrics, ferromagnets and multiferroics is also valid for ferroelastic domains.Further analysis of experimental data also shows that the domain wall thickness can vary considerably (an order of magnitude) from sample to sample even for the same material (BaTiO3), in spite of which the domain size scaling model is still valid, provided that the correct,sample dependent, domain wall thickness is used.


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Annotation of programs using embedded Domain-Specific Languages (embedded DSLs), such as the program annotation facility for the Java programming language, is a well-known practice in computer science. In this paper we argue for and propose a specialized approach for the usage of embedded Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (embedded DSMLs) in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) processes that in particular supports automated many-step model transformation chains. It can happen that information defined at some point, using an embedded DSML, is not required in the next immediate transformation step, but in a later one. We propose a new approach of model annotation enabling flexible many-step transformation chains. The approach utilizes a combination of embedded DSMLs, trace models and a megamodel. We demonstrate our approach based on an example MDE process and an industrial case study.


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The paper presents a new method to extract the chemical transformation rate from reaction–diffusion data with no assumption on the kinetic model (“kinetic model-free procedure”). It is a new non-steady-state kinetic characterization procedure for heterogeneous catalysts. The mathematical foundation of the Y-procedure is a Laplace-domain analysis of the two inert zones in a TZTR followed by transposition to the Fourier domain. When combined with time discretization and filtering the Y-procedure leads to an efficient practical method for reconstructing the concentration and reaction rate in the active zone. Using the Y-procedure the concentration and reaction rate of a non-steady state catalytic process can be determined without any pre-assumption regarding the type of kinetic dependence. The Y-procedure is the basis for advanced software for non-steady state kinetic data interpretation. The Y-procedure can be used to relate changes in the catalytic reaction rate and kinetic parameters to changes in the surface composition (storage) of a catalyst.


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Modeling of on-body propagation channels is of paramount importance to those wishing to evaluate radio channel performance for wearable devices in body area networks (BANs). Difficulties in modeling arise due to the highly variable channel conditions related to changes in the user's state and local environment. This study characterizes these influences by using time-series analysis to examine and model signal characteristics for on-body radio channels in user stationary and mobile scenarios in four different locations: anechoic chamber, open office area, hallway, and outdoor environment. Autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions are reported and shown to be dependent on body state and surroundings. Autoregressive (AR) transfer functions are used to perform time-series analysis and develop models for fading in various on-body links. Due to the non-Gaussian nature of the logarithmically transformed observed signal envelope in the majority of mobile user states, a simple method for reproducing the failing based on lognormal and Nakagami statistics is proposed. The validity of the AR models is evaluated using hypothesis testing, which is based on the Ljung-Box statistic, and the estimated distributional parameters of the simulator output compared with those from experimental results.


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A time-domain formulation of a lumped model ap-
proximation of a clarinet reed excitation mechanism is presented.
The lumped model is based on an analytical representation of
the ow within the reed channel, incorporating a contraction
coefcient (vena contracta factor) that is dened as the ratio of
the effective ow over the Bernoulli ow. This coefcient has
been considered to be constant in previous studies focusing on
sound synthesis. In this paper it will be treated as a function
of the reed opening, varying between 0 and 1 as predicted by
boundary layer ow theory. Focussing on a specic mouthpiece
geometry, the effect of modelling a variable air jet height on the
synthesised sound is analysed.


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The motion of a clarinet reed that is clamped to a mouthpiece and supported by a lip is simulated in the time-domain using finite difference methods. The reed is modelled as a bar with non-uniform cross section, and is described using a one-dimensional, fourth-order partial differential equation. The interactions with the mouthpiece Jay and the player's lip are taken into account by incorporating conditional contact forces in the bar equation. The model is completed by clamped-free boundary conditions for the reed. An implicit finite difference method is used for discretising the system, and values for the physical parameters are chosen both from laboratory measurements and by accurate tuning of the numerical simulations. The accuracy of the numerical system is assessed through analysis of frequency warping effects and of resonance estimation. Finally, the mechanical properties of the system are studied by analysing its response to external driving forces. In particular, the effects of reed curling are investigated.


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In this paper, a method for modeling diffusion caused by non-smooth boundary surfaces in simulations of room acoustics using finite difference time domain (FDTD) technique is investigated. The proposed approach adopts the well-known theory of phase grating diffusers to efficiently model sound scattering from rough surfaces. The variation of diffuser well-depths is attained by nesting allpass filters within the reflection filters from which the digital impedance filters used in the boundary implementation are obtained. The presented technique is appropriate for modeling diffusion at high frequencies caused by small surface roughness and generally diffusers that have narrow wells and infinitely thin separators. The diffusion coefficient was measured with numerical experiments for a range of fractional Brownian diffusers.


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Automated examination timetabling has been addressed by a wide variety of methodologies and techniques over the last ten years or so. Many of the methods in this broad range of approaches have been evaluated on a collection of benchmark instances provided at the University of Toronto in 1996. Whilst the existence of these datasets has provided an invaluable resource for research into examination timetabling, the instances have significant limitations in terms of their relevance to real-world examination timetabling in modern universities. This paper presents a detailed model which draws upon experiences of implementing examination timetabling systems in universities in Europe, Australasia and America. This model represents the problem that was presented in the 2nd International Timetabling Competition (ITC2007). In presenting this detailed new model, this paper describes the examination timetabling track introduced as part of the competition. In addition to the model, the datasets used in the competition are also based on current real-world instances introduced by EventMAP Limited. It is hoped that the interest generated as part of the competition will lead to the development, investigation and application of a host of novel and exciting techniques to address this important real-world search domain. Moreover, the motivating goal of this paper is to close the currently existing gap between theory and practice in examination timetabling by presenting the research community with a rigorous model which represents the complexity of the real-world situation. In this paper we describe the model and its motivations, followed by a full formal definition.