6 resultados para classical fields on non-euclidean manifolds
To characterize non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas experimentally, a large variety of methods and techniques is available, each having its own specific possibilities and limitations. A rewarding method to investigate these plasma sources is laser Thomson scattering. However, that is challenging. Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas (gas temperatures close to room temperature and electron temperatures of a few eV) have usually small dimensions (below 1 mm) and a low degree of ionization (below 10-4). Here an overview is presented of how Thomson scattering can be applied to such plasmas and used to measure directly spatially and temporally resolved the electron density and energy distribution. A general description of the scattering of photons and the guidelines for an experimental setup of this active diagnostic are provided. Special attention is given to the design concepts required to achieve the maximum signal photon flux with a minimum of unwanted signals. Recent results from the literature are also presented and discussed.
The angle concept is a multifaceted concept having static and dynamic definitions. The static definition of the angle refers to “the space between two rays” or “the intersection of two rays at the same end point” (Mitchelmore & White, 1998), whereas the dynamic definition of the angle concept highlights that the size of angle is the amount of rotation in direction (Fyhn, 2006). Since both definitions represent two diverse situations and have unique limitations (Henderson & Taimina, 2005), students may hold misconceptions about the angle concept. In this regard, the aim of this research was to explore high achievers’ knowledge regarding the definition of the angle concept as well as to investigate their erroneous answers on the angle concept.
104 grade 6 students drawn from four well-established elementary schools of Yozgat, Turkey were participated in this research. All participants were selected via a purposive sampling method and their mathematics grades were 4 or 5 out of 5, and. Data were collected through four questions prepared by considering the learning competencies set out in the grade 6 curriculum in Turkey and the findings of previous studies whose purposes were to identify students’ misconceptions of the angle concept. The findings were analyzed by two researchers, and their inter-rater agreement was calculated as 0.91, or almost perfect. Thereafter, coding discrepancies were resolved, and consensus was established.
The angle concept is a multifaceted concept having static and dynamic definitions.The static definition of the angle refers to “the space between two rays” or“the intersection of two rays at the same end point” (Mitchelmore & White, 1998), whereas the dynamicdefinition of the angle concept highlights that the size of angle is the amountof rotation in direction (Fyhn, 2006). Since both definitionsrepresent two diverse situations and have unique limitations (Henderson & Taimina, 2005), students may holdmisconceptions about the angle concept. In this regard, the aim of thisresearch was to explore high achievers’ knowledge regarding the definition ofthe angle concept as well as to investigate their erroneous answers on theangle concept.
104grade 6 students drawn from four well-established elementary schools of Yozgat,Turkey were participated in this research. All participants were selected via a purposive sampling method and their mathematics grades were 4 or 5 out of 5,and. Data were collected through four questions prepared by considering the learning competencies set out in the grade 6 curriculum in Turkey and the findings of previous studies whose purposes were to identify students’ misconceptions of the angle concept. The findings were analyzed by two researchers, and their inter-rater agreement was calculated as 0.91, or almost perfect. Thereafter, coding discrepancies were resolved, and consensus was established.
In the first question, students were asked to answer a multiple choice questions consisting of two statics definitions and one dynamic definition of the angle concept. Only 38 of 104 students were able to recognize these three definitions. Likewise, Mitchelmore and White (1998) investigated that less than10% of grade 4 students knew the dynamic definition of the angle concept. Additionally,the purpose of the second question was to figure out how well students could recognize 0-degree angle. We found that 49 of 104 students were unable to recognize MXW as an angle. While 6 students indicated that the size of MXW is0, other 6 students revealed that the size of MXW is 360. Therefore, 12 of 104students correctly answered this questions. On the other hand, 28 of 104students recognized the MXW angle as 180-degree angle. This finding demonstrated that these students have difficulties in naming the angles.Moreover, the third question consisted of three concentric circles with center O and two radiuses of the outer circle, and the intersection of the radiuses with these circles were named. Then, students were asked to compare the size of AOB, GOD and EOF angles. Only 36 of 104 students answered correctly by indicating that all three angles are equal, whereas 68 of 104 students incorrectly responded this question by revealing AOB<GOD< EOF. These students erroneously thought the size of the angle is related to either the size of the arc marking the angle or the area between the arms of the angle and the arc marking angle. These two erroneous strategies for determining the size of angles have been found by a few studies (Clausen-May,2008; Devichi & Munier, 2013; Kim & Lee, 2014; Mithcelmore, 1998;Wilson & Adams, 1992). The last question, whose aim was to determine how well students can adapt theangle concept to real life, consisted of an observer and a barrier, and students were asked to color the hidden area behind the barrier. Only 2 of 104students correctly responded this question, whereas 19 of 104 students drew rays from the observer to both sides of the barrier, and colored the area covered by the rays, the observer and barrier. While 35 of 104 students just colored behind the barrier without using any strategies, 33 of 104 students constructed two perpendicular lines at the both end of the barrier, and colored behind the barrier. Similarly, Munier, Devinci and Merle (2008) found that this incorrect strategy was used by 27% of students.
Consequently, we found that although the participants in this study were high achievers, they still held several misconceptions on the angle concept and had difficulties in adapting the angle concept to real life.
Keywords: the angle concept;misconceptions; erroneous answers; high achievers
ReferencesClausen-May, T. (2008). AnotherAngle on Angles. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 13(1),4–8.
Devichi, C., & Munier, V.(2013). About the concept of angle in elementary school: Misconceptions andteaching sequences. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 32(1),1–19. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2012.10.001
Fyhn, A. B. (2006). A climbinggirl’s reflections about angles. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 25(2),91–102. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2006.02.004
Henderson, D. W., & Taimina,D. (2005). Experiencing geometry: Euclidean and non-Euclidean with history(3rd ed.). New York, USA: Prentice Hall.
Kim, O.-K., & Lee, J. H.(2014). Representations of Angle and Lesson Organization in Korean and AmericanElementary Mathematics Curriculum Programs. KAERA Research Forum, 1(3),28–37.
Mitchelmore, M. C., & White,P. (1998). Development of angle concepts: A framework for research. MathematicsEducation Research Journal, 10(3), 4–27.
Mithcelmore, M. C. (1998). Youngstudents’ concepts of turning and angle. Cognition and Instruction, 16(3),265–284.
Munier, V., Devichi, C., &Merle, H. (2008). A Physical Situation as a Way to Teach Angle. TeachingChildren Mathematics, 14(7), 402–407.
Wilson, P. S., & Adams, V.M. (1992). A Dynamic Way to Teach Angle and Angle Measure. ArithmeticTeacher, 39(5), 6–13.
EU’s deference to the Member State approaches in minority protection can intensify the oppression of
the vulnerable groups, its insistence on non-discrimination on the basis of nationality in the minority regions with special rights in place can equally produce injustice. Its inability to protect EU-wide minorities, like the Roma, is equally problematic. Although a ‘value’, minority protection functions incoherently, if at all. It is time to approach the EU as a highly specific minority protection arena not to be confused with its component parts – the Member States. The reform of the Member State-centred thinking should start at the level of approaching the core issues. It should include the assessment of such questions as what is a minority in the EU’s context of a missing majority, what is the appropriate depth of EU’s intervention in the area of minority protection, i.e. how much room for manœuvre should reasonably be left with the Member States without disrupting the effectiveness of EU’s regulation, as well as the approach to defining what a success in minority protection should be, in the
EU context. The latter should be done, in particular, with due regard to the division of competences between the EU and the Member States in this and other relevant fields. This paper briefly explores a series of diverse casestudies – from migrant EU citizens, Baltic Russians, and sexual minorities to, most importantly, Roma rights to make the first attempt to test the proposed synergetic approach.
The efficacy of tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitors on non-cycling acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cells, previously shown to have potent tumourigenic potential, is unknown. This pilot study describes the first attempt to characterize non-cycling cells from a small series of human FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) mutation positive samples. CD34+ AML cells from patients with FLT3 mutation positive AML were cultured on murine stroma. In expansion cultures, non-cycling cells were found to retain CD34+ expression in contrast to dividing cells. Leukaemic gene rearrangements could be detected in non-cycling cells, indicating their leukaemic origin. Significantly, the FLT3-internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutation was found in the non-cycling fraction of four out of five cases. Exposure to the FLT3-directed inhibitor TKI258 clearly inhibited the growth of AML CD34+ cells in short-term cultures and colony-forming unit assays. Crucially, non-cycling cells were not eradicated, with the exception of one case, which exhibited exquisite sensitivity to the compound. Moreover, in longer-term cultures, TKI258-treated non-cycling cells showed no growth impairment compared to treatment-naive non-cycling cells. These findings suggest that non-cycling cells in AML may constitute a disease reservoir that is resistant to TK inhibition. Further studies with a larger sample size and other inhibitors are warranted.
AIMS: To investigate the local, regulatory role of the mucosa on bladder strip contractility from normal and overactive bladders and to examine the effect of botulinum toxin A (BoNT-A).
METHODS: Bladder strips from spontaneously hyperactive rat (SHR) or normal rats (Sprague Dawley, SD) were dissected for myography as intact or mucosa-free preparations. Spontaneous, neurogenic and agonist-evoked contractions were investigated. SHR strips were incubated in BoNT-A (3 h) to assess effects on contractility.
RESULTS: Spontaneous contraction amplitude, force-integral or frequency were not significantly different in SHR mucosa-free strips compared with intacts. In contrast, spontaneous contraction amplitude and force-integral were smaller in SD mucosa-free strips than in intacts; frequency was not affected by the mucosa. Frequency of spontaneous contractions in SHR strips was significantly greater than in SD strips. Neurogenic contractions in mucosa-free SHR and SD strips at higher frequencies were smaller than in intact strips. The mucosa did not affect carbachol-evoked contractions in intact versus mucosa-free strips from SHR or SD bladders. BoNT-A reduced spontaneous contractions in SHR intact strips; this trend was also observed in mucosa-free strips but was not significant. Neurogenic and carbachol-evoked contractions were reduced by BoNT-A in mucosa-free but not intact strips. Depolarisation-induced contractions were smaller in BoNT-A-treated mucosa-free strips.
CONCLUSIONS: The mucosal layer positively modulates spontaneous contractions in strips from normal SD but not overactive SHR bladder strips. The novel finding of BoNT-A reduction of contractions in SHR mucosa-free strips indicates actions on the detrusor, independent of its classical action on neuronal SNARE complexes.
Understanding the effect of electric fields on the physical and chemical properties of two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures is instrumental in the design of novel electronic and optoelectronic devices. Several of those properties are characterized in terms of the dielectric constant which play an important role on capacitance, conductivity, screening, dielectric losses and refractive index. Here we review our recent theoretical studies using density functional calculations including van der Waals interactions on two types of layered materials of similar two-dimensional molecular geometry but remarkably different electronic structures, that is, graphene and molybdenum disulphide (MoS2). We focus on such two-dimensional crystals because of they complementary physical and chemical properties, and the appealing interest to incorporate them in the next generation of electronic and optoelectronic devices. We predict that the effective dielectric constant (ε) of few-layer graphene and MoS2 is tunable by external electric fields (E ext). We show that at low fields (E ext < 0.01 V/Å) ε assumes a nearly constant value ∼4 for both materials, but increases at higher fields to values that depend on the layer thickness. The thicker the structure the stronger is the modulation of ε with the electric field. Increasing of the external field perpendicular to the layer surface above a critical value can drive the systems to an unstable state where the layers are weakly coupled and can be easily separated. The observed dependence of ε on the external field is due to charge polarization driven by the bias, which show several similar characteristics despite of the layer considered. All these results provide key information about control and understanding of the screening properties in two-dimensional crystals beyond graphene and MoS2